Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 6 Legends of the Past and Present: Immortal Heroes

Wang Qi felt that he could not suppress the one million galloping horses in his heart.

So, he asked Li Ziye: "Senior Li... Is your Heavenly Sword called 'Fatty', 'Thin' or 'Little Boy'?"

Li Ziye was stunned on the spot. Xiang Qi frowned and asked in confusion: "This doesn't sound like the name of a flying sword. How did you come up with it?"

"Because it's the name of a nuclear bomb, you nuclear bomb sword immortals!"


This time it was Xiang Qi's turn to be confused.

Zhen Chanzi sighed: "This kid is talking nonsense again, don't pay attention to him."

Xiang Qi pointed at his head in a tentative tone and asked: "Is... this the case?"

Wang Qi yelled: "Hey, don't treat those who understand the meme as crazy if you don't understand it yourself, okay?"

Zhen Chanzi: "...just treat it as that."

"Old man, which side are you from?"

Xiang Qi's face changed: "You who practice the ancient method... do you need to be crazy to enter the Tao? So disgusting!"

Zhen Chanzi couldn't help but roar in everyone's spiritual consciousness: "At least I am a normal person!"

Li Ziye finally came back to his senses. He persuaded Xiang Qi, who wanted to quarrel with Zhen Chanzi, and took back the Heavenly Sword: "Okay, Junior Sister Xiang, now that the four seniors have gone to chase the Taoist Priest Buzhun, what do you think we should do next?"

Wang Qi asked curiously: "What mission?"

Li Ziye smiled: "Speaking of which, it has something to do with you, little brother. The ability of Piaomiao Palace to investigate in detail is extraordinary. Even the Grand Master Xiaoyao of the same realm finds it difficult to sneak into the Grand Master of Piaomiao Palace. And the Taoist Priest Buzhun's body skills are unparalleled in the world. If you don't lock him up in one place, you can't take him down. The plan of the Immortal Alliance is to let a low-level cultivator with the direct status of the Immortal Alliance approach him, so that he can focus his attention on this low-level cultivator."

Wang Qi pointed at Xiang Qi: "So Fairy Xiang is here to attract his attention? Relying on selling sex to attract the attention of that old man?"

A sound of a sharp weapon breaking through the air sounded, and Xiang Qi's flying sword suddenly appeared in front of Wang Qi, pressing against his neck.

Xiang Qi's voice was chilling: "Some things can't be said carelessly!"

"Ahahahaha, I'm just joking, why take it seriously, fairy?"

Li Ziye smiled bitterly: "I'm talking to you... But we are also really troubled about how to enter the village reasonably without arousing suspicion from the Taoist Priest."

Xiang Qi snorted and recalled the flying sword.

Wang Qi touched his neck and asked: "Then how to prevent Fairy Xiang from pretending to be a defecting monk and entering the village in a panic, and then Senior Li went in and captured her?"

Li Ziye shook his head: "We originally thought so, but there is a problem. In order to prevent the Taoist Priest from noticing anything unusual, and to prevent those who sympathize with the Taoist Priest from leaking the news in the Immortal Alliance, Sister Xiang and I were both temporarily transferred from nearby. But I am a disciple of the Wanfa Sect."

Zhen Chanzi asked: "What is so extraordinary about the Wanfa Sect?"

"The disciples of Wanfa are the best at calculating, and can calculate thousands of methods." Li Ziye said, Unconsciously, he showed some pride: "When disciples of Wanfa Sect fight with others, they either cannot win, or if they can win, they will definitely not let the enemy escape."

Xiang Qi continued: "At this time, there was a slight change in the flow of spiritual energy in the world. Senior Brother Li thought that there must be an ancient practitioner in Dabai Village who completed the Tongtian cultivation... Wait a minute, the ancient method is called the spiritual body, right? It just so happened that the Immortal Alliance had a system specifically for extraditing ancient practitioners who accidentally obtained ancient inheritance, so I went over."

Zhen Chanzi asked again: "Then how did you find my breath-holding method?"

He was embarrassed to call himself a wonderful method.

Xiang Qi sneered: "You can call that holding back your breath? Completely isolating the inner and outer powers from leaking any of your power? Humph, you think you are acting like a rock, but you don't know that even a rock will participate in the subtle changes in the spiritual energy between heaven and earth. You separate the inside and the outside, which means you are taking yourself out of this change, like a stone in the water."

Wang Qi opened his eyes wide: "In other words, you are talking to me just to go with the flow and pretend to be ignorant of the world so that I can get information, just to stay there for a while?"

Xiang Qi nodded: "You are smart."

Who said that the ancient people in the other world had an IQ of only 9!

