Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 294: Dragon Clan Awakening

The Dragon King's beard gently touched the mass of flesh.

In other words, touching the ant clan's magical power that resides inside.

The immortal power of the ants is tightly entangled with their own life forms, their pheromone, and the source of their creatures. The two are indeed separable, but they are intertwined. This mark is also solidified by injecting pheromone.

There are two remains of the gods on Bingliu Green Star.

Therefore, there should be two traceability marks.

The Dragon King has not yet "awakened" - for a life at his level, the concepts of "sleeping" and "waking up" are also different from ordinary ones. He can only use a little bit of his own strength.

The sleeping dragon carefully sensed the ant mark in the mass of flesh.

"Well, that's right, it's the mark of the ant tribe. This is the trace left by our old friends... about... about 100 million years have passed."

"But it's so different from my impression... this way of tracing the existence of the mark."

Linglixiao didn't say anything, he just raised his tail fin higher.

"This is not the form of the ant clan mark that our dragon clan is familiar with. If the two pursuit marks are like this, it means that we have either met a very personalized ant clan friend, or the entire ant clan has changed its pursuit of The foundation of seals and other communication methods." The Dragon King spoke louder and louder.

It seemed to be echoing in the dark abyss.

Talking about "personality" among beasts seems to be a somewhat weird behavior. But for the remnants of the beast species, this is "normal". There are very few Heavenly Beloved survivors trapped on a planet. In that era, even if the Tianzhuan remnants did not have a strong desire to expand, their low mortality rate would lead to population expansion and they would passively seek immigration.

And even in that era, communication across the Immortal Road was not easy.

In other words, a herd species cannot guarantee that it exists on two different planets at the same time.

The water-like thinking of the Tianju species may be able to do this, but the beast herd species cannot.

After leaving their home planet, the ant tribe was the second single individual.

At that time, like other large beast species, it also received the evaluation of "personality".

Ling Lixiao said: "There are certain differences between the two marks. They are not made by the same group, but they are both of the same pattern."

"Very good. It seems that our old friend has changed his contact method." Dragon Emperor said: "Why?"

Linglixiao was silent for a moment: "I... don't dare to guess."

"Hmph, hum hum." The Dragon King sneered: "Are they avoiding something? But when they completely changed their contact information, they did not notify us. Are the Dragon Clan also the target of the Ant Clan to avoid? Ah?"

"I... don't know..." Linglixiao's expression changed slightly, as if there were several mountains. No, even if several continents were pressing on him, he would not show such an overwhelmed expression.

The Dragon King breathed a sigh of relief: "I'm sorry, I'm a little...excited and lost my temper."

Lingli Xiao was slightly relieved. He said: "Holy Emperor, my subordinates don't know much about the loss of contact with the Ant Clan. However, I think that maybe there is a reason for this, and the Ant Clan also has a last resort..."

"Yes, hardships, hardships." The Dragon King sighed: "Can it be that our dragon clan can only share joys but not hardships? Did I offend the Queen Ant?"

"This... subordinate is talking nonsense."

The Dragon King retracted his beard and appeared as a phantom, floating in the sea as a purple dragon. He raised his head, his gaze seemed to be across the sea, looking straight at the stars: "It seems that the so-called 'maze world' has a big secret. Otherwise, the ants would not be like this."

"However, no matter it is a huge opportunity or a huge disaster, I can't think of a situation where the Ant Tribe would not notify us."

"Twenty million years... I just remembered that there are indeed many things in this universe that are beyond my imagination."

The Dragon King groaned: "Lan Xi!"

Yueluo Lanxi instantly appeared at the bottom of the Holy Dragon Abyss. She crossed her body and bowed respectfully.

"It's time for the masters of Yueluo, Lingcrack, and Yangde to go out and walk around." Dragon King said in a serious tone: "I felt that the future was uncertain before, so I hope that the demon race, human race, or other ethnic groups can help us. There is a way out. But they haven’t grown up enough to handle this kind of thing.”

"The situation in this universe has changed in some way, and something beyond my expectations has happened somewhere. If we don't solve this matter, we can't sleep peacefully! Go! Awaken those sleeping powers!"

Yueluo Lanxi's expression changed drastically. She really didn't expect that this discovery would actually make the Holy Emperor change the approach he had persisted in for tens of millions of years. The dragon girl took the order and turned into light and left.

