Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 142: The True Evil Demon, the Sword That Slays the Demon [End]

In the several hours of the bombardment, the exiled immortal of the Yuan clan had already had enough understanding of the opponent.

Although the opponent had a deep understanding of electromagnetic light and heat, and could freely transform these forces, his ability to construct spells was indeed not very good. Under the condition of equal strength, her spells could easily break up the opponent's spells.

The opponent must use twenty or even thirty parts of mana to offset one part of her vitality.

There is an essential gap in the strength of the two sides.

Therefore, in her opinion, the best way to fight is to approach instantly, and then use her advantage in "spells" to instantly kill!

The terrifying thing about the puppet Gu is that it is ever-changing. If you can support the protective qi to ensure that your body is not stained with this thing, then destroy the changing structure at the moment when the opponent's structure changes, and the threat of the puppet Gu will be greatly reduced.

In the initial close combat, Aluel also felt that this guy's martial arts were mediocre and his reaction speed was not fast. It's so bad to manipulate the body, let alone the puppet Gu?

You know, puppet Gu has always been famous for being "difficult to control"!

As long as you enter a close combat, your advantage will be overwhelming. Break the structure of the puppet Gu group, crush the opponent's resistance, then kill the opponent's body, and finally spend time to refine this group of puppet Gu...

It should be like this.

However, the sword energy that broke through the air made her a little confused.

"How is it possible..."

She now looks like she is slowly rising, but anyone with a little common sense knows that she is moving in a direction that does not exist in three-dimensional space. And the attack on her will not be implemented at all, because what the naked eye can see is just a projection. She is no longer at that point.

It's like a fish jumping out of the water.

But Wang Qi attacked her!

"Stupid, it's just a high-level shuttle method... something I learned a long time ago!" Wang Qi sneered. The black tattoo is growing on his body surface bit by bit, outlining an evil temperament.

He has already locked on this newly promoted immortal who is ascending. The sword energy, which was several times more powerful than before, hit the huge yellow crystal body like a rainstorm - no, it was not like a rainstorm. Considering the size of this body, Wang Qi's sword energy is definitely wider and more fierce than the usual "rainstorm"!

However, this could not stop Aluer who was getting closer and closer.

The power of ascension is actually provided by the Immortal Road. The power source of the Immortal Road is the black holes throughout the universe, as well as the core of the Immortal Heaven and the axis of the universe. This kind of power can be said to be endless. However, the power that falls on each ascender will not be so strong. If the ascender himself is strong enough, he can break free by himself. But if there are other external forces that want to keep the ascender, then the power of ascension will automatically increase to fight against this power.

There are not many external forces that can stop the ascension process.

At least Wang Qi's sword energy is definitely not among them.

I saw this monster coiled his tail and his body turned around. Judging from his size, this turn alone is enough to crush a country on the ground. During this turn, this huge body showed incredible flexibility, and instantly completed a change from extremely hard to extremely soft.

Wang Qi's sword energy net was shaken open. This terrifying sphere, which was similar in shape to an egg but countless times larger than an egg, rolled with the energy that could cause natural disasters, forming a violent gust of wind. Even Wang Qi's own sword energy was either involved, guided, or deflected.

At the same time, thousands of golden lights were released.

Unlike Wang Qi, this exiled immortal did not have a profound understanding of time and space - perhaps because the inheritance in this area was distorted? Most of her attacks did not hit. Instead, they deviated to directions that could not be calculated. But in the end, many attacks fell to the moon.

Then, another group of beast mechanisms were overloaded and burned because they could not unload the force in time.

Weight, about hundreds of tons.

But surprisingly, Wang Qi did not reorganize a new round of black fog this time, but looked straight at the yellow giant god that was getting closer and closer.

Both sides felt each other's gaze at the same time.

"You're dead." The exiled immortal said.

Wang Qi shook his head. The other party was getting closer and closer to the point where the gravity between the earth and the moon was balanced. But at this moment, Wang Qi squatted down.

In a space in the core of the moon, another clone of Wang Qi did something similar. His eyes also became dark, black evil patterns appeared on his body, and his body was covered with red and black flames.

"This is the first time I use this..." Wang Qi whispered, gathering his strength in his palm.

Hell Road·Nirvana Mode.

"Destruction Style·Suffering Extinction Collection!"

Then, a punch hit the beast machine cluster.

At the same time, Wang Qi on the front of the moon made the same move almost at the same time.

"Destruction Style·Eternal Fire!"

This is a new skill that the Six Paths of Reincarnation gave back to Wang Qi after absorbing the core of destruction.

In an instant, the starry sky was flooded with gray light.

The black fire spread along the beast machine cluster buried underground, spreading at an explosive speed on this satellite. Due to the slight time difference between the two attacks, the direction of the overall explosion was determined. After that, the torrent of destruction rushed out of the moon and surged in all directions.

In this last moment, the light of this satellite surpassed that of the star.


This was Aluer's first thought.

If that strong man was really strong enough to shatter a star with one blow, why would he fight with him?

Even a casual blow from the other party could completely annihilate his body.

