And Bai Ru at this time, a slender jade finger drew circles on Luo Chen's chest, and the whole person also snuggled in his arms.

"Sister, I'm 29 this year, and the sisters next to me are all married and have children, and the last one has had several boyfriends."

"And my sister has not been once, and I have been

waiting for you!" "The best years are used to wait, in order to become your woman

!" "Finally waiting for your appearance, you are married again, you are not angry!" "

Sister is trying to torture you now!" "

Aren't you unable to touch me?" That's so much fun

!" "Just what I want!"


Bai Ru at this time, he showed a smile like a little devil.

Luo Chen couldn't help but swallow his throat with difficulty.

However, at this moment, Luo Chen's room door was slammed open, and an angry and coquettish voice suddenly appeared beside them:

"Okay, what are you all doing?

At this time, I only saw that the previous dressed charmingly, Gedina appeared in Luo Chen's room beautifully!

This time is fun, seeing this girl, like a fried hair is a lioness, angry rushed over.

Before she was still wearing a pink-purple veil, at this time the veil was directly torn off, thrown away, and thrown on the ground.

The momentum was fierce, and he walked forward, and rushed to this side at once.

Directly, she fiercely lifted Luo Chen's bed!

Seeing that Luo Chen was still neatly dressed and wearing her own goodnight clothes.

Bai Ru on that side, although the pajamas are very charming, showing her bumpy body to the fullest!

That means they haven't started anything yet.

Gerdina couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief!

Fortunately, her male god hasn't lost her body yet....

You know, she was ready to come over and dance to send warmth, maybe something shameful could happen.

At this time, she also sat directly next to Luo Chen, hugged Luo Chen fiercely, and said directly to Bai Ru from the other side:

"Sister, how can you do this?

"You are completely violating our agreement, it's really too much!" "

Brother Luo Chen, what a pure and good young man, how can you tempt him so much? Despicable, shameless, don't Bi Lian!" Bai

Ru was also not to be outdone: "Hehe, Xiao Di, don't you blush when you say these words."


see what you're wearing now, you don't want Bi Lian more than I do, do you mean to say me?"

I just want to come over, give Brother Luo Chen a dance, and cheer him up for tomorrow's work!" "

It's not like you climbed directly into someone's bed, excessive

!" "It's too much, it's too shameless! It's too lawless

!" "This is the foot of the imperial city, the blue sky and the day, how can you do this!"


Ru smiled proudly: " Haha, sorry, it's not sunny now, it's dark outside.

"It's dark, don't you have to do something interesting?"

"Moreover, my family darling didn't say anything, what are you in a hurry

!" Gerdina suddenly exploded: "Who is your dear family, take your hand away from Brother Luo Chen!" Bai

Ru seemed to be specifically stimulating her nerves: "Not only do I not move, I also have to kiss, can you help me?"

When it was too late, Bai Ru's crystal chest was already printed on Luo Chen's side face.

That blatant, unscrupulous look made Gedina angrily scream:

"What are you doing? What are you doing!? How to be kissed

, endlessly!" "You are like this again, don't blame me for turning my face!"


Chen's side did not react at all, and was pecked by Bai Ru like a chicken to peck rice, and suddenly a series of incense was suddenly.

This Gedina next to it is really fried.

And Bai Ru on this side didn't seem to be stimulating her enough, and said with a defiant face:

"Sister, this is close to her own man, what do you have to say."

Gedina coquettishly said: "Who is your man, have you asked me, this man is mine!" "

You, you dare to kiss again!" Bai

Ru called a tsundere, turned her face and began again: "Kiss it, I still want to see, how can you turn your face? At

this time, Bai Ru directly became even more intense, and the whole person was attached to Luo Chen.

The pretty face is like this, and it is as close as it is to Luo Chen's side face


Gedina was stunned, and she spoke a little hesitantly: "You you you! It's too much! Sister

!" "You forced me! The rabbit will bite when it's anxious!" "

I also kiss !!"

Then, Gedina was on Luo Chen's other side of the face, and also learned Bai Ru's movements just now, and became close to Luo Chen.

Luo Chen was also confused at this time, his head was blank, and he reacted after a while.

"You two are enough


"It's not over?" "

If you continue to do this, I'm going to be angry!" Bai

Ru smiled: "You guy who got cheap and sold well, how else can you

be angry?

Gedina also huffed and said:

"That's it, Brother Luo Chen, you are really too uncompetitive, how can you give this woman such a big bargain, you are mine

!" "Before I get you, you must guard yourself like jade!"

These two women simply didn't put him in their eyes!

"Let me state again, if you continue to do this, I will do it!" "

Can you leave?"

"If you don't

go!!" The two women said in unison:

"Why let me go? Finally, Gedina added.

Anyway, now that she sees it, Bai Ru's eyes are hateful.

As soon as she came in just now, she saw Bai Ru lying on Luo Chen's body, and her coquettish look was really about to blow her head up.

Regardless of three, seven, twenty-one joined.

But as soon as she came in like this, she found that she seemed to have gotten close to Luo Chen through such a fuss.

While exhaling, my heart was a little sweet and flustered.

At this time, Gerdina also did something that surprised both the people next to her.

She picked up the phone directly and dialed a shortcut key: "Sister, come quickly, this side is going to turn the sky!" "

If you don't come, your man will be strong!" Luo

Chen saw that Gedina was about to call, and originally wanted to stop it.

As a result, Gedina was too quick to give him the slightest room to resist, mainly because of it.

Gedina held one of his hands on this side, and Bai Ru pressed half of his body on that side.

Three people entangled together, this look is called a embarrassment!

And soon, this call went out, and Luo Chen knew that things were going to be big.

Today, I just communicated well with Tong Yaya.

I found that this quiet young lady is quite good, and her temperament is very gentle.

Really a good wife and mother type.

However, the good wife and mother also have a bottom line, and suddenly heard Gedina's voice.

Then such a hot news was exposed.

After entering this room, she turned red when she saw this scene.

Then she bit her neck, not knowing what she was thinking.

In the end, she did something that surprised everyone!

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