Entertaining Children

Chapter 671: Movie Premiere

After three days of boring exams in school, it was time for the premiere of Xiao Yao's animation film.

Like Ye Jiaying's directorial debut "127 Hours" last year, Xiao Yao's animation film only had one internal viewing meeting, without any trial screening or screening activities, and directly held a premiere.

The premiere of many movies is before the movie is officially released, mainly for celebration and publicity, to attract more people to go to the theater to buy tickets to watch the movie. And Xiao Yao's animation film is the same as Ye Jiaying's "127 Hours", the premiere is held directly the night before the release. The time for the premiere of the movie is at midnight on the day of the release, which is directly the first screening of the official release.

However, the premiere of this animated film is also different from "127 Hours", that is, the premiere is not in Yanjing, but in Shencheng, which is more convenient for Xiao Yao who is taking the exam. In view of the fact that the stars and reporters who came to the premiere of "127 Hours" exceeded expectations, this time Xiao Yao did not put the premiere in the screening hall of the cinema, but deliberately found a theater that could accommodate thousands of viewers.

Generally speaking, the stars who come to the premiere to help the platform and the media reporters who report are invited by the film's main creative star team, film producers, and distributors. Although the producer of Xiao Yao's animation film this time is Xiao Yao himself and a small company that mainly produces game animation and special effects, the level of the distribution company is also one level lower than that of "127 Hours", but Relying on Xiao Yao's personal connections and appeal, the number of celebrities and media reporters who came to join him was no less than that at the premiere of "127 Hours".

The film's release time is at midnight on June 25th, and the premiere will start at eleven o'clock in the evening on the 24th. This evening was the day when Shonan Satellite TV held the "Graduation Song Concert". Even if they left early after the performance, the four members of the 101 Girls Group did not have time to come to Shanghai from Shonan. So among the six girls that Xiao Yao agreed to invite to the premiere, only Chen Ziwei and Yang Shiyun, who did not make it to the final eleven, attended.

Although Chen Ziwei and Yang Shiyun, who were not low in popularity after the web variety show, also gained quite a high reputation, let alone the two who did not make their debut in a group, all the eleven people over there have come. On an occasion like the premiere, its starlight will also be overshadowed.

However, whether it is a big coffee or a small coffee, Xiao Yao's treatment is the same. Xiao Yao said in the show that there is no red carpet for the premiere, and in fact there is no such thing. But Xiao Yao is just displeased with those cumbersome procedures, and won't let the stars hide and hide their faces. Xiao Yao's method is to directly ask the security personnel to set up a cordon at the entrance of the theater. Regardless of the size of the cafe, all stars will enter directly from the entrance of the theater.

Whether it's media reporters, celebrity fans, wanting to take pictures, or meeting your own idol, you can still get your wish by standing at the gate of the theater.

The last time "127 Hours" was Ye Jiaying's movie, Xiao Yao, who played the male lead, was not the protagonist of the premiere, the real protagonist was Ye Jiaying, and Xiao Yao was just a helping character in it. But this time it is Xiao Yao's movie, and he has become a well-deserved protagonist.

Although the seats and the like have been arranged in advance, and many models have been borrowed from Xing Donglin to act as guides and etiquette personnel temporarily, when some celebrities arrive, Xiao Yao still has to go up to greet them in person, and exchange polite greetings A few words. After all, the production company and distribution company have limited status in the industry, and their network resources are not strong. Many celebrities came to support Xiao Yao and his family's face. Because it's easier for Xiao Yao to talk, and he can be more casual if he has a good relationship. Those who come for his parents, as a son, he should be more polite and polite.

Fortunately, Xiao Yao is not only young, but also far surpasses his peers in physical strength and energy. I was busy running around the venue for more than half an hour, but I didn't feel tired at all.

The condition is still very good.

But the body is not tired, but the heart feels a little annoyed. When the guests were almost all present and he returned to the lounge to prepare for the final pre-screening communication, Xiao Yao even had the idea of ​​not even having the premiere of future movies, or that he himself would not participate at all.

Of course, this is just a thought. At least the next one, the parkour movie I made with a few friends, I'm afraid this level will be inevitable. The word-of-mouth evaluation and box office of a movie such as publicity and premiere are still very important. Even if he doesn't care about himself, he can't help but care about the feelings of a few friends. Zhao Rui and Xu Fei have filmed quite a few TV dramas, and this is the first film that is truly the main creator and protagonist.

When Xiao Yao was thinking wildly, Pei Minyi touched up his makeup, and soon it was time to communicate before the screening.

This animated film has only one episode, and it only uses the copyright and does not buy the cover copyright. Although Xiao Yao, an all-round artist, can perform a lot of programs, there are still no fancy performances in this premiere, only the pre-screening and post-screening exchanges between the main creators.

