Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 133: Evil, Nomadic

Wang Qi had only two thoughts about the actions of this exiled immortal who called himself "Yuan Clan".

First, the descendants of the Heavenly Family are really awesome. When they declared their territory, they did not point to the ground, but to the sun...

This action means that "the planetary system attached to this star is ours"

The actions of the human race to declare sovereignty have always pointed to the ground, which means "this is our planet".

And the territory of the descendants of the Heavenly Family should at least be a "planetary system".

Second, it really hurts.

Countless yellow crystal clusters "grow" and pierce Wang Qi's body from the ground, directly restricting his mana and imprisoning his actions. This really hurts.

However, the word "Yuan Clan"...

Wang Qi closed his eyes and carefully searched for the "language proficiency" given by the goddess of beauty.

Well, as a "proper noun", it is indeed included.

The Yuan clan, one of the followers of the gods, has been extinct. They are the sinful clan that started the chaotic world. They seem to be righteous but are extremely evil. Fortunately, they were saved by heaven and did not become a big harm...


The amount of information is really huge.

Combined with the previous inference, the so-called "fortunately saved by heaven" probably means that the dragon clan came and "extincted" them. But what does "sinful clan" mean? What about "extremely evil"?

--If we only look at this aura, this guy's skills are upright and completely composed of "vitality", and it is completely different from the "Heavenly Evolution Atlas", but it is indeed a very magnificent means.

This should be his fundamental practice. It is indeed a "righteous" way.

This evaluation of "seemingly righteous but actually evil" comes from the practice?

No, it should not be.

The goddess of beauty looks down on the dragon clan and believes that the ultimate achievement of the dragon clan's transformation method is determined by the complexity of genetic information. She is the ultimate "supporter of bloodline theory". But even so, the goddess of beauty did not use words like "evil" to describe the behavior of the dragon clan, but directly identified it as "barbaric" or something like that.

Yuan clan... what did the goddess of beauty do to be evaluated like this?

Wang Qi looked very curious.

The pierced clone looked at the exiled immortal of the survivors again. After the white flames rose from the surface of this guy's body, the whole body overflowed with incredible vitality and energy, and the injuries were repaired quickly. At the same time, with her as the center of the circle, the yellow crystal land began to change one by one.

"Something" was reversed.

The more active essence turned into various wonderful spells to chase and kill the sword formation that she had just broken up.

Or in other words, destroy all the beast organs.

After all, this exiled immortal of the Yuan clan was extraordinary. It seemed that he knew something about this thing called "puppet poison", so he didn't give Wang Qi any chance at all.

The idea of ​​using the clone to attract the other party's attention and then letting the beast organs multiply quickly was completely futile.

No, not right...

Something is wrong.

Wang Qi closed his eyes and tried to recall every moment of the battle between him and his opponent, especially the moment when the Silent Burning Heaven Palm was reversed in an instant.

——This should not be just a reversal at the level of magic...

Most people almost forgot that Wang Qi's talent in practicing ancient methods was top among the human race. Moreover, he not only obtained the ancient methods owned by the human race, but also obtained the orthodox Yuanying method from Xinxiang Shicheng 200 million years ago. He himself did not like or was not used to this kind of "feeling" method, so he rarely used it.

However, if this "feeling" did not deceive him...

Zhen Chanzi once told him a special method of cultivation - to enter the right by the opposite.

Those who cultivate fire go to the water, and those who cultivate water go underground. The positive yang method, go to the Yin Death Land to practice; the Xuanyin Gong Jue, practice under the scorching sun at noon. Cultivation is nothing more than writing one's own spiritual resonance into ordinary spiritual energy, attaching one's own imprint, constantly refining, and building a body of merit. Absorbing spiritual energy of the same attribute is just to save some effort, while using spiritual energy that is contrary to the nature of one's own magic power can deepen the mastery of the cultivation method and cultivate many essences that cannot be cultivated by "orthodox cultivation".

And Wang Qi's change of the Heavenly Evolution Atlas to the flame of life under the effect of the fragment of "Eternal True Color" can also be regarded as this kind of cultivation.

This is "using the opposite to enter the right".

Wang Qi felt deeply the meaning.

The method that can reverse "evil energy" into "righteousness" is naturally upright. But what if the "righteous" practitioner deliberately allows evil methods to spread in order to practice, and then goes to kill demons and eliminate demons?

If ordinary cultivation is "growing vegetables", then the general magic way is "eating grass", and this "righteous method" of "transforming demons into righteousness" is "grazing and eating meat"!

Wang Qi opened his mouth and a mouthful of blood flowed out. He said, "So that's how it is. Underground... is the inheritance left by your clan?"

If the "mysterious ruins" underground are not the old place of the dragon clan similar to the center of the earth in Shenzhou, but are deliberately set up by the Yuan clan to pass on the first-class skills of "Silent Immortal Destroying Dao Treasure Book"...

"Oh, you actually knew it?"

The exiled immortal of the Yuan clan turned his head and looked at Wang Qi.

After sweeping away the scattered beast organs of Wang Qi, the exiled immortal of the Yuan clan walked into Wang Qi again. Her breath was much calmer than before.

