Entering Taoism from the womb

Chapter 93 Taking the Initiative

After discovering the Rakshasa, Jiang Pingan did not fly over to kill them immediately.

He first landed on the ground and said to the three squad leaders: "There are Rakshasa sneaking close, and we have found fifteen of them so far."

The faces of the three squad leaders turned pale instantly. Zhu Jiyong was the first to react and hurriedly said: "Let's hide in the array bunker!"

Before he could finish, the other two squad leaders had already turned around and fled back, shouting: "There are Rakshasa ghosts, hurry into the array bunker!"

At the same time, one of them took out a signal symbol and activated it.

I saw a red light ball flying quickly to the sky, and a sharp sound was heard, which spread far away.

In the barracks, everyone immediately ran out and rushed into a round bunker that was not much bigger than a house.

The bunker was built entirely of very hard Xuanhuang stone, and hundreds of rough array patterns could be seen on the surface of the outer wall.

As someone rushed into the bunker, the stone wall of the bunker immediately glowed with a layer of earthy yellow light, forming a defensive barrier.

The khaki defensive barrier is perfectly combined with the stone wall, greatly increasing the defensive power, and it does not consume much of the vitality of heaven and earth.

Jiang Pingan looked at the array platform bunker with interest, but did not enter it.

"Captain, you guys come in quickly." Zhu Jiyong urged Jiang Pingan and Chen Donglai anxiously.

Jiang Pingan shook his head slightly and said calmly: "You go in. We have a way to deal with them."

Zhu Jiyong wanted to persuade him, but when he saw the figure of the Rakshasa people had appeared in his sight and was rushing over at an astonishing speed, he stopped talking and quickly entered the bunker.

As the stone door of the bunker closed, the bunker and the array barrier became one.

Jiang Pingan's eyes moved away from the array platform and turned to the Rakshasa people who had rushed to more than 200 feet in front.

These Rakshasa people saw the signal going up to the sky and knew that they were discovered, so they stopped sneaking and rushed forward with all their strength.

"Uncle Chen, pay attention to safety and don't be stingy with the talisman." Jiang Pingan said while taking out the Longyuan painted halberd, ready to fight the Rakshasa people.

However, just when the Rakshasa rushed to more than 100 feet, they suddenly stopped, turned around and retreated quickly.

"Zhu Jiyong, why did these Rakshasa suddenly stop retreating?" Jiang Pingan asked with some doubts.

The formation bunker was not completely sealed, and there were small holes on all sides to facilitate viewing the situation outside from the inside.

Zhu Jiyong's voice came from the bunker: "Maybe they saw you outside the formation bunker and were not panicked, suspected a fraud, and retreated."

"The Rakshasa are as wise as us humans, not completely barbaric."

Jiang Pingan said "Oh" for a while, realizing that he had treated the Rakshasa as monsters, which was a serious mistake.

He became alert in his heart.

Watching the Rakshasa fleeing away, Jiang Pingan did not chase and kill them.

He had just arrived and did not understand many situations. He could not think that he was strong and acted recklessly, otherwise he would easily fall into the gutter.

After the Rakshasa completely left, the soldiers quickly came out of the bunker, and the formation was subsided.

The formation needs to consume the vitality of heaven and earth, which is basically gathered from heaven and earth at ordinary times. Although it is easy to obtain the vitality of heaven and earth, once the accumulation of vitality is insufficient, if the Luosha people attack with all their strength, the consequences will be disastrous.

Not long after, a burst of dense horse hoof sounds came.

Jiang Pingan turned his head and saw a cavalry squad composed of 18 elite cavalrymen coming from the rear.

"The patrol cavalry is coming." Zhu Jiyong said to Jiang Pingan, "This time they came faster, maybe they are just nearby."

After the patrol cavalry came, they only stopped and asked a question, and then left in a hurry.

Zhu Jiyong said: "The real danger is at night. You can't see far at night, and we didn't find out until the Luosha people sneaked very close."

"The Luosha people usually attack at night. They came during the day just now, maybe they thought we would be relaxed during the day."


In the next two or three days, the Luosha people did not attempt to sneak attack and infiltrate, and Jiang Pingan also completely controlled Huangshi Village.

Under the effect of healing elixirs and Qi and blood elixirs, the soldiers regained their morale, and their bodies immediately improved, and even became stronger.

