Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 254 The wind is whistling and the Yishui River is cold

Fang Yezhao handed the weapon in his hand to Nabulapu. Then, Nabulapu entered the depths of the restricted area again.

Qing Pus said: "The previous incident may not be as simple as we thought... Act according to circumstances, act according to circumstances!"

Qing Pus's abnormal attitude made Fang Yezhao a little frightened. She felt that Qing Pus seemed to want to go back on his word.

But the tattoo incident was too big this time, and it was hard to guarantee that there would be no hand-wringing. Moreover, such an opportunity only comes once in a generation. As time goes by, Qing Xie Zong will gradually become stronger - he has not reached the limit, but other masters in Qiu Ling have reached their peak, and it will be extremely difficult to take another step forward.

For Qiu Ling, Qing Xie Zong must die.


"Head Coach, the things decided by the previous adults should not be changed. I am of low status and dare not say much. But even if the head coach can get by here, the others can't get by, right?"

As she said, her eye handles slightly pointed to the depths of the restricted area.

——Well, I understand. Even if he stopped at this time, he would have offended the master of Qingxie Sect...


Qing Pusi said nothing. Fang Yezhao took it as his acquiescence and said, "Since the chief instructor has no other instructions, I will take my leave first."

After that, Fang Yezhao left in a hurry. The immortal power diffused by this planet seriously interferes with spiritual consciousness, and high-level cultivators cannot accurately perceive low-level cultivators 100%. This is always the territory of Qingxie Sect. Maybe there is a sight staring at you from behind. She has always sneaked in, so it is best not to stay here for too long.

Qing Pusi looked at her back and said nothing.


Wang Qi's incarnation was still wandering on the street. He didn't even realize that a change that was destined to be recorded in the history of the hills was taking place.

He just thought...

The rituals of these fleshworms were quite interesting.

Many huge translucent objects were passed around the street. Countless Pula raised their chelicerae and passed these strange white cylinders made of mysterious substances forward. On the street, all the insects participated in this ceremony.

Like driftwood floating down the river, this mysterious cylinder moved quickly along the street of Dantian Nest.

Out of curiosity, Wang Qi also reached out and touched the mysterious white cylinder. This cylinder is extremely heavy. Even if many Pulas hold it together, it seems a bit strenuous. The density seems to be higher than that of metal-and with this characteristic. If it is not an object that has been compressed many times, it is an object constructed of unnatural isotopes that have captured more neutrons under the action of immortal power.

Obviously, this is the latter.

"This immortal... bone... no, it should be cartilage." Wang Qi thought and made a judgment: "What is this doing?"

He moved forward with the insect tide, but found that more and more Pulas gathered in one direction. It was a huge empty area, only one passage away from the forbidden area. It seems that in the eyes of Pula, such a space can assume the function of a "square".

More and more flesh worms gathered together, layer by layer, and completely turned into a small meat mountain.

Although Pula has no bones, his muscles are well developed. Moreover, they usually rely on the residual carbon of the immortal corpse tissue to squeeze their flesh to move forward, so their natural pressure resistance is much stronger than that of the human race, and they are not afraid of squeezing their own kind to death. However, once they squeeze together, they become extremely crazy. Many insects with low cultivation are squeezed into the meat mountain. The insects on the outer edge can't squeeze in at all.

Wang Qi's incarnation is of course strong enough to squeeze in. But before he figured out what this was doing, he didn't go back to squeeze in.

What if this is some evil and blasphemous ritual, and all the flesh worms that squeeze in later have to "swoosh~" and commit suicide, then wouldn't it be particularly conspicuous if he didn't commit suicide at that time.

Fortunately, not all insects have to squeeze. Some insects themselves are not very keen on this kind of activity, and some know that their cultivation is low and they can't even form a pill, let alone squeeze in.

The insects that didn't squeeze in stayed on the five sides of this space [four sides plus the ceiling]. Wang Qi then noticed that there were many holes on these walls. Some were eaten on the spot, but more were left by the insects watching the ceremony before.

Wang Qi also squeezed in naturally. Waiting for the ceremony to begin.

At this time, many white bone pillars were also transported to the square by the insect swarm. Then, several insects with higher cultivation threw the bone pillars, and the bone pillars were inserted diagonally into the meat mountain.

"What does this mean?"

Wang Qi watched with relish. However, at this time, he found that the Son of Mist actually appeared on the side of his other race's clone.

On the black land, the clone Wang Qi didn't know whether to laugh or cry: [I say, Mist, what are you doing? Why did you suddenly mobilize such a huge spiritual power to surround me here? ]

[Because I think you shouldn't disturb the Qinghu Sect. ] The Son of Mist said in a serious manner.

Wang Qi smiled.

