Enlightenment overnight

Chapter 521 Heroes Conference, Xuan Universe Enlightenment

Chen Shouzhuo stayed at Xingxiuhai and waited silently.

But unexpectedly, ten days later, news came out in Xingxiu Sea.

"The world's sects suffered from two wars, people's hearts were shattered, and rules were in chaos.

Feeling this, Xingxiuhai held a heroes conference to reshape the rules of the year and rebuild the order of the world.


Under the message, the heaven is invited to spread.

Xingxiu Sea is going to hold a Zhoutian Conference, and more than a dozen deities and sects from the surrounding Xinghai are invited to participate in the conference.

In this conference, there will be huge prizes, ranging from spiritual elixirs cultivated in the Zifu realm, to spiritual materials cultivated in the Holy Realm, to treasures that can be promoted to Dharma...

Countless rewards, elixirs, divine swords, magic weapons, all in dazzling variety, thousands of them.

As soon as the news was passed on, it immediately spread throughout the country.

One stone stirs up a thousand waves!

In today's world, it's hard to believe that there are still sects holding hero conferences.

However, Xingxiu Sea has been operating in a low-key manner for millions of years, and has always existed stably, overwhelming the Qingxiu region, and can be said to be one of the twenty greatest deities in the world.

Now that the conference is announced, it immediately triggers an uproar.

Xingxiu Hai has made countless promises. As long as you join the sect, Xingxiu Hai will fully protect you. Anyone who dares to attack the participating teams will become the enemy of Xingxiu Hai.

This time the Xingxiu Sea erupted in full force, and many Dao Ones were dispatched, a total of thirty-one Dao Ones, sweeping across the Qingsu area.

The gods, spiritual gods, and Dharma figures came out in full force.

Many heretics under Xingxiu Sea issued statements supporting Xingxiu Sea in holding the conference.

Subsequently, the Ujian Wujian Kongmo Sect also issued a statement!

Fully support Xingxiuhai and fully host this hero conference!

The two great masters made such statements. The Qingsu area and the three surrounding areas were all involved in this matter and it was extremely lively.

The world was boiling, and many monks went to Xingxiu Sea after getting the news.

Such a conference has not happened for many years. Coming here to see the excitement is a life well spent.

Chen Shouzhuo was dumbfounded. What was he doing?

Don't you mean leaving this universe?

How did you come up with such a conference?

Do you want to have some fun and keep a souvenir before leaving?

Chen Shouzhuo was immediately confused.

However, Chen Shouzhuo didn't bother to go to Hua Feihua to ask, just do whatever you want.

Just wait

With the blessing of this conference, Xingxiu Sea became more and more lively.

I saw countless monks starting to gather here.

Mortals from the surrounding areas also came here in groups to participate in such a grand event.

Such a conference cannot be accomplished overnight.

It will take at least three years from the beginning to the conference.

Chen Shouzhuo just watched, waiting anyway.

During this period, he practiced silently.

This time during the training, I completely learned the lessons from the previous battle with Taishang Jinhua and practiced the fighting method.

Repeated research and various deductions.

At this point, Chen Shouzhuo's tactics and tactics formed his personal style.

The initial starting position is ever-changing, with various moves and routines.

First make a big jump, or open the way with divine power, or drive the Taishang Eleven Ultimate Attacks, run the nine-element spell to start, or burst out the ninth-level magic weapon, or the Eight Heavenly Dragons, or lay out the Ten Ultimate Arrays to ambush...

With such a variety of starting moves and various attacks, Chen Shouzhuo had countless choices.

But this beginning was Chen Shouzhuo's weakest point.

The reason why he is said to be the weakest is not because he is really weak, but because he is compared to the subsequent attacks.

Because during the battle, Chen Shouzhuo only needed to use the nine-element spell to complete the tasks of thunder, fire, metal, wood, water, earth, light, wind, and darkness.

The nine laws come out together and become one!

As soon as "One Yuan Nine Dao Xuan Universe" came out, it was basically invincible.

When the Xuan Universe emerged, Chen Shouzhuo completely surpassed himself and took control of the universe.

To be an enemy of him at this time is to be an enemy of the entire universe.

Chen Shouzhuo could use all his strength to unleash all his powerful spells, divine weapons, and magical weapons in an instant.

