Enter the Room

Chapter 143

Yuan Yunzhong actually left and came back!

Song Jiuyun couldn't help but stretched his neck and looked around.

Soon, Zheng Quan accompanied Yuan Yun and walked in with an embarrassed expression.

Song Jiyun said hurriedly: "But what's the matter?"

"Can't you come if you have nothing to do?" Yuan Yunzhong said with a cold face, throwing something in her hand.

Song Jiyun lowered his head and saw a small and exquisite dagger.

The sheath is pitch black and made of an unknown material. It looks very inconspicuous, like a slightly long fruit knife.

She tried to pick it up and pull it out, but she didn't know whether it was because she hadn't regained her strength yet or because her method was wrong. She tried several times but couldn't pull it out.

Yuan Yunzhong sneered, sat by the bed, took the dagger and showed it to her: "Look here, there is a small bump when you touch it. Press it lightly and the dagger will pop out."

As soon as he finished speaking, the dagger was unsheathed.

Under the dim light, the dagger shone with cold light, murderous.

Song Jiyun couldn't help but shudder.

Yuan Yunzhong said: "Hold it to defend yourself."

This dagger looked like it was not an ordinary thing. How could she accept such a precious thing from him so easily.

However, Yuan Yunzhong is really attentive.

She only cared about anger and revenge, but she didn't think about taking precautions.

Yuan Yunzhong reminded her that she must put safety first when walking outside in the future.

"It's too expensive." Song Jiyun declined politely and said, "I will pay attention to it in the future. See if I can ask the escort agency to help find a maid who knows boxing and kung fu."

Yuan Yunzhong looked her up and down: "Isn't Zheng Quan's kung fu good?"

Is this because he dislikes her or is someone plotting against her?

Song Jiyun was discouraged and whispered: "Isn't this an accident?"

Could he stop mentioning it?

"Take it!" Yuan Yunzhong didn't allow her to comment, "I don't want to find someone to collect the one hundred thousand taels of silver!"

Song Jiyun's face was burning and he said hurriedly: "I will ask Zheng Quan to send you the banknote."

Yuan Yunzhong said nothing and looked straight at her, his eyes seemed a little quiet.

She knew immediately that she had said the wrong thing.

Is Yuan Yunzhong the one who sent the one hundred thousand taels of silver?

When she said this, she clearly underestimated him.

Song Jiyun immediately apologized: "That's not what I meant. I, I just don't know how to express my gratitude!"

Yuan Yunzhong's eyes fell on the dagger.

Song Jiyun immediately said: "I'll put it away right now."

Yuan Yunzhong's eyes flashed with a hint of satisfaction.

Song Jiyun sighed in his heart.

Sure enough, the most difficult thing to repay is the debt of gratitude!

And people who are in debt are short-lived...

"I will put this dagger under my pillow when I go to bed at night," she promised Yuan Yunzhong. "If anything happens, I will also tell Zheng Quan or ask Shao Qing for help. Don't worry!"

Yuan Yunzhong nodded and left happily this time.

Zheng Quan saw him out personally.

Song Jiyun held the dagger, feeling warm in his heart.

She imprisoned him in her closet at first, but he still stood by her side at the critical moment, helping her and taking care of her.

Although he didn't have a single word to express his concern, Yuan Yunzhong's every expression and movement, even scolding her, expressed his concern.

Is this typical arrogance?

Song Jiyun couldn't help laughing as he thought about it.


Early the next morning, Yuan Yunzhong brought Dr. Wang to diagnose her pulse.

Outside the half-open window lattice, the morning light fell on the dark green leaves, bringing a dazzling light to this early autumn morning.

Yuan Yunzhong is tall and tall. He is wearing a sapphire blue robe with gold phoenix tail and is leaning against the half-open window. His eyes are clear, his expression is sparse, and his brows are surprisingly gentle.

Song Jiuyun looked a little dazed.

Doctor Wang, who was diagnosing her pulse through a layer of silk handkerchief, withdrew his hand, looked at Song Jiyun who could move her hands and feet freely, and said with relief: "Miss Song's health is very good. I thought it would take three or four days for Miss Song to recover." Back to normal, now it seems that Miss Song should be back to normal tomorrow."

Song Jiyun came to his senses.

She didn't know how powerful the medicine she was given was, but Dr. Wang was optimistic about her and was the person invited by Yuan Yunzhong. She had to say a few polite words: "That's because of your superb medical skills and the good use of the medicine." good."

Doctor Wang said modestly: "Where! Where!" But his expression could not hide his pride.

After Yuan Yunzhong heard this, he glanced at Doctor Wang.

Doctor Wang immediately suppressed his smile and said solemnly to Song Jiyun: "I'll give you another prescription. Just take two more doses."

Song Jiyun smiled and thanked Dr. Wang and glanced at Yuan Yunzhong.

She always felt that Doctor Wang seemed a little afraid of Yuan Yunzhong.

Yuan Yunzhong saw her looking over and said, "In that case, let's go back after lunch."

Song Jiyun felt that this arrangement was good - even if something happened at the kiln factory, she would not go home for several days in a row. It would be troublesome if her mother became suspicious.

Xianghan accompanied Dr. Wang to re-prescribe the medicine.

Song Jiyun couldn't help but ask Yuan Yunzhong: "Where is Zheng Quan?"

Yuan Yunzhong said nonchalantly: "He said he had something to do and went out."

Song Jiyun had told him yesterday to instigate Mr. Wang's brother-in-law, but she didn't take it to heart. She drank medicine after breakfast and fell asleep quickly under the influence of the medicine.

After she was woken up by the hairpin, she had lunch and then headed back home.

Only then did she discover that she was living in an inn called "Ping'an" on the outskirts of the city.

She used to go to Baoen Temple and often pass by here.

It's just that on the street where people always come and go, there are a few people gathered in twos and threes, all whispering there.

Song Jiyun frowned, feeling that this scene was unusual.

She sent the hairpin to inquire.

The hairpin quickly ran back stunned.

"Miss, eldest lady," she said, feeling a little embarrassed, "Everyone is spreading the news that Master Wang drank wine in the yard the night before yesterday, slept with a girl and refused to pay her, and was raped by the mother and caregiver in the yard. He was tied up and hung on the tower, and the word 'bastard' was written in big letters on his body!"

At this time, people called brothels "yards" and the madams in the brothels "mother."

"This is impossible!" Song Jiyun said without even thinking.

Master Wang is a local snake in Liang County, and many businesses of various religions and professions rely on him to operate. Not to mention that the prostitutes refuse to pay, but even if they give him change, all the brothels will rush to line up in front of him with money. How could he be tied up and hung on the tower?

What's more, the tower is not something anyone can hoist up if they want.

Xianghan's face was red: "It's true! I asked several people, and some people saw it with their own eyes. They also said that the king's secretary was hung on the tower for almost two hours before he was put down. Not only did he go in and out of the tower, After hearing the news, many people in the county secretly went to see it.

"Those people also said that the Royal Director was so angry that he passed out because of this incident, and he still hasn't woken up yet!"

That would be even more wrong.

Song Jiyun said to the hairpin: "Hurry up and get Zheng Quan back."

She needed to know what was going on.

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