Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 63: Fighting first and then talking is more effective

Aoliu, who was lying at the bottom of the pit, spat out a mouthful of blood. He stared at Wang Qi, still smiling: "Hahaha... the hypocrisy of the human race. You... hahaha, you were obviously having a lot of fun just now - ugh!"

Before Aoliu finished speaking, Wang Qi stepped on his face: "I'm talking to you, except that your life span may be a little longer than mine, how are you better than me? In terms of knowledge, we have competed more than once, and I crushed you; in terms of combat power, you are still being stepped on by me now, even if it's the way of the gods, I won just now. What is supporting you and making you show off in front of me? I'm very curious!"

Aoliu whined a few times on the soles of Wang Qi's shoes. Wang Qi moved his feet away, and he immediately screamed: "You don't understand our pride?"

Wang Qi stepped on the other's mouth with his shoe again: "I really don't understand your pride that you want to show off even if you kill yourself. I think you can show off if you die for justice, or for your dreams..."

As soon as these words came out, Wang Qi felt a strong force coming from the soles of his feet. Ao Liu turned over and pushed Wang Qi's feet away with his face: "Who did you say died? What did you say dead?"

He was so seriously injured that even his thigh bone was broken by Wang Qi, and Zhan Ye couldn't stand up. But he was on all fours like a beast, with his arms tightly clenched and his fangs exposed, as if he would come over and bite Wang Qi to death if Wang Qi said one more word.

Wang Qi finally showed a trace of pity on his face: "Student Jiao, look, this is what I said about being clever but not wise. Tsk tsk, because you thought one or two steps too much, but couldn't think of the next three, four, five, six steps, so you were driven crazy directly..."

Jiao walked over, but didn't look at it all, just sighed: "Master Ao Liu..."

"Jiao, I can't believe that you actually believed what this guy said - you actually believed what this guy said who insulted my clan!" Ao Liu's expression seemed to regard Jiao as an enemy. "Forget it, this guy is hopeless."

"Barbarian..." Ao Liu cursed back without hesitation: "Raised by the human race..."

Wang Qi once again dodged to Ao Liu's side and kicked him out: "Watch your words, Ao Liu classmate."


This time, the blood foam sprayed by Ao Liu was burned dry by the high temperature before it flew to Wang Qi. But this time, Wang Qi did not grow up again, but sat next to Ao Liu: "To be honest, I am tired of the process of you making trouble behind my back and then I beat you up like a child. So, I won't beat you, but you should also speak nicely to me, don't curse or beat people, okay?"

"There is nothing to say to you." Ao Liu's expression was still angry.

Wang Qi sat on the ground and grabbed Ao Liu's collar: "To be honest, although you are annoying, you can make a name for yourself in the new demon clan, so you should not be a foolish person. Tell me, why do you have to fight against me, and why do you have to break the law and fight against the entire Immortal Alliance?"

"Ah? This is the will of the 'entire Immortal Alliance'? This is your human race?" Ao Liu's eyes were full of sarcasm: "It is still unclear whether you humans are of the same mind, but ah... this matter is also the will of your human race?"

"This is the rule. And the rules of the human race are the choices made by the human race." Wang Qi had no obvious expression from the beginning. He was neither angry nor sarcastic about his opponent, and just explained the facts calmly.

"The choice of the human race's will... Hahaha. Look at those rubbish over there." Ao Liu pointed at the human race's newborn gods that fell to the ground: "They don't even know who I am! They don't even know what they are fighting against! You even hid our arrival from them. You didn't give them the correct information, didn't tell them how powerful I am - shouldn't this be done at the beginning? At this time, where is the will of the human race you mentioned?" He looked at Wang Qi, his face full of pleasure in scolding and exposing his shortcomings: "I said, they are not human race, right?"

These few words, every word is heart-breaking, making those ancient magicians who were trembling with their heads down couldn't help but take a half step back, as far away from Wang Qi as possible.

"What is the human race... The human race is just a pile of mud!" Ao Liujiu said: "You deceive your own people, you don't trust each other at all... You said you want me to learn from you, the Saints said we should learn from you, but what can you give us? You are weak, you have never owned this land, you can't even understand each other, you don't have the same heart as all living beings, why should we understand each other with you?"

Wang Qi let go of Ao Liu and sighed: "You demons don't care about bloodline, so have you studied the changes of bloodline?"

