Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 351 Bottlenecks and Breakthroughs

In the last few days before the New Year, an unprecedented alliance appeared in Shenjing.

A research team composed of ancient practitioners!

This is a alliance that has never appeared in Shenzhou. The spirit of sharing has never been a quality advocated by ancient practitioners. The law should not be passed on to the six ears, and the Tao should not be passed on lightly is their creed in this regard. And in the final analysis, ancient practitioners cannot communicate like modern practitioners.

Science is a system. This system has a set of self-contained language and self-contained expression methods. This expression method is based on mathematics. Everyone who studies this system can fully understand it and can use this method to fully express their thoughts and ideas.

This is more amazing than "It cannot be said, it cannot be said" and "The Tao can be said, but it is not the constant Tao".

The Tao can be said, but it is not the constant Tao.

Without this system, students may not understand what the teacher teaches, and there may be misunderstandings. People from different sects have very different understandings of a certain concept, and it is very likely that two people are talking about different things. Many concepts do not even have a recognized and specific annotation. This made academic exchanges impossible.

However, the monks of Shenjing did it.

Although the Heart Demon Curse played a role in this, it can also be called a miracle.

Jarvis played some modern concepts in the minds of all those who were cursed, forcing them to have a common language. The Five Plagues General Curse network also helped them to convey each other's ideas. Let them have a feeling of "heart-to-heart communication".

Unlike modern practitioners who rely on papers to communicate, they rely on the Heart Demon Curse network to convey each other's ideas.

The spread of the Five Plagues General Curse caused the mood of despair to spread wildly among the upper echelons of Shenjing. The news that "Shenjing is going to be destroyed" and "Wang Qi can forcibly control everyone" made the high-level of Shenjing gradually crazy.

More and more taboos were broken. The remaining pride of the ancient practitioners was thrown into the stinking ditch. There was even a small number of monks who began to learn from the "outsiders" in an all-round way. The dusty books in the library, the collection pavilion, and the Transmission Hall were moved out in boxes and shared with each other.

The Dalian Imperial Family did not comment on this.

Every day. Chen Feng has countless new ideas. Each idea is strange and bizarre. He distributes these ideas to the ancient method cultivators in Shenjing through the Heart Demon Great Curse Network. Each of these ideas is enough to support an independent experimental group. Under the desperate research of countless golden elixirs, many Yuanying and several great gods in Shenjing, a large amount of new information is fed back to Chen Feng every day. And what Chen Feng needs to do is to read all these materials and then come up with new inspirations.

There is no need to consider the success rate of a single experiment, safety, or experimental funds. He only needs to come up with inspiration and harvest information. Summarize it by himself. Come up with new inspirations, that's enough.

He actually enjoyed the treatment of a Yuanshen period cultivator in advance.

This is also a common phenomenon in disciplines that focus on experiments. The person in charge of the project does not need to conduct specific experiments personally. He only needs to collect the results and summarize them.

However, a research group of tens of thousands of people. It is rare in Shenzhou.

The spiritual energy obscures the "Tao", but provides the creatures with an omnipotent "art". In this universe, it is much easier to develop technology than to study laws. Even if these 10,000 people are all ancient practitioners. When they all secretly obey Chen Feng, the actual efficiency is not bad.

Every day, many new spells and cultivation methods are developed. After Jarvis simply categorizes these methods, Chen Youjia summarizes them and re-describes them in the standardized language of modern practitioners.

Unlike Chen Feng and Wang Qi, she has studied immortal knowledge and mathematics since she was a child, and is most familiar with this aspect.

These spells were born for the same purpose.

Refining the Heart Demon Curse.

Although these spells are either symptomatic or have strong sequelae. However, the originally unrefinable and seemingly unbreakable Heart Demon Curse power is indeed the first time it has been shaken.

On the other hand. Wang Qi is also starting from another aspect to solve the problem of the Heart Demon Curse.

The essence of the Heart Demon Curse is both a special algorithm and a special spiritual energy with this algorithm as the intrinsic form. In fact, the method to eliminate the influence of this curse is not complicated. Just make the inverse of this intrinsic formula, and then deduce another spiritual power with this "inverse" as the intrinsic formula. The two spiritual powers are inverses of each other, and they will automatically disappear after a certain contact.

However, this situation does not apply to the current situation. The reason is simple, this method is too complicated. Low-level cultivators may not be able to perform it, and Shenjing lacks high-level cultivators. And the number of people infected with the Daoxin Pure Yang Curse is still increasing day by day. If you rescue them one by one, it will be too late.

