Entering Taoism from the womb

Chapter 60 Jiang Shuyue was very shocked

After testing the power of "Thunder Attraction", Jiang Pingan then tested the power of "Dragon Catching Hand" and "Dragon Fighting Hand".

The appearance of the two martial arts is similar, both are a golden hand composed of true essence combined with part of the heaven and earth essence, but the Dragon Fighting Hand is two or three times more condensed.

The palm of "Dragon Fighting Hand" can be as big as a house, and the maximum grip can grab a rock weighing 30,000 to 40,000 pounds, and the farthest attack range is about 70 to 80 feet.

The power of "Dragon Catching Hand" is much smaller, and the name is seriously exaggerated. Even the python monster may not be able to be caught.

Late at night, Jiang Pingan sat cross-legged on the bed to practice.

Tonight he did not take Qingyuan Dan, but used high-grade Yuanshi to assist in practice.

Excluding the 15 high-grade Yuanshi used to buy purple thunder liquid, he now has a total of 41 high-grade stone Yuan.

In addition, he has nearly 100 medium-grade Yuanshi, and several hundred low-grade Yuanshi.

Although it was a luxury to use high-grade Yuanshi to practice, he couldn't help but use so many of them now.

After using them, he felt so good that he couldn't stop.

In just half a night, he had consumed thirty high-grade Yuanshi.

"I can't use it anymore. If I use it again, I'll go bankrupt." Jiang Ping'an overcame his impulse with great willpower.

For the first time, his Yuanhai experienced such a significant change, and it actually expanded a little, about one thousandth.

Two days later, Jiang Ping'an rode a horse (there were two horses in total) to see Jiang Shuyue, and personally handed Jiang Shuyue four secret books, including "Wind and Rain Palm", "Extreme Speed ​​Xunfeng Blade Technique", "Xunfeng Killing Wings" and "Meaning Sword Technique", one top-grade spell and three top-grade martial arts.

Among them, "Meaning Sword Technique" was derived from a high-grade sword technique that a student asked him for. Because the changes were relatively large and not easy to see, he took the risk to pass it on to Jiang Shuyue.

Jiang Shuyue is used to using swords and has a mysterious sword. If she doesn't have a set of top-grade swordsmanship, she won't be able to exert her strength. Moreover, the "Sword of Death" is also a wind-based swordsmanship, which is very suitable for Jiang Shuyue.

As for the "Thunder Induction" that he is more satisfied with, he is bound by the oath of the Taiwu Mansion and cannot teach it to anyone, including his close relative Jiang Shuyue.

Jiang Shuyue was very shocked to get top-grade martial arts and top-grade spells.

Since she was promoted to the Dragon Realm, she has been very distressed about how to get a top-grade martial arts or top-grade spells.

Top-grade martial arts and top-grade spells are very important heritage of large families and large sects. Even aristocratic families cherish them very much and never leak them. They are extremely difficult to obtain and cannot be bought with money, or it takes a lot of Yuanshi and a certain opportunity to buy them.

I never expected that Jiang Ping'an would give her four at once!

"The Wind and Rain Palm of Life, the Extreme Speed ​​Xunfeng Blade Technique, and the Xunfeng Killing Wings were respectively learned by me based on the Fine Rain Golden Wind Palm, the Xunfeng Blade Technique, and the Xunfeng Wings." Jiang Ping'an explained.

He then explained: "The Killing Sword Technique was learned based on a top-grade sword technique of the Liao family in Yizhou. The sword moves vary greatly and it is not easy to miss. However, when you use it, you should still avoid using it in front of people from the Liao family in Yizhou."

"However, the chance of you meeting someone from the Liao family in Yizhou is very small. Yizhou is far away in the northern border, and the Liao family is not a very prosperous family."

Jiang Shuyue listened carefully and said with great emotion: "Ping'an, your comprehension is at least rare in a thousand years. I don't know how much good deeds my mother accumulated in her previous life to conceive and give birth to you."

"Mother, I am embarrassed to say that." Jiang Ping'an was embarrassed. Thinking, "If it weren't for you, I would have no chance to come to this world."

Jiang Shuyue couldn't help but smile happily, and then asked: "Can I pass these top-grade martial arts and top-grade spells back to the Jiang Mansion?"

"Of course," Jiang Ping'an nodded affirmatively, "But the time is not ripe yet, let's wait for another year or two."

Jiang Shuyue nodded in agreement: "You are too comprehensible and easily jealous. You should really keep a low profile."

The next moment, she said happily and expectantly: "Your grandfather and your uncle must be very shocked and surprised after getting the top-grade martial arts and spells you passed on."


A few days later, an imperial edict was delivered to the Nanhou Mansion in Baidi Town, Southern Xinjiang.