"Don't treat us as idiots, Mr. Wang." Ao Liu said: "Every demon knows his own bloodline, otherwise he can't understand it at all. I can't grasp the true meaning of the method of transformation. "

"So, have you ever noticed something behind this phenomenon?" Wang Qi said: "In most cases, the species in Shenzhou are more numerous and fewer numerous. If a species has a large number, it is basically difficult to become extinct. If a species is rare, it is easy to become extinct. After the rare ones disappear, the remaining strong species will continue to differentiate. And this time, it is still more numerous and fewer numerous. And every time the environment changes dramatically, it is often the species with the dominant population. "

"If there are enough people, will the discipline of the super strong be greater? "Ao Liu laughed and said: "Don't think about shaking me! "

"No, no, the reason for this is because there are enough samples of the 'many' bloodline. Subtle differences among ethnic groups can give those individuals different properties. And when the external environment changes drastically, these differences are the so-called 'hope' '——Because there are many possibilities in their blood. These possibilities are useless and redundant in normal times, but in times of disaster, some of them will show their advantages. The ancestors of our human race came here, and so did the ancestors of your bloodline. "No purpose" means "you can go in any direction." Wang Qi said: "This should be the case. I will teach you the content next year, using mathematical models to simulate population changes, involving arithmetic in the fields of statistics, probability and other complex numbers..."

This is easy to understand. Only ethnic groups with sufficiently complex blood samples can exist in a complex world. A group with a highly homogenous bloodline might be completely wiped out by a plague.

Aoliu smiled and didn't care what Wang Qi was saying: "It's useless for you to tell me this."

"The same principle applies when replacing 'bloodline' with 'cultural context'. There are always different voices in the main line of our civilization. These voices are harmonious but different, but they are the hidden paths. If we encounter inexplicable obstacles, we Then there is a chance to find another way." Wang Qi stood on the ground: "The possibilities of the human race are infinite - you can understand what I said, right?"

"No matter what you say, it can't change the fact that you don't trust your fellow race." Aoliu frowned and deliberately said in a sarcastic tone: "Are you a human race? Why don't you have any... thoughts of one body? ?”

"I don't even believe it myself." Wang Qi's expression was very calm: "I have always known that what I wrote today is only relatively correct within a limited range. When our human race continues to move forward, we will move towards something I don't know. When I take a new step in the field, what I write will become a relative error. This is my belief. If I don’t even believe in myself, why should I believe in others unconditionally?”

"The way of heaven is eternal, and it will not exist for the saints or die for the demons. Anyway, in the end, the 'Tao' will decide what is true and what is false, what is right and what is wrong. I just need to doubt, and then take a step in the direction I believe in." "

"You..." Aoliu's expression finally changed.

Wang Qi continued to look at Aoliu: "We don't believe in ourselves, we believe in the Tao, and the Immortal Way left by Master Yuanli is a tool to describe the Tao in ordinary language. Through the Jinfa, we can see the Tao , so we all believe in this method - not in this person or that person's theory, but in believing that this direction and this path is correct. When I first started teaching you, I said that I would teach you the wisdom of the human race. I never ask you to understand me, I only ask you to understand our way.”

"As for the Tao seeker's own thoughts - seeking fame, profit, wealth and sex, Tao doesn't care."

"Shut up..." Aoliu took two steps back, his body trembling obviously. It could be seen that he was really shaken.

Wang Qi's face remained normal and he continued: "Because of seeking the Tao, we have gained stronger wisdom. Because of wisdom, we know the value of possibility. And if we, as weak people, understand that we can give it to you, as strong people, What, this must be the only one. As the pioneers of failure, you are going for the possibility..."

"Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up..." Aoliu insulted his ears and then backed away.

"Tsk, so the dignity of the Renewal Monster Clan is reflected in not letting people talk about problems?" Wang Qi said: "As a civilization that has been approaching its only goal from the beginning, you have never had such a huge possibility. ah……"

"Designed... Designed! Designed! How dare you say that we are..." Aoliu's eyes were split and he rushed towards Wang Qi: "Seeking death!"

But Aoliu, who had been seriously injured, was no match for Wang Qi, who was in full condition. Wang Qi raised his foot and hit him in the chest. While piercing his heart, he shook the essence and demonic energy, causing Aoliu to kneel to the ground, speechless.

"Although I personally sympathize with you problem children, you have violated the law after all. Now, go to the class room first." He also said: "You are a good-for-nothing."

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………

In the distance, the young man listened to the sound of the wind: "Tsk, what do you think?"

"For a quarter of an hour, if you're seriously injured, you can have a hand." Ring replied: "But, does the kid who was pinned to the ground and beaten by the God of Death really have that value?"

The young man pressed the bridge of his nose: "My intuition tells me that the surviving family members are worth the risk." (To be continued ~^~)

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