At 11:30, the main creators made their debut, and the pre-screening interaction also began.

The director, screenwriter, and soundtrack of this animated film are all Xiao Yao alone, and the main creative team is also quite small. There are only four people, Xiao Yao, Tong Luo, He Ying, and Huang Shi. Among them, He Ying and Huang Shi are dubbed by Xiao Yao, who saw that there were too few people on the stage, so he forced them to make up the number. However, the standard of this pre-screening communication is not low, because the host is Wang Yuan, the gold medal host of Shonan Satellite TV, who came to help out. It is said that both Wang Yuan and Ke Jun wanted to come, but because Ke Jun was going to host Shonan Satellite TV's "Graduation Song Concert" tonight, Wang Yuan was the one to host it.

Since Wang Yuan is the host, it is not simply a matter of introducing the main creators and then letting media reporters and the audience ask questions directly. Wang Yuan, who once interviewed a member of a certain European royal family, is also good at doing interview shows. After introducing the main creators, everyone took their seats on the stage of the theater. Wang Yuan did an interview first.

Tong Luo has participated in many talk shows for this movie, He Ying and Huang Shi are just voice actors, so the protagonist of Wang Yuan's interview is naturally placed on Xiao Yao. Although they asked some more routine questions about the theme of the movie, creative inspiration, and difficulties and troubles encountered in the production process, but from what Xiao Yao heard, it felt a little different.

"Why did you think of making an animated movie? You just won the Best Newcomer Award this year, and many people think that you should continue to make live-action movies!" Wang Yuan asked Xiao Yao the first question.

"The production of this movie started two years ago." Xiao Yao said with a smile, "I hadn't made a movie at that time, er, a feature film, let alone won an award. I just feel that Huaxia Most of the animated films are relatively young, so I want to make an interesting animated film that adults will find interesting when watching it.”

"The production started two years ago, which is neither too long nor too short for an animated film." Wang Yuan said with a smile, "At that time you just entered Shenxi, so when did you have this script or idea?"

"The script was written before taking the art exam, and it was completed before entering the drama school," Xiao Yao said, "I went to Mr. Tong's company by chance, and thought his company could complete this animation film, so I followed He collaborated and started producing."

"I started writing scripts before I entered university!" Wang Yuan sighed.

"Wow~" the audience in the audience exclaimed.

"I also participated in the writing of TV drama scripts when I was in middle school!" Xiao Yao laughed.

"Well, let's not talk about this." Wang Yuan smiled, and continued, "Let's talk about the movie itself, I won't ask about the plot, and give us a brief introduction to the movie with a few key words."

"Animation, science fiction, comedy, love, environmental protection!" Xiao Yao stretched out a fist, raised his fingers in turn, and counted exactly five.

"Let's introduce each in detail!" Wang Yuan said again, "Why these five?"

"Although it is difficult to make animation, I have never been a director of a feature film, and it is a sci-fi story. For me, animation is relatively simple and suitable for my imagination." Xiao Yao smiled, and a He retracted his fingers, "Sci-fi, because it's a robot story, why is it a robot story? Because I think it's cool! Comedy, I hope the audience will be happy. Love, the eternal theme, the love of robots, is cool. And cute. Environmental protection, the first movie script, represents a certain kind of first impression, except silly music, always find something deep and tall for your movie!"

"Uh~" Wang Yuan choked for a moment, and smiled wryly, "It's so casual!"

"You have had a lot of experience in the past two years. You have made a movie, I'm talking about Jiaying's "127 Hours", participated in many variety shows, and played live broadcasts. Foreign fashion weeks, domestic and foreign In the star basketball game, I went to the earthquake-stricken area, and I still have to go to school," Wang Yuan said, showing Xiao Yao's experience in the past two years, "It's hard to imagine that you still have time to direct an animated film!"

"Time is like that, there is always a squeeze!" Xiao Yao laughed.

"Haha~" The celebrity guests and audience in the audience all laughed.

"Pay attention to your words!" Wang Yuan reminded.

"I'm talking about the water in the sponge, where do you want to go!" Xiao Yao rolled Wang Yuan's eyes.

"Hey!" Wang Yuan stared.

"Ha~" The audience laughed again.

"I'm not kidding," Xiao Yao waved his hand, "I'm a director, not a technician like a painter. I'm only responsible for controlling the general direction, finding faults and giving requirements. Now that technology is so advanced, it's very convenient to connect Ah. The producer of this film, I am in front of Mr. Tong, but the producer, Mr. Tong is in front of me, he is in charge of the production process, and the technicians are all his subordinates."

"In fact, what Xiao Yao gave is already very detailed." Tong Luo interjected, "The script is very detailed, the image of each character has been designed, and a lot of shot scripts have been drawn. Our technicians only need to follow his script, The storyboards and requirements are done, and I'm basically a supervisor."

