Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 279: Departure

For Wang Qi, Final Messenger and Mercy Liuli are the two retrograde Wang Qi he is most familiar with. He stopped and said to the two of them: "By the way... do we really want to chat here? Is there anything we can't talk about inside?"

Although Wang Qi stopped, the black beast mechanism cluster was still roaring out. It was like a super fluid, smoothly passing around the three of them.

It felt like I was talking in the middle of a sandstorm.

"You chose to leave at this time, so we decided to finish what we haven't said before." The final messenger said: "In addition, there are some gifts for you."

Wang Qi was stunned for a moment: "I have reached the limit of harmony. No matter it is initiation or quality, I can't take it out..."

"This is also the warning I want to give you." Mercy Liuli said: "The speed of light, the gravitational constant, the Chandrasekhar limit, the Bremenman limit, the specific values ​​​​of these things have subtle ups and downs in different histories. Fluctuation. Although the floating ratio is negligible for ordinary people, for the limit of Hedao, even a fluctuation of one part in a billion may cause him to cross a certain limit, lose control of his body, and become possessed by madness. Lost."

Loss of spiritual intelligence can be said to be the most common way of death for those who knew before.

Mercy Liuli warned: "So, don't be stingy no matter what. When you feel that you are turning into a black hole, quickly evaporate some of its mass. If you feel that your spiritual power is showing signs of being runaway, simply fight it out. Master the creation With your ability, these can be made up for slowly. Don't be stingy - otherwise, Hou Chi's Hedao Limit will be your future."

Wang Qi nodded: "I understand."

The final messenger handed a storage bag to Wang Qi's hand: "Take this thing."

Wang Qi was stunned: "What is this?"

"A period of counter-chronological mana." The Final Messenger said: "You have also seen that our power, after being subjected to certain symmetrical operations by the maze, becomes counter-chronological spiritual power that is symmetrical to the positive time sequence. And for you , these counter-chronological spiritual powers are the same as 'fruition status' - as long as there is a time machine, people can spontaneously produce fruition status without restrictions. "

Because a true time machine is the embodiment of infinite power.

A finite entity like the observable universe is naturally inferior to a time machine.

Wang Qi was stunned: "Is this...?"

"Other carefree powers of the Immortal Sect, a ray of counter-chronological mana." The final messenger said: "For the 'Future Immortal Alliance', it is not difficult to create such a thing. As long as we can correctly understand the 'closed time-like curve' The computer's structure and logic can successfully absorb this power and complete the practice of integrating the past and the future."

"Now that I know how this thing exists, then...it is naturally possible that it exists here."

As long as it is something that Wang Qi can possibly take out, or whose existence is known, Qi Lian in the maze can definitely take it out.

It is not known which will or which calculable structure interfered with this process. However, for Wang Qi, this is where all his wishes come true.

Whatever you desire, you can achieve.

The final messenger has more knowledge than any other Wang Qi.

Wang Qi was stunned: "Doesn't this mean..."

"The specific techniques may not be the same. But I am sure that any Xiaoyao that existed before the birth of the Immortal Alliance in the future will be able to find the corresponding spiritual pool magic weapon in it." The final messenger said: "Limited to technical means, There is only one ray of reverse timing magic. Unlike us, there is only one chance for everyone to do it. Therefore, they must be able to fully understand the closed time curve computer or other equivalent reverse timing computers. "

Wang Qi nodded.

It was as if the moment he stepped into the maze, he was empowered by a certain retrograde Wang Qi.

The process of constructing a closed time-like curve computer in vivo.

Wang Qi even already knows how to test whether a person has the ability to foresee.

Just use the Piaomiao Wudingyun Sword. Those who can independently control their trajectory and landing point are those who know in advance.

"This is really awesome!" Wang Qi grabbed the bag.

——No wonder... No wonder in the history of the Final Messenger, the Future Immortal Alliance was born in a very short period of time.

Wang Qi asked: "If the fusion fails, there won't be much damage, right?"

"At most, it will only lose some mana." The final messenger nodded.

The protagonist Wang Qi smiled: "Well, thank you very much."

The final messenger waved his hand.

"Work hard..." Mercy Liuli said solemnly: "Remember, you must bring hope to this dark universe."

Wang Qi waved his hand and sped away.

The blue thread is constantly being retracted. Soon, Wang Qi arrived at the ruins of the giant tree camp.

At this time, he felt something strange.

"Something" was attacking him. His strength was being consumed imperceptibly.

That is……

Wang Qi turned his head.

