Entering Taoism from the womb

Chapter 80: Winning the First Place in Training

Princess Bailing was also surprised to hear the number of sea apes hunted by Jiang Pingan.

"How did you do it?" She asked Jiang Pingan in surprise, her bright and lively eyes full of curiosity.

Jiang Pingan did not pretend to be mysterious to let Princess Bailing guess, and said directly: "First, you can catch the wolf only if you are willing to sacrifice your children. I used many spiritual talismans, including a large number of fire rain talismans."

"Second, I used flying spiritual pets as my eyes and ears, which made it easier to find the islands and reefs where sea apes gather."

The method needs to be said, otherwise it will be easy to be suspected of cheating and cause unnecessary trouble.

"So that's it." Princess Bailing suddenly realized.

Sea apes are generally second-level monsters. Under the attack of the top-grade spiritual talisman fire rain talisman, they are almost killed instantly, and a large number of them are killed at once. If the fire rain talisman is used continuously, the effect is better than a top-level strong man in the Dragon Transformation Realm hunting.

Jiang Pingan walked away from the registration desk and stood in the crowd next to him, waiting for Princess Bailing's results.

At present, his results are ranked first, and it depends on whether Princess Bailing can surpass him.

The students nearby gathered around and sincerely congratulated Jiang Pingan.

During the period, someone asked Jiang Pingan how to hunt so many sea apes, and Jiang Pingan repeated what he had told Princess Bailing.

Not long after, Princess Bailing's experience results came out, a total of 6148 ordinary sea apes, 500 less than Jiang Pingan.

An hour later, as the last student boarded the spaceship, the spaceship began to return.

All the students' experience results were registered, and the senior officials of Taiwu Mansion did not hesitate to immediately summon all the students to the deck, and then officially determined the ranking on the spot and presented awards on the spot.

"The first place in this experience is Jiang Pingan, who hunted 6634 ordinary sea apes!" Li Wenzheng stood on a temporary wooden platform and announced loudly, "Please ask student Jiang Pingan to come up to receive the reward."

As his voice fell, the students immediately cheered, which showed Jiang Pingan's reputation among the students.

Under the envious eyes of everyone, Jiang Pingan boarded the wooden platform and walked in front of Li Wenzheng.

Li Wenzheng looked at Jiang Pingan, with an imperceptible smile of satisfaction on his face, and asked gently: "Jiang Pingan, do you want another top-grade Xuanqi, or do you want to enter Yulong Mountain for a month of retreat?"

"Enter Yulong Mountain for a month of retreat." Jiang Pingan said without hesitation.

Li Wenzheng nodded in agreement: "This choice is very suitable for you, you won't suffer any loss."

Then, he publicly awarded Jiang Pingan three tokens representing entering Yulong Mountain for a month of retreat, a top-grade martial arts or top-grade spells and a thousand learning tokens, ten top-grade Yuanshi and five bottles of Zhenpin Qingyuan Dan.


Two days later, the spaceship carried all the students back to Taiwu Mansion smoothly.

The students got off the spaceship and were immediately arranged to line up to receive Yuanshi or military merit.

It turned out that Taiwu Mansion had made good coordination in advance and asked the people from the Ministry of War to verify the left ear of the sea ape on the spot at the Grand Martial Arts Square, and to distribute Yuanshi or record military merit on the spot.

When it was Jiang Pingan's turn in the queue, Jiang Pingan did not ask for Yuanshi, and exchanged all of them for military merit.

He was not short of the 6634 inferior Yuanshi, but a huge amount of Yuanshi.

Moreover, military merit was very important in Dagan. The most direct impact was obtaining a title. One could even apply for a military post in the Ministry of War, and could also become a court official through some operations.

Dagan was not stable. There were evil spirits and the Rakshasa tribe (not human) in the north, and the southern border was threatened by demons and beasts. The east sea was also often invaded by aquatic creatures.

Moreover, there were also demons and evil spirits in the territory.

If Dagan did not want to be swallowed up by foreign races, it must have a large number of warriors willing to rush to the front line to resist the threats of foreign races.

Therefore, almost all titles in Dagan were determined by military merit.

The titles in Dagan were divided into five levels: duke, marquis, earl, husband, and scholar. Each level was further divided into four levels, with a total of twenty levels of titles.

The twenty ranks of the Great Gan Kingdom are: Duke of the State, Duke of the State, Duke of the County, Duke of the County, Hereditary Marquis, Marquis of the County, Marquis of the Township, Earl of the Capital, Earl of the County, Earl of the County, Earl of the County, Senior Doctor, Official Doctor, Doctor, Lower Doctor, Sergeant, Senior Sergeant, Sergeant and Corporal.

