Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 176: New Year is approaching

The big collapse a month ago seems to be just an illusion, and more and more people are gradually forgetting about it. For them, although the accident still exists, it has never caused any substantial harm to them - this There was a huge collapse, and except for a few people who happened to be practicing and went crazy, there were no deaths at all.

After many years, perhaps this matter will become the best conversation topic. When they grow old, they may say this to their children: "In those days, the illusion of ten thousand immortals was not reliable anymore. Let me tell you this, your ancestor, I, experienced such a thing..."

Even the demon clan didn't show any curiosity towards the rampaging Poseidon, nor did they show any intention of attacking.

They did not know what a great history they had personally experienced.

China is once again approaching a historical turning point.

The time has come to make a break with the overseas demon clan.

A new relationship will be established between the human race, the dragon race, and other sleeping ancient civilizations.

The banished immortals hidden among civilizations will be completely expelled, and the Immortal Alliance can open up more achievements to part-time workers.

More people will embark on the path to immortality.

Perhaps, the level of immortality in China will also begin to advance by leaps and bounds and innovate again after this point of divergence. People who clung to the old practices before the bifurcation point may not even understand the new technologies after the bifurcation point.

Tremendous changes are brewing.

However, all this has not yet shown any clues.

Ever since. The last few days of this year passed so peacefully, and nothing happened again.

"Speaking of which, do you plan to go to Yujia this year?" Chenfeng clinked glasses with Wang Qi, and then winked: "I heard that your suspicion of banishing immortals has been cleared. If I think about it, no one should object now. Are you going to enter the Wanfa Gate? Go to Yujia's house or something..."

"It might not happen this year."

Wang Qi laughed. It is said that a few months ago, the current chief disciple of Wanfa Sect broke through the heavenly barrier, was promoted to Yuanshen, shed his disciple status, and became the deacon of Wanfa Sect. Now, in the eyes of outsiders, he is already somewhat of a "first among his peers". And the "first person" among the disciples of Wan Dharma School. He has never set foot in the mountain gate of Wanfa Gate. This is also a strange story.

——Of course, this was before the announcement of the incompleteness theorem and the undecidable theorem. In the eyes of the knowledgeable Xiaoyao monks, not to mention low-level monks, even ordinary Yuanshen and Void Refining monks were not as valuable as Wang Qi.

But this time, he had no choice but to stay away from Wan Dharma Sect because of Chen Jingyun's ban.

Feng Luoyi gave many orders and instructions. He said that he must not come to Wan Dharma Gate before the Lord's affairs are over. The only bad thing about this is that it will cost lives.

If possible, he even hoped that Wang Qi could go out to practice more and reduce contact with Wanfamen monks before the matter calmed down.

in addition……

Wang Qi chuckled and said: "Now as long as I don't return to Wanfamen for a day, that guy Chen Jingyun will lose his face. Seriously, isn't this interesting?"

"Hey..." Chen Feng shook his head slightly: "Headmaster Chen is just loyal to his duties, and he is also Chen Youjia's father after all..."

"That's why I didn't do anything to him, right?" Wang Qi shrugged: "I just disgusted him, that's very generous! Besides, if you want to tell Yu Jia, she doesn't like her father either, and I didn't disobey her. Mind."

Although Chen Youjia has reconciled with her family, she still doesn't like her dull father.

Chen Feng shook his head: "Those things between you two...forget it, I won't talk about it. I can never understand the thinking of Wanfamen."

"That's right." Wang Qi raised his glass: "Keep drinking."

At this time, the moon and stars are scarce. Wang Qi and Chen Feng were drinking together in the small courtyard where Chen Feng rented.

The sea breeze is slightly humid, and the night sky is like washing. The sky is filled with stars.

"Get out of here after you drink this pot. I have something to do tonight." Chen Feng drank the wine in one gulp.

Wang Qi teased: "I'm very busy at night... Tsk, tsk, life in Tianlingling is so fulfilling!"

"Bah! It's not that, okay? You're so dirty." Chen Feng laughed and scolded: "Empirical Department. Don't leave things here behind. Some of the Xuansi bodies created by Sister Lan are delicate or in need. It needs to be frozen at ultra-low temperature, or requires mana to be maintained, and everything needs to be explained clearly. In addition, the things that need to be sealed must also be sealed well. I will have to set up a special Soul Array later..."

Chen Feng and Ai Qinglan are childhood sweethearts, growing up together. Because of the quarrels a few years ago, I didn't go home to visit relatives for several years. This year is not like last year. There is a sword hanging over the head, and there is nothing major that must be done, so the two of them plan to go home together to see each other - and discuss getting married or something.

The ceremony for monks to become Taoist couples has many rules and rituals. It takes several years to prepare. Now we have to set a date.

Today is the 28th day of the twelfth lunar month. Tomorrow night, Chen Feng and Ai Qinglan will leave on the spirit boat. They take a whole day to sort out. Some samples in the Empirical Department are given to researchers who are in the local area or who do not go home. For example, those Xuansi bodies kept in the sea must be taken care of by Mao Zimiao.

