Enlightenment overnight

Chapter 569 Five Elements Authority, Crazy Seizure

The Five Elements are also leaving, Chen Shouzhuo is in deep thought.

Thinking carefully, it is normal. Before the great changes in the universe, everyone has their own choices.

Because of their special identities, the Five Elements correspond to each other's five elements, and they are mutually reinforcing and restraining. None of them can become a twelfth-order existence.

Unless one person can destroy the other four elements and absorb their five elements, the five elements will become one and become the twelfth-order supreme.

But they have been fighting for countless millions of years. If they can, they would have succeeded long ago.

They are too familiar with each other and there is no way to stand out.

After the birth of the twelfth-order existence, it will completely suppress the supreme. The five emperors will not lose even if they work together, but it is really meaningless.

It is better to leave this universe and open up a universe of your own!

This way, it will never end.

Only by opening up universes one by one and leaving projections, can you have the opportunity to become a true supreme existence like the three masters and six masters!

Like the three masters and six masters, they are the real transcendents in this universe.

Even if the twelfth order is born, you can't do anything to them.

Because they are just projections in this universe, not the real subject.

The real main body, maybe in other universes, has already reached the twelfth level many times...

The Qing Emperor said something important in a casual way.

When the five elements leave, the position of the five elements universe control will be vacated, and the virtuous will take it!

On the Qing Emperor's side, Zhu Yi will definitely inherit the position of the Qing Emperor.

There should be no problem with this. To be honest, the strength of the Qing Emperor is unpredictable.

It can be seen from Zhu Yi that he is actually the most terrifying weirdness in this universe, and it is difficult for others to inherit.

Zhu Yi inherited, in fact, it is also Chen Shouzhuo who inherited.

So far, Chen Shouzhuo will get the authority of the Qing Emperor and control the universe's wood elemental force.

And the five elements authority of the other four emperors...

Chen Shouzhuo's eyes lit up!

He can still fight for it, at least get some authority.

Now after his hard work, he has the fire of thought, the water of Tao, the gold of absolute, the earth of earth...

These four ultimate powers have represented the highest in the universe.

The five elements must pay a price to leave through his own Jinchan Port.

According to what the Green Emperor said, at least one-tenth of the authority of the Five Elements must be obtained.

That's one-tenth!

When the Five Elements leave, their authority will be separated and spread to all corners of the world.

The four ultimates can definitely get some authority through this.

If they can't get it, then fight!

It's not that I don't have a chance!

The universe will inevitably give birth to a twelfth-level!

If it's not me, it's someone else!

If it's Zang Nanzi, Lu Tianjun and the like, then my life will be difficult!

So, strike first and be strong!

Chen Shouzhuo silently gritted his teeth and quietly ordered.

"Taishang Dao contacted all dead spies, brokers, and intelligence dealers...

Find out about the existence of the tenth-level peak.

Make sure they have the ultimate power related to the five elements, and determine their location and whereabouts..."

Directly pay a large sum of money, with top-grade spirit stones as a reward. For a time, countless news from the world gathered at Taishang Dao.

"The ancestor of the Xuyan clan, the peak of the tenth level, Jueduan Bengkan, controls the ultimate power, Yanmie Mosha, and is suspected to be related to the earth element..."

"The third elder of the Ice and Snow Palace, Xueli Zi, who is at the peak of the tenth level, controls the ultimate power, Xuebeng Wuwu, and is suspected to be related to the water element..."

"Ancient mythical beasts live on the Anma Liesha Island in the Savage Heaven Realm, and the peak of the tenth level, Jinji Tujia, and is suspected to be related to the gold element..."

"In the depths of the sea of ​​fire in the universe, there are suspected to be terrible trolls, the peak of the tenth level, and are suspected to be related to the fire element..."

As the news came one by one, Chen Shouzhuo immediately seized the time and took action.

First, he dispatched the Supreme Dao Tianzun Daoyi to these suspected tenth-level places.

The universe is too big, even if the Tianzun moves, it will take a lot of time.

And there are some places that Chen Shouzhuo has never been to and cannot move to locate.

He has not been there, but the Supreme Dao Dao Tianzun must have been there.

In these places, someone left a time and space mark, and the Tianzun can move directly there.

These people took action, moved to these places, and then used their own positions as time and space markers to take Chen Shouzhuo to move there.

Chen Shouzhuo took action directly, and the first one was the cosmic location where the Xuyan clan was located.

The Xuyan clan is a branch of the Void clan, and the species transformed by the Demon clan into the Void clan.

This clan is different from the Void life, and it is also different from the existence of the Demon clan. It is a clan of its own.

They like to attack those weak races, capture them and raise them in their own world.

Being captured, in their world, they don’t have to worry about food and clothing, they have good food and drink, and all kinds of females can reproduce at will.

However, these weak races will experience countless nightmares, and their spirits will be drained.

The Xuyan clan has an ancestor, the peak of the tenth level, Jue Duan Beng Kan!

This ancestor is powerful, masters the ultimate power, and is on good terms with many ancestors of the Void clan and many demon cultivator ancestors of the Demon clan.

Therefore, the Xuyan clan is mixed with a lot of sound and color.

However, tonight is the time for their extinction.

The attack came suddenly!

The giant celestial dog bit down, cutting off all the connections between this race and the universe.

Then countless dogs fell from the void and landed as beach soldiers.

After the dogs, there were the Supreme Dao monks who controlled countless Dao Saint summoning spirits.

They invaded quickly, occupied all the strategic positions, constructed infinite magic arrays, and erupted infinite thunder and fire.

