Enlightenment overnight

Chapter 545 The bandits are going, and so am I!

Since you have the method, practice it and continue to increase your strength.

At this time, the power of the Taishangdao Sect Leader was revealed.

Whatever Chen Shouzhuo thought, as long as he gave the order, it was delivered immediately and silently.

Use the power of one sect to help Chen Shouzhuo practice!

The sect master who had worked so hard began to give feedback to Chen Shouzhuo.

In this way, Chen Shouzhuo cultivated the exquisite sword heart.

But to be honest, this is a bit difficult for Chen Shouzhuo.

Chen Shouzhuo was not a swordsman and was very resistant to practicing swordsmanship.

However, among the sect, thirteen sword masters were immediately selected.

Thirteen people formed a magic circle to assist Chen Shouzhuo in his practice.

With the help of these thirteen people, Chen Shouzhuo only needed three days to master the Linglong Sword Heart.

Each hole in this sword heart can be used to refine a divine sword.

The highest nine orifices can refine nine divine swords.

Then Chen Shouzhuo practiced the method of one mind and two uses.

Chen Shouzhuo's talent was not bad to begin with, and he had the full support of Taishang Dao and countless resources, so he mastered it quickly.

However, Chen Shouzhuo's exquisite sword heart combined with the single-minded use could not achieve the optimal state of the sixteen divine swords.

Chen Shouzhuo's Exquisite Sword Heart can only fuse fourteen divine swords.

Compared to the best, it's still a bit worse.

However, Chen Shouzhuo was also very satisfied.

That’s it!

Using his exquisite sword heart, Chen Shouzhuo came to his sword cave.

Looking at the many divine swords, he slowly saluted:

"Fellow Taoists, is there anyone who is willing to become one with me?

Let us unite our hearts and souls, unite our destiny, and achieve great success! "

Such a question was immediately answered by Divine Sword!

The ninth-level divine sword, the Golden Sun Nirvana Taibai Sword, was the first to respond, and he was willing.

Then there is the wind and snow roaring in the Qianshan Mountains, the green front of the Jinjiang River, the clear green front of the Jinjiang River, the wild spring fireworks among the white clouds, the green stone hills of the Hengshan Mountain behind, and the earth-shaking Qin Qingfeng...

Many divine swords responded to Chen Shouzhuo one by one, saying yes.

The five ninth-level divine swords that Chen Shouzhuo got from farming in the void all responded to his wishes.

Five Elements Nirvana Chi Hanging Sword, Glaze Bright Golden Xi Sword, Jiu Ming Qingfeng Yuan Kong Sword, Han Chan Wanli Sui Feng Sword, Xuantian Wuguang Close Sword

These five swords are produced by farming in the void, just like those made by Chen Shouzhuo, and they are innately consistent with Chen Shouzhuo's.

However, there is also a divine sword, but it doesn't move at all!

The Ninth-Level Divine Sword, Great True Return to Origin, Light Sword, and the Ninth-Level Divine Sword, Haoge Fuyun Canglang Sword!

This was the spoil of the extermination battle. They had no response to Chen Shouzhuo's request.

Chen Shouzhuo nodded and didn't care. In response, he slowly refined the divine sword.

"The spirit observes the heavenly element, showing its majesty and majesty. It reaches the sky and reaches the earth, throwing fire and running towards the wind. At the top, a fleece sheep rushes, and at the bottom, a white elephant suddenly appears. The golden light is scorching, the black mist is shrouded, and it is as urgent as a law or order!"

One after another, the divine swords flew up, merged with Chen Shouzhuo's soul, and merged into Chen Shouzhuo's sword heart.

After a long time, the eleven divine swords were all fused, and Chen Shouzhuo let out a sigh of relief.

After the fusion, many divine swords returned to their positions one by one, and the sword bodies were still in the sword cave.

Momo felt that eleven more divine swords were integrated into his torrent of magic weapons.


In fact, this perfect fusion is the key to the torrent of magic weapons.

There are many ninth-level magical swords, each with its own power, which is not inferior to Dao Yi. If they are forced to be wielded, they will conflict with each other, with only three points out of ten.

Now Chen Shouzhuo's fusion is equivalent to an explosion of 300% from 10% of his strength!

As for the ninth-level divine sword Great Truth Guiyuan Destroying Light Sword and the ninth-level divine sword Haoge Fuyun Canglang Sword that could not be fused, Chen Shouzhuo did not keep them either. They were both sent to the sect's treasure house and left to other people who were destined to do so.

