Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 38: Academic Hero’s Domineering Aura

"Fuck! After the establishment of the Immortal Alliance, animals cannot become spirits without permission?" After hearing Su Junyu's words, Wang Qi felt a strange sense of awkwardness: "The Immortal Alliance also wants to defeat all monsters?"

"'Bull ghosts'? 'Snake gods'?" Su Junyu asked curiously: "Is this a famous monster?"

The other three shook their heads to indicate that they didn't know.

Wang Qi asked: "Can the Immortal Alliance control wild animals to become spirits?"

Su Junyu said: "Of course it's impossible. Even a real immortal can't do this, right?"

Wang Qi: "Ah, how can that be..."

"Just kill those without permission." Su Junyu said as a matter of course: "One of the daily tasks of the Immortal Alliance Security Envoy is to clean up those monsters that don't meet the regulations."

Fuck, why do I feel more domineering than before!

Some members of the Immortal Alliance are monsters, but it doesn't mean that humans and monsters are already a close family. The combat members of the Immortal Alliance are divided into three categories: border guards, security guards, and law enforcement officers. Among them, except for the law enforcers who are specifically responsible for cleaning up the monks who violate the rules within the Immortal Alliance, a large part of the daily work of the border guards and security guards is to target the monsters.

The border guards guard the four seas and seas, and their daily work is to fight against the overseas monsters. The work of the security guards is more complicated, but generally it is to protect the peace of one side. And to protect the peace of one side, you have to kill uncontrolled dangerous monsters regularly.

Any monsters that have become spirits near human settlements and have a record of attacking humans will be killed; any monsters that have a tendency to attack humans and will actively attack humans will be killed; any monsters that have a record of killing living beings for purposes other than hunting and self-defense will be killed...

On the other hand, the Immortal Alliance will also accept some "rule-abiding" monsters, enlighten their spiritual wisdom and grant them the modern law mind method. For the modern law cultivators, especially the Tianlingling cultivators, studying the practice of these monsters will help to further explore the way of living beings. On the other hand, these monsters will also become the power of the Immortal Alliance.

The current number of half-demons in the Immortal Alliance is the descendants of this group of monsters.

Because the giant deer were drinking water by the lake, Wang Qi and his companions did not go to the lake to fetch water. Wu Fan finally showed his value and began to observe the deer carefully. Wang Qi used Xiangbo to cut some wooden sticks and roasted the meat that Wu Shiqin brought.

Seeing that it was Wang Qi who was grilling meat, Su Junyu reminded him: "Just grill it normally, don't activate the Heavenly Entropy Technique."

Wang Qi slapped his head: "Yeah! Why didn't I think of it! The Heavenly Entropy Technique can control the heat! In this way, many cooking skills that ordinary people can't do can be easily achieved!" Thinking of this, Wang Qi suddenly fell into a strange frenzy: "Dishes that don't glow are not good dishes!"

Su Junyu was shocked: "Don't! Your ordinary grilled meat, if it's grilled badly, it will be ordinary and unpalatable at most. If you use the Heavenly Entropy Technique and don't control the meat well, no dog will eat it!"

Wang Qi thought about it and asked Mao Zimiao: "Zimiao, is your friend picky about food?"

Mao Zimiao immediately became alert: "What do you want to do, meow?"


Su Junyu said: "Stop it. Cooking with magic really requires a high level of control. But the Heavenly Entropy Technique is okay, if it's Burning Golden Valley..."

Speaking of this, Su Junyu seemed to remember something unbearable in the past, and suddenly shuddered.

"What's wrong with Fenjin Valley?"

Su Junyu smiled bitterly: "Fenjin Valley's skills can interfere with the changes in physical properties. All Fenjin Valley skills are the same. If a cultivator activates Fenjin Valley's skills when cooking, the ingredients will undergo changes that will not occur during ordinary cooking. It is true that Fenjin Valley cultivators who are proficient in this can make delicacies on earth, but if the craftsmanship is poor, the results will be really **."

After listening to Su Junyu's words, Wang Qi gave up the idea of ​​practicing with the Tianentropy Art - after all, the people who need to eat include himself, right?

When Wang Qi finished grilling the meat, Wu Fan also ended his observation. Wang Qi handed him a skewer of grilled meat and asked, "How is it?"

The young man with a weak sense of existence received this kind of treatment for the first time today, and he was a little flattered: "The observation is completed, and the data has been recorded."

Wang Qi watched the young man finish the skewers of meat in three or two bites, and then he bit off a skewer to eat - Su Junyu reminded him a little late, Wang Qi had just applied the Tianentropy Art to this batch of meat.

When the four of them were having dinner, Su Junyu floated aside alone again. The less he communicated and instructed Wang Qi and others during the trial, the higher the evaluation of these new disciples.

After a day of getting along, the relationship between the few people was invisibly pulled closer. Mao Zimiao and Wu Shiqin were already very familiar with each other, and Wu Fan could also talk to others. Although Wang Qi was a little eccentric, these two new friends were already used to his occasional crazy behavior.

During the conversation, Mao Zimiao and Wu Shiqin accidentally talked about the unified entrance trial.

Mao Zimiao asked: "Shiqin Shiqin, which sect are you going to join?"

Wu Shiqin answered truthfully: "Reunification League."

"Shiqin, you are so powerful!" Mao Zimiao envied: "Your mental method is the strongest Tiangexing in the Reunification League, right! The one that is known as the unity of all methods!"

Wu Shiqin nodded honestly. This action earned Mao Zimiao even louder exclamations: "How amazing! He was able to solve that math problem! I'm not good at this at all."

Wu Shiqin said: "Brother Su seemed to have said in the afternoon that your method is the Tianyan Tulu. Are you interested in Tianlingling?"

Mao Zimiao nodded: "I thought that the senior sister from Jiyin Valley gave me advice and said that I am more suitable for Lingshou Mountain."

"That's amazing too!"

Mao Zimiao looked at Wu Fan again: "Where are you, Xiaofan?"

It's a pity that his surname is not Zhang. After hearing Mao Zimiao's name, Wang Qi glanced at Wu Fan.

Wu Fan smiled and said: "My little brother is not as ambitious as the two of you. I can just go to Shanhe City and become an ordinary inner disciple."

Mao Zimiao was a little embarrassed by what he said: "It's not that great, meow! If it weren't for Senior Sister Ai's guidance, I would definitely choose Liuyun Sect or other sects. Meow - Xiaoqi, you are so powerful, what is your goal?"

No cavities…

Wang Qi almost blurted out. He rarely answered seriously: "I don't know."

Wu Shiqin asked: "No goal?"

Wang Qi shook his head: "No."

"what does that mean?"

"Either Wanfa Sect, Piaomiao Palace, or Guiyi Alliance Guanghua Palace, you can also consider it. Of course, it must be passed down as a true pass." Wang Qi was confident, as if he had obtained the status of the Five Ultimate Masters.

The rich domineering aura of the academic master shocked the three scumbag students in the Qi training period. However, Wu Shiqin quickly reacted and sneered: "What a shame."

Wang Qi didn't take it seriously and turned on the status directly. Among the several miraculous skills that Wang Qi practiced, the Yaoding Sutra and the Geometry Book did not have obvious Qi Qi, but Tian Ge Xing, Tian Yu Jue and the Elephant Phase Wave Skill did! Wang Qi saw lightning flashing from left to right, steam rising from his right hand, and a few scratches appeared on the ground in front of him.

Wu Shiqin suddenly stopped talking.


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