Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 59: The Lord of the Deep Space Star Sea is not just a shouter

"What is the yellow document?"

"Some kind of Shinto treasure?"

"Or the technique?"

In an instant, such thoughts appeared uncontrollably in the hearts of all ancient practitioners.

If it were some kind of skill or some kind of sacred treasure, wouldn't it be as valuable as an immortal weapon? If what this monster said is true, then its body is at least the level of an immortal. Couldn't that stone tablet called the Yellow Document easily summon the immortal's clone or projection?

If you can get it...

"Hmph, just pretending." Nie Tianren snorted, raised his hand and shot out a beam of Emperor Qi to crush the King in Yellow. Unexpectedly, the figure of the King in Yellow was only shattered and quickly reunited. It was suspended in mid-air, whining and playing the flute. It looked a bit like the solemn wizard Zhu Tianshi, but also vulgar like a busker.

Nie Tianren Zhuang Quan opened his bows on the left and right, each raising a ball of Emperor Qi. The Qi energy transforms into form, the Dharma has the true spirit, and the emperor's immortal heart transforms into the thought of ascending the dragon, which is consistent with the Emperor's Qi. Two air dragons entangled Nie Tianren's Huang Shou, and a set of imperial martial arts blocked all the room for the king in yellow to dodge.

The air dragon roared, and its fists fell on the King in Yellow like raindrops. Every punch caused a sharp explosion in the air, and the Golden Core cultivator even had to use the protective energy and release the protective magic weapon to maintain his stability. But this shock wave is actually the mildest aftermath. The distraction cultivator's fist strength is highly concentrated, and each punch can kill a Nascent Soul. If it really hit the ground, it would immediately cause an earthquake.

but. The King in Yellow had no intention of retreating. He still sang, blew, laughed, and allowed the opponent to beat him wildly, but was completely unaffected, like the moon in the water or the flower in the mirror. It's nothing more than an interface. As long as this distracted monk doesn't have the blessing to kill all the cursed ones. Then it will never be eliminated.

Nie Tianren even tried to completely wrap the opponent with Emperor Qi, then squeeze and seal it. However, the other party seemed to treat the Emperor's Qi as if it were nothing, and just got out. Immediately afterwards, countless tentacles emerged from the yellow clothes and rolled towards the disciples who had not yet been cursed. Nie Tianren wanted to save him, but a blast of wind broke his tentacles. But those tentacles seemed to have self-awareness. Spread out in mid-air and rolled towards those ancient cultivators.

Fear is spreading, despair is spreading. The erosion of the Five Plagues Curse continues to deepen, and the self-replication of the Divine Plague Curse is getting faster and faster.

The inner demon curse and the divine plague curse are an excellent combination in battle. One plus one is greater than ten!

"To put it nicely, the Lord of the Deep Space Star Sea is just a shadow puppet who can be beaten by others!"

Under the influence of the inner demon group. Nie Tianren has lost his original calmness.

"Mortal, the distant revelers will satisfy you!" The King in Yellow screamed: "To be happy in life, you must enjoy yourself to the fullest, and don't let the golden bottle stand empty against the moon!"

"Madman" Facing this group of screaming monsters, Nie Tianren took a picture of the "Emperor's Dragon Seal" without hesitation. The fist turned into a palm, pressing down with irresistible imperial majesty.

But this time, the King in Yellow got out of the way.


On the ground, Mao Zimiao watched Wang Qi take out some charms and some calculator accessories that she couldn't understand, and asked, "Xiao Qi, what are you doing?"

"Play games." Wang Qi smiled.

A fighting game from a first-person perspective, our side has unlimited lives, and the BOSS’s AI is a monk in the distraction period.

Wang Qi will never let his soul be contaminated by this version of the inner demon curse. He was exposed to Jarvis' computing power. Cover yourself with the information detected by the King in Yellow, and then pass your thoughts to the King in Yellow so that it can act accordingly. This feeling was no different from when he faced Nie Tianren in person, but even if the projection of the King in Yellow was destroyed and the system was destroyed, he would not be hurt.

Limited by the monk's improvement speed limit, Wang Qi will not be able to confront the monk in the distraction stage in the near future. but. The Nascent Soul cultivator could no longer interest him.

Fortunately, he could also use external objects to let him experience the feeling of confronting the distracted monk in advance.

Round one, Fight!


