Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 32: First Kill

Group theory is one of the foundations of mathematics, describing symmetry, transformation, etc.

The disciples of Wanfamen who can integrate group theory into martial arts can be called martial arts masters. For them, there is not much difference between sword, spear, fist, palm and leg techniques, and a move can also evolve into different changes in their hands according to the subtle differences in the starting position.

Wang Qi just used a sword move seven times in a row, and each time was different.

Seven sword lights intercepted the barrage of magic spells, and seven sword qi cut the attacks. Wang Qi's sword angle was perfect, using the force to fight the force, and actually guided several attacks to collide with each other.

"The thunder one has great destructive power, but the voltage alone is not high, and it is impossible to directly penetrate the atmosphere... There is a chance..." Wang Qi danced with the long sword in his hand tightly, and analyzed based on the feel of the sword: "The sword one has solid sword energy, and the destructive power is much greater than imagined. If you want... you must get rid of him first."

"The last two women... Generally, you only need to beware of the killing and heavy art that the old man said, 'Burning the Six Paths of Karma Fire Red Lotus'..."

Wang Qi used the Bai Ze Zhen Zhen Zhan method in his hand, and the sword energy was connected, defending as solid as a rock. The giant felt that the situation was back under his control, and he couldn't help laughing.

Now, the four of us surrounded this kid, each of us was seven feet away from him, and we only used magic to blast him! No matter how many magical powers he has, he is only in the Qi training stage and can't reach far.

The advantage of the scene is indeed great.

The connected sword energy began to glow white, and the giant felt that Wang Qi's counterattack power had become stronger again. However, he just sneered: "Ling on."

The white light connected by the sword energy obscured the dim light of the long sword. They did not notice the faint white flames wrapped around the Kunshan sword, and the sneer on Wang Qi's mouth.

The flame of negative entropy, the power of order, can keep the spell from dispersing and can be used for "extending".

The giant shouted loudly, raised his fist high, and the lightning around him jumped up like a living thing, crisscrossing around him, and then gathered on the raised right fist, interweaving into a huge boxing glove. As the giant swung his fist, a huge thunder hammer flew out of his hand, rolling towards Wang Qi with the power of wind and thunder. Wang Qi hurriedly raised his sword to resist, but the force attached to this blow was too great, and Wang Qi's sword was actually tilted, and the man turned half a circle, and the empty door around him was wide open.

Good opportunity!

The four of them all praised in their hearts and prepared to release the killing move. Unexpectedly, at this moment, Wang Qi used the power of the giant's thunder hammer to throw the long sword in his hand. The long sword flew towards the swordsman with a faint white light. At the same time, Wang Qi squatted and rushed towards the giant again.

The most practical feature of Kunshan Sword is its huge mass. The sword has its own magic method to eliminate inertia, so in Wang Qi's hand, Kunshan is just a heavier steel sword. But in the hands of others, this sword is heavier than a mountain. The swordsman felt the powerful impact of the long sword at the first time. What shocked him even more was that the sword energy attached to Wang Qi's sword did not lose a bit, and rushed in front of him.

The swordsman did not dare to neglect it, and drew his sword to chop at the long sword thrown by Wang Qi.

"Good thief!" The two female cultivators were furious, and the spells in their hands kept hitting Wang Qi. But unexpectedly, Wang Qi's speed was several times faster than before, and all the spells hit behind him.

This was a natural result. They attacked based on the speed at which Wang Qi rushed to the giant for the first time. But that time, Wang Qi deliberately didn't use his full strength. And this time, Wang Qi used the Heavenly Entropy Art to burn a part of his mana in exchange for a temporary strong fighting force!

The Heavenly Entropy Art can be positive or negative. When Wang Qi was fighting against the evil demon, he had already mastered the method of mana negative entropy. Now burning mana is just adding a negative sign in front of some parameters in the spell formula.

Facing Wang Qi who was rushing straight at him, the giant man's eyes were wide open and he roared to the sky. In an instant, the thunder-attributed body-protecting aura filled the space around him. His surroundings were now like rolling dark clouds, and lightning was biting each other like dragons, guarding the surroundings seamlessly.

At this moment, a loud noise came from behind Wang Qi. The Kunshan Sword collided with the swordsman's long sword, making a deafening metal collision sound. The swordsman was shocked so much that his tiger's mouth cracked, and the long sword almost slipped out of his hand. The magic power attached to Wang Qi's sword also invaded his sword like a shadow. The sword energy that was always invincible in the past could not crush this strange magic power, which made him unable to use sword moves for a while.

Hearing this sound, Wang Qi felt relieved. He seemed to have not seen the powerful layer of Gangqi around the giant man, and he just rushed straight over!

"Substitute known parameters..."

"Quick casting" is a must for every modern magic practitioner to calculate some variables in advance and then instantly substitute them into the spell formula. Wang Qi had calculated all the variables in advance. In just a moment, a faint silver Gangqi layer appeared around Wang Qi.

The dark blue electric snake roared and devoured, but it was all blocked by Wang Qi's protective Gangqi.

The giant man couldn't help but exclaimed: "Prison Thunder!" There was a bit of trembling in his voice.

The Prison Thunder Spell, the Prison Thunder Cage, or the Faraday Cage, is a physical structure that instantly returns the electric potential to zero. It is the absolute nemesis of all thunder-related mental methods and spells!

Wang Qi got within a foot of the giant. The giant crossed his fists, thundering and deafening. The fists intertwined into a big net, as if to trap Wang Qi to death. Wang Qi raised his hand, twisted his palm several times, let the giant's fist pass, and hit the giant's chest.

"Old Lu!" The swordsman shouted, trying to send out a sword to support, but the white flame on the sword had not been completely expelled. The two women threw several fireballs and pounced on the giant and Wang Qi.

They were not worried that their attacks would hurt the giant, because the giant had cultivated the body of the Emperor of the Divine Night and would never die easily!

Bang! The giant's fist passed through the Prison Thunder Qi and hit Wang Qi's shoulder, causing Wang Qi's shoulder to collapse. At the same time, Wang Qi's back was hit by a fireball. Wang Qi's internal organs were burning, and he could hardly hold back the blood.


It's not fatal!

The giant's thunder power was absorbed by the Prison Thunder Qi, and the remaining power was insufficient, so he only cracked the bones. Wang Qi wanted to use the Heavenly Entropy Art to absorb the woman's fire power, but unexpectedly, the holy light in his body suddenly operated on its own, and forcibly seized the "order" in the magic spell, absorbing part of the external force, and then used the absorbed power to offset the remaining external force.

The injury was lighter than expected!

Wang Qi smiled at the giant, and then released the Prison Thunder Gang.

The principle of this move is to cut off the internal and external electromagnetic environment, so that the enemy's thunder spell cannot be hit in, and his own thunder spell cannot be hit out. Wang Qi released the Prison Thunder Gang, naturally to kill the enemy.

The fingers he placed on the giant's chest suddenly emitted a faint silver light.

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