Seeing the reactions of these girlfriends, Yang Mier was completely dumbfounded.

"Hey, hey, hey! You guys! That's too much, wow!

"How can this be! Didn't I come out of the sea of suffering to celebrate with me? One by one, you all asked Luo Chen what was going on! Seeing

Yang Mier's words, these girlfriends also reacted.

Girlfriend No. 1: "Haha, didn't you see that the ex-brother-in-law was kicked by you, a little pitiful?" Girlfriend

No. 2: "That's it, people haven't recruited you much for more than a year, and they haven't touched you when they marry you, it's a bit of a loss, hee-hee." Girlfriend

No. 3: "I just want to know, when Luo Chen left, was there anything sad and disappointed?"

Yang Mier: "This is what I am most angry about, I feel that he divorced me, as if he took advantage."

"Could it be that our Yang family has treated him badly? He left without any nostalgia, and he didn't look back!

"He also said that maybe we don't have a fate, and we may not see each other again in the future."

"Who rarely says goodbye to him?"

Then the response to Yang Mier was a series of identical answers from the goddesses:



Seeing this reaction of these girlfriends, Yang Mier was even more depressed.

How do you feel as if you've done something stupid?

However, at this time, what she didn't know was that

these girlfriends were already crazy in their respective spaces.

Girlfriend No. 1, the top traffic goddess of the Celestial Empire, and Gerdinaya, who belongs to the same company as Yang Mier, is rolling around with excitement:

"Wow, ahhhh! Brother-in-law divorced! Divorced! I finally have a chance, brother-in-law you wait, I will fly over to you tomorrow!

"Sister Mi, you are stupid, why didn't you see the good of your brother-in-law? Now I finally have a chance!

"No, I have to act now to avoid dreaming too much tomorrow night, what if my brother-in-law is robbed away?"

"Heehee, it's not a brother-in-law now, you should call it brother!"

Girlfriend No. 2, born singer Tong Yaya, is also known as one of the four goddesses of the Celestial Empire along with Yang Mier.

At this time, Tong Yaya was staring at her mobile phone.

At the same time, he was quite apprehensive:

"What to do? What to do? I really want to call Luo Chen!

"But if he just got divorced, if you confess to him, will you think I'm too superficial or too anxious?"

"But it seems that the other little sisters have ideas?"

"What can I do? No matter! Try it before you talk! Yaya you can! "

At the same time, girlfriend No. 3 Jiang Yingxue, the most special manga beautiful girl in the Celestial Empire, serialized a personal anime in the island country anime industry a year ago.

Came out of thin air and swept the world's anime sales lists.

Because he is beautiful and talented, he has an excellent temperament, so he later embarked on the road of the entertainment industry.

Participated in many variety shows, and the name of the comic beautiful girl is even more famous.

At this time, Jiang Yingxue was also staring at the mobile phone screen.

What is shown above is Yang Mier's divorce agreement.

But what she looked at was not the content inside, but Luo Chen's two floating fonts!

"Sure enough, it's you! Think I don't know you if I put on a vest?

"Great God, the font has betrayed your identity!"

"Heehee, in the past, you ignored my love and hid your identity, but today I finally found out?"

"Hehe, you're so bad! Just know it's hiding from me!

"But it's okay, since you are divorced, I don't need to worry about any girlfriend love, I will definitely chase you down!"

These three goddesses are now well-known in the entertainment industry.

Naturally, it is still very thoughtful.

I just thought that they were all in the work environment, and there was originally a schedule.

The results are now pushed off.

Ask the assistant to quickly buy a ticket to the imperial capital.

They all want to rush to Luo Chen's side at the first time!

However, the calculation of heaven is not as good as that of people, and someone has already made a first move!

At this time, in a large courtyard in the imperial capital, a plump and graceful royal sister was also paying attention to all the movements in this group of girlfriends.

Seeing Yang Mier's divorce agreement, a pair of beautiful eyes shone.

"Honey, honey, I reminded you a long time ago that Luo Chen is not simple!"

"But why don't you believe it? Why can't you see his good?

"There will be times when you regret it later!"

"But since that's the case, don't blame your sister for picking up a big leak on your ex-husband!"

"This man, I'm going to decide!!"

"Forber, please help me find this man's current location and prepare a car!" I'm going to see him as fast as I can! "

On the other side, Yang Mier is here.

Not to mention, although I saw a group of girlfriends later changed their words to comfort her.

Let her not care so much, divorce is the beginning of a new life!

As for such words, there are quite a few.

But Yang Mier just feels weird.

How do you feel that these young ladies are so perfunctory?

It doesn't seem to be sincere?

Instead, they all care about her ex-husband?

This made her feel a little uncomfortable in her heart.

What is this?

But what went wrong, she couldn't say.

To be honest, she knew very little about this ex-husband.

Don't want to understand either!

The marriage arranged by the family did not ask her opinion at all.

Just know that this marriage, her parents must let her complete, otherwise the property in this house, she wants to completely control, it is difficult.

In fact, since marriage.

Everything went well with her.

It makes her feel like a super strong woman.

No matter what happens, it can be solved easily, and the momentum is like a bamboo!

And her husband, who is at home every day, has nothing serious.

It's a dead house!

Such a man is wasted when he looks at it.

What use do you want him?

What she despises the most is this kind of man who is wasted in the den.

That's how she remembers this ex-husband.

Anyway, a year of marriage, they are like a pair of strangers sharing a house.

Well water does not violate river water.

There was no communication at all, and there were not enough words to speak.

In fact, what Yang Mier is most afraid of is that Luo Chen will use force her to do something intimate.

But Luo Chen never seemed to have such an idea.

It's just nestled in his own acre and three, and God mysteriously doesn't know what to do all day long.

He goes out occasionally, but not several times a month.

Such a life routine is completely consistent with those dead otaku who are not present in her eyes!

This made Yang Mi look down on him even more.

In her eyes, her husband is not a hero, but he should also be a little career-minded!

Such a waste material, she really can't look at it!

And what she didn't know was that Luo Chen was also excited now.

Because since he came out of Yang Mier's villa, a long-awaited voice sounded in his ears again.

"Congratulations to the master for completing the home-based cultivation task."

"Divorce is successful, start a new journey in life!"

"The system upgrade is successful, get an upgrade package!"

"Will you charge it immediately?"

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