Entering Taoism from the womb

Chapter 5 Photographic Memory

Zhao Pingan thought that he would be able to run immediately after he was born, but he didn't expect that when the umbilical cord was cut, his mind immediately became drowsy and he was very sleepy.

Three months after he was born, he ate and slept almost all the time, and he ate a lot.

In the first month, Jiang Shuyue's milk was not enough to feed him.

It happened that the fourth cousin was weaned, and the beautiful second aunt joined the ranks of feeding him.

Zhao Pingan didn't want to become a glutton and a sleepy god, so he tried to absorb the vitality of heaven and earth to practice, but it was difficult for him to concentrate in the cradle, and the vitality of heaven and earth absorbed was too stimulating to the meridians of the newborn baby, so he had to give up.

Before the third month, Jiang Shuyue and the second aunt couldn't feed Zhao Pingan enough.

So the Jiang family hired a wet nurse for Zhao Pingan.

That day, Zhao Pingan was awakened by hunger in his sleep, and screamed, saying that he wanted to eat milk.

However, it was a strange woman who picked him up.

He thought it was a new nanny, but he didn't expect that this strange woman would open her clothes to feed him milk.

He refused to drink milk because the nurse was ordinary-looking and not pretty enough.

After coaxing and forcing him to drink milk for a while, Zhao Ping'an still refused to drink milk, so Jiang Shuyue had to take him back from the nurse's arms.

After two or three days, Zhao Ping'an would rather starve than drink the nurse's milk.

Jiang Shuyue had no choice but to change the nurse.

After changing two nurses in a row, Zhao Ping'an finally agreed to drink milk from the third nurse.

Although this nurse's appearance was not as good as Jiang Shuyue and the second aunt, she was also quite beautiful and gentle.

After being born for a hundred days, Zhao Ping'an tried to absorb the vitality of heaven and earth to practice again.

If he could no longer absorb the vitality of heaven and earth to replenish it, Jiang Shuyue, the second aunt and the nurse would not be able to feed him.

In the past hundred days, he did not eat and sleep in vain. He grew up very fast and was already the size of a six or seven-month-old baby, and was quite strong.

After waking up, he did not make any noise immediately, but lay on the bed and concentrated on absorbing the vitality of heaven and earth.

Learning from the last lesson, Zhao Pingan carefully absorbed a wisp of heaven and earth energy, which entered the meridians, and the meridians had a slight swelling feeling.

Enduring a little discomfort, he carefully and slowly refined the wisp of heaven and earth energy and obtained a trace of true energy.

Zhao Pingan was very excited after successfully cultivating a trace of true energy.

He continued to refine three strands of true energy, and then had to end it and fell asleep.

Because he was already exhausted, and his meridians were slightly swollen and painful.

After all, a 100-day baby is still too fragile.

After waking up again, Zhao Pingan was still energetic after drinking enough milk, and the four strands of true energy took effect.

Jiang Shuyue was a little surprised to find that Zhao Pingan's pair of black and shiny eyes like black gems were rolling around. She picked up Zhao Pingan again and put him in her soft arms, and then teased him.

Zhao Pingan could only pretend to be stupid and responded to his mother in a stupid way, which made her laugh continuously, and her beautiful and soft face was filled with happiness and joy.

Perhaps Jiang Shuyue's laughter was too clear and joyful, and soon attracted the second aunt, who also joined in teasing Zhao Ping'an.

After being teased by the two women for nearly two quarters of an hour, Zhao Ping'an was exhausted and fell asleep.

Before falling asleep, he felt a little distressed. The four strands of true energy he had cultivated with great difficulty were consumed just like that.

Five months after birth, Zhao Ping'an grew up to the size of a one-year-old child, and finally could run and talk.

Unfortunately, Jiang Shuyue was worried about him running around, so he usually restricted him from playing with his fourth cousin Jiang Yiyi.

Jiang Yiyi was one and a half years old, delicate and beautiful, with fair skin and two cute pigtails on her head, like a porcelain doll.

This little girl was lively and active, but she was crybaby.

