Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 46: Gamer's Magical Weapon [Second Update]

This sudden earthquake woke up the four people who were resting in the Forest of Trials.

Mao Zimiao was the last one to wake up. That night she did not sleep, but was meditating and doing the exercises. On the way, Wang Qi mentioned to her that there was an aura of a monk from Lingbeast Mountain in this forest, which would be of great benefit to her in practicing Tianyan Illustration. The half-demon girl knows that her understanding is not as good as Wang Qi and others, so she refuses to let go of every opportunity to improve herself. Now that she has this opportunity, how can she not seize it. But just now, she felt that the laws in the forest suddenly became chaotic, and she was forced to exit the state of tranquility, and then she felt a shaking underneath her body.

"Meow!" The half-demon girl jumped up like a frightened cat, her tail turned upside down.

Su Junyu. Wu Shiqin and Wu Fan have already woken up. The sword ground shook violently, and Su Junyu used his magic power to lift up the four people including himself. Mao Zimiao looked around and found that one person was missing, and asked anxiously: "Where is Xiaoqi? Why don't you see him?"

Su Junyu pointed to Jiachen Lake: "Over there, it seems that he could not sleep alone at night to relax. He did not go out of the warning range of my spiritual consciousness, so I was not awakened."

At this moment, the five-color sky above the four people representing the Spiritual Beast Mountain's laws was distorted by the vibration, and finally shattered like a bubble.

Su Junyu looked up at this scene and couldn't help but sigh: "This is troublesome."

Mao Zimiao's ears twitched. At this time, a figure came over from a distance. Su Junyu stretched out his hand and pulled Wang Qi to his side.

Wang Qi's face turned pale and his expression was very ugly: "I almost vomited..."

Even if I am carsick and seasick, I am also sick from earthquakes... I really can't stand the bumps...

Mao Zimiao asked: "Xiao Qi, what are you doing at night?"

Wang Qi's expression did not change: "Enlightenment."


"Just enjoy the lake view, look at the starry sky, and think about your own life path."


When several people heard this, they all had expressions like "You're lying". Only Wu Fan laughed twice and said, "Haha, I am so leisurely and leisurely. I don't know that Senior Brother Wang is such a, uh, elegant scholar."

Wang Qi raised his eyebrows and said, "What? Don't believe it?"

These days, no one believes you if you tell the truth. The world is really going downhill!

Su Junyu took a deep breath, looked at Wang Qi, and asked seriously: "Wang Qi, did you pay attention to the lake just now?"

Wang Qi nodded: "The herd was frightened, especially the group of thundering giant-antlered deer, and fled to the other side."

"The other side? Which side?"

Wang Qi points to the southwest. Su Junyu's expression changed: "No, how could it be in which direction... Wait a minute, now the spiritual ban here is invalid, and the dividing line between the two areas is also invalid. Over the years, the creatures in the two areas have evolved into Different subspecies. If these beasts meet, hundreds of years of experiments in this experimental area will be ruined. "

Wang Qi said: "If the experiment fails, it will fail. Anyway, I have never seen any experiment that can last forever."

Su Junyu shook his head: "When you see something like this, you have to do your best. And if you take action at this time, you will always be rewarded with merit points."


Su Junyu shook his wrist: "As long as you still carry this kind of magic weapon that connects to the illusion of ten thousand immortals, and then encounter an emergency and take action to protect the interests of the Immortal Alliance in this incident, the Immortal Alliance will definitely reward good deeds. ”

Wang Qi sighed: "The promised wealthy attributes."

"The wealthy people also saved their money one by one." Su Junyu replied to Wang Qi while looking at the ground. The earthquake struck suddenly and lasted only a short time. The ground was no longer shaking much at this time. When Su Junyu saw this, he put the four people on the ground. Then, he took out a small box from the storage bag and said: "Stay here and don't move. The monsters that have exceeded the spiritual enlightenment period will attack you. You must not take into account the trial evaluation and don't hold back! Now, the trial has ended it's over."

Wu Fan said: "Senior Brother Su, are you really going to guide the monsters in the two areas?"

Su Junyu nodded: "Due to human interference, the monsters in the fighting trial area have been in a disorderly fight for a long time, so there is no need to worry about it. I only need to prevent the monsters in that area from crossing the border and fighting with the monsters here. Just contact the beast and fight.”

Wang Qi looked at the half-palm-sized box in Su Junyu's hand with embarrassment: "Speaking of which, it's an undetermined card... How do you plan to guide the monster? By playing cards?"

Su Junyu raised the box in his hand and said, "This is the magic weapon I use for fighting."

Then, Su Junyu jumped into the air and rushed to a height of a hundred feet.

"It can't be any higher, otherwise the power of the spell will be reduced." Su Junyu visually checked the height and stopped there.

Subsequently, Su Junyu tried his best to use the peerless mental method "Xianyu Tianzong Gong" that combines "Yao Ding Sutra" and "Geometry Book".

Powerful spiritual consciousness penetrated the body and spread out in all directions in the form of waves. Soon, Su Junyu received feedback from the spiritual consciousness wave and built a model of half of the forest in his mind.

The model also includes the locations of all large monster beast groups and powerful monster beasts with energy levels.

"Very good... bring in the conditions, the monster's habits, calculate the monster's possible route of action, calculate the possibility of contact with each other... and what the reaction will be when it is unexpectedly attacked!"

Then, there is Su Junyu’s most fundamental method, Bai Ze’s calculation!

The essence of Bai Ze's calculation is to use a large amount of information on your mobile phone to calculate the direction of development of things. If you reach the ideal level of Bai Ze Shenjun, you can even know the past and the future!

"The Thunder Giant Horned Deer will come into contact with the two demon pupil tigers in the opposite area at the horizontal axis 652 and the vertical axis 759... This time, my goal is to preserve the ecological integrity of the Quest Trial Zone, so kill the demon pupil tigers!"

Su Junyu's mind moved, and an unfixed card popped out of the card box in his hand. Su Junyu threw the card, and the card grew in the wind, and soon grew from the size of a palm to the size of a door panel.

Wang Qi squinted at the card: "Rarity 5, the Circulating Sword Qi of the Liuyun Sect... It's exactly the same as the card sold by Shengtai Trading Company. That trading company also sells this kind of set of magic tools? Do you think this magic tool will also have eleven consecutive..."

Just then, the card suddenly lit up, and then five sword qi shot out from the card, and even the power was exactly the same as the genuine circulating sword qi.

Su Junyu did not go to investigate the result, because he knew that the two demon tigers would definitely not be able to avoid his attack. He reached out and slapped the box, and more cards flew out of the box and flew around him. Various spells were constantly shot out from the cards around him and hit the distance.

Most of these spells brushed the monsters' bodies and hit the ground. For monsters, this kind of attack almost means "this road is blocked". After being attacked like this, monsters usually turn 90 degrees and run in other directions.

With the help of this set of magic tools, Su Junyu controlled half of the monsters in the Trial Forest by himself!


Today... Oh, I received another reward yesterday~ Thank you for the support of the classmate who picked the first.

Also, everyone's recommendation votes this week are really awesome! Please continue!

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