—— Covering one's ears and stealing a bell, absolutely covering one's ears and stealing a bell.

The reason why Wang Qi could easily give birth to an incarnation was not only because of his immortal nature, but also because he had received the initiation and power transmission from Senior Sister Mi, and his immortal power had some characteristics of the Tiandu species.

In other words...

Don't think I don't know that you Tiandu species clones are just playing around!

That's what Wang Qi thought.

Wang Qi can use his clone to observe the ceremony, and the Son of Mist can do the same, and even better. This guy only needs to use most of his power to stare at Wang Qi, and the rest of his power can be used as a clone to sneak over. Even if Qing Xie Zong asks about it afterwards, the Son of Mist can justifiably say that he went to monitor Wang Qi.

——They will have to use me as evidence!

Wang Qi felt that he had grasped the truth of the incident.

He wanted to see how this matter would develop.


At the edge of the forbidden area, Bulapu respectfully held up the ritual vessels with one arm. And Qing Xie Zong took them one by one and put them on.

These ritual vessels themselves are just crudely made instruments, and there is no chance of being nourished by incense and faith on this planet, so they are not good things. They are just convenient to use during the ceremony, and the symbolic meaning is greater than the practical meaning.

After Qingxie Zong got dressed, he stood there for a few seconds and sighed: "Maybe, this is the last time..."

"Sir..." Nabula was stunned for a while: "It will be fine."

Qingxie Zong looked at Nabula with surprise, thinking that he was talking about the evil demon from outer space, and said: "How can it be so simple? The alien from outer space is incredibly strong..."

"Sir, you are blessed with great fortune, and you will definitely be able to turn danger into safety." Nabula said: "Now everyone is waiting for you."

"Yes, this is the only chance... Let's finish it as soon as possible." Qingxie Zong sighed, waved his claws, and summoned the King of Silence, letting it continue to lurk behind him.

But behind the King of Silence, for some reason, there were many thin fibrous substances, which extended all the way to the depths of the forbidden area.

The way of refining instruments on this planet has hardly developed, so there are few regulations on multiple "magic instruments" in etiquette. It is normal for Qingxie Zong to preside over the ceremony with his own magic instruments.

At the same time, many idle masters of the tattoo also quietly squeezed into the meat mountain outside.

Fang Yezhao, Kong Yuanzun and Lingshen kept close to each other and whispered: "I think there might be some changes in Qingpus and Nabulup."

"It doesn't matter." Kong Yuanzun smiled: "Qingpus and Nabulup are very strong, but now they are just clowns jumping up and down for the respect of the Ten Thousand Insects. Their every move can't escape a rule-they want to get rid of Qinghu Sect, not to rectify the chaos, but to gain the status of Qinghu Sect. Therefore, they will definitely choose the way to let themselves survive. And there is only one such choice from the beginning. They can only go all the way to the end. Don't worry too much. If you want to worry, you should also worry about what happens between us and them after the death of Qinghu Sect."

Lingshen said coldly: "Not very knowledgeable."

Fang Yezhao knew that Lingshen was such a frivolous person, and did not make any excuses. As soon as she returned to the camp, she told the other insects what she saw in the secret realm. However, as soon as she spoke, she was scolded by Kong Yuanzun.

Even if Kong Yuanzun explained, there was always a shadow in her heart.

——Perhaps, she will die here this time.

Kong Yuanzun could only smile bitterly. He had doubted the two insects Qing Pu Si. However, before the Qing Xie Sect was ready, Qing Pu Si and Nabula Pu, who were the right-hand men of the Qing Xie Sect, would not leave the forbidden area. Even if they suspected, they could not confront each other.

Moreover, this was really the last chance to assassinate the evildoer of the Qing Xie Sect.

Even if they suspected it was a trap, they had to step on it.

Even if there were thousands of insects, I would go. Since planning the tattoo, Kong Yuanzun has thrown his life behind his mind.

As long as he is not abolished inexplicably and meaninglessly like Mie Qianzun... then even if he dies, what's the harm?

"Why hills."

Kong Yuanzun muttered in his heart and squeezed into the meat mountain.

At this moment, the people in Fu La also began to organize. Qing Pu Si was suspended in the air, commanding the Fu La soldiers to lead the insect swarm and erect those fairy bone pillars.

He looked at Kong Yuanzun and his other companions, but made the final decision in his heart.

Although Nabulapu planned to deceive himself, he could not ignore the danger of the evil demons from outer space.

Perhaps after this moment, he would be regarded as a treacherous villain and nailed to the pillar of shame in history?


Master Qing Xiezong must survive.

No matter what the price is, in the face of such a disaster, perhaps only a genius like Master Qing Xiezong can bring a ray of hope to the hills.

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