These arrangements are very time-consuming.

However, Wang Qi had doubts about this: "What is the magic array... used for?"

"It's for your protection." Chen Feng poured himself another glass: "I know you are interested in the Xuansi Body, so I set it up especially for you."

"Hey, hey... this is really..." Wang Qi was furious: "Who do you think I am?"

"You did this when you were in Shenjing!" Chen Feng also yelled back: "I know what you are interested in, how can I not be on guard?"

"Hehe...hehe..." Wang Qi stopped talking immediately.

After a while, Wang Qi casually threw a small bottle to Chen Feng: "It can be regarded as... a gift for New Year's greetings. This thing is no longer of much use to me. You may need it."

Chen Feng twisted the bottle and was immediately shocked: "Emperor Flowing Juice! So much!"

Although the bottle is small, it is only the size of a finger, but it contains a large basin of Emperor Flowing Juice. These Emperor Flowing Juices, in the hands of people who know how to raise monsters, can even give birth to a large army.

Emperor Flowing Juice can help spiritual creatures to open their spirits and transform into monsters. If the amount is enough, it can even allow those beings with life but no sex to directly skip the two stages of opening spirits and accumulating qi and begin to condense monster pills.

However, for Wang Qi, no matter how many monsters in the Dan formation stage there are, they are of no use. Even if it was a demon in the transformation stage, it would only take one sword to defeat Wang Qi now. The Emperor's Flowing Juice that helped him turn the tide of the battle was now just a collection.

However, the price of the Immortal Alliance's spiritual awakening potion was not low, and the effect was slightly weaker than the Emperor's Flowing Juice. The only advantage was the "output". These Emperor's Flowing Juices were also very precious to Chen Feng.

At least, he could use them when doing a lot of empirical evidence. Even if he didn't use them, it would be great to use them as a favor.

"If you want to thank me, think about what famous local specialties your hometown has." Wang Qi didn't care about this little Emperor's Flowing Juice. Anyway, he got a big jar of it.

Seeing this, Chen Feng accepted the bottle. He and Wang Qi had a close relationship, so he would naturally remember this matter. He changed the subject and asked, "Where are you going to stay during the New Year?"

"Me?" Wang Qi thought for a moment, "I'm relaxed and comfortable alone, so I'll naturally go around."

Speaking of which, he has been wandering on the sea all year round, sleeping in the open air, and even went deep into the West Sea in the last few months, rescuing Yueluo Liuli under the gaze of a group of top monsters. These days, he has been under the pressure of the free and easy monks and has published incomplete and undeterminable papers one after another. It is indeed necessary to relax and take a break when the New Year comes.

Relaxation and tension alternate, and there is a way to be good at both civil and military affairs.

Even the great scientists on Earth don't stay in the laboratory or in front of the bookshelf all year round. They also have things like vacations.

Proper relaxation can also prevent one's thinking from getting into a dead end without knowing it, forming the so-called knowledge and view obstacles.

"Go? Where to?"

Wang Qi thought for a while: "Well...Xiaoxi, and Jiangbei."

Jiangbei is in the northern part of the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, and it is also a relatively famous place for mortals to live.

Chen Feng was a little surprised: "Jiangbei? Xiaoxi? You haven't been to those places at all, right? Why do you suddenly want to go there?"

Wang Qi raised the ring in his hand: "Break off worldly ties..."

"Speak human language."

"When I entered Taoism, I promised to give this old man with the ring a physical body. This time I just want to go around, so I'll just help him solve the problem by the way." Wang Qi was also a little helpless. The Immortal Alliance has sent news. The migration trajectory of the bloodlines that Zhen Chanzi is looking for has been roughly confirmed. At present, there are six families suspected of having the same bloodline as Zhen Chanzi. However, since the longest genealogy left by these families can only be traced back to three thousand years ago, the Immortal Alliance can no longer make further identification, and Zhen Chanzi needs to confirm it himself.

Of course, this is also a probability. It depends on whether Zhen Chanzi is good-looking or not, whether he can draw his own essence bloodline root. However, the choice is made by him, and the Immortal Alliance does not have to bear legal responsibility.

In this regard, Chen Feng said that he is a good person and did not laugh out loud.

Soon, the whole pot of wine was finished. Wang Qi said goodbye to Chen Feng and walked alone on the road of Langde.

Suddenly, Zhen Chanzi sighed: "Boy, you have really changed a lot in these years."


"Of course I have." Zhen Chanzi didn't know why, his tone was a little sad: "In the past few years, you were depressed and miserable during the New Year. Now you are much quieter."

"If I were to ask you, you are the same, old man. Now you can talk to me normally... just like the old man in my relative's family..."

Zhen Chanzi smiled a little: "Then I should ask you a question - 'Why don't you get married?'"

Wang Qi tilted his head and almost threw the ring away.

"I feel sad when I think about it. When I was dug out by you a few years ago, I didn't expect to regain my body so soon."

"It takes time to design a body and warm up the body. You still have to stay in this ring for two or three years, old man!" (To be continued ~^~)

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