Li Ziye said: "Anyway, thanks to the little brother, we have completed the mission. Junior Sister Xiang, should we stay here and wait for the seniors to come back and then go to the Immortal Alliance headquarters to report, or go directly to the nearest Immortal Alliance branch. And about the matter of little brother Wang Qi."

Xiang Qi's big eyes rolled around twice: "I think we should wait here for a while?"

Li Ziye asked: "Why?"

"We are here to cooperate with the seniors, and we should take the seniors as the priority. It's not good to go back alone. Besides, Dabai Village has experienced this incident, most of them A little panic, the two of us stayed here for a few days, just to comfort him, and it was also a good deed. "

Li Ziye smiled and patted Xiang Qi on the head: "Tell the truth."

Xiang Qi stuck out his tongue: "It would be so glorious to go to the main altar with the four free and easy masters. Besides, after staying in a remote place for a long time, I always miss the prosperity of the main altar."

"What about brother Wang Qi?"

"Follow the rules, it's only one year at most."

Wang Qi heard that it was related to him, and he could no longer sit still, shouting: "Hey! What do you mean by 'follow the rules'? What do you mean by 'one year at most'?"

Li Ziye explained: "The Immortal Alliance's rules state that if you find a cultivator of ancient methods, you should help him to change to modern methods. Cultivators of ancient methods below the foundation-building stage should participate in the unified entrance test of the Shenzhou sect of the Immortal Alliance in June every year together with the immortal seekers on earth. On the 16th day of the first lunar month, each Immortal Alliance branch and each sect's resident will open some lectures to teach the methods that the immortal seekers need to test."

Wang Qi: "I always feel that this system has been seen somewhere... It's so weird..."

Li Ziye said: "Now it's late spring, for Brother Wang Qi, time may not be delayed for a day..."

Xiang Qi waved his hand: "Brother Li, just teach him some entry-level knowledge, you or I can handle it."

Li Ziye thought for a while: "That's right. What do you think, little brother? I'll state in advance that it's just entry-level knowledge. My sister Xiang and I can teach it and the lecturer on the lecture hall can teach it."

Wang Qi pondered for a while. If the immortal trial organized by the Immortal Alliance is as he thought, then he is not afraid of anything. It's just exam review, he was good at it in his previous life. But... appease the villagers...

Wang Qi nodded and said, "Okay then."

Li Ziye nodded: "In your opinion, little brother, where is the best place for the two of us to stay?"

Wang Qi said, "My ancestors still have some family property, and the house is quite spacious. I wonder what you two think."

"We should follow the host's wishes."

After that, Li Ziye used the escape technique, and used the escape light to lift Wang Qi and fly slowly to Dabai Village. Xiang Qi set up the sword light and followed closely behind.

Wang Qi asked: "By the way, Senior Li, you always talk about ancient and modern cultivation methods. What is the difference between the two?"

Li Ziye smiled: "I have nothing to do, so I will tell you."

"Ancient cultivation methods emphasize 'stealing the essence of heaven and earth' and 'the saint is a thief who steals the sky'. The purpose is to absorb the spiritual energy between heaven and earth and build your own small world. Modern cultivation methods are different. We emphasize 'following the laws of nature' and borrowing the power of heaven and earth."

"Borrow?" Wang Qi was confused: "If you borrow, you must return... Do you want to disperse the magic power and return it to heaven and earth?"

Li Ziye shook his head: "No. Didn't Sister Xiang tell you just now that all things in heaven and earth are actually participating in the natural flow of spiritual energy in heaven and earth. Do you know where this natural flow comes from?"

Wang Qi shook his head to indicate that he didn't know.

Xiang Qi interrupted and said, "Heaven and earth breathe."

"Heaven and earth breathe?"

Li Ziye explained, "Heaven and earth also exchange spiritual essence with the outside world. If heaven and earth are compared to a person, what else can this be but breathing? The simplest example is that the power of yang fire and the power of stars all come from the outside world."

Wang Qi nodded, thinking: This world even has the concepts of "heaven and earth", "celestial body" and "universe".

"To practice the modern method is to integrate oneself into the breathing of heaven and earth, and directly collect the endless pure spiritual energy from the outside world through the breathing of heaven and earth! This process not only does not hurt heaven and earth in the slightest, but also strengthens the breathing of heaven and earth, making this piece of heaven and earth stronger. And conversely, as the power of heaven and earth grows, it will be easier for us to collect spiritual energy."

"And in the later realm, we can directly learn from nature and create a perfect inner world, instead of thinking hard about our own way like the ancient method."

