At this time, Luo Chen did not expect it at all.

Gedina in front of her would make such an amazing move.

I saw the beauty at this time.

Long and up.

Directly threw herself into his arms.

The point is that Gerdina did everything too suddenly.

Luo Chen didn't have time to react at all!

Then a burst of sweet mouth.

Luo Chen was completely blinded.

Wait until everything settles.

Luo Chen's didn't react.

"I'll go, Xiao Di, what do you mean?"

Gedina blushed at this time.

But with very eager eyes, he looked directly at the man in front of him:

"I just mean it!"

"I like you!"

"The kind you like!"

"Now that we're not officially together, it's a little too early to say love."

"But, I really hope."

"You can accept everything from me!"

"Luo Chen, you were my brother-in-law before."

"All my thoughts can only be pressed to the bottom of my heart."

"But now, you have nothing to do with Sister Honey."

"I can finally express everything about myself in an honest manner!"

"So, I'm not lying to you."

"There are no other ideas."

"I don't care if you have money or not."

"I don't care if you have any status."

"I'm just fascinated by your talent, everything about you, everything you have!"

"So, Brother Luo Chen, please accept me?"

"Even if you can't accept it now."

"Please don't rush to refuse me."

"I can wait..."

Seeing Gedina look like this.

Luo Chen slowly eased up from the stunned and shocked just now.

Whether a person is sincere.

Luo Chen was still able to judge it.

Plus what Gerdina said.

He still couldn't believe it.

Such a situation.

How is it so weird?

After all, Bai Ru came to confess just now.

The status of these sisters is too high.

Luo Chen was a little unconvinced.

At this time,

another national goddess came to confess.

What happened to these Yang Mier's girlfriends?

Are they all evil?

After all, it's this time.


I tell why?"

"After all, we deal with each other a lot."

"But I don't seem to have prodded you much, did I?"


hard not to think of anything else."

"At the very least, you let me know why you like me?"

Heard Luo Chen's words.

Gedina smiled:

"I knew your brother-in-law would say that."

"Hee-hee, look!"

Gedina holds two books hidden in her bag.

As soon as I saw what these two books looked like.

Luo Chen got it.

One of his own little secrets.

Discovered by Gedina.

No wonder....

"Huh... Did you find out?

"You're saying something about my talent."

"Is it because of these two books?"

Luo Chen said speechless at this time.


"Brother-in-law, you really write too well!"

"Especially Guo Jing Huang Rong's love."

"The affection between Lao Hu and Shirley Yang!"

"This is what my ideal love looks like!"

"The power to be able to write such words and characters!"

"Definitely a person with deep affection!"

"Someone who is especially nice to his own woman!"

"Plus brother-in-law, you are also very handsome!"

"Compared to those so-called male stars I've seen, Xiao Xianrou or something, I don't know how many times stronger!"

"Brother-in-law, that was someone's first kiss just now!"

"I gave it to you the first time."

"You have to be responsible for people!"

Hear Gedina's words.

Luo Chen couldn't help but be even more stunned.


It seems to be.

Gedina never kisses scenes.

There wasn't even a hug scene.

Such a pure actress.

The entertainment industry is unique.

Hear this reaction from Gedina.

Luo Chen couldn't help but feel a little complacent.

Actually, what he wanted to say was.

This novel.

It is to accumulate capital.

There was no money at the time.

Although eating and drinking in the Yang family is not worried.

But there is no savings.

Plus the system keeps him at home.

What are the ways to make money at home?

Writing novels is one of them!

Luo Chen in a previous life.

He is also one of the thousands of yard farmers who write novels in the tomato novel network.

This time was reborn.

Naturally, it is easiest to pick up the old business.


Hand to hand.

Naturally, he began his path of web creation.

What is best to write.

These two classics are best copied.

Then Luo Chen wrote.

And after reprocessing and secondary creation.

The two books are even more exciting.

After all, the system is at home.

Gave him intermediate writing skills.

This gives the effect.

Let him be a relatively good presence in this field.

It's still very relaxed.

Don't look at these intermediate skills, it seems that there are only intermediate levels.

But it corresponds to the level in reality.

Definitely the strength above the middle and upper echelons.

can be called a great god.

Together with these two books, it is a brain novelty.

The subject matter is novel.

Quickly gave him a significant share of the market.

Tomb robbery adventure novel.

He is even called a founding ancestor.

Started a genre.

And the traditional writers,

because of the role of the legend of the Condor heroes.

He is even called a new generation of martial arts figures!

The status of the rivers and lakes stood at once!

This pushed him to a very high position.

In this space-time.

Writers, literati, high status!

They have a higher status and status than many entrepreneurs.

Various factors come down.

It's no wonder that a national goddess like Gedina is moved.


Xiao Di, this came too suddenly."

"It is undeniable that I still have a very good impression of you."

"But if I'm with you now."

"With the capabilities of those media."

"I will definitely be able to find out what I used to do with Yang Mier."

"At that time, I don't know what those people will say about you."

"It must be how hard to say."

"Let people misunderstand that your junior will be in trouble."

"And anyway."

"It's also difficult for you to explain Yang Mier."

"So wait a minute."

"You calm down."

"Give me a little time to think about it too."

Heard Luo Chen's words.

Gedina couldn't help but brighten her beautiful eyes:

"Brother-in-law, are you ready to promise me?"

"You're worried about me, aren't you?"

"It's okay!"

"It's all right!"

"As long as I can be with you."

"It's okay to let me bear the infamy of the world!"

"I really don't want to wait for a moment!"

"Promise me, brother-in-law!"

"As long as you promise, everything about me is yours!"

"All my firsts!"

"It's all yours!"

Hear Gedina's words.

Change a man,

it is estimated that he will turn into a beast now.

But Luo Chen still has reason.

And he still feels.

It's all so unreal.

Divorce today.

Immediately, there were mansions to give.

Beauty company?

That's too much luck, right?

Is he really a child of luck?

Everything was too dreamy.

If something goes wrong, there will be a demon!

Luo Chen still decided.

Hold steady!

Indecent development is the right way!

But actually.

Luo Chen's heart was already a little shaken.

Such a vivid fragrance is placed in front of him.

If you don't move, it's fake!

However, at this very time.

Su Qing'er outside the door spoke:

"Sir, someone outside is looking for you again."

"It's an old gentleman with gray hair."

"And, he said, it's your old butler..."

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