But Wang Qi smiled: "So that's it... all the Jixian's Dao-Destroying Book of Destruction on this planet should not be the original version of the Jixian's Destruction of the Way book, but the original Nascent Soul method of the common Nascent Soul skills of all races. Degraded version! And it was manipulated by the Yuan clan. The reason why the idiot among the insects burned himself after death and left a "core" is to facilitate you to "turn from the wrong to the right". Practice and turn it into your own vitality..."

"It's quite smart." The banished immortal of the Yuan Clan nodded: "That's right, a degraded version. The Silent Immortal's Book of Destruction of the Way was not leaked in material form from the beginning. And the first battle that broke out among the Celestial Beings Familia... It’s about destroying the legacy of the Silent Saint. No one has the chance to get the full version - besides, the full version is too dangerous to control. "

"Seems like good but is extremely evil... It is indeed evil, so damn evil." Wang Qi stared at the relegated immortal: "Other demons can be regarded as 'farmers' at best, but you have simply done the nomadic thing - but it's Savage and original..."

Before Wang Qi could finish speaking, the banished immortal stepped on his face. Wang Qi's mandible was shattered. Although it was quickly repaired by the Flame of Fate, what he wanted to say was never said out.

"Evil? Evil? Is this how the devil described us?" The face of the Yuan Clan's banished immortal was twisted.

"No, the Dragon Clan didn't mention you. I once met another Celestial Relic family, the God of Beauty. That's what they said about you." Wang Qi said.

Three crystal clusters grew in the hands of the banished immortal. She quickly inserted these three crystals into three acupoints on Wang Qi's left hand. After a moment of silence, she spoke, "But speaking of which, aren't you here too?"


"Do you think those slaves are the species we use to practice martial arts? No, they are just a little decoration on the edge of the real bait - the underground one is the real point." Her tone was very strange, maybe it should be " Irony". She even deliberately lowered her voice: "All immortals who resonate with and desire the chaotic power of the 'Silent Immortal Destruction Book' can feel this 'direction' from the depths of the Immortal Road, and those slaves, but It's just a decoration to attract immortals to this place - you can come here, why do you still want to pretend to be a righteous person? "

Wang Qi was stunned. He was very sure that he was not a world-destroying lunatic. But in an instant, he screamed in his heart.

--I see!

Wang Qi's body has not been cultivated to the level of immortality. His life essence of immortality level is brought by the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

Does the Six Paths of Reincarnation long for this kind of chaotic power?

Judging from the "out of control" just now, it is certain.

Does the Six Paths of Reincarnation resonate with this power?

The hell path is not blank. Both Wang Qi and Mei Gemu have mastered the method of "chaos", but it is not as essential as the Jixian Destruction Manual.

All of Wang Qi's cultivation methods were developed by himself based on the accumulation of predecessors. But only the Six Paths of Reincarnation Dharma Realm is not. This system of the Kingdom of God is the result of Mei Gemu’s design purpose and concept, and then relying on the fears of others to complete it according to his own wishes. Wang Qi is not clear about the specific functions of this Kingdom of God - it is even said that due to human The fear is not completely controllable, so Mei Gemu himself is not completely clear about it.

But the Yuan clan didn't know the twists and turns of the stabbing. She opened her eyes morbidly and looked at Wang Qi as if she were looking at an object: "Speaking of which, you even mastered the method of refining the core of destruction - the demon king of the dragon tribe naturally obtained it after annihilating our tribe. But it is impossible for him to teach it to his followers. He will even destroy it. It should be impossible for you to get this thing..."

She strangled Wang Qi's neck and used her palms to force slightly: "Could it be that you are also dissatisfied with the Demon King?"

Wang Qi managed to squeeze out a breath: "So, we can actually talk?"

"The blood of Yuan Longxing cannot be left here. I can let go of a trace of your magic power, but in this trace of magic power, all connections about your physical body need to be erased by me - as long as you become mine Familiar. You can help me find the source of the chaotic power, so I give you this opportunity."

Wang Qi smiled: "Really?"

"Of course, you have to let your true body come to me first and hand over the Puppet Gu magic weapon to me - Speaking of which, you can control such an exquisite Puppet Gu, which should not be underestimated."

Wang Qi just smiled.

This Yuan clan is not a fool, at least he can't lie to her.

"Aren't you still determined to give up?" The Yuan Clan's banished immortal took out three crystals again and pierced the three important points on Wang Qi's thigh: "Now you can no longer use the magic weapon to inform the master on the other side of the immortal road. Moreover, I can pass through Dengxian at any time and go to the gate of the Immortal Road before you do, and you won’t have a chance.”

After tasting the unique flavor of the creatures on the Yuanlong Star, she asked the topaz earth to release various spiritual powers, covering the earth and the moon, and using spells to interfere with communication spells. And as she said, as long as she ascends to immortality, she can be one step ahead of Wang Qi and use the guide mechanism of the immortal road to reach the gate of the immortal road. When the time comes, it all depends on her whether to fight or leave.

The initiative is in her hands.

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