Entering Taoism from the womb

Chapter 97: Forbidden Soul Transformation Technique

In the mist, the great Rakshasa named Hadrui had just been dragged in by the Golden Dragon Rope, and Jiang Ping'an immediately swung his halberd at its neck with all his strength.

The dual powers of the Black Edge and Black Weight of the Longyuan Painted Halberd were both activated, especially the Black Weight, which made the weight of the Longyuan Painted Halberd soar to 200,000 jin.


The halberd's tip slashed the neck of the great Rakshasa, and a dazzling spark came out, making a deafening sound of metal and stone hitting each other.

Jiang Ping'an only felt the huge recoil force that made his hands numb.


The huge body of the great Rakshasa slammed into the ground from the air, creating a huge rock pit.

Jiang Ping'an hurriedly circulated his true energy to eliminate the numbness in his hands, and at the same time, his eyes shot towards the great Rakshasa.

There was only a white knife mark on the thick neck of the great Rakshasa, and there was no cut.

Jiang Ping'an couldn't help but be surprised.

At this moment, the great Rakshasa stood up from the rock with a carp jump.

His body expanded rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, it was more than two meters tall, and he struggled with all his strength to break free from the Golden Dragon Rope.


Unable to bear the terrifying power of the Great Rakshasa, the Golden Dragon Rope took on the appearance of a dragon and tied it tightly with all his strength.

Seeing that the Great Rakshasa was about to break free from the Golden Dragon Rope, Jiang Pingan quickly opened the Sun Meridian, and the Fire of Life also surged several times. He used the Dragon Abyss Breaking Void Halberd Technique and chopped the neck of the Great Rakshasa with all his strength.

The weight of the Dragon Abyss Painted Halberd soared to an unprecedented 500,000 jin!


Another deafening sound of metal and stone hitting each other, Jiang Pingan felt his hands and arms numb from the recoil again.

The Great Asura's huge body flew out and crashed into the Niutou Stone Mountain.

Jiang Pingan tightly grasped the Dragon Abyss Painted Halberd and chased after it, and saw that the Great Asura was still alive.

Fortunately, its neck was cut about a quarter, and blood gushed out like a fountain.

Jiang Pingan was overjoyed, as it would be easy to deal with if the defense could be broken.

He swung the Longyuan painted halberd again, and slashed at the gap on the big Rakshasa's neck with all his strength.

After slashing three or four times in a row, Jiang Ping'an finally cut off the big Rakshasa's neck and cut off its head.

At this moment, he noticed that a large number of Rakshasa rushed into the Xuandu maze, including flying Rakshasa and ordinary Rakshasa soldiers, with a number of hundreds.

It turned out that the Rakshasa clan had a military law: if the general was in danger, the subordinates must desperately rescue him, otherwise they would be executed afterwards, and if the circumstances were serious, the three clans would be executed.

Without caring about dealing with the body of the big Rakshasa, Jiang Ping'an immediately turned around and killed the Rakshasa who entered the Xuandu maze.

For a while, in the mist, the screams of tragic death were heard continuously.

The Rakshasa who came from a distance were terrified.

After about a cup of tea, the mist gradually became quiet, and all five or six hundred Rakshasa were killed by Jiang Ping'an.

Jiang Ping'an's true essence was as vast as the ocean, and it was inexhaustible.

Jiang Pingan flew back to the body of the Great Rakshasa, collected its head first, then found the golden bone magic weapon, searched for a storage arm ring that the Great Rakshasa used to store things, and finally removed the two golden bone blades on the Great Rakshasa.

Apart from other things, these two golden bone blades can probably be sold at the price of a top-grade Xuan weapon.

Outside the fog covering a range of three or four miles, more and more Rakshasas gathered around, densely packed.

A Great Rakshasa flew over, cursed Hadrui for being an idiot, then took out a golden bone weapon and threw it into the air above the fog.

"Stop!" The Great Rakshasa pinched his hand seal and shouted.

An invisible ripple spread from the bone weapon suspended above the fog.

Finally, the big Rakshasa ordered: "Guard the holy bone, leave some soldiers to guard him and prevent him from escaping, and the other soldiers will continue to attack Feiquan Peak!"

As the big Rakshasa turned and flew away, a large number of Rakshasa soldiers left the Xuandu maze like a tide.

Jiang Pingan looked up at the golden bone tool for a while, and there were more than twenty flying Rakshasa guarding it.

It was impossible to fly up and knock down the bone tool directly, as he could not defeat the siege of more than twenty flying Rakshasa.

So, he used the Longyuan Breaking Void Halberd Technique and slashed a huge halberd gas at the bone tool in the mist.

The flying Rakshasa saw a halberd gas slashing towards the bone tool, but did not block it, allowing the halberd gas to hit the bone tool.

When the halberd gas was still two or three feet away from the bone tool, the bone tool emitted a golden light and blocked the halberd gas.

Finding that the halberd gas could not do anything to the bone tool, Jiang Pingan had to guess the function of the bone tool carefully.

He rushed out of the fog, swung his halberd and swept across, easily killing several Rakshasas, and then turned back to hide in the maze.

"There is no imprisonment barrier." Jiang Pingan breathed a sigh of relief, he was not trapped.

"Is it imprisonment of the void?"

Jiang Pingan immediately took out the five-color jade plate for transmission, injected true essence into the five-color jade plate, and found that the void channel could not be generated.

"It's bad, the void is really imprisoned." Jiang Pingan's face changed slightly.