There is only one way to save a city of mortals.

Let the "Anti-Heart Demon Curse" also have the ability to infect!

This idea is like using biological control methods to control the invasion of alien species. However, the control organisms released may also become another more dangerous alien species. So you must be cautious.

In order to prevent the "Anti-Heart Demon Curse" from turning into another more dangerous "deified crisis", Wang Qi's idea is to make it rely on the Heart Demon Curse Network and spread along this network that is almost impossible to eliminate. He will make the power of the inner demon curse form a special cycle, so that it will not distort the soul of the person, nor will it distort the will of the person who fell into the spell.

"In other words, what I need is a 'god', a special deity, a control program for the inner demon network, whose only function is to limit my own power."

The gods are the control center of the Shinto system. Personalized gods and Shinto monks with divine bodies have both software and hardware, and this "hard drive" is also set with a read-only attribute, and the software inside cannot be changed. The God of Holy Light and the Principle of the Circle are impersonal gods. They are just a kind of "software", but they are just more complicated than the system software of ordinary calculators. The Xagai monster is also a "god" in a broad sense. But the difference is that it is specially used to control the power of the Five Plagues Curse and amplify its combat characteristics.

What Wang Qi wants to do is another kind of thing. It cannot be complicated, it must be simple, and it must be stable and cannot collapse. It does not act on the entire network, but on every terminal of the network. It will suppress the impact of this network on the terminal.

"This kind of program that can affect the human system is basically the last link in my 'Everyone has Immortal Cultivation' plan." Wang Qi clicked his tongue: "I vaguely remember that I seemed to have mentioned it somewhere in the Daozhong Award. This idea. If it weren’t for the timing, I would wonder if someone deliberately caused this out-of-control situation after listening to my speech at the Daozhong Awards.”

"How is it possible?" Zhen Shanzi asked doubtfully: "Didn't you also say that? Some things must be chaotic and unpredictable. Who could have known that things would become like this?"

"There must be an inevitable hidden in the accident." Wang Qi retorted first, then shook his head and laughed: "That's right. No one can be so boring."

Wang Qi began to immerse himself in typing code again. After a while, he wrote down a few more parameters and handed them to Chen Youjia across the desk: "Junior sister, help me take a look at this and see what techniques they can use to express it..."

Chen Youjia glanced at Wang Qi coldly, took the note, and began to calculate silently.

Wang Qi smiled awkwardly, not knowing what to say. After that night, there was this inexplicable awkward atmosphere between him and Chen Youjia.


"It's better to maintain this situation for the time being. It takes too much time to explain! Moreover, in the novel, saying farewell and saying 'go back to your hometown to get married' are similar in nature. They are both short-lived ghosts who may die in the next second! The only comparison is The better thing about passersby is that there will probably be a posthumous son who will be the successor of the protagonist or simply play the second part. This will definitely not work!" Wang Qi convinced himself: "And more importantly, I don't have a bed here, so I can't continue if I want to. No place. Hmm, that must be it!”

Now, even Zhen Shanzi has been captured by Wang Qi to handle all ordinary data. Jarvis's performance has to be pushed to the limit. Wang Qi's room is already filled with calculator accessories, most of which are used to increase calculation power or simulate spell effects. There was only a small desk left in the whole room, and there was no room to move it.

Under such circumstances, the research and development bar for Anti-Heart Curse reads very quickly.

However, human abilities are limited after all. It’s the end of the twelfth lunar month. Wang Qi's development inevitably came to a standstill.

That night, at the exchange meeting between the three, Wang Qi lamented: "This time it really takes time. I have built the basic framework of this system. But it is still too fragile and lacks stability. It’s not perfect, there are too many redundancies, and there are too many shortcomings.”

Chen Feng asked: "What are you going to do here?"

"This requires finding loopholes in long-term operation, and then checking for leaks and filling them." Wang Qi said helplessly: "But we just lack time."

Wang Qi created a "god" from scratch, bit by bit. If this was done ten thousand years ago, it would have been a miracle that shocked the world. But now, this small miracle is far from enough to save Shenjing.

Chen Feng said: "Well, let me tell you some good news. There is a breakthrough on my side."

Wang Qi and Chen Youjia perked up and asked, "What is it?"

"Zhao Qingfeng." Chen Feng said: "That guy is indeed a banished immortal. He is not good at seeking Taoism, but he has an instinctive understanding of magic. These days, after he read through the Immortal Burning Book of Compendium, he suddenly got inspiration and came up with an idea. This method can safely and stably refine the power of inner demons!" (To be continued~^~)

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