On the morning of the fourth day, Jiang Ping'an left Qingyu Bird in Huangshi Village to continue to serve as a scout. He left Huangshi Village alone and flew to the nearby villages.

The nearest village to Huangshi Village is Shuitang Village, which is about four or five miles away.

Huangshi Village, Shuitang Village and other villages are all small mountain villages, so they are not far apart.

"Brother Jiang." A male student came up with a smile, "The day before yesterday, I saw your Huangshi Village send a signal. I wonder how many Luosha people Brother Jiang killed?"

Jiang Ping'an shook his head and smiled bitterly, "I didn't kill any. They are more suspicious and cunning. When they found that I was not in the formation bunker, they retreated a long way away."

"That's a pity." The male student said regretfully for Jiang Ping'an.

Killing Luosha people is counted as experience results, and killing Luosha people can also get military merits.

Killing an ordinary Luosha person can get fifty military merits, which is very considerable.

"Wei He, I have a suggestion." Jiang Pingan said, "I plan to gather students from five nearby villages to attack the Luosha people's position together. What do you think?"

"Okay!" The male student named Wei He immediately agreed excitedly, "Brother Jiang, if you take the lead, I promise to participate!"

Jiang Pingan smiled and said, "Then you get ready. At 3 pm in the afternoon, we will gather in Huangshi Village, and then set out together to kill all the Luosha people!"

Wei He immediately responded, "No problem!"

"Then I will continue to contact other students." Jiang Pingan said, and then flew into the air and flew towards another nearby village.

In less than an hour, Jiang Pingan successfully contacted four students.

In the afternoon, the four students flew to Huangshi Village and met Jiang Pingan about a cup of tea in advance.

Jiang Pingan opened the map, pointed to a valley on the map, and said to the four students: "This valley is called Danshuichong. The Rakshasas are camping in it. There may be thirty or forty Rakshasas. This was discovered by my flying spirit bird."

"So many?" The four students were immediately shocked.

Jiang Pingan said seriously: "There are more than enough, and there may be flying Rakshasas. I will deal with the flying Rakshasas."

The combat power of the flying Rakshasas is terrible, almost equivalent to the top powerhouses of the human race in the Dragon Realm.

The four students looked at each other in silence for a while. Wei He forced a smile and said, "Brother Jiang, we are too few. Let's call more students. It's better to call Princess Bailing and Yan Ruyu as well."

"Princess Bailing and Yan Ruyu are too far away from us." Jiang Ping'an shook his head and said, "Besides, calling them over is likely to cause defense loopholes and be discovered by the Rakshasa people."

The arrangement of students to guard the village is not random. Jiang Ping'an, Yan Ruyu and Princess Bailing are the three strongest students and are scattered far away. The villages they are assigned to are also the villages most vulnerable to attacks by the Rakshasa people.

The four students all showed difficulty on their faces and said nothing.

Feitian Rakshasa is comparable to the top powerhouses in the Dragon Transformation Realm. They dare not take risks.

Jiang Ping'an waited for a few breaths and said, "I didn't think it through. Let's discuss the matter of taking the initiative to attack the Rakshasa people later. It's getting late. You should go back first."

"Don't blame Brother Jiang, don't blame Brother Jiang." The four students waved their hands and forced a smile.

After the four students left, Jiang Pingan flew away from Huangshi Village close to the ground and flew towards Danshuichong.

At the same time, he also performed "Transformation" to try to restrain his breath, and the breath leaked was smaller than that of a sparrow.

In fact, it was safer for him to attack the Luosha people alone, and he could escape at any time if he saw the wrong opportunity.

He called other students just to help them and share the results with them. Since they were unwilling to take risks, he gave up.

Half an hour later, Jiang Pingan quietly sneaked to the side of the ridge on both sides of Danshuichong.

His eyes fell on a stone room in the valley, took out the five-color jade plate, and injected his true energy.

The next moment, he suddenly appeared in the stone room.

In the stone room, an ugly male Luosha with charcoal black skin was pressing on a white-skinned and pretty female Luosha to reproduce.

(Note: The men of the Rakshasa tribe are ugly and the women are beautiful.)

The male Rakshasa was about ten feet tall, with muscular body, extremely strong blood and qi, and a pair of sharp flesh membrane and bone blade wings on his back. He was the Flying Rakshasa.

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