Enlightenment overnight

Chapter 503: All Forms Return to One, the Void is Finally Obliterated

"Master, how did you get away with it? Your position as the leader of the sect was stolen by the rebels..."

Chen Shouzhuo couldn't help but ask!

Taishang Daoyi just smiled and said:

"Is it important?"

Chen Shouzhuo also smiled and said, "It's not important!"

Tai Shangdao nodded and said slowly:

“I can’t remember exactly what my origin is.

I seem to be a supreme being created by other universes, controlling the eternal ultimate truth.

After I grasp the ultimate truth, all forms of the universe must be unified and all gathered into me.

At this point, the universe where I live will inevitably end in emptiness and annihilation.

All living beings perish, so I am the butcher of the universe again! "

Chen Shouzhuo gasped, it turned out to be the Butcher of the Universe.

"Master, you are so powerful!"

Tai Shangdao laughed and continued:

"How was I born? Why was I born? How many universes have I destroyed? I can't even remember it!

Or, I don’t want to remember it!

Until I arrived in this universe, I was sealed by the three masters.

In fact, the three of them and I are old acquaintances. We have fought countless times before.

I was sealed by them, was it a seal I asked for? I can’t remember either.

Maybe, I just want to take this opportunity to sleep, to sleep forever.

But my essence cannot let me sleep forever. Sooner or later I will wake up and destroy this universe!

At this time, I have to admire the Taoist Master...

He had the idea to reincarnate me as a human, seal my ancient memories at the same time, and give me the opportunity to enter the Supreme Way, where the ultimate truth could be gathered in a special way.

I lost my memory and became a human being, but my self-origin influenced me and, in his own special way, began to gather truth...

When I collect the truth, I am bound to hurt others unconsciously, so naturally someone will stop me.

If someone stops you, you must fight, there will be success, there will be failure...

Failure, natural death...

Death, then reincarnation, becoming a human again, gathering truth again, making trouble again, dying again, becoming a human again...

In these eighteen million years, countless lives, countless cycles...

In fact, the separation of the Supreme Dao, the Supreme Morality, the Supreme Induction, and the Supreme Purity were all planned by me.

Over the past eighteen million years, there have been twelve cosmic catastrophes, all caused by me.

I established the Rongli area of ​​Taishang Dao, and the Night Demon Sect is my ally.

Even the Rong clan is my dog!

Until this life, I became the Supreme Way and mastered the Supreme Way...

He was also promoted to the highest level and became one of the nine legends...

Normally, I have to continue working on it, continue to work on the Supreme Way, and collect the truth of the universe.

However, I suddenly realized, what am I trying to do?

Taishangdao is already mine!

Inside and out, I established the Rong-Li region, cultivated the Rong and Li tribes, and built the Nine Heavens, Seventeen Peaks and Forty-Nine Abyss!

In the Taishangdao Patriarch Hall, 70% of those Patriarchs are my clones!

Eighty percent of the powerful enemies of Taishangdao since ancient times are also my incarnations!

I'm totally playing with myself!

I suddenly felt relieved and stopped playing. It was boring!

At this time, I discovered that I was no longer a space butcher, I had become a human!

Now that I am a human being and in control of my life, I am no longer controlled by my own origin.

I can do whatever I want, and I can destroy the world if I want.

If I want to control the eternal ultimate truth, I can control the truth. If I want to sleep, I can sleep. I can do whatever I want!

This is my life. The past, origin, past, future, traceability, cause and effect, everything, cannot limit me.

I, the supreme Taoist One, the butcher of the universe, the unity of all forms, the ultimate truth, the final annihilation of the void...! "

In his words, Taishang Daoyi was extremely confident and talked eloquently. Chen Shouzhuo was dumbfounded.

Chen Shouzhuo couldn't help shouting: "Okay, yes, this is my master!

Heaven cannot bend my will, earth cannot go against my heart, life and death are in my hands, and I can do whatever I want.

Our lives are in our own control! "

The two looked at each other and smiled again. Although Chen Shouzhuo didn't say it, this was his belief and his life creed.

Tai Shangdao nodded, and then continued:

“After I took control of myself, three hundred thousand years ago, I had the idea that I was a little hungry and I wanted to eat something.

I want to eat a being at the same level as me, which is the eleventh level supreme.

So, I started preparing, started planning...

However, you have also seen that these guys are very cunning. It is easy to defeat them but difficult to eat them.

It takes at least a million years of preparation to have a chance.

I looked for opportunities externally and began to promote the genius plan internally to cultivate supreme geniuses.

If the supreme beings outside cannot be eaten, I will cultivate a supreme being within!

But unexpectedly, a catastrophe of forty-nine days suddenly occurred in the universe, and the universe changed drastically.

It gets more interesting!

I will actively participate and collect more Heavenly Tribulation Sons. It should be easier to train them to become the Supreme. "

As soon as he said this, Chen Shouzhuo was speechless. Master...

"But I didn't expect that things in the world are unpredictable. Suddenly, I have a stupid apprentice who completed the miracle of the universe in one fell swoop..."

Chen Shouzhuo was even more speechless. This stupid disciple must be himself, the white rainbow in the universe...

"At that time, I was very happy and prepared to train you to become the eleventh-level universe supreme...

But I don’t want to think that my stupid apprentice doesn’t care about this at all and gave me all his authority..."

Chen Shouzhuo was even more speechless...

"Master, can you really eat me?"

"If you become the Supreme of the Universe, I'm afraid I won't be able to help myself.

I'm too familiar with my own people. I know your roots. Besides, Tianji is so close. You just mastered Tianji. Unlike Hurricane God Wind, Taixuan Mountain, and Rainbow Island, they can escape without a trace."

"But it's better this way. I will spread Baihong's authority little by little and set up various schemes...

My disciples, one by one, have ulterior motives and want to replace me and advance to the eleventh level. No one can resist!

So, this is my plan. I will give them the master of Taishang Dao, Baihong's authority, and everything...

By then, someone will control Tianji Baihong and become the Supreme of the Universe!

Then, I will eat him!

You won't be hungry if you are full!"

Chen Shouzhuo didn't know what to say.

Taishang Daoyi said slowly: "If I am a human, I must conform to human habits.

If I am hungry, I must eat!

If I have a wish, I must fulfill it!

If I can't do it, I am not a human!

If I am not a human, then the real universe butcher will be resurrected, reappear, gather the truth of the universe, and all forms will return to one, and the void will finally be annihilated..."

Chen Shouzhuo shuddered. If the master can't do this, then the layout of the Taoist master for 18 million years and all the efforts of the master will turn into ashes, and everything will be in vain. The real universe butcher will be resurrected!

"Eat, eat, the master must eat!"

Taishang Daoyi also smiled and said: "Maybe this is my coming-of-age ceremony?

This time, although I reversed time, it can be regarded as alarming the snake.

Jinhua, Chijing, they will speed up.

Shouzhuo, I will arrange two tasks for you, do you think it's okay?" (End of this chapter)

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