Enlightenment overnight

Chapter 511 Promise of the future, trading

Looking at Luoshan, Chen Shouzhuo smiled.

"Senior, Bafang Lingbaozhai is just gone?"

Chen Shouzhuo asked slowly.

Chen Shouzhuo once fought with Bafang Lingbaozhai and finally made peace. He couldn't help but ask!

Luo Shan let out a long sigh, as if he missed him very much.

"I am now the sect master of Bafang Lingbaozhai!"

Chen Shouzhuo was stunned and said, "Senior, isn't he a monk from Panshang Sect?"

Luo Shan smiled bitterly and said: "Pan Shang Sect, how can there be any Pan Shang Sect.

Bafang Lingbaozhai is almost dead, as are all its affiliated sects.

In the end, I am the only one left in the Shang Xiu lineage, and I can only carry this banner. "

Chen Shouzhuo didn't know what to say.

"There is no way, I can survive because during those years when I was a general businessman, I have quick legs and feet, familiar environment, good eyesight, and I will run away when the situation is not good.

Therefore, I can survive until today. "

In his words, Luoshan was filled with endless pain.

“There are many business cultivators in Bafang Lingbaozhai, and the reason why they are like this is only because they themselves are to blame.

During the sect's first war, Bafang Lingbaozhai stirred up trouble and trouble, gathering lame people and beating the dumb ones.

The two sides colluded with each other and sold goods wantonly. They would do anything just for the sake of the spiritual stone.

In the end, Bafang Lingbaozhai made a lot of money and became so powerful that he could be promoted to the top ten deities.

If you are too rich, you will leak the money, and everyone will know it, and you will offend everyone. This is a disaster for a businessman!

In the end, both sides of the war joined forces, and the Thirty-nine Supreme Masters took action to destroy the Bafang Lingbaozhai. "

Chen Shouzhuo couldn't help but nod. In fact, the internal disputes in Bafang Lingbaozhai had already laid the foundation for trouble.

"The centipede is dead but not stiff!"

"What's more, our Bafang Lingbaozhai, after its demise, we have revived the sect many times.

However, they all failed.

Because the universe has changed!

The rituals and music have collapsed, there has been no morality, and everything has become chaotic.

The world has changed drastically, and the business environment of the past is no longer there.

Those old guys didn't know how to follow the trend, and finally ended up like this. "

Chen Shouzhuo asked hesitantly: "Liu Yifan, don't you care?"

Liu Yifan, the Four Seas Traveling Sect, is one of the Nine Legends. With him as his backing, how could Bafang Lingbaozhai be destroyed?

Luo Shan sighed and said: "Their business has completely offended the old man.

In fact, the demise of the sect seems to be his old man’s punishment for us..."

Chen Shouzhuo nodded, seeing that Liu Yifan's business was a standard transaction, equal exchange.

Those guys from Bafang Lingbaozhai always want to take advantage of others, adjust scales and rob, which is not the same method. It is normal to ignore them.

Having said this, Luo Shan looked at Chen Shouzhuo and said slowly:

"Chen Shouzhuo, you have been promoted to Tianzun. Along the way, I am optimistic about you and I want to make a big deal with you!"

Chen Shouzhuo asked: "What kind of deal?"

"We are rebuilding our sect, please protect us!"

Chen Shouzhuo frowned and said, "Dharma Protector?"

"Yes, when we rebuild our sect, please fight for us and protect our sect.

Cut off those black hands who want to plunder us!

Don’t worry, we will express our gratitude and provide equal exchange, and you will never suffer a loss! "

Chen Shouzhuo hesitated and said, "The ones you offended are all big guys!"

Now that Bafang Lingbaozhai has not been rebuilt, there must be many strong people who can stop them.

"It will take some time for us to rebuild. By then, Shouzhuo, you must be convinced that you will not be weak to them."

Chen Shouzhuo was speechless. This pole reached his own realm...

"Okay, I promise you!"

The future matters will be left to Chen Shouzhuo in the future, and he will agree first.


Luo Shan handed over his hand, high-fived Chen Shouzhuo three times, and made a covenant.

"Shou Zhuo, do you want to take a look? I have a lot of good stuff here, are you interested in buying some?"

After the matter was discussed, Luoshan returned to his businessman status.

Chen Shouzhuo nodded and said, "It's necessary. Bafang Lingbaozhai is gone. It's too difficult to buy and sell goods now!"