"Just now you said that the producer is in front of Teacher Tong, that is to say, you have invested more in this animation film than him? I heard that you have basically thrown in all the income of the past two years?" Wang Yuan asked again. asked.

"It's not just the past two years." Xiao Yao said with a smile, "There are also savings from the previous ten years! I became financially independent very early. But I didn't throw it all in. For example, I now have my own in Shanghai. Residence, such as the next movie that is being prepared, I also have some funds to invest."

"Are you starting to prepare for the next movie? Or cartoon?" Wang Yuan asked curiously.

"No, live-action movies, action movies!" Xiao Yao laughed, "This one hasn't been turned on yet, so let's not talk about it, let's talk about it when it's released after filming!"

"Okay," Wang Yuan nodded, and turned to Tong Luo, "Teacher Tong, Xiao Yao was your student two years ago, right? A student came to you with a script, and you dare to spend two years doing a movie with him." An animated movie?"

"I'm sure I wouldn't dare other students!" Tong Luo laughed, "This is a famous genius, and the script he produced really moved me very much. Besides, he is also a famous second-generation star. What I thought at the time was, Even if he can't, there are still his parents behind him, but I didn't expect that he neither used his parents' relationship nor used his parents' money."

"How do you know that I didn't use my parents' relationship and money?" Xiao Yao interrupted with a smile and asked, "I don't seem to have told you this?"

"Of course I know through my channels!" Tong Luo smiled mysteriously.

"Where are you two?" Wang Yuan finally looked at He Ying and Huang Shi and said, "I heard that you dubbed this animated film this time as a guest star in friendship. How did you get fooled by Xiao Yao?"

"It's not a guest appearance in friendship, Xiao Yao paid us!" He Ying laughed.

"Although it is a friendship price, it is indeed paid, so it is not a friendship cameo." Huang Shi also laughed.

"Xiao Yao and I are old friends." Huang Shi continued, "The first time we collaborated was the "Ling Yun Zhi" several years ago, Xiao Yao's first TV series, and my first Feitian Award. Good supporting actor. Later, I acted in his short film "The Tuner", which is really a free job without a penny."

"Brother, it's a short movie, and it can't be shown in theaters!" Xiao Yao reminded, "After selling the copyright, I gave you a red envelope. Don't make me sound so stingy."

"But that was added later. When filming, it was said that there would be no pay." Huang Shi laughed, "You said that I did it for nothing, but he paid me to go, can I not go?"

"Xiao Yao and I met on Shonan Satellite TV's "Immediate Sound"." He Ying said with a smile, "At the time of the finals, I just said that if you make an animated film, I will go to it for free. Help you dub, but who would have thought that he really asked me to do the dubbing. Many viewers have seen what was said in the show. He asked me to go, can I not go? Otherwise, he would blow the news and say that I said nothing No letter, how can I have the face to come out to meet people!"

"Sister, when I said on the show that I invested in an animated film, the part where I went to find a voice actor on the show was never broadcast in the feature film!" Xiao Yao reminded with a smile.

"Ah?" He Ying covered her mouth in surprise.

"It seems that you didn't even watch the finals, is this a loss?" Wang Yuan laughed.

"With so many people, how can I have the nerve to see such a little guy win the championship?" He Ying smiled wryly.

"Okay, we've talked a lot. Now let's see what questions the audience and netizens want to ask us, the creators on stage!" Wang Yuan turned to look at the audience and said.

For this premiere, Xiao Yao gave the official webcast rights to Haiyan Video, who had just cooperated with him, but in addition to the official cooperation, Xiao Yao also gave many webcasters personal live broadcast rights, so this time on behalf of netizens The anchor who asked the question was not only Chen Beila, but was selected by Wang Yuan.

Whether it was questions from the audience or netizens who watched the live broadcast of the premiere, they were basically focused on Xiao Yao. The core character of this animated film is actually Xiao Yao. The audience and netizens asked not only a variety of questions, but also some weird and tricky questions.

Fortunately, Xiao Yao's reaction was fast enough, his eloquence was good enough, and his skin was thick enough, so he was still able to answer with ease. In this session, many of Xiao Yao's answers can cause bursts of laughter from the audience, and the atmosphere of the whole scene is rather joyful.

Amid bursts of laughter from the audience, the half-hour pre-screening exchange passed quickly. Wang Yuan stood up to announce the end of the pre-screening communication session. When the film was about to start, the audience put down their arms raised to ask questions, cheered and gave a burst of applause.

This round of applause is not only to send the host and several main creators off the stage, but also for the upcoming movie. After all, most of the people who came to this premiere were to watch Xiao Yao's animation movie for the first time.

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