The black mist swirling in this hall is not entirely his beast mechanism cluster.

There is another kind...

"Senior Sister Mi?"

The phantom version of Mi Mi, a girl dressed in black, appeared on the edge of the black mist. She didn't get too close, let alone where she could touch Wang Qi.

Wang Qi would not be merciful to senior sisters from other histories - not to mention, this was Heimi who had already achieved the success of the Ragus Xuan Universe.

A naughty kid can be educated.

But a naughty kid who has become addicted to fans is a different matter.

Since this historical Sister Heimi has begun the practice of Lagus Xuan Universe, she must be the enemy of all living beings in the universe.

Wang Qi said: "What can you do?"

According to the rebels, his time is running out and he has no time to accompany Senior Sister Mi from other histories to spend time here.

This guy might even be just a derivative created by Labyrinth.

Mi nodded: "I miss you a bit. Sometimes I feel that the memories of playing with you are quite happy."

"But wasn't the me in your history eaten by yourself..." Before Wang Qi could finish his words, a ray of light mist fell from above, sweeping away the black mist of all living things.

"That's right! This little (beep) pool is just playing with your feelings!" Squirming Chaos rushed up and pushed Mi back: "Let's go! Remember, don't let those Jixian enter here. Otherwise, you will The history will be decoupled from this maze - although the Final Messenger said that he hopes you can clear the level in one life, it is also wise to leave a resurrection coin. Don't be like those fools and leave no way out no matter what. "

Wang Qi nodded.

And behind him, the heroic singing voice of creeping chaos came out.

"Sister, go forward boldly, go forward, don't look back, the road to the sky is nine thousand nine hundred, nine thousand nine hundred and nine. Sister, go forward boldly, go forward, don't look back. Head. From now on, you build that red embroidered building..."

Wang Qi's face darkened: "This is a joke, right?"

His pace is getting faster and faster. The blue ball of thread was thrown down by him. He no longer needs this thing. Maybe in the future he will also find ways to study the strange structure of the maze, but he may not deal with Qi Lian again.

The golden rope left by the ants connects Wang Qi to the road outside.

Squirming Chaos's singing voice, which was more heroic than an ordinary man's, but always filled with meaning and teasing, gradually became fainter and eventually became inaudible.

Ice Lake Camp, First Camp...

Soon, the exit is in sight.


The Final Messenger and Mercy Liuli stopped talking to each other after Wang Qi left. They walked backwards toward the depths of the maze, as if they were in reverse order.

Wang Qi has gone away. Therefore, no one perceives the change of "cause and effect" here.

“Non-existent futures” proliferate rapidly.

Two extremely powerful men were arguing fiercely.

"You don't have to do this!" Mercy Liuli said: "This is too cruel! If it slips into a certain possibility, countless lives will die! Countless celestial bodies will be extinguished!"

"But for Wang Qi, this is the best way. Don't forget, we may also be 'illusory', just a temporary creation of the maze. And for us, the outside world is the same - that kid's universe , it is also unrealistic for us." The Final Messenger said: "This is just the most beneficial route for the human race. Look at the infinite universe and there are infinite possibilities..."

This future suddenly disappeared.

And in the next "possibility", the two are fighting fiercely.


"You are as paranoid as the Demon King of Rescue. Don't be stupid, we are in infinity. You can save infinite creatures." The Final Messenger said: "It will be much easier to think like this."

"As Wang Qi, I won't do this..."

Then, in another possibility, the final messenger punched Mercy Liuli in the face.

"The encounters between the Lord of Great Sorrow and the Lord of Disaster have already been told to us. Don't forget, there is a lemon market between the Foreknowers and the Foreknowers - the more active the Foreseeers are, the more they tend to be malicious! You The "Heavenly Relics Encircle and Suppress Immortal Divine Court" operation will not lead to cross-clan alliance, but will only trigger a war! And Tie Zhenli's disappearance will definitely be blamed by Wang Qi before level 4.5! It’s better to break up like this!”

In another future, the Final Messenger roared: "This will promote the Ragus Xuan Universe!"

"Senior Sister Mi has extraordinary consciousness, and the bottom layer of the Seeking Tao Agreement refuses to operate! As the weakest level 4.5, the Ragus Xuan Universe without other prerequisites is not irreversible!"

They argue in a future that never happened. But apart from the acknowledgment messages that reached both of their minds, there was no evidence that these altercations took place.

The Beast of Possibility raised its head, finally shook its head, and sighed slightly.

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