Hong Xi didn't understand Song Jiyun's meaning for a while, but he still said: "In addition to a few of my grandfather's friends, my brother's two distant relatives at home are his classmates and teachers at Heshan Academy."

Song Jiuyun was shocked.

She did not expect that the Hong family could invite people from Heshan Academy to watch the ceremony.

You know, Heshan Academy is in Suzhou!

It is more than 500 miles from Suzhou to Liang County, and it takes half a month to walk. After getting off the ship, you have to change to a mule cart. The hard work of traveling and traveling is no ordinary hardship.

On the contrary, the news that the second young master of the Hong family was also studying at Heshan Academy was passed by Song Jiyun without thinking much.

She couldn't help but ask: "Are you coming from Suzhou?"

Hong Xi nodded and smiled implicitly: "My brother is quite talented in reading, and was accepted as a closed disciple by the headmaster of Heshan Academy. The crowning ceremony for my brother was originally supposed to be held in Suzhou, but the foundation of our family is in Liang The county has a small population, so after discussion with the mountain chief, my grandfather finally decided to hold the wedding ceremony in my hometown."

Song Jiuyun understood immediately.

Mr. Hong wants to make a name for himself in his hometown, and wants to scare the villains so that they don't dare to covet the Hong family's property.

"That is to order a batch of porcelain as a gift specifically for the Second Young Master's crowning ceremony." Song Jiyun said understandingly, "Then during the crowning ceremony, more scholars will come, right?"

Hong Xi said: "There are probably less than two tables of relatives and old friends at home."

Song Jiyun pondered: "If there are more scholars coming, then draw a bunch of them diagonally. Leave more white space to make it look grand and elegant. If there are more old friends from aristocratic families, then fill the vase with flowers and make it more lively."

When Hong Xi heard this, he gave Yuan Yunzhong a meaningful look.

Yuan Yunzhong leaned leisurely by the window, his expression was very happy, and there seemed to be a slight smile in his eyes.

Hong Xi smiled, twirled the Hetian jade ring on his ring finger, sat on the Taishi chair behind the desk, and said pointedly: "I didn't expect Mr. Yuan to know how to make porcelain!"

Song Jiyun sighed in his heart.

Yuan Yunzhong's words left a mark on Hong Xi's heart.

She smiled and said: "The fact that the Song family can re-burn white porcelain for sacrifices is due to Mr. Yuan's contribution."

She didn't want Yuan Yunzhong to be looked down upon by Hong Xi, not to mention Yuan Yunzhong's painting skills were very high, and people with high painting skills usually didn't have poor appreciation of painting. Yuan Yunzhong's proposal to paint a clump of dogwood might not be unreasonable.

"However, Mr. Yuan is better at painting, especially fine brushwork." Song Jiyun continued, "I feel ashamed. If I have the opportunity, I can communicate with Mr. Hong."

"Really?" Hong Xi's eyes were a bit stern, and he obviously didn't believe it. He turned to look at Yuan Yunzhong, "I wonder who Mr. Yuan's painting master is? I grew up in Suzhou since I was a child, maybe I know him. people!"

Yuan Yunzhong, who was originally looking at Song Jiyun, looked at Hong Xi.

There seemed to be a flash of light in his pure eyes.

Hong Xi was startled and couldn't help but open his eyes wide and stared at Yuan Yunzhong.

But Yuan Yunzhong was already leaning lazily in front of the window, his eyebrows as clear as the autumn moon on a curling stone.

The colorful look in his eyes seemed as if he had seen something wrong.

Hong Xi looked stunned.

Yuan Yunzhong said indifferently: "I can't say I'm good at it, but I was forced to learn it by the elders in the family for several years when I was a child. Mr. Hong probably doesn't know him."

Can painting be learned by forcing yourself to learn it for a few years?

Is he saying he has talent?

Hong Xi laughed, and the Hetian jade ring on his ring finger spun faster: "What do you call the elders in the house?"