Zhao Ping'an was forced to take on the task of playing with Jiang Yiyi, playing stupid games with her in various ways to make her happy.

Jiang Yiyi soon became his fan and his little tail. Not only did she want to sleep with him, she even cried and wanted to take a bath with him in the same tub.

At six months old, Zhao Ping'an was as big as a one-year-and-three-month-old boy. With his mature demeanor, he looked like a little adult.

"Mother, I want to learn to read." Zhao Ping'an said to Jiang Shuyue seriously.

Jiang Shuyue thought she had heard wrongly and asked in surprise, "You said you want to learn to read?"

"Yes." Zhao Ping'an nodded affirmatively, "Please teach me, mother."

Jiang Shuyue couldn't help but feel a strong joy in her heart. The son she saved with her life was indeed extraordinary. He took the initiative to learn to read when he was only half a year old.

"Okay, mother will teach you to read." She smiled and bent down to pick up Zhao Ping'an, "Let's go to my second aunt's house to borrow books."

My second aunt has a pair of children. The eldest son, Jiang Huaiyi, is more than six years old this year. He started to read and learn to read the year before last and has used the enlightenment books.

The two families live in the Jiang Mansion and the courtyards they live in are adjacent.

It turned out that after Jiang Shuyue got married, the Jiang family had kept the courtyard before her marriage, Yueguiyuan, for Jiang Shuyue, and she continued to live there after she returned to her parents' home.

After a while, Jiang Shuyue carried Zhao Ping'an into the courtyard of her second aunt's house, and happened to meet her second aunt drinking tea and resting in the small pavilion in the courtyard.

"Is Ping'an hungry?" The second aunt stood up and held out a pair of full and huge canteens in front of her chest.

Jiang Shuyue smiled and said to Zhao Ping'an: "Ping'an, tell me yourself."

As she said that, she put Zhao Ping'an down.

Zhao Ping'an walked to the second aunt with short legs and greeted her in a baby voice and politely: "Hello, second aunt."

"Hello, little Ping'an." The second aunt couldn't help but pick up Zhao Ping'an lovingly, "Tell me, what do you want to do with the second aunt?"

Zhao Ping'an is about 50% similar to Jiang Shuyue. He is handsome and very cute. Second Aunt has been feeding Zhao Ping'an for five months. How can she not like him?

Zhao Ping'an said seriously: "Second Aunt, I want to learn to read. I want to borrow books from you and my cousin to learn."

Second Aunt was surprised and turned to Jiang Shuyue to ask. The latter smiled and said: "He asked it himself. I was also shocked."

Second Aunt's eyes turned back to Zhao Ping'an's face. Seeing Zhao Ping'an's pink and handsome face showing a serious expression, she couldn't help but kiss Zhao Ping'an's little face.

"Little Ping'an is great. Second Aunt loves you so much." She said with joy, "I'll take you to get the book now."

Then, she carried Zhao Ping'an out of the pavilion and went into the house to get the book.

Not long after, Second Aunt took out a children's literacy enlightenment book "Thousand Characters" and returned to the pavilion.

She wanted to teach Zhao Ping'an to recognize the first word in person, but she still gave it to Jiang Shuyue.

Jiang Shuyue is the real mother.

Jiang Shuyue opened the first page of the Thousand Characters and taught Zhao Ping'an the first character carefully. Zhao Ping'an learned it easily.

Jiang Shuyue and the second aunt were full of surprises.

Especially the second aunt, she taught her son Jiang Huaiyi to recognize characters. Jiang Huaiyi was already quite smart, but his speed of recognizing characters was far behind Zhao Ping'an.

The key is that Jiang Huaiyi was already four years old at that time.

After Jiang Shuyue taught Zhao Ping'an to recognize three characters, the second aunt couldn't help but said: "Let me teach Ping'an to recognize characters too."

Jiang Shuyue smiled and made way: "Second sister-in-law, please."

So, the second aunt happily continued to teach Zhao Ping'an to recognize characters.

After learning a few more characters, Zhao Ping'an thought that he might be able to use the panel to quickly learn to recognize characters.

So he said: "Second aunt, can you read the Thousand Characters to me first?"