And the Dragon King closed his eyes again.

A quarter of an hour later, a golden stream of light slowly descended, reunited in front of the Dragon King, and then transformed into a three-legged golden crow.

The updated Demon King is here.

It's almost the time it takes for light to travel back and forth between China and the sun.

The Dragon King's expression softened. He looked at the Demon King and shook his head: "Dong, I know your heartache. However, Qilin'er is seriously injured and difficult to recover, so I can only ask you to do whatever it takes."

The Demon King lowered his head: "Teacher, the reason why my inner demons are gradually developing is because I have been paying for it for a long time, but the renewal of the Demon Clan failed to give equivalent rewards, which is unfair. This dilemma cannot be solved, and I feel uneasy. If those powers are put to use because of the teacher, it would be the best and fairest."

"Very good. However, there is no need to disturb too much. You don't need to contribute to this battle. Wake up your old subordinates on Mars!"

"Disciple obeys the order."

The Demon King turned into light and left.

A few minutes later, the human race looked at the sudden new light source in the night sky in horror.

And under the Nanming Glacier, the magic array that captures neutrinos suddenly began to alarm.

Privately building an observatory is a serious violation of the law in Shenzhou, so most cultivators regard this as an unexpected supernova explosion.

However, the abnormal movement speed of the light source completely negated this view.

"What is the near-Earth flying object? Is it the magic weapon of some senior?"

And the people who are qualified to access the observatory all stared solemnly at the three-legged golden crow flying freely in the universe. They watched the Demon King approach Mars, watched the demons on the surface of Mars wake up, and watched the three-headed beast entrenched on Mars roar.

"What on earth... happened?"


Almost at the same time, countless "ice" broke in various places in this Great Sun Territory.

Well, ice. However, water ice is not the mainstream of these ices. Solid oxygen, solid nitrogen, and methane ice also account for a considerable part.

However, they all have one thing in common.

Inside these ice blocks, there is a dragon sealed.

They are not young bodies that have not yet obtained the fruit of immortality, nor are they young dragons who slowly practice and accumulate strength in the Tai Sui Tianhe. They are the geniuses of the dragon clan, the backbone of the dragon clan, and the power of this clan to seal themselves.

If the dragon clan is regarded as a person who is frozen.

Then now, a corner of the ice block has broken.

In 100 million years, even after the Yuan clan was wiped out with thunder, this frozen giant showed his muscles for the first time.

In the thin shadow cast by the Tai Sui Star Ring, countless dragons flew out of the thick atmosphere of the Tiangang planet and came above the clouds, roaring towards the sun and their hometown.

Then, the purple essence flowed and spread over tens of thousands of square kilometers. With the help of the power of the Long Demon Dao, Yue Luo Lanxi quickly told these dragon clan strongmen the history after their sleep, the ins and outs of this matter, and the order of the Dragon Emperor.


——Leave the territory of your hometown.

——Go to find clues about the ant clan and the clues of the maze.

——Reactivate those fortresses that we temporarily sealed, and unseal those magic weapons that we nurtured with the help of stars.

——Rebuild our army.

——Go to spread our news.

——I don’t know who our opponent is this time, and I don’t know what we are facing, whether it is goodwill or malice.

——So, you go and figure it out, and then, be ready!

The loud dragon roar uses the power of magic to transmit vibrations, echoing in the airless stars.

The dragons obeyed the order.


In the territory of Longchou, on the third planet, two humanoid creatures are heading towards the top of the mountain step by step.

Although these two cultivators have already reached the Nascent Soul stage, they can be called immortal ancestors in ordinary mortal dynasties. However, here, they dare not use the method of flying, but walk up with their own feet.

This mountain is the holy mountain of their clan. Although there is no spiritual light, there is a magical mechanism on the top of the mountain, and no one can damage the grass and trees on the top of the mountain. Countless cultivators came to this mountain to live in seclusion after their cultivation reached Dengfeng, studying the distribution of spiritual energy here.

Recently, a Mahayana cultivator occasionally gained something and decided to open a lecture.

Soon, the two cultivators arrived at the top of the mountain. The Dharma Assembly began soon. According to the rules of the ancestors, Mahayana cultivators will take wine [a fermented drink, which should be considered "wine\

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