Luo Chen's feeling, if there are visual effects as a blessing now.

Their rooms are now set on fire.

He couldn't help but say angrily:

"Okay, let's talk about anything tomorrow, now go back to each house."

"Go back to your respective rooms!"

At this time, Luo Chen also had no temper.

As a result, these two women are not finished.

With a bit of coquettishness, Gedina pleaded:

"That Brother Luo Chen, I'm a little scared to go back alone in the middle of the night" "

Sister Yaya is a mature woman after all, and she can go back alone."

"Brother Luo Chen, you send me."

"It's really not okay, you let the housekeeper send Sister Yaya, you can just send me."

Tong Yaya heard Gedina's words.

It's even more angry, dare to love her, isn't she a woman? .

Doesn't she need protection?

Even if it is, her upbringing is better.

These words also made her heart suffocate.

Of course, she was still very cultivated and did not show any degree of intensity.

Instead, she smiled and said, "In that case, I'll send you back, and then I'll go back to the room by myself."

"Why do you have to send Luo Chen?"

"Luo Chen is also tired today, there is no need to toss him so much."

"Sister, you are not a child anymore, you must learn to care for people with distress, you should understand something!"

This paragraph was dissolved at once, the offensive of Gedina before.

By the way, he also clicked Gedina and said that she was not sensible.

Even less considerate.

It's still their kind of confidant big sister.

Gentle and considerate will hurt people, know the cold and know the heat and know the heart.

It is definitely a must-have for straight men of steel.

On the contrary, little girls like Gerdina.

It looks youthful and beautiful and cute, but it is too emotional and easy to be sad.

Of course, Tong Yaya did not say these words directly.

But it's already obvious.

Hearing Tong Yaya's words, Gedina was also angry.

It would have been fine, without Tong Yaya's joining.

If today's series of actions, directly pull Luo Chen into his boudoir.

Perhaps, this kind of steel straight man will directly comply.

Now there is one more person to compete with her.

Beware of her everywhere.

It gives her a lot less chance to start!

One of her most important ideas before was to live with Luo Chen in such a kind of cohabitation.

It excites her to think about.

After all, being able to be with her beloved and live a small life is the happy life she has always dreamed of.

The result is good, and now it is all disturbed by the appearance of Tong Yaya!

If it was only her and Luo Chen, it would be easy to say anything.

But now with more individuals, everything is full of unknown variables.

It's infuriating to think about.

Just like now, the good atmosphere is all broken.

Luo Chen also had a headache.

He rubbed his eyebrows and said, "My two good sisters."

"Stop tossing people, okay?"

"I think that just now, Sister Yaya said that the plan is good."

"I'm tired of you, sister!"

"And that Qing'er, you also go over and send it together."

"Sister Yaya just moved in to see if she still needs help."

When Su Qing'er heard Luo Chen's instructions, she said very professionally and respectfully: "Yes, sir!"

Luo Chen smiled gently: "Well, now, the time is not early, everyone hurry back to rest."

"I'm still there to be something tomorrow, and that's important."

"What's the matter, wait until I settle this matter."

When Luo Chen said this, he was already a little serious.

Seeing Luo Chen's face change.

The two young ladies are both human spirits, of course, they follow Luo Chen's meaning.

Hurry up and leave.

Although there is a little regret now, there is always a chance when I come to Japan.

Who let them have already decided to live here.

Tong Yaya, if it was according to her own personality before, she would not have made such an abrupt and direct move.

But now there is a competitor like Gedina, and right next to Luo Chen, she has to guard against it!

Even as a means of defense, she had to stare deadly.

Gerdina, this chick, likes to be surprised.

When the time comes, a little emergency will come and take Luo Chen down directly, which will really make her want to cry without tears.

So, you have to keep an eye on Gedina's every move.

However, before leaving, Tong Yaya gently explained to Luo Chen: "Luo Chen, the gift I gave you before, you have to take a good look!" "

Okay, I'll watch it, thank you, Sister Yaya." Luo Chen couldn't help but smile and responded.

After all, that was my intention as a sister.

He himself did feel a strong affection.

So, reasonably, he had to take a good look.

But this conversation attracted the attention of Gedina next to him.

"What gift? Can I take a look?

Tong Yaya responded directly: "That's a gift I gave Luo Chen, what's the matter with you?"

"Okay, okay, let's not hinder Luo Chen from resting, let's go quickly."

Tong Yaya said, and suddenly revealed a mysterious smile.

Seeing Tong Yaya's smile, Gedina was even more uneasy.

There must be something strange about this.

Maybe this gift is very problematic, she has to guard against it!

But now that he saw Luo Chen, he had already issued an eviction order.

It's not interesting to stay like this any longer.

I'll look for opportunities later.

Now the dead skin will be unpleasant.

After a while, Tong Yaya, Gedina, and Su Qinger.

The three beauties all left Luo Chen's room at once.

In this way, Luo Chen was finally temporarily quiet.

See them leaving.

Luo Chen couldn't help but breathe a heavy sigh of relief.

It is said that men like to hug left and right.

But not everyone has such abilities and skills.

More women are also troublesome.

Now there are only two women around Luo Chen, and the relationship has not yet been determined, which is already a headache.

In case there is really any correlation in the future, it is called one that makes people's scalps numb.

Luo Chen was very glad at this time that he did not accept the friendship of any goddess.

Sure enough, women are the source of trouble!

Straight men of steel like to be happy.

The rest will be put aside.

At this time, Luo Chen couldn't help but look at the gift that Tong Yaya had just given him.

He was also curious what the hell it was.

But just now Tong Yaya also said, inside are CDs, letters and diaries.

All that is recorded is the bits and pieces of her crush period.

Let Luo Chen be very curious and have some interest.

After all, such a goddess's heart still made him feel some of the pleasure of prying into other people's privacy.

The point is that this goddess still likes him.

This gave him an inexplicable sense of accomplishment.

And when he opened one of the gifts.

The sound of the system sounded again.

That pleasant sound made Luo Chen's eyes light up again

: "Congratulations to the master for his achievement:

Goddess Heart II!"

"Inspire achievement rewards!"


The author has something to say:

the second more sent, there is something today, the update is late, sorry. Coding words, two more if you can. If it doesn't work, there is only one change.

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