"Why?" The second aunt asked subconsciously.

Zhao Pingan: "I think I can learn faster this way."

"Pingan, learning requires patience, and it can't be accomplished overnight." Jiang Shuyue next to him immediately criticized him seriously.

The second aunt smiled and said lovingly: "It's okay to read it to him first."

After that, she slowly read it word by word.

Zhao Pingan stared at the words on the book and listened carefully.

After the second aunt finished reading "Thousand Character Classic", Zhao Pingan closed his eyes slightly and opened the panel in his mind to check.

He saw that there was an extra line of entries under [Techniques] on the panel.

[Reading Words by Segmenting: "Thousand Character Classic" (1/20)]

Seeing that reading words can really be a cheat, Zhao Pingan did not hesitate to fill up the proficiency points in "Thousand Character Classic".

Now he has accumulated more than 1.5 million proficiency points (out of vigilance, he has increased the proficiency points of Wuxie Gangti to 1 million, using up hundreds of thousands of proficiency points), and a mere 19 proficiency points are not even a drop in the bucket.

For a while, a large amount of text information poured into his mind, forcing him to keep quiet and absorb it.

Jiang Shuyue and the second aunt saw Zhao Ping'an close his eyes and digest the text, and they couldn't help but smile at each other.

After a while, Zhao Ping'an opened his eyes, stood up and faced Jiang Shuyue and the second aunt: "Thank you, second aunt and mother, I have learned the "Thousand Character Classic"."

Jiang Shuyue and the second aunt were stunned and couldn't believe it. They said in unison: "Really? Fake?"

Zhao Ping'an immediately started to recite the "Thousand Character Classic" backwards, fluently.

When he just recited a dozen words backwards, Jiang Shuyue and the second aunt were puzzled.

The next moment, the second aunt, who had just finished reading the "Thousand Character Classic", reacted and shouted in shock: "You actually recited the "Thousand Character Classic" backwards!"

She immediately opened the last page of the "Thousand Character Classic" and saw that it was true, and not a single word was wrong.

Jiang Shuyue hurried over to look at the "Thousand Character Classic", and it was really like this.

In the shock of Jiang Shuyue and the second aunt, Zhao Ping'an recited the "Thousand Character Classic" backwards fluently.

After closing the book, Jiang Shuyue and the second aunt turned to look at each other, and saw shock and surprise in each other's eyes.

"Shuyue, Ping'an never forgets what he sees and hears, so smart!" The second aunt was shocked, "He will become a great man in the future!"

Jiang Shuyue stood up and picked up Zhao Ping'an, holding Zhao Ping'an tightly in her arms, and murmured with tears: "My child, my child..."

She has paid too much for Zhao Ping'an. Now Zhao Ping'an is only half a year old and has shown amazing intelligence, far beyond ordinary people.

That day, the news that Zhao Ping'an could recite the "Thousand Characters" by heart after listening to it only once spread throughout the Jiang Mansion, which amazed everyone.

Jiang Wen, the head of the Jiang Mansion and Jiang Shuyue's father, personally tested Zhao Ping'an with another enlightenment literacy book with as many as 3,000 words.

Under the witness of most of the Jiang family and many maids and servants, Zhao Ping'an calmly recited it by heart.

For a moment, everyone present was shocked.

You know, Zhao Ping'an is only half a year old.

At this age, most babies still wet the bed and can't recognize who their father is.

The next day, Zhao Ping'an's reputation as a genius spread beyond the Jiang Mansion.

Half a month later, the news reached the Zhennan Marquis Mansion.

When Zhao Yingpeng learned about it, he couldn't help but frowned: "Was I wrong at the beginning?"

Then, he snorted decisively: "No, it's just a little cleverness. It's congenitally deficient and destined to be mediocre."

When the old lady of Zhennan Marquis learned about it, she snorted disdainfully: "It must be that the Jiang family is deliberately making a mystery to build momentum for that evil child, and want Yingpeng to take them back to the Marquis Mansion! No way!"

After Su Yingluo, who was already pregnant, learned about this, a trace of solemnity and worry appeared on her holy face.

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