Xuan Universe, Chaos Strike, Taishang Eleven Jue, Ten Jue Formation, twenty-seven natal magic weapons, thirteen ninth-level divine swords...

As soon as Xuan Universe comes out, Chen Shouzhuo is equivalent to a universe, killing all powerful enemies.

Dao Yi can also be easily killed.

Even at the tenth level, he can still fight.

In this state, the only ones who can confront Chen Shouzhuo are those who also possess the power of the universe.

For example, Terra Miyin’s My Universe, Kunlun Zangnanzi’s Universe is a Drop, and Guiyuan Sect’s Yuan Tianqing’s Five Elements Nature Universe.

Only then can he fight against Chen Shouzhuo.

What Chen Shouzhuo practiced hard was the attack after Xuan Universe was formed.

In the past, they used to attack wantonly, but now Chen Shouzhuo will re-arrange Xuan Universe's future attacks.

In an instant, the most powerful attack broke out.

All-round, all-channel, all-powerful explosion.

Anyway, in this own mysterious universe, there is no backlash from any power, boom, that's it.

And with the blessing of Xuan Universe, one point of force can exert great power, and three feet of water can stir a thousand waves!

If that doesn't work, you can activate the Dao-grade spiritual stone and fully trigger the spiritual energy in the Dao-grade spiritual stone. Just one spiritual energy impact can kill Dao Yi.

In this state, Chen Shouzhuo felt that it was okay, and he began to practice other secret techniques!

The ninety-nine secret techniques of Immortal Qin!

Chen Shouzhuo mastered many secret techniques of Xian Qin, but he has been unable to practice them or use them.

Only "One Yuan Jiu Dao Xuan Universe" and "Ultimate Extermination Chaos Strike" can be used.

Because these two Xian Qin secret methods are too powerful, they suppress other Xian Qin secret methods and cannot be used.

Belongs to innate exclusivity!

It's not that other Xian Qin secret methods are weak, but that they have preconceived ideas and have become Chen Shouzhuo's basic core, so they suppress other Xian Qin secret methods.

Chen Shouzhuo's practice this time was based on the "One Yuan Nine Dao Mysterious Universe" and slowly began to practice other Xian Qin secret methods.

This avoids exclusivity.

First, he practiced the "Ancient Ax that Created the World".

This is one of the three core inheritances of Pangu Tao, and it is also the secret method of Xian Qin.

At that time, Xiao Qingqiu taught Pangu Taoism to Chen Shouzhuo.

This method is very powerful, to a certain extent, not weaker than the "Ultimate Extermination Chaos Strike".

Here Chen Shouzhuo finally mastered it completely and could operate it freely.

But this smooth operation is in the state of the mysterious universe.

There is no other way to practice this secret method with the help of Xuan Universe, so it can only be used like this.

Then Chen Shouzhuo continued to practice and mastered "Three Purities, Four Truths and One Qi Hammer"

The Hunyuan Hammer of Xian Qin's secret method "Three Purities, Four Truths and One Qi Hammer" is transformed into the power of the seven treasures of the Three Purities, Four Truths and One Qi at the beginning of the universe, suppressing the universe and suppressing the world, hammering down all existence.

This method is the secret method of black Japanese destiny. The condensed natal magic weapon is hidden in the Three Pure and Four True Sun Hammers.

Now that Chen Shouzhuo is in the realm of Tianzun, he has finally mastered this method completely.

The prerequisite is that it must be in the state of the mysterious universe.

Chen Shouzhuo continued to practice the secret method of Xian Qin, and the "Great Self-Contained Method of Heaven, Elephant and Earth" was also completely completed and operated freely.

However, "Solar Eclipse, Moon Desolation, Reincarnation Dye", this method black sun disc remains.

Even in the state of Xuan Universe, Chen Shouzhuo failed to complete this method.

There is no way around this, not everyone can practice the Xian Qin Secret Technique.

In addition to this, Chen Shouzhuo also failed to master "Thousands of Souls and Blood Skeletons".

This method is a magic skill. Chen Shouzhuo has no feeling at all about it and is naturally resistant to it.

However, to Chen Shouzhuo's expectation, during this practice, Chen Shouzhuo suddenly reversed course and used his farmer's suit to reverse the "Tianyuan Yao Mingxu Emperor Armor".

This is a completely unexpected gain! (End of chapter)

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