Enlightenment overnight

Chapter 458 Lingbaoshan, the main gate of Bafang Lingbaozhai

Hua Feihua was also very happy to see Da Shou coming.

After Dashou came back, he quietly sent a message to Chen Shouzhuo:

"Kingdom of God? Do you need light?"

After saying that, he glanced at Hua Feihua quietly and gave Chen Shouzhuo a look.

Chen Shouzhuo understood immediately.

The flower is not a flower but a bright sea.

The sky is filled with bright stars, and the stars actually emit light.

It is true that having an elder in a family is like having a treasure.

Chen Shouzhuo understood immediately, chatted a few nonsense words, and then looked at Hua Feihua sincerely.

"Senior, I have comprehended the Jellyfish, the Hurricane God Wind, the Green Emperor, the Flame Emperor, and the White Emperor, and gained the five great divine kingdoms.

I don’t know what to do now…”

Hua Feihua interrupted Chen Shouzhuo and said:

"Wait a minute, are you using these words to deceive people again?

I have listened to it several times! "

Chen Shouzhuo smiled innocently, and his mind was racing, thinking of other deceptive words.

"I'll help you with little things!"

Hua Feihua agreed casually, and Chen Shouzhuo was immediately overjoyed.

However, something unexpected happened.

Chen Shouzhuo was unable to realize that flowers are not flowers.

Because the Golden God Kingdom had no great success and was flawed, Chen Shouzhuo was unable to establish the next Kingdom of God.

I am speechless now, I can only look for and buy the ninth level gold element magic weapon.

Only after completing the Kingdom of Mohegan can you proceed to the next step.

Enlighten the sea of ​​​​resplendent stars and gain the Kingdom of Light.

When the time comes to complete the Divine Kingdom of Light, there will be a ninth-level magic weapon, a seven-color transparent glazed lamp, and it will be completed in one step.

Then the three major divine kingdoms of Thunder, Darkness, and Earth are left.

This Chen Shouzhuo is not afraid. There is the Qing Emperor, the Yan Emperor, and there are flowers but not flowers. When the time comes, there should be no problem in asking them for advice.

In the process, nine yuan of innate spiritual treasures have been collected, but now they still need thunder, water, and gold!

After collecting the nine ninth-level magic weapons, this one is short of the last gold-yuan ninth-level magic weapon.

The nine magic weapons are gathered together, and the nine divine kingdoms are completed. At this point, the spiritual spirit is perfect, and you can study the master's spiritual performance for eternity.

Prepare to be promoted to the realm of Earth Ruins.

Among them, it is best to wait until the Pangu world cracks the ancient court of gods and expands Tao soldiers, so that the gods can perform for eternity.

In addition, when Dharma Prime was promoted to Spiritual God, Chen Shouzhuo could survive the Nine-Nine Chaos Heavenly Tribulation Thunder by relying on the Dagon clan to block the thunder.

Now that the Spiritual God has been promoted to Earth Ruins, Chen Shouzhuo cannot survive the Nine-Nine Chaos Heavenly Tribulation Thunder on his own.

Chen Shouzhuo knew very well that he knew the power of the Nine-Nine Chaos Heavenly Tribulation Thunder, so he had to think of other ways.

Finally, one has to find a place of Dixu to set aside for cultivation in the Dixu realm.

However, the cosmic reward does have a cosmic coordinate, which can be used as a place to practice in the ruins.

Chen Shouzhuo thought clearly and took the first step to find the ninth-level Jinyuan magic weapon.

Gui Wuhui is definitely no longer here, and Bi Liantian and Chen Shouzhuo can't go either.

We can only change areas and look for opportunities.

Gui Wugui thought about it and said:

“To be honest, it is too difficult to purchase a ninth-level magic weapon in the Wilderness Realm.

I suggest you go to Lingbaoshan, the main gate of Bafang Lingbaozhai in Yongzhou.

There, it can be said to be the most prosperous place in the universe. Not to mention ninth-level magic weapons, as long as you have spiritual stones, you can buy anything. "

Chen Shouzhuo was stunned and nodded.

Indeed, the place where the main gate of Bafang Lingbaozhai is located must be extremely prosperous.

You should be able to exchange for the treasures you lack.

And now that I have transformed, basically no one can recognize me!

"Thank you for your guidance, senior!"