As soon as the Xuyan clan gathered, they were immediately shattered by thunder and fire, and could not organize at all.

If a Xuyan clan strongman came out, he would be sniped and killed immediately, and could not get out at all.

If he wanted to escape, the universe was locked, and he could only be captured and caught, and could not escape.

And Jueduan Bengkan was surrounded by the eleven great elders of the Supreme Dao, and eleven tenth-level peaks besieged him alone.

Under this siege, Jueduan Bengkan used his ultimate power, the Nightmare Devil Sand, and persisted.

"So this is the ultimate power!"

The judoka said slowly.

These eleven great elders who besieged the other side were all beings who did not master the ultimate power.

They were promoted to the tenth level, and there was not much time left, and some of them did not even know the ultimate power.

Only by fighting like this and feeling the ultimate power of the other side can you comprehend your own ultimate power.

Jueduan Bengkan struggled desperately and could not help but roar:

"Taishang Dao, you are bullying too much, why are you attacking my Xuyan clan."

Chen Shouzhuo saw that the battle was almost over, he slowly appeared and said:

"The Xuyan clan captured 297,000 slaves of my human race, of which more than 10 million were bones.

My human race is seeking revenge and destroying your Xuyan clan, which is reasonable and well-founded!"

After saying this, Jueduan Bengkan was silent.

Chen Shouzhuo said again: "But God is kind!

Jueduan Bengkan, I will give you a chance.

After I kill you, you will turn to the human race and I will accept you as my disciple.

You Xuyan clan, I will teach you from Taishang Dao, rectify the chaos, and make you a branch of Taishang Dao. When you revive to the tenth level, you will continue to be in control."

Jueduan Bengkan gritted his teeth, he would never surrender!

Chen Shouzhuo continued, "If you don't want to reincarnate into another race, I will find you and continue to kill you until you are completely dead!

If you are willing to reincarnate into my human race, I will accept you as my disciple and treat you with sincerity!"

Jueduan Bengkan still refused to accept it!

But he didn't expect Yang Yun to appear and shouted, "Old Jue, stop making trouble, hurry up and be my junior brother!"

Jueduan Bengkan was stunned when he saw Yang Yun.

Luo Qinghui and Yan Wuji also appeared and nodded to him.

Jueduan Bengkan seemed to understand something and his anger gradually disappeared.

Chen Shouzhuo said:

"Okay, take my move!"

After speaking, Chen Shouzhuo had already operated the mysterious universe, erupted the four extremes, and then drove the ultimate power.

This time, the main force is the Twelve Absolutes of the Supreme, the Fire of Mind, the Water of Dao, the Gold of Absolute, the Earth of Earth, the Light of All, the Darkness of Black, and the Qi of Yuan

plus the power of the mountain and the support of the sky!

The nine ultimate powers are united, and the Supreme is pure!

With one blow, Jueduan Bengkan was shattered to pieces and died!

Killed directly without any residue.

Chen Shouzhuo let out a long breath and began to absorb his ultimate power.

The Nightmare Demon Sand was finally absorbed by Chen Shouzhuo and turned into the Sand of Destruction!

This is one of the ultimate powers of the five elements of earth!

Chen Shouzhuo immediately continued to act!

Unfortunately, Xuelizi of the Ice and Snow Palace did not leave the Ice and Snow Palace at all, and did not have any chance.

The ancient mythical beast Anma Liesha Island in the Savage Heaven Realm, the tenth-level peak Jinji Collapsed Armor, was successfully killed and the ultimate power Jun Steel was obtained!

Then he attacked the universe Tianqian Xuhuan Fire Sea and killed the tenth-level peak Fire Lord Anmat and obtained the ultimate power Can Jinjin!

In this way, Chen Shouzhuo attacked the tenth-level peak frantically.

Jueduan Bengkan, Jinji Collapsed Armor, Fire Lord Anmat, Sea Giant Pusaro, Earth Dragon Yuangu

Five tenth-levels were destroyed in his hands one after another.

They are all reincarnations, all reborn as human beings. Chen Shouzhuo sent people to protect his five future disciples.

They may have hatred in their hearts, but Chen Shouzhuo is confident that they can resolve their hatred.

So far, he has obtained five ultimate powers, all of which are related to the five elements.

Sand of Destruction, Steel of Jun, Ashes of Brilliance, Sea of ​​Sinking, Stone of Wall

In addition to Chen Shouzhuo's own ultimate power before

Dragon's Abyss, Mountain's Might, Sky's Support, Brilliant Light, Cause and Effect, Spirit's Void, Fire of Thought, Water of Dao, Gold of Absoluteness, Earth's Soil, Light of All, Darkness of Black, and Qi of Yuan

There are already eighteen ultimate powers, and ten of them are related to the five elements!

Should it be enough?

Originally, more could be seized, but the time is up.

It can only be like this, Chen Shouzhuo is a little regretful!

In this section, the Supreme Dao acted frantically, eliminating the three major universe subversions and destroying two universe races.

For a time, it also caused a great fluctuation in the universe. What is the Supreme Dao going to do?

There are discussions!

In the void, there is a blue sky.

This is the place chosen by Wu Yuan for the time-space transfer.

Chen Shouzhuo could only give up the fight and go there.

This piece of blue universe is very ordinary, without any abnormality.

Chen Shouzhuo is already familiar with sending people out of the universe, and there is no problem.

He waited here silently.

It seemed that the time had come, and in a flash, the Blue Emperor was the first to arrive here. (End of this chapter)

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