Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 106: Old friend... sort of?

The prison of the Immortal Alliance is very modern. Imprisonment and interrogation are separated, and the treatment of serious crimes and minor crimes is also different. Qin Xuan locked Wang Qi up for seeking sexual trouble and fighting, which are all minor crimes. Even if Qin Xuan was determined to please Chen Yan, he did not dare to violate the rules and put Wang Qi in the serious crime prison.

Now Wang Qi still lives in a single room, and even has a bed, and can keep most of his personal belongings. The only thing taken away by the Criminal Law Department is the Kunshan Sword as a weapon.

Wang Qi looked across. Ai Zhenwu was also captured. But compared to Wang Qi who was unscathed, Ai Zhenwu was much more miserable. His right face was swollen, his right eye could not be opened at all, and there was a circle of black and blue in his left eye. The corner of his mouth was also broken, and there was a trace of blood.

"Don't look at me like this, the monkey is more miserable." Ai Zhenwu pointed to the cell next to Wang Qi. Wang Qi couldn't see over there, he only heard Hou Benli's vague curse: "This group of ancient cultivations are too arrogant..."

Wang Qi nodded: "Indeed."

Ai Zhenwu sighed: "But at least you have Senior Brother Chen's support, they dare not beat you in front of Senior Brother Chen... That Qin Xuan is really a scum, actually colluding with the ancient cultivation."

Wang Qi asked: "Are the four quick-type foundation-building cultivators and one body-refining late foundation-building cultivators attacking you? The four quick-type foundation-building cultivators are probably dead, and I don't know if the leading body-refining cultivator is dead."

Ai Zhenwu's eyes lit up: "It's right! Senior Brother Wang, Senior Brother Chen already knows about this? When can he come out to administer justice!"

Wang Qi thought for a while: "Wait about four more days. He is on duty one day every five days. After yesterday's duty, he should not come in a short time."

After Wang Qi finished speaking, he suddenly felt funny.

It seems that the other party calculated that Chen Feng would not show up for the time being, so he was confident and bold to play this trick.

The main occupation of the cultivators in the Immortal Alliance is researchers, but a group of researchers must have a management system and managers, so everyone from the great Xiaoyao to the small Qi training cultivators have to spend a certain amount of time to maintain the operation of the Immortal Alliance. However, disciples with talent in research have special privileges. For someone like Chen Feng, he only needs to work one day out of five days, and if he applies, he can even be absent for a long time, but even so, the Criminal Law Department will not reduce his monthly salary.

Looking at the two people sighing beside him, Wang Qi shook his head and advised: "It's more important for you to heal your own injuries than complaining."

The two sighed and used the Tianlingling magic to heal their injuries. Wang Qi continued to ask Zhen Chanzi: "Old man, go on, what else can you do?"

Zhen Chanzi suddenly fell silent, and then said: "I suddenly realized that I have been with you for a long time, and my brain has been led astray by you."


"While we are here discussing how to plot against the Chen family, have you ever thought about how to get out?"

Wang Qi shrugged: "Wait."

"You... don't really want to wait for four days?"

"What else can I do? There is no network here... no signal... Even if the calculator can't connect to the Wanxian Fantasy, do you have any other communication tools?"

Wang Qi was a little helpless about this. The WiFi signal of the Wanxian Fantasy of the Immortal Alliance covers Shenzhou, but the prison will not give prisoners that kind of treatment.

I know that I can summon a free-spirited summoned beast Teacher Feng or a special summoned beast Chen Feng in the Shenjing copy by entering the keyword Xuanxingguan in the search engine of the Immortal Alliance, but it just happens that "You are not in the service area now", which is really a pain in the ass.

"Then what are you going to do?"

"Read a book." Wang Qi took out a mathematical monograph from his storage bag and said, "I have wasted a lot of time on those bastards."

"Foundations of General Set Theory", like the theoretical monograph of the same name on Earth, is considered the foundation of set theory and the place where mathematics began to be unified.

From Wang Qi's perspective in the 21st century, this book is already a bit outdated. Without the in-depth study of Hilbert, without the Nirvana of Gödel and Turing, this initial set theory does not have the ability to explain all mathematics.

However, Wang Qi still read it very seriously.

Although the mathematics of the two worlds are highly similar overall, there are still some differences in the details - for example, Wang Qi still has not fully understood how the Shenzhou monks bypassed the "golden diagonal" to build a mathematical system. What Wang Qi is doing now is to feel the context of mathematics in this world and consolidate his foundation.

Wang Qi was so excited that he couldn't help himself when he thought that he had the opportunity to participate in this alien version of the Hilbert Project. This is the enthusiasm of mathematicians. In order to better participate in this feast of mathematics, he must improve, improve and improve again.

"Logic is certainly incomplete, systems are certainly not necessarily compatible, propositions are certainly not necessarily decidable... But Hilbert's plan should not fail, at least it should not be declared a failure so early."

- No one can drive us out of the Garden of Eden created by Cantor.

If I can throw out the compatibility of the arithmetic system before the completeness theorem... guide everyone to prove it, or prove it myself, perhaps this great leap in mathematics can be more lasting?

Just as Wang Qi's mind was gradually immersed in the world of set theory, someone knocked on the iron door that controlled him.

Wang Qi seemed a little irritable when his thinking was interrupted. Seeing the strange face at the door of the cell, he said impatiently: "What? What's the matter? Who are you? Are you here to fight or what? Don't bother me if it's not important."

The young man in gorgeous clothes was startled and asked tentatively: "Brother Wang?"

Eh? Familiar?

Wang Qi looked at the young man in gorgeous clothes and asked: "Excuse me... have we met before?"

The young man smiled bitterly, as if he was a little afraid of Wang Qi: "Brother Wang is indeed a noble man who forgets things easily. We are from the same Immortal Academy..."

"There are thousands of people in the Immortal Academy. Do I have to remember them all?"

"We didn't know each other until we fought..."

"I have beaten a lot of people. Okay, stop playing tricks and tell me the name directly."

The young man was choked for a long time before saying: "I wonder if Brother Wang still remembers the name Du Bin?"

Wang Qi finally found this name from his memory: "Oh, it's you!"

It seems that I cut off this guy's flying sword just for that stupid cat, right? Did I beat him again? When was it?

Du Bin didn't know that he had become a foil for a half-demon in the other's memory. He laughed heartily: "I didn't expect to meet Brother Wang here again. It's really..."

Is this guy the character at the beginning? Wang Qi looked at the other person in confusion, always having the feeling that "my life has gone through a few hundred chapters and the personality of the acquaintances has collapsed."

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