The imprisonment of the void not only prevented him from harassing the Rakshasas army besieging Feiquan Peak, but also prevented him from escaping with the help of the five-color jade plate for transmission, making him a turtle in a jar.

"What should I do?" His brain raced, trying to think of a countermeasure, "That bone tool must be taken away, but the twenty or so flying Rakshasas are too high from the fog, I can't sneak attack them one by one."

"I have it, I can't sneak attack them, but I can lure them to attack me actively, and then I will take the opportunity to kill them!"

Having made up his mind, Jiang Pingan turned his gaze to the Rakshasas soldiers on the ground outside the fog.

He walked to the edge of the Xuandu maze, suddenly rushed out, and killed the Rakshasa soldiers surrounding the maze.

Because he wanted to lure the flying Rakshasa in the air down, Jiang Ping'an did not rush to sneak attack the Rakshasa soldiers and then hide in the maze immediately. He continued to kill for more than ten breaths before pretending to hide in the maze again.

He changed direction and continued to attack and kill ordinary Rakshasa soldiers.

Feiquan Peak, Jiang Ping'an's sneak attack and harassment of the Rakshasa army made the Taiwu Mansion instructors and students breathe a sigh of relief and stabilize the formation again.

Li Wenzheng glanced at the mist of the Xuandu maze from a distance, and felt quite relieved.

Taiwu Mansion spent a lot of effort to train Jiang Ping'an, and Jiang Ping'an also put his life and death aside for Taiwu Mansion at a critical moment.

"Everyone hold on, our Dagan country's great power will arrive soon!" Li Wenzheng said loudly, and his voice spread throughout Feiquan Peak.

The morale of the Taiwu Mansion's instructors and students was greatly boosted, and they spared no effort to use their true essence and spiritual talismans.

Not only was the defensive formation barrier more solid, but the Rakshasa army surrounding Feiquan Peak was also beaten back a large circle.

Jiang Ping'an's risking his life to rescue them gave them a glimmer of hope, and they believed that a great power would come to rescue them in time.


When Jiang Ping'an continued to leave the Xuandu maze to attack and kill dozens or hundreds of Rakshasa soldiers, several flying Rakshasa that had been flying above the mist finally couldn't help but swoop down and besiege Jiang Ping'an.

Jiang Ping'an didn't have a lot of strength. After pretending to fight with those flying Rakshasa for more than ten breaths, he suddenly burst out with strength, killed a flying Rakshasa, and then "escaped" back to the Xuandu maze.

He changed a direction and continued to leave the maze to attack and kill ordinary Rakshasa soldiers, and immediately welcomed more flying Rakshasa to swoop down and besiege.

Jiang Ping'an still killed a flying Rakshasa and "escaped" back to the maze.

However, at this moment, an extremely huge and terrifying breath came from the direction of Feiquan Peak.

Jiang Pingan turned his head and saw a huge Rakshasa King rushing towards Feiquan Peak from the direction of Baitou Mountain County.

The distance was more than one hundred miles, and the Rakshasa King only needed to run a dozen steps to reach Feiquan Peak.

In the direction of Baitou Mountain County, Lu Yuren's Heaven and Earth Dharma Image tried desperately to stop the Rakshasa King rushing towards Feiquan Peak, but was entangled by the other two Rakshasa Kings.

The worst situation still happened.

In Feiquan Peak, everyone involuntarily looked up at the Rakshasa King who was half a head taller than Feiquan Peak, and they all fell into complete despair.

The Rakshasa King opened his mouth and laughed cruelly, waving a huge black bone blade knife and slashing at Feiquan Peak.


The defensive formation barrier shook violently, and countless cracks appeared immediately, and it was about to break.

Li Wenzheng stared at the Rakshasa King, his eyes shot out a look of death.

The Luosha army set a big trap for the students of Taiwu Mansion at all costs. There must be traitors from Dagan Country who are colluding with the Luosha Clan.

This experience was arranged by Li Wenzheng, and he will bear the consequences alone. The students on Feiquan Peak must not die.

You must know that in addition to half of the students of Taiwu Mansion being poor talents selected from various places, the other half are the direct descendants of various princes and families, all of whom are the future elite of Dagan Country.

If all of them die, the consequences will be disastrous!


Li Wenzheng's lips moved up and down, and he said softly and resolutely.

The next moment, Li Wenzheng's whole body was shining, and another Li Wenzheng with strong golden light emerged from Li Wenzheng's head.

At first, it was smaller than a human, and as more golden light Li Wenzheng emerged, countless heaven and earth vitality rolled over, and its body quickly grew larger.

When the golden light Li Wenzheng emerged one-third of its body, its size was more than three times that of a normal person.

Then, the golden light Li Wenzheng disliked that it was too slow, and jumped up with force. It immediately flew into the sky and expanded rapidly.

One hundred times, a thousand times, as huge as a mountain.

And, the golden light radiated.

The surrounding heaven and earth vitality rolled up crazily, and the wind and clouds changed color.

On Feiquan Peak, everyone couldn't help but look up at the golden light and huge mountain-like Li Wenzheng Dharma Image, and their faces showed strong surprise and hope.

Only more than 20 middle-aged teachers from the Holy Confucianism were not surprised, but burst into tears: "Brother, don't-"

Because they knew that Li Wenzheng did not break through temporarily and enter the Dharma Image Realm, but performed the Soul Transformation Forbidden Technique.

Once the Soul Transformation Forbidden Technique is performed, it will burn the three souls and seven spirits, and the soul will be destroyed. There is no luck.

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