The eunuch who delivered the imperial edict read the imperial edict to Zhennan Hou and Zhao Shipeng, reprimanding Zhennan Hou Mansion for being daring and sending a cultivator in the Dragon Realm to Beijing to assassinate, and asked Zhennan Hou if he wanted to rebel.

Zhennan Hou was so scared that he kowtowed and denied it, and even expressed his loyalty.

The eunuch who delivered the imperial edict saw the attitude of Zhennan Hou admitting his fault, and on behalf of Emperor Gan, he let Zhennan Hou go, but he had to confiscate his salary for three years, and warned him that if he committed the same crime again, he would bear the consequences.

After the eunuch who delivered the imperial edict left, Zhennan Hou slapped Zhao Shipeng in the face and shouted angrily: "Reflect on your mistakes for a year!"

In Zhennan Hou's mansion, the only one who could command the family generals in the Dragon Realm besides himself was the prince.

"Yes, Dad." Zhao Shipeng lowered his head and replied humiliatingly.

After Zhennan Hou left with his sleeves swung, Zhao Shipeng raised his face, full of anger and hatred.

He had nothing to do with Emperor Gan in getting rid of the wicked son, and he actually issued an imperial edict to reprimand him.

"Has that bastard been cleared out?" He guessed secretly, "He should have been cleared out. A cultivator in the Dragon Transformation Realm took action, and he, a Yuanhai Realm cultivator, had no chance of survival. It should be that Chen Yishan made a noise and was discovered by the Divine Guards of Yujing."

"What a bastard, he wanted to harm me even after his death!"


Time flies, and Jiang Pingan lives a fulfilling and meaningful life every day.

He practices, makes pills, goes to the martial arts building to read the introduction of top-grade martial arts, and occasionally attends Wentao classes.

Except when it rains, he goes to the martial arts field every morning to teach other students martial arts and spells.

Not only did he take the opportunity to learn more and more martial arts and spells, but he also received sincere gifts from other students.

Among the many students, his prestige as the chief student was getting higher and higher, and he was deeply respected by the students.

It took eighteen days for the blue-feathered bird egg to hatch successfully.

Unknowingly, more than a month had passed.

That day, he was suddenly blocked by Zhao Jinglian.

"Zhao Ping'an, my brother has entered the realm of God! Except for your sneak attack last time, you will never be my brother's opponent!" Zhao Jinglian completely recovered his arrogance and demeanor, looking at Zhao Ping'an with contempt, "A mortal body is a mortal body after all, even if you show up once by luck, it is just a flash in the pan!"

Jiang Ping'an said in a light voice: "My surname is Jiang, please don't call me by the wrong name, otherwise it will make you look very rude."

"You really don't deserve the surname Zhao!" Zhao Jinglian snorted arrogantly.

Jiang Pingan was too lazy to argue with such a superficial and unruly lady, and only said with a little sarcasm: "You told me the news that Zhao Zhenming entered the Shenzang Shen. Wouldn't he be able to catch me off guard in the next genius ranking competition?"

"Haha!" Zhao Jinglian sneered meaningfully.

Zhao Zhenming first opened the heart Shenzang, not the lung Shenzang that made a big noise. He really planned to keep it secret and not publicize it. Fortunately, he caught some important competitors off guard in the next genius ranking competition.

The reason why Zhao Jinglian couldn't wait to show off to Jiang Pingan was because she thought Jiang Pingan would not live to see the next genius ranking competition.

If Jiang Pingan was not allowed to know, wouldn't Jiang Pingan think that Zhao Zhenming was not his opponent until his death, and that he was stronger than Zhao Zhenming?

She could never tolerate it.

Jiang Pingan looked at Zhao Jinglian's meaningful sneer, and suddenly thought of the assassination of the top powerhouse of the Dragon Realm sent by Zhao Shipeng.

"Did you ask Zhao Shipeng to send someone to assassinate me?" He suddenly questioned.

Zhao Jinglian was obviously flustered. Although she did not write directly to Zhao Shipeng, it was almost the same.

She was a savage daughter with almost no scheming. In addition, she was only twelve years old. When Jiang Pingan suddenly asked her this question, she was exposed.

After confirming his guess, Jiang Pingan just looked at Zhao Jinglian deeply without saying anything.

He did not expect that Zhao Jinglian was so vicious and cruel at the age of twelve. She really wanted to kill him, not just a verbal threat.

"I don't know what nonsense you are talking about!" Zhao Jinglian threw down a sentence and turned away in a hurry.

Jiang Pingan kept looking at Zhao Jinglian's back and wondered in his heart: "Is Zhao Zhenming involved?"

After another seven or eight days, Jiang Pingan finally chose the best martial arts or magic to practice.

This choice was also unexpected to him, but it was reasonable.

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