The scattered King in Yellow gathered together again. Nie Tianren was keenly aware that the monster's aura seemed to have changed.

He had been playing just now, but now... he wanted to fight!

Wang Qi's consciousness did not enter here, but was performing real-time remote control. On the ground, he felt the power of the King in Yellow through his virtual senses. The power provided by the twelve Nascent Souls [the three caught outside the cave, Han Tao, six inside the cave, and two that were just infected] and hundreds of golden elixirs made him feel a little relaxed.

"Very good." Wang Qi noticed a health bar in the upper right corner of his field of vision. This is the health bar Jarvis made after quantifying the damage of Nie Tianren's attack and Wang Qi's expected power based on a special algorithm. Nie Tianren couldn't defeat the King in Yellow at all, so the game had no difficulty at all from the beginning and was not fun enough to play. This green health bar is just Wang Qi's way of reminding himself that after he encounters a monk in the distraction stage within a year, he will need a few lives to be killed by him.

"Are you going to fight?" Nie Tianren laughed happily and ferociously: "Okay, okay! I'm going to try your Aangsu magical power!"

Then, he took a step forward.

The emperor moves and the world falls.

This feeling is very similar to Ai Changyuan changing gravity, but it is completely different in nature. That is the heaven and earth being affected by his martial arts fist intention, changing the direction of spiritual power flow.

This is equivalent to the Yuanying magical domain activated instantly, but Nie Tianren's real magical domain has not yet come out.

He uses fist intention to weave magical power!

With his action, the burning "FIGHT" in Wang Qi's vision completely disappeared.

It seems that a pair of big hands holding up the tripod of Shenzhou fell down in an instant, like clouds hanging from the sky. Once this hand falls, the general trend of the world will change. Chopping force, drilling force, collapse force, artillery force, and horizontal force rotate and generate each other. As if one.

This move is the killer move of the spirit separation period!

The God of Heaven Seal!

Facing this move, the King of Yellow reached out to grab it. With this grab, its left hand exceeded the limit of three dimensions and grabbed the seal of inheritance in a higher dimension and in an inexplicable direction. Grab the supreme power that symbolizes human civilization!

"Boom!" The body of the Yellow King shook, and the blood bar in Wang Qi's eyes went to zero, and then the second blood bar also went to zero the moment it appeared!

However, the Yellow King's senses would not be interrupted. With the help of Jarvis's computing power, Wang Qi supplemented his reaction ability and kept up with such a battle. He substituted the data he had just sensed into the formula he extracted from the Huangji Litian Dao cultivation method. This is a formula that specifically counters the Huangji Litian Dao. It is an algorithm for killing enemies. It is what Wang Qi has been brewing for several years until now-


The flute in his right hand rose instantly, with ripples of the inner demon. As early as the Qi training stage, he could drive any weapon in the world. This is not a sword method, but a unique skill for killing enemies that Wang Qi obtained based on the characteristics of the flute and substituted it into the formula that specifically counters it. It does not belong to any method yet, only a lonely flute.

This flute. It was like a sword, but it was like an unyielding chivalrous light, an immortal chivalrous righteousness, with the resentment of the common people, and the ruffian spirit of being willing to sacrifice his body to hit the heirloom jade seal.

Then, the jade seal was broken.

For a cultivator in the Spirit Severing Stage, his moves were already at the point where his mind was his intention. It didn't matter if his moves were destroyed by force, but being broken like this was like taking a mental attack. The Thousand Illusion Sword Qi was launched at the right time, and the Thousand Illusion Divine Mantra transformed the opponent's sword energy to cut the opponent fiercely at both the static and material levels.

This attack. However, it consumed Wang Qi's full HP.

"If I break one move, I will be killed by him nine times, which is a bit troublesome..."

Although it hurt, Nie Tianren still responded calmly, not affected by the clustered demons, as if the cracks in his mind did not exist. His fists were like dragons, piercing through the sky. The heaven and earth trembled. The Huangji Litian Dao is an external way that has obtained the Three Emperors Dao. It was once an evil way that was rejected. However, today, when the Three Emperors Dao no longer exists, the Imperial Heaven-Splitting Dao is one of the oldest sects in Shenzhou. Every punch of Nie Tianren is writing history. The martial arts boxing spirit brings the history of the ancient times, when the human race fought for a piece of paradise among the monsters, to Wang Qi.

