Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 305: The Alliance of the Survivors

Those are countless illusions.

A cloud of black mist, like a spear, hit a celestial body.

A cloud of black mist poured out from the gate of the Immortal Road, half falling towards the rocky planet and half towards the satellite.

A cloud of black mist was swept into the atmosphere of the gas giant planet. The black stuff dispersed along the strong wind, and the entire planet was dyed black within a limited time.

A black mist, like an ink halo, slowly spread over the red giant star.

A cloud of black mist turned into countless spear-like magic weapons, stabbing at the neutron star.

A cloud of black mist, accompanied by the black hole jet, raced through the nebula in the center of the galaxy at sub-light speed.

Then, there are countless plagues.

That's countless races.

Arthropods, molluscs, crustaceans, mammals, plants, fungi, crystalline life...

Many creatures.

However, they all got sick.

contracted the same disease.

This is a very nonsense thing.

It is impossible for a virus to conquer a biosphere - in China, cross-category and cross-sect infections are not uncommon, but cross-border infections are already appalling.

As for crossing the biosphere, that is even more terrifying.

Of course, it is still possible to straddle two biospheres.

If an alien virus spreads across the biosphere, it is very likely that it will not succeed at all. But once it succeeds, it's a "dangerous virus for which no antibodies exist."

But even so, no virus can spread across so many biospheres.

It even transcends chirality and the material building blocks that make up the bloodline roots.

The virus itself is able to mutate and adapt quickly.

What's even scarier is...

Those who can appear in this report picture are not only the surviving members of the Heavenly Family themselves, but also the stronger individuals among the Ant Clan's followers.

Only in this way can they be qualified to "get sick". Weaker individuals were immediately devoured.

The two Houchi Hedaoji who were responsible for releasing the illusion said to the Dragon Emperor without expression: "Yueluo clan, now you have nothing to say, right? Isn't this the puppet Gu of your followers?"

For a moment, the Dragon King really felt like "my life is at stake".

He, Tai Tianzun, and the Queen Ant came together.

He took Tai Tianzun to the Ant Clan first, hoping to contact Hou Chi of the Labyrinth Alliance, and with the help of Hou Chi's territory and intelligence network, which was the largest in the universe among the Heavenly Relics, he could inquire about the "destruction of the world by the beast mechanism".


They were called the Great Sun Territory with more than forty extremely powerful Hedao warriors.

If the Labyrinth Alliance is just eleven Heavenly Beloved survivors who temporarily united for the sake of profit, then here are more than forty Heavenly Beloved survivors who were forced to stand together.

Ten years ago, a force sweeping the universe was born. It was first recorded ten years ago.

At that time, it destroyed a mining area belonging to the Heavenly Beloved Relics.

It is not interested in anything, just pure killing and plundering.

It seems that the quality of amplification is the most important thing to it.

This is only the area visible to the Heavenly Beloved survivors.

As for the invisible area, how much power has this thing gained...

It makes people shudder just thinking about it.

The only thing that's certain is...

This guy is extremely scary. And, I don’t know why, it is not restricted by the ability to foresee at all.

Facing it, Hedao will only give rise to a "sense of crisis" at the extreme limit, but don't know what to do.

Its means, its ends, are all unknowable.

Only the origin is known to many who knew it before.

Related to the Dragon Clan.

For those who knew beforehand, "uniting" is both very simple and very difficult.

It's simple because once they reach a consensus at a certain point in the future and there is no objection "now", they can naturally go to the "agreed place" and complete a meeting.

It is difficult because it is difficult for them to reach a consensus.

Lemon market.

The more proactive a person is, the easier it is for him to have bad intentions.

Moreover, for the fourth class standing in the realm of reality, establishing empathy is a difficult thing. Because all histories that can establish empathy and all "friendships" can be "illusions" and have no reality. For them, perhaps the "empathy" in the past was just a "habit".

That's why the Tianjuan family neglected to communicate.

It is difficult for them to make new friends.

The Heavenly Beloved Survivors themselves also know that perhaps, if there is really a force that forces the Heavenly Beloved Survivors to merge... then after this force is defeated, the Heavenly Beloved Survivors Alliance will collapse internally.

The Labyrinth Alliance did not have any in-depth exchanges other than joining forces to guard the labyrinth.

After confirming the safety of the maze, the Dragon King took the initiative to return to his hometown.

All because of this.

But now, they no longer care about the future civil war that this "alliance that can break down at any time" will lead to.

Although Ragus Xuan Cosmos had to use their brains to think of it, even if they couldn't think of it until the end, they could still see that this thing wanted everyone's life.

After all, the mainstream in this universe does tend to use precognition rather than thinking with wisdom. But their wisdom has not deteriorated yet.

The surviving members of the Heavenly Family united under great pressure.

And now...

Naturally, it’s time to hold the root of the problem accountable first.

In this regard, Dragon Emperor Yueluo Yunsheng was helpless and said: "Fellow Taoists, you are right, this is indeed the puppet Gu magic weapon of our Dragon Clan ally. However, we are also tracing where this thing came from. Why lose control."

