At this time, Luo Chen's hundred pulpit program finally began directly.

In this time and space, it is still relatively novel to lecture in this way.

After all, there has not been before, people have tried.

"Tasting the Three Kingdoms and interpreting the Three Kingdoms, many people have tried, and today's speaker will use different angles to tell the charm of the Three Kingdoms."

"Today's keynote speaker is a new generation of great writers, the authors of "The Legend of Tomb Robbery" and "Condor Shooting". He has made great achievements in the literary circle, and at the same time has studied the history of the Three Kingdoms.

"So what kind of perspective will he use today to explain this special historical era?" Stay tuned! As

the show started, the narration of the opening of the program was slowly broadcast in the channel of Roselle TV.

At first, everyone didn't react, but soon someone realized the point of the problem!

The focus is not on this lesson, but on this speaker!

What the? This person turned out to be the author of "The Legend of Tomb Robbery" and "Condor Shooting"?

Is that the rising star of literature who has never appeared?

Why did he give such a class? Is there any intention? Isn't he very low-key and has always been reluctant to show up?

How did you suddenly start to show your face, or even in this unique way, in front of the world?

The point is that some of the people who listened to it today just knew that he was Bai Ru's boyfriend.

It's the head of this one TV station!

At the time, everyone thought, this may be a task, right?

However, I didn't expect that Luo Chen still had such an identity behind him!

For a while, there was a storm in the film and television circle, because there were already many large companies that had already set their sights on these two works.

They all know that once these two works are adapted into TV series or movies, it will have an unparalleled effect!

Perhaps, it will explode all at once.

In recent years, movies and TV series adapted from novels have exploded frequently, after all, there is already a very large readership.

And after some adaptations, the effect on TV and movies is still very good.

So at this moment, they all want to get the best resources through the best means.

Fiction becomes the upstream of all content creation, a source of many unique things.

So at this time, everyone couldn't help but focus on these two works.

The main thing is that these two works are too popular and there are too many readers!

Under such a manifestation, it has quickly had an impact.

Everyone can see the film and television dramas and movies adapted from these two works, and they can definitely sell well.

As long as it is not too excessive and the change is too tragic, it will definitely blossom in many ways!

It's a win-win situation, where authors get fame and fortune, and they get money for investing.

But when they wanted to contact the author, they found that there was no contact information at all, and the website was even confidential.

Because of that literary website, I am really afraid that such a great god will be directly poached.

Now there are many people who want to send this superstar as their content creation director in various ways!

After all, many things are really scarce now!

Luo Chen broke out one after another, and it seems that there is a new book that is being serialized. The results are also very good.

Therefore, when Luo Chen released such a piece of information, it quickly attracted the attention of countless people.

At this moment, Yang Mier, who was watching this premiere educational program in front of the TV, her hand holding the teacup trembled.

She didn't notice that the teacup had fallen to the floor.

She looked at Luo Chen who appeared dumbfounded, and then muttered,

"How is it possible?!" How can it be?? He turned out to be the author of those two, popular works? "

So many big guys are looking for this author, just hoping to cooperate, and I also want to find him... But why didn't you tell me earlier!

Then, Yang Mier recalled at this time, and the previous communication with Luo Chen couldn't help but smile miserably.

Luo Chen once told her that he wanted to talk to her many times, but she refused.

Because she felt that there was nothing to talk to him about.

Now that I think about it, maybe at that time, Luo Chen has already said some problems.

Yang Mier felt really stupid at this time, and Luo Chen didn't seem to be so annoying now.

She originally closed all the channels of communication with Luo Chen, but now that I think back, Luo Chen has always been accommodating her, and at this time she can only hehe...

Is she still embarrassed to look at her face and go back to find Luo Chen?


Now even if she regrets it, she can only crush her silver teeth and swallow it into her stomach!

But did she really regret it?

I don't know.

It seems that there is really a little bit.

Think about it again, today Bai Ru pulled so many people over for Luo Chen, really a Uranus superstar, a small flow of popularity, a lot of small flowers.

It is to create momentum for Luo Chen!

Suddenly, she understood, why did Bai Ru do this? It turns out that people have already seen clearly that Luo Chen is a talent!

Only Yang Mier, herself, put a genius beside herself, but she was not moved, she didn't know, and finally offended this genius to death and pushed it away fiercely.

But think again, if she lets him live with Luo Chen again and marry again, will she be willing?

At this time, Yang Mier's heart was still that sentence: "It is estimated that I am still unwilling... Forget it, everything is gone, so be it.

"But what exactly will he make of the show today?"

"Let's take a look first..." The

announcement of Luo Chen's identity not only shocked the entire entertainment industry, but also shocked his ex-wife Yang Mier!

However, the current Yang Mier may not have reacted yet, and she is even more unwilling to admit that she has any regretful thoughts.

But the actual action was manipulating her, constantly paying attention to everything about Luo Chen.

She vaguely felt as if she had missed something very important.

Then Luo Chen may have many unknown secrets.

Yang Mier suddenly, only felt that Luo Chen, he couldn't see through at all, he wasn't that one at all, what she thought, except for handsome, is nothing, an ordinary person.

People are awesome!

People are talented!

It is also very likely that more women like him....

The last one doesn't know what's going on, Yang Mier has such an intuition.

Until she saw this unique podium, Luo Chen was personable, talented, elegant, and humorous, and said the speech of the entire Three Kingdoms to the top.

She really knew that Luo Chen was really going to explode this time.

This one program alone is estimated to pull a large number of ratings later.

Look at so many star guests under the stage, and the ratings of this show will not be low.

The key is to see how these star guests reacted, they were all very fascinated and happy to listen to!


No wonder these big coffees will recommend Luo Chen before, and work hard to create momentum for Luo Chen on the Internet.

Because they all felt that Luo Chen was worth it!

Even these big coffees think so, how could Yang Mier not know that Luo Chen is really going to start taking off this time?

It's just a show, one person and one podium, leading the way!

Aren't such people still elite? Are such people not good enough? Can't afford her Yang Mier!

Yang Mier's heart was even more chaotic.

What made her even more upset was still in the next moment, because she saw a scene that she couldn't have expected!

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