"The emperor of man has come to the world, and the monsters are crying!"

"Ahahaha!" The king in yellow is still laughing strangely. Every move of his is not in order, and every move is unheard of by Nie Tianren. However, these moves are either chivalrous, or evil, or full of plundering and tyrannical banditry, or the manifestation of the end of the law that disintegrates the dynasty... Each move gives people a completely different feeling. However, all the moves have one characteristic.

Specially counter the Imperial Heaven-Splitting Dao!

Wang Qi's so-called "moves" actually do not have any martial arts boxing meaning. The artistic conception of each move is either derived from the Thousand Illusion Divine Curse or from Nie Tianren's own imagination. What really supports his moves is a set of algorithms, scientific algorithms.

The light of young civilization is defeating the weight of old history.

During the confrontation between the two sides, Wang Qi's HP bar was constantly refreshing. Now, he has died more than 110 times. He had long given up the idea of ​​controlling casualties, and only thought about how to solve the most scientific "harm-killing method". Perhaps because he was fighting too happily, he didn't notice that he was dying slower and slower.

At first, he would take two or three lives to take a move, but now, one life can take several moves!

The power of the Heart Demon Mantra continued to hit Nie Tianren's body. This cultivator in the Spiritual Division Stage had lost control a little. In the high-intensity battle, he ignored his own internal organs, and the Heart Demon Mantra had been deeply rooted.

The King in Yellow suddenly felt a new power. It was the power from Nie Tianren. He laughed sharply, and the yellow mask on his face gradually turned white. The defense of the Thousand Illusion Mantra is not as good as the Pure Yang Mantra of the Dao Heart, but it is far superior in terms of illusion power. Everyone smelled a hint of wine, and the wine transformed by the Thousand Illusion Mantra light was suspended in the air. The glutton in Wang Qi's stomach, which was implanted with the ancient method of "hunger", could no longer be suppressed, and began to eat dirt. Even Nie Tianren's movements were half a beat slower.

"Good wine comes from our hands, good wine, good wine... After drinking our wine, you can breathe freely without coughing, after drinking our wine, you can nourish yin and strengthen yang without smelling bad, after drinking our wine, one dares to walk through Qingshakou, after drinking our wine, you don't kowtow to the emperor..." The King of Yellow sang. It was obviously a very majestic song, but in its mouth it was hoarse and mocking, like a beggar girl singing.

——In fact, Wang Qi was singing out of tune.

After singing for a while, the King of Yellow and Nie Tianren exchanged a few moves, and then entered the state of emptiness again, allowing the other party to smash him. It laughed and said, "There is wine but no food, and there is no good banquet."

As it spoke, the stench swept everyone's olfactory nerves. A mass of filth appeared before each ancient method of self-cultivation - by the way, Wang Qi had already used Lu Zhi to automatically mosaic it.

Time froze for a second. Nie Tianren suddenly felt his stomach moving. The spiritual cultivator finally became furious and shouted: "This is too much! The King of Yellow? The Lord of the Deep Space Star Sea? Clown! Clown!"

His demeanor changed again, and he had already used a secret method similar to self-mutilation.

"The emperor guards the city gate, and the king dies for the country!"

"You are just a dictator, don't waste a good sentence." On the ground, Wang Qi snorted coldly: "I will tell you that the title of the Lord of the Deep Space Star Sea is not for nothing!"

On the ground, Wang Qi stretched out his arms, and waved his shoulder blades, arms, and fingers as if they were the spine of some kind of reptile. His fingertips wrote the trajectory of the stars in the void.

Just like a Saint Seiya.

Underground, the King of Yellow suddenly gave up his human form, and all his tentacles were entangled, like a giant dragon. If someone could observe the ground and underground at the same time, they would find it. The path of Wang Qi's fist is the path of the giant dragon.

The only reason Wang Qi doesn't use the Dragon Clan's martial arts is because he doesn't have a spine that can be tied. The weighted values ​​of many of the Deep Space Dao's unique skills are between six and seven, and several extreme moves such as the Universal Disaster and the Galaxy Battle Line can even be included in the weighted 8.5.

Coincidentally, this Dragon Clan's martial arts also has the word "deep space".

"Look at me, Galaxy, Starburst!"

The Deep Space Dao, the Universal Disaster! . (To be continued ~^~)

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