Looking at the silk butterfly, and then at Bai Xingjian, Liu Yifei subconsciously smiled on her face.

However, after a while, this smile turned into doubt.

"You.... When are you going to shoot them? ”

Bai Xingjian, who had already sat cross-legged, sighed, his eyes still looking ahead, but gave her an unexpected answer.

"Sometimes I don't shoot, if I like a moment, a moment, for me personally, I don't like to take pictures for the sake of taking pictures, I just want to enjoy the moment."

After saying this, Bai Xingjian turned his head to look at Liu Yifei, and there seemed to be no emotion in his plain eyes, but he seemed to contain a lot of emotions.

It's like a whirlpool that can suck people into it at once.

For some reason, Liu Yifei suddenly panicked, but he didn't want to avoid Bai Xingjian's sight.

The familiar blush seemed to climb up from her neck again.

"Silk.... The silk butterfly flew away....."

"It's okay, I found a new landscape."

New landscapes?

This time, Liu Yifei understood in an instant.

New landscapes..... It's her!

Poof, poof.... The heart is beating faster and faster.

Next, is it time to kiss her next?

In the TV series, after the boy confesses, the girl raises her head slightly, closes her eyes, and can feel the touch of her lips after a few seconds...

What kind of feeling is that?

As an actor, Liu Yifei certainly understands the progress of this kind of plot.

Then subconsciously learned.

Close your eyes, look up, look forward ...

Then her nose was pinched.


Opening his eyes, Liu Yifei's eyes were full of doubts and puzzlement..... Is something wrong?

Bai Xingjian, on the other hand, looked regretful, "It's a pity! Your expression just now is very good, but there are no shooting conditions....."

"Shoot... Shot? ”

"Can you still find that feeling just now? That empty inspiration to relax? That feeling is extraordinarily dusty....."

Liu Yifei bit her lip and lowered her head, "It should be..... It should work. ”

Although it is not clear how Bai Xingjian said how to express the feeling, she can recall what she just thought... I don't know if it works.

"In fact, taking pictures of young girls, especially girls like you who have experienced less things, is quite challenging."

"Why do you say that?"

"Too little experience, naturally can't give me more feedback, in fact, you should also be acting should also be a truth, if I only need to shoot your youth, lively and cute, then naturally simple, but if I want to present more..... That's more troublesome. ”

Liu Yifei seemed to understand whether she understood or not, but she quickly came back.

So just now is it not....... She had a slightly frustrated expression on her face, and then looked cautiously at Bai Xingjian, as if trying to read something out of his face.

"Don't worry, I think you can show more in this natural environment, we can start from this aspect when we go back..."

"Little white big brother, fall in love, isn't it even if you have experienced a lot?"



Adolescent girls ask him about emotional problems... It's not the first time Bai Xingjian has encountered it.

Come over people~

Again, he is quite insightful about these.

"Look how you fall in love, if it's just to find a man to sleep with..."

"Oops! It's not! ”

Liu Yifei's "stress" reaction instantly reminded Bai Xingjian of the age of the other party.

Ahem, talking about the topic is indeed a bit of a clam~

"Forget it, I'll keep it short..... If you want to achieve the effect you want, you can't do without 'hard work'. ”

"What do you mean?"

"You'll know later."

"I'm not a kid again!"

"Actually~ I call you mother and sister, you have to call me Uncle, isn't that a child~"


There was a muffled sound.

It turned out that Liu Yifei put Bai Xingjian on his head.

The little girl is angry!

And Bai Xingjian walked back behind her with a smile, but he was nagging in his heart: The straight men's clothes of labor and management are similar enough~

But no way, if it was Yang Mi who was here today, Bai Xingjian's rhetoric would not be like this at all.


Yang Mi is eighteen years old.

Liu Yifei..... Sixteen or seventeen?

It's not a special punishment, but it's a bit of a punishment.

You know, Bai Xingjian is a little "allergic" to girls under the age of eighteen.

Serious photographers, what are you most afraid of?

Bai Xingjian is not a god who does not eat the fireworks of the world, he also has seven emotions and six desires, and has the need to sleep with his sister.

But the thing he was most afraid of in his two lives was to take a picture of his sister and sleep, and as a result, people took out their ID cards... Fourteen.

Riding a horse sometimes wakes him up in such dreams.

This may also be a kind of mental illness~

However, looking up at Liu Yifei's back... It's not as lively as when I came.

Bai Xingjian thought about it and regretted it a little.

Suddenly, he shouted, "Sissy. ”

"What for?"

"Next year, when you turn eighteen, how about I take a bar mitzvah photo for you?"

Liu Yifei stopped and looked at Bai Xingjian with a little stunned...

Seemingly infected by the smile on his face, she finally smiled again, "Is this an agreement?" ”

"Of course."

"You're not going to come, are you?"

"How can it ~ no matter where you are, the world is so big, there is no place I can't go."


"I can't read 10,000 books, but I can still walk hundreds of thousands of kilometers."

"Pull the hook."

"Didn't you say that pulling the hook is very childish~"

"Hurry up~"

"Good, good, good....."

At this moment, the sun was setting, and the shadows of the two people slowly lengthened.

Perhaps, the only thing that does not fit the scene is the name of the mountain under your feet.

Mourning..... It's unlucky.


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