"As the saying goes, a pot of turbid wine meets a few times, and many things in ancient and modern times are laughed at. In future programs, I will see you laughing about the Three Kingdoms and reading the Three Points.

"And the first person we will talk about next, the most controversial and divided in history!" The image is the most diverse. So who is this person? Please check out the next episode - real and fake Cao Cao! Speaking

of which, Luo Chen's first lecture ended, and he simply made a turn to rest.

But just such a break in the middle, the audience has remembered the extremely warm applause.

It's all heartfelt applause!

Gerdina: "Oh my God, my husband said it so well!" I didn't even know he was so eloquent!

Jiang Yingxue: "Heehee, I have long known that my husband is not an ordinary person!"

Tong Yaya: "Exactly!" My husband is awesome and talented!

Bai Ru: "Huh." Of

course, Bai Ru is a proud smile.

Because at this time, Bai Ru has already begun to welcome the worship and envy of the group of little sisters below.

"Sister, the man you are looking for is so powerful, he is really talented!"

"Sister, my brother-in-law is so handsome! And the eloquence is so good, at a glance, it is the kind of academic research that is very powerful, I don't know where the high-quality students are?

"Mr. Bai, congratulations, you're in love?" This guy is very nice.

At this time, Bai Ru was happier than she was to get praise in the face of a group of people's praise for Luo Chen:

"Ouch, it's not so powerful, hehe, the one in my family still needs to be improved!"

"Actually, he could have behaved better."

"Hehe, everyone has won the award, passed the award,


On the surface, she is modest, but everyone can see that she is very useful, and her man is still comfortable when he is lifted!

Prove that her vision is right.

And this side Luo Chen also came down for a while and communicated with a few big coffee:

"Two uncles, do you think, how did I just say, is there anything that needs to be improved?"

At this time, the actor Chen Baoming couldn't help but give a thumbs up: "You boy, powerful enough."

"Nothing to suggest, you, so good, very good! I have a scene of the Three Kingdoms to shoot next, I have to discuss it with you when I go back, I think next, it is estimated to be of great help to me. Luo

Chen: "Yo, that dare is good, thanks to Uncle, you can see me, when the time comes, you will know everything without words!"

Chen Baoming said with a smile: "Okay, I like your straightforwardness!" Looking back to you, just these two days. But if you're busy, forget it.

Luo Chen smiled and said, "Uncle, as long as you find me, I will definitely be on call." No matter how busy you are, you have to find time.

The song god Guo Youhua also said very happily: "Oh, Xiao Luo, you really did a great thing this time!" It is estimated that after listening to your lecture, many people will be very interested in the history and traditional culture of the three countries.

The queen Zhang Yuyan also smiled and said: "That's it, I didn't expect it, the guy is a little bit of a learner." In the future, if your aunt's research in this area needs you, you can't push it!

"Okay, okay, all the people here are my seniors, and I dare not listen to your words." Luo Chen spread his hands, looking helpless.

Immediately made these elders next to him laugh.

Luo Chen's performance, they are very satisfied, when the Luo family and his wife disappeared, they were also worried about whether this child could bear it.

But after the past few years, Luo Chen has grown surprisingly!

And also with Bai Ru, the proud daughter of the sky in the Beijing circle, which is very gratifying.

In the future, they don't have to worry, out of the past friendship, if Luo Chen needs help later, they will not refuse.

After all, this young man is a potential stock and deserves to be helped!

And here Luo Chen Shiran came over to say hello to Bai Ru, as well as Gedina and their sisters.

Now Bai Ru is really on the surface, but the other young ladies have not yet decided, after all, they really want to be all public, and it is too shocking.

It is estimated that it will also have an impact on a few of them, so let's slow down.

And Luo Chen didn't say that he was really with them now, but it wasn't far away.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Chen talked about the second lesson, a group of stars actually didn't care much when they first started.

But coming here, so many big coffee peers or something, plus Luo Chen said it too well, there was a feeling that they couldn't stop.

Let them quickly enter a new state.

A bunch of celebrities are a little crying and laughing, and they didn't listen so carefully when they were in school.

Finally, Luo Chen finished speaking, which made them unfinished.

"Sister Bai, when will my brother-in-law talk again? We would like to come to the class when we have time!

"It's just, I haven't wanted to listen to lectures so much for so long."

"Brother-in-law is too powerful, Sister Bai, where did you find such a handsome and talented man?"

"Does my brother-in-law have a brother?" It should be very good..."

A group of little sisters under the company all twittered at this time.

Bai Ru naturally coped with it easily and stabilized these young ladies.

But she also has a more sense of crisis in her heart!

How much talent did Luo Chen show here?

It's so noticeable, if it breaks out in full force in the future, what will it be?

There are so many big and small beauties in the entertainment industry, can't they pounce on him one by one?

It's a terrible thing....

At this time, Bai Ru was already beginning to calculate some future development directions.

Because these performances of Luo Chen are only temporary displays, but they are already quite shocking.

Looking at Luo Chen's performance, this show should not be short in the future.

Does he have to record it himself?

I don't know what his follow-up plans will look like. Let's go back and discuss.

At this time, Luo Chen was in the hearts of a group of stars, and naturally he had a unique impression of being a high talent.

In just two lessons, what is shown in terms of speech, knowledge, temperament, etc., cannot deceive people!

Luo Chen is definitely very high-quality!

If it weren't for knowing that such a man already had a goddess like Bai Ru guarding it, it is estimated that many young ladies present in the battle had already begun to act with gluttony.

Even so, there are still many people asking if Luo Chen has other brothers.

Let Luo Chen and Bai Ru cry and laugh, Luo Chen is the only one in the world without a semicolon!

However, the few young ladies next to them are now honored, and they really want to announce to the world that this man is theirs!

Other women don't have to think about it!

How many of their sisters are not enough to divide, so can they accommodate others?

And in fact, Luo Chen's video resources came out soon, and Bai Ru quickly sent this course for review, and the relationship was tough enough to pass quickly!

The key is that such a course, everyone with discerning eyes knows that it is a good thing, and the friend who helped the review couldn't help but praise: "Sister Bai, your little boyfriend, it's very good!" "

Now as long as it is anyone who has seen Luo Chen's performance, they will praise, and Bai Ru doesn't need to say anything more, and people are full of praise.

Let her herself blossom, but on the surface is always modest: "Hehe, no, no, the one in my family, there is still something to improve..."

But the intensity of publicity to help Luo Chen under his hand has not decreased at all.

First send all the video links to the people who listened to today's lecture and let them help promote it, which is of course some of the wonderful parts, and then make people want to watch it again.

Then the whole episode will be shown tonight!

Today's old big coffee and new generation traffic, as well as small flowers, have begun to promote hard one by one.

Because they all know that this is the task given by Bai Ru.

At the same time, Luo Chen is also worth their help.

So half of the entertainment industry seems to be circulating a video of such a young man's lecture.

Countless people saw it and became curious.

Among these people, there is Yang Mier....


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the first more sent, ask for a five-star evaluation! I hope to give you more updates today.

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