Wang Qi nodded. To practice the method is to cultivate oneself into a "small world", so that you can live alone without leaving the outside world, and truly live as long as heaven and earth. If the world is compared to a peasant woman, and the spiritual energy is compared to an egg, then the practice of the ancient method is to push the peasant woman down and take the egg away, and the practice of the modern method is to use the peasant woman's chicken to lay your own eggs...

It sounds so vulgar, right?

Just as Wang Qi's thoughts drifted to the peasant woman who said, "What a big deal, I thought she stole my eggs," Zhen Chanzi exclaimed, "Amazing, the founder of the modern method is really amazing. Who is the great man who created the modern method? Has he ever ascended to heaven?"

Li Ziye shook his head, "The so-called founder of the modern method does not refer to one person. Have you ever heard of the two ancient monks Bigoci and Ji Mide?"

Zhen Chanzi was uncertain, "It seems to be two Mahayana masters in ancient times."

Pythagoras and Archimedes! Wang Qi thought. Once you accept this absurd setting, this correspondence is extremely easy to guess.

"Bigoci, the Yuanshi Tianjun, and Ji Mi De, the Jihe Mojun, were both great mathematicians in ancient times. Their teachings were integrated in ancient times, which is the origin of the Wanfa Sect's foundation. The Wanfa Sect's mental method is considered to be the authentic modern method, and almost all the skills of the modern method sects have the shadow of the Wanfa Sect."

"However, although the Wanfa Sect was the first sect to study the modern method, it was not the first modern method sect. The sects that really studied the prototype of the modern method were Xuanxing Temple and Tianling Ridge."

"Xuanxing Temple is the most powerful sect in the Western world today, and is good at breathing and meditating under the stars and moonlight. Since the founding of the sect by Master Ge Bai, the Xuanxin Taoist, Xuanxing Temple has always produced many talented people. Master Ge Bai was the first sect of the ancient cultivation sect, the Holy Infant Sect. , and later gradually discovered that the Heavenly Dao practiced by the ancient cultivators was not the real Heavenly Dao. After a lifetime of depression, he finally decided to rebel against the Holy Infant Sect in his later years and founded Xuanxing Temple to pursue the truth. Therefore, Xuanxing Temple was deeply suppressed and persecuted by the ancient cultivators at the beginning of its establishment. Many of the first-generation disciples, such as Bruno, died to achieve enlightenment. "

"On the other hand, the sects that gradually established modern cultivation methods were Lingshou Mountain and Wanhua Valley. These two sects originally advocated not harming the creatures of heaven and earth for cultivation, but they could only guarantee that they would not harm the creatures around them when collecting the essence of heaven and earth. Until the appearance of Darwin, the God of Heaven Selection. Darwin, the God of Heaven Selection, is a legendary figure in Lingshou Mountain. Similar to Master Ge Bai, the God was an outer disciple of the Holy Infant Sect in his early years, but later found that the ancient way was not desirable, so he returned to Lingshou Mountain. "

"Because the Wanfa sect had many friends, they were able to learn from Lingshou Mountain, Wanhua Valley and Xuanxing Temple, change their own cultivation methods, and eventually become the modern sect. Due to ideological differences, the masters of the modern sect and the ancient sect were constantly arguing. But at that time, no matter how wonderful the modern method was, it could not withstand the large number of ancient cultivators. During that period, the modern sect had a very difficult time."

Xiang Qi continued: "But then the modern sect had a great opportunity. A genius, Yuanli Master Newton, appeared on the Liedian Island in the far west of Shenzhou! Yuanli Master was originally from the "cultivation of power" lineage in the ancient method..."

Zhen Chanzi: "Is it the one who did not practice Taoism, but only practiced strength and martial arts?"

Xiang Qi nodded: "Yes, but Yuanli Master felt that he was not enough, so he joined the Wanfa sect and raised his power cultivation skills to a level beyond skills and close to Taoism, forming his own lineage. According to legend, Master Yuanli was favored by the heaven and earth, and the heaven and earth passed on the three great principles of heaven to him through a fruit, which was all-encompassing! "

"Relying on the three great principles of heaven, Master Yuanli founded the 'Yuanli Sect' in the center of Shenzhou. Master Yuanli's friend Boyier established the Fenjin Valley, and his rival, the casual cultivator Hu Ke, unified Lingshou Mountain and Wanhua Valley by transforming the basic exercises, creating today's Tianling Ridge. Later, the noble-born Fen Tian Hou Kelvin Kai senior gathered a group of heroes to establish Fen Tian Mansion. "

Li Ziye closed his eyes, as if he was fascinated by the era when the world was full of enemies and Senior Jinfa fought his way out step by step: "Master Yuanli and his generation of geniuses completely reversed the situation of the war, and Jinfa finally completely overwhelmed the ancient method and became the orthodoxy of Shenzhou! "

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