Before the start of the competition, Xiao Yao's door was knocked open by Hua Xiaoyun again. . The update is the fastest. It turns out that in the last issue, Xiao Yao's joke about giving gifts was actually recorded by Hua Xiaoyun. It's just that she didn't deliver them in front of everyone in the lobby on the first floor like Tian Wei and Wei Shile did, but delivered each room individually. The things are not expensive, they are the special products of his hometown, at most they are packaged in a gift box with some exquisite packaging, so Xiao Yao also accepted it bluntly.

In the studio, the countdown sounded, the competition began, and the lights in front of the stage were turned on. Xiao Yao's sweetheart-neck light blue pullover on the upper body revealed a little white round-neck T-shirt inside. Black jeans and casual shoes, the whole person appeared on the stage in a very casual dress. When the audience saw Xiao Yao appearing on the stage holding the microphone, they were also very happy and gave a burst of warm applause.

This is the second time that Xiao Yao hosted without formal attire. When I sang "When You Are Old" last time, Xiao Yao's school style dress in a white shirt and jeans was also very simple, but in comparison, the last time it looked like a student, and this time it gave people a fresh look. I feel more mature and more relaxed. Although the focus and feeling are different, everyone still looks very seductive. After so many episodes, Xiao Yao seems to have a very good ability to control clothes, whether it is dazzling performance clothes, formal clothes specially prepared for the host in the early stage, or this kind of very ordinary daily clothes.

"Hi everyone, welcome to come." Xiao Yao first bowed to the audience, and then started to speak step by step.

In the opening remarks, the usual super-fast commercials, and then emphasized to the audience that this is the last knockout match of the season, Xiao Yao introduced the repertoire of the first singer to perform according to the script. At this point in the competition, Xiao Yao didn't want to have any extra interactions with the audience, or tell some light-hearted and funny jokes, so this time Xiao Yao almost didn't change a single word of the script, completely following the script given by the scriptwriter of the program team. The words are here to host.

Things are a little more subtle this time around.

The three singers are indeed the most nervous, because whether they are eliminated today is related to whether they can directly advance to the final. If they are eliminated and forced to participate in the breakout match, it not only means that they have to spend more energy preparing for a performance, but also means that they may miss the final. After all, the breakout competition does not only eliminate one singer. If one of them falls into the breakout competition, there will be eleven singers competing for the five final places, not even half of them. Breakout Race Breakout.

And it would be inaccurate to say that the other four singers didn't feel nervous at all, and didn't care at all. Although they are all determined to participate in the breakout match according to the rules, whether they are eliminated today is also related to their choice of appearance in the breakout match. The way to determine the appearance order of the breakout competition is not to draw lots or play games, but to be chosen by the singers themselves according to their performance on the show. If they can not be eliminated today, then these online singers can choose their order of appearance first in the breakout match.

The specific rules for determining the order of appearance in the breakout competition are: among the online singers, the one with the longest online time is selected first,

A short-term candidate. After the online singers are selected, the eliminated singers will be selected. The selected singers who were eliminated were also selected according to the length of time they stayed on the show. In the end, when it came to the failed singers, there was basically no choice. Last year, when there were two failed singers, the program team would arrange a separate draw ceremony for them. This year, there was only one failed singer, Lan Ruixi, so it was determined that she could only choose others. A pick is up.

So generally speaking, the seven singers are still pursuing today's performance, which also ensures that today's performance will not have singers dealing with errands, which will be far worse than before. But the pursuit of the two groups of people is still different after all. At least judging from the performances of the first three singers, Xiao Yao feels that Hong Wei's emphasis is somewhat different from that of Wei Shile and Tian Wei, two non-singers.

"Thank you sister Hong for the wonderful performance!" After Hong Wei's performance ended, Xiao Yao stood on the stage again after leaving the stage. There are already ten singers. If a certain singer is eliminated today, then the number of singers participating in the breakout competition will increase to eleven. If the one who is eliminated today is a non-singer, then the number of singers participating in the breakout competition will be ten. How to vote , how to choose, please consider carefully.”