As he spoke, Luoshan had transformed into a huge shop.

It’s a large store measuring over a thousand feet, with countless products available!

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and a rotten ship still has three pounds of nails!

Although Bafang Lingbaozhai is no longer in operation, it still has all the good products.

Chen Shouzhuo couldn't help but nodded and looked carefully.

Magical weapons, divine swords, elixirs, rare objects, talismans, divine thunder, flying boats, robes...

It's just that in the shops, really good things, good goods suitable for Tianzun Daoyi, are basically bartered.

Chen Shouzhuo looked at it and couldn't help but ask:

"How many of these ninth-level flying boats are there in total?"

Luo Shan said: "Zongmen Diaoling, there are four more ninth-level flying boats."

After saying that, he transferred the Feizhou image for Chen Shouzhuo to check.

"One Yuan Tianzhou! The vehicle used by Thunder Emperor Gouchen back then, this boat can withstand the peak of the tenth level!

To replace this flying boat, six ninth-level magic weapons or divine swords are needed. "

A huge Dharma boat, 30,000 feet long, with a wide hull and a whole body made of thunder, it was extremely majestic.

"The maker of Supervisory Sky Tower is unknown. It contains powerful destiny power. After it is activated, any target cannot defend or be exempted.

To replace this flying boat, five ninth-level magic weapons or divine swords are needed. "

A simple flying boat, with countless exquisite runes arranged on the side of the boat. On the boat's body, there are carved buildings and painted palaces, layer upon layer, making it look very elegant.

Chen Shouzhuo couldn't help nodding, he liked it very much.

Luo Tian continued to introduce the ninth-level flying boat, and Chen Shouzhuo asked casually:

"Is there any magic weapon suitable for the Ten Jue Formation?"

Luo Shan immediately said: "But the Ten Jue Formations of Tongtian Sect!

Back then, the Tongtian Sect asked us to collect such magic weapons for them.

Later, during the sect war, we received a set of ninth-level spiritual materials, which were refined using the methods of the Zunyuan Pearl Sect.

Heavenly Jue Pearl, Earthly Fierce Pearl, Wind Roar Pearl, Ice Pearl, Golden Light Pearl, Blood Transformation Pearl, Fiery Flame Pearl, Soul-falling Pearl, Red Water Pearl, Red Sand Pearl

It's a real good thing, but it's just that we haven't mastered it yet. The Tongtian Sect and other sects are besieging us together, and we can't deliver it to them even if we beat them to death.

If you want to buy it, I will sell it to you.

But this is a set of treasures, priceless and of great significance.

You have to exchange twelve ninth-level magic weapons, divine swords, or spiritual materials. "

After saying that, ten shining pearls were placed outside Luoshan.

Chen Shouzhuo checked, and sure enough, these ten pearls matched the Ten Jue Formation.

It was Chen Shouzhuo who needed the treasure, but when Chen Shouzhuo checked it, he immediately discovered that these ten pearls should be a ninth-level spiritual material.

Bafang Lingbaozhai divided this spiritual material into ten parts and cultivated it into ten ninth-level magic weapons using the Yuanzhu Sect's cultivation method.

"This magic weapon of yours is simply fake. It's not worth it to have to replace it with twelve ninth-level magic weapons!"

Luo Shan smiled and said: "These ten unique pearls are the only ones in the universe!"

"In addition to the Ten Jue Formations, these Ten Jue Pearls are valuable. If I don't buy them, no one will!"

"These ten unique pearls are unique in the universe!"

"Your Ten Jue Pearls are easy to refine..."

Chen Shouzhuo made countless excuses, but Luo Shan, it was just one sentence!

"These ten unique pearls are unique in the universe!"

What I said just now is that I need Chen Shouzhuo's help.

Turning around to sell goods, the character of the profiteer is clearly evident.

Finally, Chen Shouzhuo let out a long sigh and asked, "How many ninth-level magic weapons can I exchange for?

Don't go too far, twelve impossibles! "

Luo Shan also changed his tune:

"Shou Zhuo, I need your help in the future, how can there be twelve!

Just ten! "

"Impossible! What requires ten ninth-level magic weapons, four of which can hold up to the sky!"

Chen Shouzhuo sat on the ground and counter-offered, and started trading in two days! (End of chapter)

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