"By the way, in addition to Lingbao Mountain, the main gate of Bafang Lingbaozhai, you can also go to another area, the Great Rift of Gaia."

Chen Shouzhuo hesitated for a moment and asked, "Gaia's big crack?"

“Legend has it that the Yellow Emperor, one of the Five Elements, was born there.

There is the first natural chasm in the wilderness, also called the Eternal Great Crack.

Many ferocious beasts in the wild world go there to observe the sky and gain enlightenment, thereby making breakthroughs.

There are also many wild beast tribes who will return there when their lifespan is over, enter the big cracks, and die of old age.

I think you have realized the ultimate enlightenment. You can go there and have a look. Maybe you can realize the ultimate earth there. "

Chen Shouzhuo nodded and said, "Okay, okay!"

Another key message!

Dashou thought for a while and said via voice transmission:

"According to this, you can also go and have a look at the place where the Ten Buddhas Leiyin Temple, the Supreme Lord of the Sky Realm, is located.

It is said to be the place where Thunder Emperor Gouchen attained enlightenment. By contemplating thunder, one should be able to obtain the ultimate form of thunder. "

Chen Shouzhuo smiled, that's it, there are two more clues to the Kingdom of God.

"Shou Zhuo, if you are okay, you can come back to me and continue practicing."

Gui Wu regrets and continues to receive.

"Okay! Thank you, senior!"

Chen Shouzhuo really liked the purity here.

He readjusted the time and space positioning of Emperor Shakti.

Bi Liantian was directly blocked by the other party and could not be used. Huiya City was also unsafe and was cancelled.

So far, there is only Xingxiu Sea and Liegang Tianyu Turtle.

Chen Shouzhuo doesn’t have to fly back to the sky.

Immediately transformed into Emperor Shitian, and immediately returned to the Sea of ​​Stars.

Back here, Hua Feihua was very unhappy and went home again.

In fact, Xingxiu Hai definitely has the ninth level magic weapon of Jin Yuan.

But Hua Feihua will not exchange with Chen Shouzhuo.

The person who accompanied Chen Shouzhuo was just one of Hua Feihua's clones, not the real person.

If exchanged, Hua Feihua would lose a lot of meaning, so she liked to follow Chen Shouzhuo and travel around the world.

Because my Hua Feihua has been trapped in the Sea of ​​Stars forever!

Chen Shouzhuo didn't stop here, he immediately released his flying boat and started on his way.

The target is Lingbaoshan, the main gate of Bafang Lingbaozhai in Yongzhou.

On the flying boat, there are the coordinates of Lingbao Mountain, just fly away automatically.

Back in the Sky Realm, there are human monks everywhere. It is not as chaotic as outside. There are demons and heretics everywhere.

It was a safe journey, although he would encounter some calamity cultivators, but Chen Shouzhuo had six major evil objects, all of which were in the realm of Heavenly Lord. When he encountered calamity cultivators, he would destroy them all.

It took about a month and a half to fly. All the way forward, halfway through the flight, Chen Shouzhuo suddenly felt something inexplicable!

"Ying Jie Zi Yun Tan Iron Lock, Ying Jie died nine times, and now he has completely fallen."

"One of the four or nine positions is missing!"

"One of the Nine Escapes activates the third person to supplement the position of the Four Nine Heavenly Tribulation Sons.

Ana Fenji, the escaped spirit of the Yishu Clan, has died.

Activate the fourth person who escaped to replenish the position! "

The universe announced that another of the four nine heavenly tribulations had died for the ninth time.

This was the second person after the Rat King Camonte. Chen Shouzhuo had never heard of these Four Nine Heavenly Tribulations.

One person escaped, and the fourth person had already filled in.

This third person should have died recently.

Because last time, he far surpassed the first and second replacement players and was alive and well.

If we continue and all nine people are replenished, what will happen?

Chen Shouzhuo had a feeling that time was waiting for me.

It seems that I have to speed up my practice!

But after thinking about it for a moment, I realized that this had nothing to do with me. I was neither the Fourth Nine Heavenly Tribulation Son nor the one who escaped!

Just thinking about it makes me feel better!

Continuing to fly, the mainland soon appeared in front of him, and Chen Shouzhuo came to the Yongzhou area.

In fact, he had traveled here before, but he only passed by and did not go deep.

This time, Chen Shouzhuo went straight to Lingbao Mountain, the main gate of Bafang Lingbaozhai.

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