After reading this sentence, Xiao Yao felt a shock in his heart. This feels like implying that the audience will eliminate another singer, and if they really want to eliminate a singer, Xiao Siqi, who was ranked fifth in the previous issue, is undoubtedly the most dangerous. Fortunately, there are very few viewers who participated in two consecutive recordings in this program. Most of the viewers don't know the ranking of the singers in the previous show, and it also prevents the viewers from intentionally watching because they want to see one more singer in the breakout match. Voted Xiao Siqi out, so Xiao Yao honestly said this sentence according to the script. Female supporting role reborn Xiuxian Road

"Okay, the next song." Xiao Yao frowned intentionally and paused for a moment, shrugging his shoulders and spreading his hands helplessly. "There is no introduction for this song in the script of the program group."

"Huh?" The audience in the audience also showed puzzled expressions.

Xiao Yao continued: "Because this is a song that no one has heard before!"

"Wow~" The audience in the audience immediately understood, knowing that Xiao Yao himself was going to perform.

"Everyone understands, right?" Xiao Yao looked at the stunned expressions of the audience and said with a smile, "Although the screenwriter of the program group didn't write an introduction, as a brazen host, I can temporarily Added lyrics. So I want to tell everyone that the next song is definitely a very good song!"



The audience burst into applause mixed with boos and laughter.

"He also knows that he is shameless!" In the room in the lounge, several singers also pointed at Xiao Yao on the TV and laughed.

"Okay, take it!" Xiao Yao put away his smile, and made a one-handed fist again. The audience cooperated with applause, boos and laughter.

"A piece of "Li Ren" is for everyone!" Xiao Yao bowed slightly.

Amid the applause from the audience again, Xiao Yao turned back and walked towards the center of the stage. There, a vertical microphone stand had already been set up. Xiao Yao lifted the microphone stand and placed it in front of the stage where he was standing just now. Then he stood behind the microphone stand and inserted the microphone in his hand into the microphone stand. Hold on to the pole of the microphone stand.

"Is this how you're going to sing? Finally, you don't play musical instruments today, don't you do any tricks?" Looking at the stage with only Xiao Yao in casual attire and a microphone stand, some audience members thought inexplicably.

Xiao Yao tilted his head and nodded in Liu Tong's direction. The brightness of the lights on the stage weakened a little, and a beam of chasing light hit Xiao Yao's body from top to bottom.

Liu Tong waved his hand, and a soft piano sounded. Just listening to the melody of this prelude, everyone felt very pleasant. As a result, before everyone closed their eyes to enjoy it, they heard a whistle. Since Xiao Yao is standing in front of the stage, everyone can clearly see that Xiao Yao behind the microphone tilts his head slightly, his cheeks are slightly retracted, his mouth is pursed, his lips are stretched out in a circle, and he is facing the microphone. The whistle was obviously blown by Xiao Yao.

Xiao Yao's whistle is not a simple whistle, it is not only long, but also has a melodic tone, which is obviously part of the prelude to the song accompanied by the sound of the piano.

"This time I don't play musical instruments, but whistle instead? But don't say, this whistle is really good!" The audience said in their hearts.

The whistling sound lasted for seven or eight seconds before disappearing, followed by the accompaniment of a single piano sound.

"The silver boat sways, shakes, and bends, hanging in the fluffy sky~"

After the prelude ended, Xiao Yao began to sing with an affectionate and gentle expression.

"Wow~ so beautiful~" The audience felt like kneeling after hearing the first sentence. It is not that Xiao Yao has sung slower lyrical songs on this stage before, but whether it is the "Red Rose" or the folk song "When You Are Old", there is no such gentleness in the first line of this song. So watery yet so appealing to the ear.

"Three, three, two, two, blue, your thoughts, stay on my heart~" Domineering, cute little sweetheart

When they continued to sing the second sentence, many audience members felt their hearts start to melt. The feeling at the beginning of this song is a kind of faint melancholy with an unusual softness. But at this time, Xiao Yao not only had an unusually gentle expression, but also supported the microphone stand with both hands, slightly bent his knees, bent his body, and tilted his head, not at all as tall and straight as usual. Whether it is visual or auditory, the audience feels a little bit trapped in warm and soft water, unable to extricate themselves.

