Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 107 Forced Method [Fourth Update]

Bo Xiaofeng said: "His performance in recent years has been very impressive. Maybe he can give you a new idea!"

At the end, he said again: "He and I are really close!"

"Haha..." Bo Xiaoya laughed: "Just take it as what you said. But the national champion is Wang Qi's teacher after all. How strong of friendship do I have to help you do such a thing?"

Bo Xiaofeng sighed: "This is not funny at all... Maybe I should contact you again..."

There are more than ten members of the Bo family who are free and happy, which is rare in the entire modern Dharma and Immortal Way. Moreover, they were active earlier and were closer to Master Yuanli. The Bo family has been standing strong for so many years, and its connections are naturally very wide.

Bo Xiaofeng felt that he should be able to find a famous teacher... or an ally.

Bo Xiaoya was startled: "Yeah...what kind of monsters are popping up now?"


"Brother, I think you'd better stop walking around like this recently." Bo Xiaoya said, "Those who are active recently may not be people like Su Junyu and Wang Qi. It's really too chaotic now."

Although due to the constraints of the Immortal Alliance, Wanfamen has never seen blood, and even the conflict in Li Jing City can only be regarded as an "isolated case."

However, there are really many people who have regressed in their cultivation or even died due to theoretical conflicts.

"Now is the time for the foundation of arithmetic to be reshaped. A few years ago, Wang Qi's 'bad calculation' had already shattered the foundation of Li Zong. But now, Li Zong's last battle has also shattered the foundation of Lian Zong. Now both sides Melee, either nirvana or death together.”

"And more old guys also hope to intervene in this process, hoping to make the development of Wanfamen arithmetic closer to their own ideas in the next few decades, so that they can see it more comfortably... No, almost everyone , every group has such demands.”

"But most of them are just trying in vain."

Saying that, Bo Xiaoya sighed heavily: "Being in contact with these antiques and being infected by their assumptions may not be conducive to your progress in arithmetic."

Bo Xiaofeng remained silent.

How could he not know this?

In fact, compared with the earth in the non-aura universe, the "old immortality" among the Chinese human race can really be "old and immortal".

Behemoths like the Bo family and the Ai family can always occupy a position in Jinfa Immortal Way and continuously release their interference.

Perhaps they can no longer keep up with the talented people on the front line.

However, they can support or oppose a certain party according to their own "aesthetic tendencies", and in this way continue to shape the theoretical system.

Compared with the new generation of monks themselves, this power is certainly not decisive.

But it will never be ignored.

Now is a historic moment within Wanfa Sect.

The demands of countless generations of monks were ignited and focused at this moment.

Even if you stand on the edge of the storm, you will be frightened.

At this moment, Bo Xiaofeng's calculator trembled.

Bo Xiaofeng was startled: "Su Junyu replied to the letter?"

He contacted many people, but he didn't expect that Su Junyu would reply so quickly.

Then he clicked and took a look.

"Damn it...are we really that strong?"

"What?" Bo Xiaoya pulled the letter and was stunned.

"Is this... the study of a non-well-founded set?"

The collection of good foundations is one of the great achievements based on the idea of ​​"cutting off self-reference".

Whether it is "infinity axiom", "transfer model" or "constructible class", they are all related to well-founded sets.

Logically speaking, Su Junyu himself is also a beneficiary of the "good foundation collection" research.

However, he has now thrown out...

"Research on non-good foundation groups..." Bo Xiaofeng murmured to himself: "What are you doing..."

Feng Luoyi's "well-founded set" actually means "expelling" "sets that are not well-founded sets" from set theory, which means "expelling sets from the set."

These are things that are not acknowledged.

Bo Xiaoya was also shocked: "Is the fundamental faction going to...internal strife?"

Chen Youjia and Su Junyu both belong to the fundamentalist sect.

However, the type theory completed by Chen Youjia is parallel to Feng Luoyi's "Infinite Axiom", and it can be regarded as benefiting from the "good foundation set".

And Su Junyu is...

"The relationship is strong...is that so?" Bo Xiaofeng burst into tears: "Old Su, I accept your favor!"

Bo Xiaoya was pulled to the point of collapse in an instant.

There, Su Junyu gave new tips.

"Pay attention to the Snow Country Faction's research."


At the end of the third year of Yuli, an encirclement and suppression network was launched.

The first one to break out was the Snow Country Faction.

In fact, well-founded sets harm not only fuzzy logic sets, but also probabilistic logic sets.

Probabilistic logical sets are also impossible to implement on well-founded sets.

Different from fuzzy arithmetic, only a few people such as Bo Xiaoya are doing research. Probability theory is one of the main directions of the Snow Country Sect.

Therefore, it was the Snow Country Faction, which was the most friendly with the Basic Faction, that started to launch this counterattack.

But the next wave of attacks was from the Inseparable Sect and Lianzong.