Moreover, judging from the other party's performance, this slave tribe simply could not have such ability!

Wang Qi certainly could not have such ability.

He did not "blow up" the moon, but "ignited" the moon.

Or in other words, "ignited" the beast mechanism.

The beast mechanism is equivalent to a part of his own body. Many methods of burning oneself are also effective for the beast mechanism. Wang Qi can use the method of burning the beast mechanism to produce an explosion.

By the way, the beast mechanisms on this planet are basically made of the materials of this satellite.

And this satellite, like the Shenzhou moon, has no magnetic field, so it has been directly exposed to the solar wind for countless years and has accumulated a large amount of helium isotopes.

That is - helium-3.

Don't forget that the original design purpose of the beast mechanism is "mining tools" and "engineering mechanism".

It is too easy to create an artificial helium-3 enriched zone.

In the previous few days of erosion, Wang Qi's beast mechanism almost divided the entire moon into dozens of huge rocks. But this is not enough to decompose the moon, because the gravity between the rocks can squeeze them together.

But Wang Qi used the sword energy of the Heavenly Sword to restrain the helium-3 enriched zone he carefully arranged.

Using the hell road to burn the beast mechanism cluster is the first step. The high temperature and high pressure brought by the burning of the beast mechanism cluster squeezes the helium-3 enriched zone and allows the sword energy of the Heavenly Sword to mix in. At this moment, another layer of magic array laid in advance has reached the starting conditions.

And this wave of explosion will further ignite the mass-energy conversion of the beast mechanism cluster itself.

So, it is a real mass-energy conversion.

Wang Qi burned his body to extend, turning the mass of the moon itself into energy to drive the decomposition of the moon. Countless huge rocks fell apart, like glass shattered on the ground, and countless fragments moved away at an incredible speed.

The celestial body "Moon" disappeared.

Of course, Wang Qi's two clones also evaporated into atoms in the explosion as a price and disappeared.

At the same time, Aluel felt that the force pulling her disappeared.

The exiled immortal screamed: "Slave Clan!"

This is Wang Qi's purpose.

The Immortal Road Gate uses gravity to anchor itself. Under normal circumstances, it is anchored at the Lagrange point between a planet and its own satellite. However, this is only the "usual case".

The principle of "anchoring" of the Immortal Road Gate is the point where "gravity is roughly balanced".

Planets without satellites, or stars inhabited by the People of Fire, or asteroid belts, do not belong to the "usual case".

Another possible location is the "core of the planet".

When a regional celestial system undergoes a drastic change and the Immortal Road Gate loses its anchor point, the Immortal Road Gate will be temporarily closed and move to the next location.

And if someone happens to be ascending, then the "ascension" will also be temporarily stopped.

Due to the deterioration of the Immortal Road itself, this function will reopen within a few hours to dozens of hours.

After the human race just knew how to shuttle through the immortal gate, they did relevant demonstrations in the Great Sun Territory where there were no intelligent creatures. For the Immortal Alliance, the worst case scenario is that the immortal gate will not open again, and an immortal needs to go to Proxima Centauri at sub-light speed to find other immortal gates.

Generally speaking, no one would think of using this method to interrupt the opponent's "ascension" - it is better to say that you have the means to explode the star, so why bother for an immortal who is just about to ascend?

Only Wang Qi can do this by "taking advantage of the situation".

The giant god did not cross the original Lagrange point after all, and the gravity of the planet acted on her again. Aluel's immortal soul screamed and released a terrifying blow. This blow hit a piece of rubble on the back of the moon. This piece of rubble is like a shield, ensuring that the explosion of the moon will not affect the body on the back of the moon.

The thin rock layer with a thickness of only a few thousand meters broke into two halves like a biscuit, revealing the entire beast mechanism cluster that was flying away rapidly.

Wang Qi also knew that he must not fight the opponent in close combat. There are also the Yu tribe and other human conquerors in the beast machine cluster. They must not be allowed to get close.

Before the decisive battle began, he asked the cluster to retreat at the fastest speed. Now, it has withdrawn a distance of one tenth of a light second.

For immortals, a not very long distance is the natural moat between life and death. .

Wang Qi's third clone stood on the celestial body formed by the beast machine cluster, stretched out his hand, and the nine great Dao ancestors, nine great Buddhas, eighteen outer gods, thirty-six old days represented by the Hinayana magic, a total of seventy-two great spirits, all gathered in his hand and turned into the form of a book.

The spirit book floated in front of Wang Qi. Then, Wang Qi tied his hands, and two magic guns appeared in his hands. And the spirit book formed by the Hinayana magic ejected two pages, turned into bullets, and filled the magic gun.

Red Eye, the old ruler with the power of fire.

The beast of frost cloud, the old ruler with the power of ice and wind.

Two cylinders like cannon barrels rose from the ground.

Wang Qi chanted softly: "I am in the dome of hatred, and I have the injustice of Ming Shun in my heart..."

He raised the magic gun filled with the power of Hinayana magic...

"We will hold the sword to slay demons——"

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