Now Chen Shouzhuo no longer cares about them.

Within the sect, there are rows and piles of scattered spiritual traces.

Now it is up to the monks of Taishangdao to explore and retrieve the relics among the many scattered spiritual traces.

After they have harvested all the treasures in the past few decades, the scattered spiritual traces will be Chen Shouzhuo's land.

Here, Chen Shouzhuo was confident that there would be as many divine swords and magic weapons as he wanted.

Therefore, Chen Shouzhuo doesn't care about these two ninth-level divine swords at all. If they are not familiar with them, then they don't want them!

After the Divine Sword was mastered, news came from over there that there were signs showing up at the Giant Stone Circle.

There are already signs of opening!

News came that there was another time and space coordinate for the ruins.

After receiving the news, Taishangdao sent three Daoists to go there to explore the news.

Looking at the time and space coordinates, Chen Shouzhuo smiled and gave an order:

"Let's go to the ruins!"

Immediately, the Taishang Dao monks gathered together, one of the eighteen Dao and one hundred and eight Heavenly Lords, gathered into a group.

Zhu Jiujie did not go and replaced Chen Shouzhuo to guard Taishang Road.

Among them, there are also five tenth-level elders such as judo masters hidden among them.

Then according to the time and space landmark, everyone moved in time and space in an instant.

Chen Shouzhuo would not go alone.

Zhang Daoqi, Fang Zhongting, Lu Tai, and Chen Shouzhuo specially called for them, and they all went together.

Not to mention coming out in full force, but also with full force.

In an instant, everyone was transported to a small world.

This teleportation is not teleported together.

You Dao first goes first, and when the news is safe, everyone will be together.

After landing, immediately alert each other.

Each of these Dao Tianzun is a proficient Dao Saint, one person and one army!

Time and space turned, and Chen Shouzhuo arrived here. In the small world of thousands of dimensions, there was a void wilderness, with countless flying mountains suspended in the air.

On those hanging mountains, there are all kinds of plants, all kinds of strange and diverse.

Under many hanging mountains, there is a stone formation.

This stone formation is made up of countless large stone pillars that stand tall against the sky and the ground.

Incomparably magnificent, infinitely great!

There was already a Supreme Daoist Yi Muzi investigating here. Seeing Chen Shouzhuo coming here, Yi Muzi reported:

"Report to the sect master, there is a giant stone formation below.

However, we cannot enter. If we enter, we will be teleported out.

There are already dozens of Supremes gathered here, and only a very small number of cultivators can enter!"

Chen Shouzhuo was stunned, and looked over, only to see that the giant stone formation was endlessly magnificent, and how glorious it was back then.

Looking at the giant stone formation, Chen Shouzhuo frowned, and inexplicably felt a familiar feeling.

The surrounding hanging mountains have been occupied by other Supremes, and everyone has set up a magic formation to prevent others from spying.

Hearing what Yi Muzi said, some people did not believe it and forced to enter the formation.

This is a great adventure. Back then, Chen Shouzhuo obtained the seven series and forty-nine methods from the Divine Ancient Court, changing the world and defying fate.

It can be seen how precious the great adventure is, even if it is the peak of the Dao.

One by one, the Dao entered the formation, but they entered and were instantly teleported back.

Not only them, but also the judoka sneaked in and was sent back.

The same was true for the elder Zi Tianshu. He was sent back after entering.

He said slowly: "This giant stone formation contains a terrible seal.

It cuts off the possibility of all living beings entering.

However, this seal has been loosened, and some people are not restricted and can enter it."

Chen Shouzhu frowned and asked: "Who!"

"People with miracles!

They have obtained miracles, or are composed of miracles, or have mastered miracle magic weapons..."

"Miracles can do anything, so they can enter the formation!"

As soon as these words were said, everyone looked at Chen Shouzhu.

Chen Shouzhu's extinction power was sealed by the five supremes. When the news came out, everyone knew that miracles could resist Chen Shouzhu's extinction.

Such restrictions were simply prepared specifically for Chen Shouzhu.

The elder Zi Tianshu looked at Chen Shouzhu and said slowly: "Trap!"

Chen Shouzhu smiled and said: "The enemy is going, and I will go too!"

After speaking, he jumped and fell into the giant stone formation! (End of this chapter)

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