Yuan Yunzhong raised his eyebrows and said, "The elder in my family is named Lian."

Hong Xi was stunned.

The surname "Lian" is very rare.

In his impression, there were no aristocratic families named Lian in Suzhou Prefecture, let alone famous Confucian scholars.

But Yuan Yunzhong was too calm and leisurely, not like a person from an ordinary family at all, so he couldn't help but think about it carefully and carefully.

There is still no one named "Lian".

"It's because I'm ignorant!" Hong Xi smiled and left the Hetian jade ring on the ring finger of his left hand with his right hand. "The inspectors at Heshan Academy all think that if you want to make progress in your career, you must strengthen your body. During the years when I was studying at Heshan Academy, I always... Being urged to learn archery, even if there are famous teachers of rituals, music, calligraphy and painting, they have only scratched the surface. To be honest, the masters of calligraphy and painting in Suzhou don’t know much.”

Song Jiyun frowned.

Those who can teach in Heshan Academy are not just ordinary people, some are even high-ranking officials.

Hong Xi compared the elders of Yuan Yunzhong with the professors of Heshan Academy and even the calligraphy and painting masters of Suzhou...

She was a little unhappy.

He coughed lightly before getting ready to speak.

Unexpectedly, Yuan Yunzhong nodded solemnly and said: "It seems that you are indeed not familiar with it. That elder once taught calligraphy and painting in your Heshan Academy, and he also taught the Book of Songs for a few days."

Hong Xi was stunned.

The great Confucians, while able to speak the Four Books and the Five Classics, were also proficient in the Six Arts.

But he was certain that there was no professor named "Lian" in Heshan Academy.

Could it be that Yuan Yunzhong was lying because he was in front of Song Jiyun?

The thought flashed past, and he heard Yuan Yunzhong sneer and said: "Your Heshan Academy wants you to keep fit, isn't it because in the first year of Tianshun, when your students from Heshan Academy participated in the Qiuwei Festival, more than forty people went there? , a dozen of them fainted in the examination room. As a result, Heshan Academy, let alone the other two major academies in Jiangnan, failed to pass the exam that year, and even the second-rate academy in Suzhou failed to pass the examination, so its results were at the bottom?"

The corners of his mouth were raised and his eyes were bright, as if he had thought of something funny, with a bit of joy in his briskness.

But in Hong Xi's eyes, he felt a bit gloating about his misfortune.

He was full of doubts, but not only did he not show it on his face, he also complained with a smile: "It's a shame for those of us who entered the academy later. The Sixth Arts has been changed from an elective subject to a compulsory subject."

He seemed to be joking, but his mind kept spinning.

It is indeed for this reason that Heshan Academy was chosen again.

But the academy was so ashamed of this matter that no one was willing to mention it to anyone except their own students, who were taught face-to-face by professors.

How did Yuan Yunzhong know?

And before, Yuan Yunzhong told an anecdote about Qiu Zhongren...

He looked at Yuan Yunzhong with a more cautious look.

However, Yuan Yunzhong seemed not to feel Hong Xi's change. He waved his hand casually and said to Song Jiyun: "Then draw two images on the plain-fired Fulu gourd bottle and let Mr. Hong choose one."

this is a good idea!

Song Jiyun immediately asked Hong Xi, "What do you think, Mr. Hong?"

Hong Xi felt awe-struck.

However, in just a few words, Yuan Yunzhong had the right to speak.

He couldn't help but feel fighting spirit, and was about to retort a few words, but the words were already on his lips. When he raised his eyes, he saw Song Jiyun's smiling face as bright as a spring peach.

He couldn't help but feel his heartbeat, and he could no longer say those words.

However, Song Jiuyun looked at him with eyes that were as bright as stars, indescribably sincere.

Hong Xi secretly smiled bitterly and sighed: "I'll have to worry about this matter for Miss Song. It's only a matter of paper. It would be best if I could burn a few samples to see with my own eyes."

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