Enter the Room

Chapter 165

Zhou Zheng and others hurriedly gathered their thoughts and said: "Then we will follow the wishes of the eldest lady and find a way to find a local mold master first. If we can't find one, we will find a way to hire someone in Dehua, Fujian."

Song Jiuyun nodded.

Everyone discussed some more matters about the kiln, and then dispersed.

But the mold master is not so easy to hire.

Zhou Zheng and others were busy for several days, but they could only find two or three people who were willing to work in the Song family kiln factory.

Song Jiyun was not optimistic about the "jade porcelain" business, especially since she had leaked part of the formula. She suggested that it was best to find it locally and go to Dehua to hire a master. By then, the "jade porcelain" business would not be possible. What should I do?

Nowadays, no matter where they work, as long as there is no major accident, they will do it for the rest of their lives.

She had to give someone an explanation.

Song Jiyun asked Zhou Zheng: "What do you think if we outsource the Buddha statues to others?"

Zhou Zheng didn't understand: "Outsourcing? How to outsource? What if those people took the mud and passed it off as inferior? Or they just fooled us and broke it in half when burned?"

Some porcelain, especially large porcelain, is not drawn or molded at one time. Instead, the object is divided into several parts, each part is made, and finally pieced together. If it is not put together well, it will burn to pieces.

Song Jiyun pondered: "What if we provide a place and they come to our workshop to calculate pieces?"

In this way, they still belong to which kiln factory they originally belonged to.

"We give the kiln a portion of the management fee," she considered. "Or, would it be better if we shared this business with other kilns in Jingdezhen, especially some small kilns?"

Anyway, the Song Kiln Factory is not planning to make a living on "jade porcelain". They can also recruit kiln workers from other small kilns to their kiln factory, and they can take the opportunity to find out the level of the masters in each kiln factory. If there is a big order in the future, and the Song Kiln Factory can't finish it, it can be divided among them.

After benefits are shared, people will naturally come together.

He can also resist people like Li Zixiu.

The more Song Jiyun thought about it, the more he felt that this method was good.

Zhou Zheng's eyes also lit up, and he felt that Song Jiyun had provided a new way for the kiln factory.

You should know that although Jingdezhen has large-scale kilns such as Songjia Kiln Factory, Lijia Kiln Factory, and Yanjia Kiln Factory, there are also many small kiln factories that are struggling to survive. Moreover, these small kilns can survive in the cracks of large kilns because they all have their own irreplaceable skills.

"I'm going to contact all the kilns right now." Zhou Zheng couldn't sit still. "Spread the news as soon as possible."

At this time, finding kiln workers still relied on referrals from insiders or acquaintances.

Song Jiyun asked him to go to the accounting office to collect some money: "Even if it is for those Yaren intermediaries, we must complete this matter as soon as possible."

She estimated that if the Buddha statue on her side could be launched before October, life on Song Tao's side would be difficult.


At this time, Song Tao was not focusing on the kiln.

After all, porcelain for sacrificial purposes is a rather special category. Even if Song Jiyun wanted to make it, with their pearls in front of them and the stewards of the Hong family here to watch, their kiln factory would not be too bad no matter what.

What's more, with Song Jiyun's arrogance, she would definitely disdain others to imitate others and make the same thing as them.

Song Tao stayed in front of the kiln these days and burned a set of "jade porcelain" tea sets with his own hands.

When the tea set came out of the kiln, it was as white as jade, like a jade carving, which shocked all the kiln workers.

Someone asked: "Miss Song, are you giving a gift to Mr. Hong?"

Everyone knows that Hong Zhao, the second son of the Hong family, is studying at Heshan Academy in Suzhou. Mr. Hong goes around collecting good things for Hong Zhao's teacher.

Song Tao smiled and said, "No, I burned the sample."

The kiln worker walked away in admiration.

Song Tao felt that the people in the kiln factory were too many and mixed.

No wonder her second uncle would set up a small workshop at home.

She wrapped the tea set carefully and told the newly hired servant: "Send it to the royal kiln factory and give it to Eunuch Wan. Just tell him that it is a sample of the new kiln fire, and let him take care of it."

In his previous life, Eunuch Wan worked hard for the formula of "Jade Porcelain". I don’t know how Song Jiyun managed to settle Eunuch Wan in advance in this life, but there is no doubt that Eunuch Wan is interested in “jade porcelain”.

She didn't believe it. With this tea set, she couldn't catch the boat with Wan Gonggong.

Song Tao went to wash her hands and checked the income during this period in the accounting room.

The sales momentum of porcelain used for sacrificial rituals continues unabated, but the daily porcelain made of "jade porcelain" has been without orders for more than ten days in a row, and it is worse than before.

She was hesitating whether to sell all the "jade porcelain" in stock and sell all the daily discounted porcelain, and only concentrate on making sacrificial porcelain from now on.

The steward of the Hong family pushed open the door and entered with a solemn expression.

"Miss Song San." He handed a foot-high porcelain statue of Guanyin to Song Tao, "Look, this is a new product launched by the Song family kiln. The door of their kiln is almost bursting. We have to think We need to find a way."

Song Tao took a closer look and saw that although the Buddha statue was made of porcelain, the craftsmanship was lifelike. The hair, folds of clothes, and accessories were all as clearly visible as real ones. The eyebrows and eyes were even more like sculptures, with clear outlines and lifelike expressions. Stone carvings, wood carvings, etc. are more lustrous and stunning.

"How could this happen?" She stared at the Buddha statue.

In the previous life, this did not happen.

Song Jiyun never made Buddha statues at all.

She felt a little panicked.

How much did Song Youliang teach Song Jiyun privately?

Song Tao's face also darkened, and she said: "To make such porcelain, you need to make a mold first. Where did they find the mold master? Didn't you find that the Song Kiln Factory is looking for a mold master?"

The Song family has always been proud of drawing blanks and firing porcelain, and there is no mold master at all.

To make Buddha statues, you must hire a master from outside.

The face of the manager of the Hong family was even worse.

Is she passing the blame?

He's just here to help, not to take care of things?

But the Hong family is now counting on her to make money, and he will definitely suffer a loss if he quarrels with her at this time.

"It was my negligence." He immediately admitted his mistake, but changed the subject and asked her, "Then what should we do?"

Song Tao's palms were sweaty, but she didn't show it at all on her face. Instead, she smiled and said, "We are not competing in the same category, so why should we panic?" But she still made a decisive decision, "But we also We can't just watch customers go to their homes. In this way, the sales of those daily porcelain are not good anyway, so why not hold an event and treat it as a way to gather popularity - daily porcelain is discounted and sold out as soon as possible , we find ways to introduce new products.”

"Miss Song San still has an idea." The steward said flatteringly and went to work on the discount.

Song Tao placed the Buddha statue on the shrine in the accounting room.

Just wait until she establishes a relationship with Eunuch Wan.

No matter how big the business is, it is just a straw in front of the officials.

But within a few days, before she received any news from the Royal Kiln Factory, she heard that Song Jiyun had donated a porcelain Avalokitesvara Seated Lotus Statue to the Baxian Temple.

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