No one wants the ball-sharing paradox to appear in their "arithmetical universe picture." Lian Zong must get rid of the monster of the axiom of choice. As for leaving the sect, you must eat what Van Bach throws.

Therefore, unreachable cardinal numbers have entered the public eye for the first time.

This time, the Jipai finally had more than just Su Junyu and Chen Youjia.

Dai Taichong, Zhao Qingtan and other Jipai members also published related papers.

It cannot be ignored.

Mathematics is objective, so no matter how the Jipai members feel, they must participate in this vigorous internal struggle.

In the fourth year of the Yu calendar, the war burned even more fiercely.

Finally, non-Wanfamen disciples discovered that the impact of the Wanfamen turmoil had exceeded the Unconstrained Tribulation.

Wang Qi's Unconstrained Tribulation destroyed nearly half of the Wanfamen monks in one day.

But now, most of the Wanfamen monks have been involved in this turmoil.

It's just that the Unconstrained Tribulation broke out in one day, and before that, "Silver Wing Assassin" promoted the concept of self-reference, and the Immortal Alliance had anticipated it, so the damage was controlled.

It's just that the loss of a large number of Wanfamen disciples in one day made it difficult for social consciousness to operate.

Now, it is like cutting meat with a blunt knife.

Every moment, there are disciples of Wanfamen who are obsessed.

At the beginning, everyone could find someone to take over the work of those who are obsessed.

Now, everywhere is running at full capacity.

Qingshan Cliff of Yangshen Pavilion is also overcrowded.

There are more and more disciples of Wanfamen whose Taoism has collapsed.

All kinds of inconveniences have gradually highlighted social problems.

Inside Wanfamen, it seems that a big fire has been ignited, burning fiercely. Whether it is the free and easy master or the beginner, they can't help but throw themselves into this fire and become the fuel of the fire.

No one can stop this.

The monks of Wanfamen embarked on the immortal road just to seek the Tao and the way of mathematics. Unless they are killed, they will not stop.

A sense of the end of the world spread inexplicably. Some people even said pessimistically that Wanfamen was over.

Amidst the grief, the mathematicians of Wanfamen were fighting the final battle.

Some of the monks of the Basic Sect have also gradually deepened their research on unreachable cardinal numbers.

And unreachable cardinal numbers cannot coexist with constructable classes.

The counterattack of the Snow Country Sect was equally sharp.

Now, it has become necessary to prove the safety of the constructable class contrarian theory.

Whether a theory is safe has no necessary relationship with whether it is provable.

Whether the inverse proposition of a theory is safe has no necessary relationship with the theory itself.

Perhaps the constructable class itself is safe.

However, its inverse proposition may also be safe.

The trend of encirclement and suppression.

In this regard, Master Hai Ting, who has already gone to the front line of the Zhengtian Division, seems unusually calm.

This fight has made him progress, and it has also shaken his Tao heart. He has gradually become indifferent to the differences between the Li Sect and the Lian Sect.

More importantly... he is invincible.

Even if the constructable class contrarian proposition is safe, it does not mean that the constructable class itself can be falsified.

The constructable class is unprovable.

He may not win, but he cannot lose either.

Such a show of weakness like "giving up" certainly cannot make others stop.

Hai Ting can remain undefeated, but they want to "win".

So, the monks of Lianzong proposed a new direction.

All the contradictions are concentrated on the "internal model" and "constructible class".

The constructability axiom cannot be disproved in the Tianli system [ZF axiom system]. In other words, there is no counterexample in the Tianli system to prove the unconstructible set. If it is assumed that there is an expansion of the constructible class in the Tianli system - for example, there is an unconstructible set, this assumption is equivalent to the assumption of the constructability axiom under the Tianli system. In this way, the Tianli system itself will be inconsistent.

However, they can assume a super-finite entity as an expansion of the internal model, and then think about how to deal with this expansion and construct an unconstructible set.

Unfortunately, this is not something that the monks of Lianzong can accomplish.

Lianzong arithmetic does not include "infinity" and "super-finiteness".

They threw the problem to the monks of Lizong.

However, this math problem contained a train of thought that the Li Zong monks could not understand.

So, there was a long-lasting civil war in the Li Zong.


Su Junyu murmured: "Oh my god, really, thank you, Master Suan."

At this moment, he, who had read Master Suan's manuscript and received guidance from Hai Ting and Van Bach, realized this.

According to the intuitive school's thinking, they do not need to consider whether the Tianli system is consistent with the super-finite totality of the system of itself and set theory statements.

They only need to cut out two finite sets in the Tianli system, corresponding to the Tianli system itself and the superposition of the Tianli system and set theory statements.

Then, continue to add two more detailed "elements" of the theory to the two finite sets until the theoretical translation function appears in the relationship between the two sets, and let the inconsistent proof call the translation function.

This is just like using some violent means to continuously expand mathematics and let mathematics prove itself.

This is the force method.

The moment he completed the thesis, Su Junyu was in high spirits and was promoted again.

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