Enter the Room

Chapter 184

Song Tao? !

Song Jiuyun was a little surprised, but he didn't seem that surprised.

She raised an eyebrow.

Li Zixiu smiled and said: "I have said before that I don't have any hobbies, I just like to drink a little wine. A few days ago, Mr. Wang and I drank at Fengyue Boundless, and I never thought about your cousin Miss Song San and her Several masters from the kiln factory were sitting next to me. Listening to Miss Song San's tone, she felt that the varieties of Liangyu kiln factory were too single, and she wanted to make blue and white porcelain. The most feared thing when making blue and white porcelain is the glaze. You have to find a matchmaker. Only a well-established glaze shop can supply it.

"Originally, it was just a matter of going to Yanji to buy glaze. But her father, Song Daliang, had a falling out with the Song family, and he opened a kiln to burn jade and porcelain, and competed with the Song family kiln. She was afraid of the Song family's manipulation. If Ping Pingqing was replaced by Shi Ziqing, she would feel that Tian Tian should not respond, and that Earth and Earth would become inoperable.

"I didn't think much about it at the time. I just muttered a few words while drinking with Mr. Wang."

He sighed: "Now it seems that I was plotted by her and deceived by her!"

Song Jiyun didn't believe a word of it.

She ridiculed: "It depends on the person. If you listened, you just listened. But after Mr. Wang listened, he directly attacked our Song family kiln factory. It can be seen that the person who doesn't talk about this kind of thing, (Rather) it lies in the obedient person.”

She also asked pointedly: "Boss Li, do you think this is true!"

Li Zixiu beat his chest and said, "Aren't I afraid that you will be deceived like me?"

"Then thank you very much!" Song Jiyun said with a perfunctory smile, "It's getting late, so I'll go back first. I'll ask you for advice when I have the chance."

After saying that, Li Zixiu got on the sedan without waiting for a word.

Li Zixiu saw that she was out of touch, and smiled coldly at the shadow of her sedan chair as she walked away.

When he arrived at Song's house, Zhou Zheng couldn't help but said to Song Jiyun, "I'm thinking that it's really possible for Third Miss Song to do such a thing."

"So what?" Song Jiyun said disapprovingly, "Then Li Zixiu is obviously watching the boat capsize from the Yellow Crane Tower. Can I make him do what he wants? He wants to lead me around, but his methods are a bit clumsy."

As she spoke, she looked up and saw the carriage parked in the sedan hall.

She called the boy on duty and said, "Did the carriage just go out?"

The boy nodded repeatedly and said, "Master Yuan just came back."

The carriage she saw just now was Yuan Yunzhong.

Why didn't he say hello to me?

Didn't you see it?

Thoughts flashed through his mind, and Song Jiyun realized that he hadn't seen Yuan Yunzhong for several days.

She asked Manager Wu: "What are Mr. Yuan busy with these days?"

Manager Wu welcomed her to the accounting room and said, "Most of the time I spend reading and writing in the house. Occasionally I go out with Mr. Shao, sometimes with Liuzi and sometimes without. What exactly I did depends on me. Liu Zi asked about it and found out."

The implication was that he asked her if she wanted to inquire.

Song Jiyun shook her head, thinking that she would burn alum red in Prince Huai's Mansion in a few days, so she went to Yin Yu Tang.

As Manager Wu said, Yuan Yunzhong was painting flowers and birds at his desk.

She gave the painting of flowers and birds by Li Gonglin that she got from Li Zixiu at noon to Yuan Yunzhong and said, "What are you painting?"

Yuan Yunzhong stood up.

Song Jiyun saw two blue magpies drawn on the yellowish rice paper, looking back. The blue magpie's feathers are dyed extremely brightly, as if they were made of malachite.

Yuan Yunzhong put down his pen, took the handkerchief handed over by the boy, wiped his hands, and said, "What do you want Miss Song to do here?"

The tone was a little unnatural.

"I'm here to ask you if you have the porcelain you want." Song Jiyun told him about opening a red alum kiln for King Huai.

Yuan Yunzhong replied: "No."

Song Jiyun smiled and said: "Then let me burn some hexagonal boxes for you! You can put paints and ink pads in them!"

Yuan Yunzhong took a deep look at Song Jiyun and said "oh" slowly.

Song Jiyun smiled brightly, and Yuan Yunzhong was slightly stunned. Song Jiyun asked about the carriage again: "Did you pass by Taohuaju just now? Didn't you see me? I was right outside the door of Taohuaju!"

"Oh!" Yuan Yunzhong said slowly, threw the handkerchief to the boy, and said calmly, "I didn't pay attention!"

Song Jiyun smiled and said: "If I had known this, I would have stopped you, and I could ride your carriage back!"

She smiled and talked about today's Hongmen Banquet: "I said it was an apology, but it turned out that everything was someone else's fault. He was just deceived by others... He still expected to pretend that nothing happened, thinking that I was stupid..."

Yuan Yunzhong listened quietly. Shao Qing, who was waiting outside the door to deliver tea, heard the commotion inside and couldn't help but lean on the red-painted floor pillar outside the door and murmured in a low voice: "I don't know what is being sold in the gourd." Medicine? He obviously turned a corner and walked past the door of Taohuaju without stopping to say hello to Miss Song. He even said he didn’t see it!

"You said you should distance yourself from Miss Song!

"I didn't notice that I was not distant, but I did notice that Miss Song didn't show mercy at all when she picked up Miss Song's things!"


The news that Li Zixiu served Song Jiyun with wine to apologize spread throughout Jingdezhen and reached Song Tao's ears. Several days had passed since the incident.

She was walking around the workshops with Mr. Hong, who occasionally visited the kiln.

Mr. Hong was very satisfied with the output of the kiln. He stood under the big tree outside the door of the drawing workshop and smiled at the general manager of the Hong family: "Miss Song San has worked hard during this period. I don't think we have to do it." According to the deed, dividends will be distributed once every six months. You can distribute dividends in advance. Miss Song San can also buy some rouge and gouache she likes."

The chief manager of the Hong family responded "yes" with a smile.

Song Tao was about to speak but hesitated.

Mr. Hong smiled and said: "You are two years younger than our Hong Zhao. I treat you as my granddaughter. Is there anything else you can't say to me?"

"I was mistaken!" Song Tao immediately admitted his mistake and said thoughtfully, "I think there is no need to be so hasty about the dividends. I want to imitate Song Jiuyun and burn a dragon kiln."

She also explained: "The varieties of our kiln are too single. If you want to have a place in the industry, you have to burn blue and white."

"Do you know how to burn a dragon kiln?" Mr. Hong only heard about burning a dragon kiln.

He was shocked.

But after the shock, there was a surprise that could not be concealed: "I really didn't expect it!"

Song Tao was very humble and said: "I only learned a little when I went to the kiln factory with my second uncle. The main thing is to keep the heat. But I heard that my cousin has already solved this problem. We are going to burn the dragon kiln. , I’m afraid I’ll have to pay a lot of money to hire people from the Changjiang Gang to build the kiln.”

Mr. Hong understood.

Since it is a technical problem that others can solve and Song Jiyun solved it, the Changjiang Gang who helped the Song family kiln factory to build the kiln must have some agreement with Song Jiyun, otherwise Song Jiyun would not have told the Changjiang Gang how to build a new type of dragon kiln. .

Mr. Hong muttered: "The Hong family has never been in the porcelain business before, and they have no friendship with the people from the Changjiang Gang..."

Song Tao smiled and said, "If you think it's feasible, then leave this matter to me!"

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