"My luggage is lonely, lonely, scattered, causing melancholy~"

With Xiao Yao's singing, everyone found that the tender feeling of this song has not diminished at all, but the melancholy has become more and more intense. The emotions of many audience members began to be aroused by Xiao Yao's singing, and the scene became more and more quiet.

"Li Ren was exiled to the border, as if entering the fifth season, the harmony of day and night is chaotic, the tide rises and falls willfully, and there is no spring in the dictionary~"

When the song came to the chorus part, Xiao Yao's voice raised a bit, and the meaning of parting sorrow became stronger. Although the lyrics of "the fifth season" and "there is no spring in the dictionary" made many viewers a little confused and didn't understand the specific meaning they referred to, the artistic conception and melodious melody created by the previous lyrics still made everyone feel a little confused. Quite enjoying indulging in this song.

"Li Ren wasted tears, avoiding the farewell that is still in front of you~ You refuse to say goodbye, I dare not think about tomorrow, some people say that once you say goodbye, there will be a star in the sky, and it will go out again~"

When the song came to the second chorus of the chorus, many audience members had their eyes reddened by Xiao Yao's singing. It's just that before the audience had time to cry, their eyes widened because of the scene on stage.

When Xiao Yao finished singing the second stanza of the chorus, the spotlight on Xiao Yao’s head suddenly went out, and the front of the stage became pitch black. At the same time, another spotlight behind the stage turned on. From top to bottom, and in the beam of light formed by the spotlights, at some point there was an extra person on the stage, playing with a saxophone. There was also a burst of saxophone music from the sound system at the scene.

In the interlude of the song, after a period of more than ten seconds of saxophone accompanied by strings, accompanied by the sound of drums, a significantly higher-pitched saxophone sounded. The follow spot lights in front of the stage also turned on again, and Xiao Yao, who reappeared in the audience's sight, also had an extra instrument in his hand, playing it. Both Xiao Yao and the person behind him are holding saxophones, but the person behind is holding a curved pipe, while Xiao Yao is holding a straight pipe.

"Sure enough, you still can't do without the instrument!" Xiao Yao's playing continued, and most of the audience didn't applaud or cheer in order not to spoil the artistic conception of the song. They just looked at Xiao Yao on the stage and smiled silently in their hearts. road.

"The silver boat sways, shakes, and bends, hanging in the fluffy sky~"

After the interlude saxophone performance, Xiao Yao held up the saxophone, leaned in front of the microphone, and started singing the second verse of the song. Although there was something extra in his hand, it did not affect Xiao Yao's next singing at all. It was just that the hands that were originally holding the microphone stand were changed to holding the saxophone. The expression, eyes, and posture were nothing like before. different.

The verse and chorus of the second half of the song are the same as the first half, but the second part of the chorus is repeated once more as the end of the song. This is a song that needs to be savored carefully, and the more you listen to it, the more flavorful it becomes, so the two identical lyrics and melody did not make the audience feel bored at all, but they have a deeper understanding of the artistic conception in the song one cent.

When Xiao Yao repeated the second chorus of the song with a slightly different rhythm, most of the audience felt that Xiao Yao's song should be coming to an end. However, after Xiao Yao's voice fell, the accompanying music did not stop immediately. Just when everyone was guessing whether Xiao Yao was going to show another saxophone at the end of the song, everyone found that the melody at the end of the song was the same as the intro. A few seconds later, Xiao Yao, holding a saxophone in his hand, He didn't put the saxophone's mouthpiece in his mouth, but tilted his head just like at the beginning, pouted and smacked his lips in front of the microphone and whistled.

Seeing this scene, some viewers who still had tears on their faces could not help but smile again.

This time, Xiao Yao's whistle lasted longer than the prelude, and after more than ten seconds, it gradually stopped along with the accompanying piano sound.

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