Jiang Pingan got 66,340 military merits and automatically got the title of Senior Doctor.

If he wants to join the army, he can get the military post of Colonel (mid-level officer) and command 800 soldiers.

If he has connections, he can also serve as a county lieutenant, Gongcao, Wuguanyuan, Supervisor, Master, etc., which are important officials second only to the governor and the governor.

Not only Jiang Pingan exchanged all of them for military merits, but most of the students did the same.

This experience is relatively simple. Taiwu Mansion has eliminated major dangers in advance. The students almost only need to face the sea ape, a water monster, and it is not higher than the third level.

Therefore, the military merits of this experience are easy to get, and there is a lot of water, which can be regarded as one of the benefits of being a disciple of the Emperor Gan.

At the Zhao family mansion in Yujing, Su Yingluo welcomed her two children back home with a smile on her face, but she saw that Zhao Zhenming not only did not cheer up, but became even more depressed.

Her smile froze.

"Greetings, mother." Zhao Zhenming only bowed to Su Yingluo and walked towards his yard like a walking corpse.

Su Yingluo's eyes fell on Zhao Jinglian and asked in disbelief: "Didn't your brother get a good ranking in the training?"

"He got the third place." Zhao Jinglian said with a sad face.

Su Yingluo: "Then why is he even more depressed?"

"Because the first place is that mortal!" Zhao Jinglian gritted her teeth, her eyes and face full of resentment.

Su Yingluo suddenly couldn't contain her karmic fire: "It's that evil again!"

Zhao Jinglian said with resentment: "Mother, he must die, otherwise my brother will be completely ruined."

Su Yingluo ignored Zhao Jinglian on the surface, and turned her eyes to Hai Lao, casting an inquiring look.

"Alas, the young master has tried his best, and I have also tried my best." Hai Lao sighed helplessly, "But Zhao Ping'an has better luck."

After a pause, he said: "Madam, you should make up your mind earlier."

He meant to get rid of Jiang Ping'an.

"Thank you Hai Lao for your hard work." Su Yingluo didn't respond directly.

It's not that she can't make up her mind to get rid of Jiang Ping'an, she has already done it several times, but now she can't do anything to Jiang Ping'an.

Because she wanted to kill Jiang Ping'an but couldn't, her Bodhi state of mind that she had cultivated for many years was broken.

In the afternoon, Jiang Ping'an walked to the gate of Taiwu Mansion to pick up Jiang Shuyue, and then went to his residence to meet.

He couldn't leave Taiwu Mansion for the time being, so he had to let Jiang Shuyue enter Taiwu Mansion.

In the hall of the residence, Jiang Ping'an, Jiang Shuyue and Jiang Yiyi laughed together, full of warmth.

"Mother, now I am a senior doctor." Jiang Ping'an announced the good news.

Jiang Yiyi asked in confusion: "Cousin, when did you learn medical skills?"

"Not a doctor who treats people," Jiang Ping'an shook his head and smiled: "But a senior doctor with a title."

"Ah!" Jiang Yiyi stood up in shock, unbelievable, "When did you make military merits? And it's a senior doctor!!!"

Jiang Shuyue was also shocked and even more unbelievable.

She knew better than Jiang Yiyi how difficult it was to get the title of senior doctor. It required countless military merits, and generally speaking, it was possible only after more than a hundred battles.

Dagan State had a national military service system, and all men over the age of 20 had to serve in the military for three years.

Her two brothers served in the army for five years when they were young, and they almost survived nine deaths before they got the title of sergeant (the third-to-last title).

Her father, Jiang Wen, Jiang Ping'an's grandfather, served in the army for fifteen years when he was young. His body was covered with scars, and his title was barely enough for a lower doctor.

Jiang Ping'an explained: "The sea apes hunted during this training can be exchanged for military merits. I exchanged all of them for military merits and got the title of upper doctor."

"It is estimated that within half a month, the title will be officially granted."

Jiang Shuyue and Jiang Yiyi were shocked after hearing this, followed by indescribable joy.

Especially Jiang Shuyue, the joy was indescribable, because after Jiang Ping'an obtained the title of upper doctor, he completely got rid of the status of a low-ranking bastard.

Three days later, the court held a grand and grand collective granting ceremony at Taiwu Mansion.

At the granting ceremony, Jiang Ping'an and Princess Bailing were the only two students who obtained the title of upper doctor, which made all the students envious, and even the instructors couldn't help but be jealous.

From now on, Jiang Ping'an is no longer a low-ranking bastard who is despised by the Zhennan Marquis Mansion, but a high-ranking doctor!

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