At this moment, all those who knew before knew the news about Shi Long Xuanyu and Wang Qi's exploration of the Immortal Heaven, the Immortal Report of the Survivor Tantian, the news that the Yuanlong Star satellite was almost swallowed, and that human blood could temporarily stop the operation of the beast mechanism.

Mei Shenyu said doubtfully: "That Wang Qi... wait a minute... that Wang Qi... I've heard of it... Thirty years ago, it was clearly an ordinary heretic anomaly - the limit of Hedao? Is this true? Is this impossible..."

There is a huge conflict between common sense and foresight.

Mei Shenyu almost suspected that this was caused by Dragon Emperor Yue Luoyunsheng's game.

Before I knew...

His prior knowledge told him that it was true.

Because there are other former intellectuals in the Labyrinth Alliance who have seen Wang Qi appear as the ultimate Hedao.

When they were willing to serve as witnesses to confirm that what the Dragon Emperor said was true, their ability to predict in advance naturally told him that what the Yueluo clan said was true.

This should not be possible.

However, this does happen.

"Now is not the time to worry about why that monster can cultivate from the Immortal Dao Fruit to the limit of Hedao in one star!" King Iron Star stared at the Dragon King and said: "Our top priority is to find a countermeasure. That black mist method!”

The hometown of the Iron Royal Family, Black Hole Jet, was also eroded by the beast mechanism.

It is said that the master of eight thousand rivers was directly cut off by one thousand and became the master of seven thousand rivers.

Fortunately, the Iron Royal Family could be said to be "vast and sparsely populated", so they did not suffer much damage.

The Dragon King looked at Taitian Zun Ai Citan.

This guy carries the beast mechanism with him, and when he sticks it here, it almost feels like "evidence of guilt".

Tai Tianzun sighed: "To be honest, our human race is also looking for a way to counter this thing. Unfortunately, this thing is essentially made of the sharpest technology of our human race."

He briefly explained the quantum encryption algorithm, the possibility of converting qubits into reverse-chronological bits, and the particularity of Hinayana magic.

Yes, the human race can indeed take back control of the beast mechanism cluster bit by bit.

However, this makes little sense.

The speed at which you regain control may not be as fast as someone else's out-of-control part grows.

Of course, the Immortal Alliance also had internal discussions on "non-existent history".

Feng Luoyi proposed the most rational approach - we also use the beast mechanism to devour the universe, and then burn the mass of the universe to compete with this out-of-control beast mechanism cluster.

I have to say that this is indeed the most feasible method at present.

Although due to the existence of a first-mover advantage, the human race may not be able to catch up with the out-of-control swarm now that it is devouring the universe, but in a constant period of time, it does have the power to compete with it.

However, doing this is to destroy countless celestial bodies and slaughter countless living beings.

If you do this, there is a high possibility of being besieged by the surviving members of the Heavenly Destiny.

And another method of the Immortal Alliance is...

Research the consensus algorithm and complete the "Future Immortal Alliance".

Due to the ability to predict in advance, for the Immortal Alliance, the "Future Immortal Alliance Consensus Algorithm" is something that "can be obtained directly if you think about it".

The Immortal Alliance may arrive at any time in the future.

Perhaps the Final Messenger didn't realize it either? In the history of Wang Qi, the "strategy" promoted by him has led to a sharp increase in the possibility of future fairy alliances.

Is this a choice made by the "Future Immortal Alliance" as a level 4.5 entity?

Who knows?

As for the Immortal Alliance... the possible lack of happiness in the future...

In a while, the universe will be gone. Who will care about this?

However, Wang Qi's warning cannot be ignored.

Moreover, this thing is currently very friendly to the human race.

So, this is listed as a last resort.

If the situation cannot be reversed, the Immortal Alliance will directly transform into the 4.5-level Future Immortal Alliance.

However, if there is still a way for the Tianjuan family to survive, then they might as well take a look.

In the countless futures, the remaining members of the Tianjuan family were discussing the limits of harmony fiercely.

Finally, Dragon King Yueluo Yunsheng took out a small glass tubular magic weapon. Inside is a tube of blood.

"Fellow Taoists, please inject this into your body at the most critical moment. This blood has been transformed by my spell."

Mei Shenyu asked doubtfully: "What is this?"

"Transformed plague prepared with human blood." The Dragon King said expressionlessly: "As long as it is injected into the body, human blood roots will be born in the nucleus of your cells, and your original blood roots will temporarily lose their function. Losing expression and curling up - fellow Taoists of the beast species can just inject it into the individual of their own master Nascent Soul. Fellow Taoists of the people of fire and water can also use this thing to create a person who will not. The body swallowed by the beast's mechanism."

This is the manufacturing method of the Yōtōbu of the Dragon Clan. However, the blood root used in this spell has changed from dragon to human.

With the methods of these Heavenly Beloved Relics, it was easy to obtain the copying method of this thing without the Dragon King not wanting to keep it a secret.

Finally, the Dragon Emperor took out Shi Long Xuanyu's resurrection hand and said, "Okay, everyone, now, only my brother may know what happened in Xiantian. However, this egg cannot carry his consciousness. Everyone, help me give birth to him!"

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