Enter the Room

Chapter 101

Did she hear wrongly? !

Song Jiyun muttered in his heart.

She picked a gourd bottle and asked him, "What do you think of this?"

Yuan Yunzhong nodded.

He was so cheerful, but it made Song Jiyun a little undecided.

She looked at the remaining gourd bottles and hesitated whether to choose again.

Yuan Yunzhong said impatiently: "That's it. I'm just showing it to the Hong family, not just using it to make porcelain."

It seems that she is thinking too much.

Song Jiyun smiled sheepishly and said, "Then this is fine."

Yuan Yunzhong pointed to several other gourd bottles: "Choose the best one."

Song Jiuyun really thinks they are all painted very well.

Yuan Yunzhong's face darkened and he said unhappily: "Are you trying to prevaricate me?"

Song Jiuyun had no choice but to choose the best among the best.

Yuan Yunzhong, who had always been impatient, seemed to have suddenly put away his thorns. Not only did he accompany her to pick gourd bottles, but he also commented that "the leaves are dull" and "the color of this dogwood is a bit dull."

Song Jiyun was secretly surprised.

When Shao Qing came in with tea, he paused in his steps and walked over after a while. He was thinking: Why does the scene in front of him look so familiar?

Yuan Yunzhong, who saw Shao Qing, ordered him: "Go and call a boy to come in and deliver something to the Hong family."

Shao Qing responded and suddenly realized.

Isn't this what he saw at the Hong family when he followed him to the Hong family in order to protect the young master?

But it was Hong Xi who was chatting and laughing with Miss Song at that time. Their young master was standing by the window, his eyes were deep and cold. He was lying on the eaves opposite, and he could feel the cold air emanating from their young master.

"Okay!" He responded absently, but was stopped by Song Jiyun.

"After all, the eldest young master of the Hong family," she said to Yuan Yunzhong, "I think it's better to send someone who can speak well! What do you think of Butler Wu?"

"Can he be the master of the house?" Yuan Yunzhong refused without thinking, and said to Shao Qing, "Just ask a servant to come in."

It is Hong Xi’s grandfather who calls the shots in the Hong family.

"Okay!" Song Jiyun smiled sarcastically. He waited for the boy Shao Qing called to come in and gave him a few instructions. Then he handed the brocade box containing the gourd bottle to the boy and stood up to leave.

Yuan Yunzhong did not keep her this time.

She returned to her courtyard. Zheng Quan had returned and was waiting for her in the hall.

"I have never heard that Mr. Hong is an outsider." He whispered, "But it is true that he previously studied at Heshan Academy and just took over the family business in June this year."

Either the Hong family deliberately suppressed Hong Xi's life experience, or the news hadn't spread yet.

Song Jiyun couldn't care about this anymore, she had more important things to do.

"It is said that the imperial kiln factory will open the bids on the 28th of next month." She also lowered her voice and said to Zheng Quan, "and Eunuch Wan wants to take advantage of the opportunity of firing sweet white porcelain to be transferred back to the capital, and it is inevitable that he will have to manage everything. He will not I will miss this opportunity to open the bid. If we send some antiques, calligraphy and paintings as we did in previous years, I’m afraid we will be filled with greed.”

Zheng Quan was stunned, but didn't ask any more questions, saying, "What does the eldest lady want me to do?"

Song Jiyun took the seal left by his father and muttered: "Go to the silver building for me overnight and ask them to prepare two hundred gold bars for me as soon as possible."

Antiques, calligraphy and paintings are not as exciting as real money.

Zheng Quan responded and left.

Song Jiyun wrote and drew alone in the study for a long time before going to have dinner with Mr. Qian.


Early the next morning, Guo Zixing led several big shopkeepers and masters from the kiln factory over.

Song Jiyun met them in the hall where her father usually held meetings.

Everyone sat down in order. Aunt Zheng took the maids to serve tea and then closed the door of the hall.

Guo Zixing and others looked tense.

Song Jiyun, who was sitting at the long desk in the middle hall, took a leisurely sip of tea before talking about the bidding opening of the Royal Kiln Factory.

Everyone was shocked, and Guo Zixing even exclaimed: "How is it possible? Didn't you say it hasn't been decided yet?"

As he spoke, he turned his attention to Wang Dahai, who was sitting timidly in the last seat, and asked him: "Don't you say that Eunuch Wan told you that it hasn't been decided yet? You won't make Eunuch Wan unhappy. Bar?"

The reason why Wang Dahai can still sit here is because he can eat, drink and have fun with Eunuch Wan.

Hearing this, he immediately stood up in horror and assured Song Jiyun again and again: "When I went to the imperial kiln factory two days ago, Eunuch Wan specially said a few words to me and asked about the sweet white porcelain. If Wan Eunuch is If my father-in-law hates me, you can ask someone else."

No need to show off at all.

Song Jiyun frowned.

"Then why don't you know when the bid will be opened?" Guo Zixing said displeasedly, "Or have you not been to the Royal Kiln Factory frequently these days?"

Wang Dahai kept shouting "Unjust" and said: "The Royal Kiln Factory did not open the bid just as soon as the bid was opened. Before the bid was opened, the manufacturing office had to send over the quantity and drawings of the utensils to be burned next year - no one from the manufacturing office came at all. Guoliang County!"

He also swore to Song Jiyun: "I asked my two sons to guard the dock day and night. If I make a mistake and ruin the boss's important affairs, I will die badly!"

Everyone was startled and looked towards Song Jiyun.

Song Jiyun believed that Yuan Yunzhong would not lie.

She believed that Wang Dahai would not dare to lie.

Song Jiyun said: "Who told me the news, I won't go into details with you for now. After you go back, just prepare to bid as before."

After saying that, she did not forget to remind them: "I just learned about this matter, and I hope everyone will keep it secret."

If you know the news in advance, you can be better prepared.

Although it has been said that the Song family has been the winning bidder in the past ten years, it is a boat that has been sailing for thousands of years. Everyone here is experienced, and they can't help but say "Miss, don't worry."

Song Jiyun asked again about the temperature of the sweet white porcelain.

Guo Zixing said happily: "According to what Mr. Yuan said before, we are already inseparable."

Song Jiyun was slightly stunned.

Speaking of this matter, Guo Zi was very happy: "Master Yuan asked us to apply various glazes on the fire photos. Based on the changes and placement of these glazes, we can judge the heat in the kiln. This is more reliable than spitting." Spectrum."

As he spoke, a look of satisfaction flashed in his eyes, and he said: "However, Mr. Yuan also said that people with talents like me are in the minority after all, and most people still have to use stupid methods. With Mr. Yuan's method, it is easy to bring out Disciple comes."

Song Jiyun was stunned.

She didn't expect that Yuan Yunzhong had discussed these matters with Guo Zixing.

In her impression, he was a very proud man.

Or maybe she doesn't know him that well?

"That's good!" Song Jiyun smiled and said to Guo Zixing, "You can bake a few more kilns of sweet white porcelain, so as not to run out of porcelain when Eunuch Wan wants to give gifts."

Guo Zixing responded "Okay" with a smile and said: "Those who can make the father-in-law give gifts must be rich or noble. Although sweet white porcelain is good, it is new porcelain after all. It would be great if it can get the attention of those noble people."

Everyone enthusiastically discussed bidding and firing porcelain.

Zheng Quan walked over softly and said in Song Jiyun's ear: "Master Hong is here!"

I still have one update left for you all, so I will write it quite late. Let’s read it tomorrow night^O^

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