However, even though Gao Yuanyuan was already embarrassed by her voice, Bai Xingjian still did not let go of her hand.

Even, he had begun to rub gently in her palms and wrists.

First the fingers, then the knuckles, and finally, the palms facing each other....

He could even clearly feel that at the moment when the palms of the two touched, Gao Yuanyuan directly trembled.

A tremor from head to toe.

Trying to raise her head again, she didn't want to say anything this time.

Because the moment she met Bai Xingjian's line of sight, she felt that something had been pierced.

To describe it in the most rugged way: Bai Xingjian at this moment, even if you look at a telephone pole, the sight will make people feel affectionate.

At the same time, he finally spoke, his magnetic voice full of tenderness.

"Sister Yuanyuan.... Kiss me. ”

"What.... What the? ”

Before Gao Yuanyuan could answer with no or consent, Bai Xingjian had already leaned down.

His words were not asking for advice.

I don't know how long it has been.

Gao Yuanyuan only knew that she seemed to have experienced a reincarnation.

Eyes widened, squinted, and finally closed, and by the time he opened them again, Bai Xingjian was already fiddling with the camera, looking extremely focused.

Seeing this scene, she even began to wonder that what just happened could not be an illusion, right?

However, when it was time to get out of the car, Bai Xingjian's hand gently stroked the ends of her hair and whispered in her ear, "We'll work together intimately, right?" ”

Gao Yuanyuan almost nodded her head.


Who am I? Where am I? What am I going to do?

This is a question hovering in Gao Yuanyuan's mind, making her look in a trance and not knowing why.

The plot of the story is a bit of a disconnect for her.

Why was he suddenly provoked and kissed? Why did she suddenly obey her words so much?

What did this brother give her?

The most outrageous is..... She doesn't even think there's much of a problem?

That's a big problem!

Bai Xingjian was taken to the studio and sat in the dressing room, and then he saw Bai Xingjian reaching out to stop the original makeup artist.

He also said, "I'll do it." ”


The makeup artist's eyes widened, "You coming?" Aren't you a photographer? ”

"Makeup should be a basic skill for a photographer, right?"


The makeup artist is a bit messy, isn't it?

However, she glanced at Gao Yuanyuan and found that she did not object... She didn't know that Gao Yuanyuan would still be stunned.

In the end, the makeup artist reluctantly agreed to let Bai Xingjian come in person, but she needed to stand by and watch in order to be responsible.

Gao Yuanyuan's agent, who also rushed to the studio, wanted to stop talking.

But in the end nothing was said.

If the makeup is not good, it can still be repeated.

But if you offend the young designer in front of you..... And photographer, in case people are annoyed and leave, it will be troublesome.

Gao Yuanyuan's friend in the fashion circle, named Sister Hong, also reacted the same.

It's just that she is more interested in Bai Xingjian himself.

Staring at him all the time, still chanting something in his mouth, it seems to be sighing and doubting..... After all, he is also too young.

However, young to young, design this kind of field, has never been based on age to achieve or fail.

Years may grow experience, but creativity never looks at age.



When Bai Xingjian's voice sounded, Gao Yuanyuan subconsciously looked at herself in the mirror.



To be honest, the style of makeup is biased towards exaggerated makeup, and it really doesn't look good on anyone.

It is extremely testing the foundation and temperament of the model, of course, more importantly, the aesthetic and creativity of the makeup artist.

But if these conditions can be met.

Then the inner changes and emotional rendering brought about by flat makeup styling are between having the simplest form and the most powerful aura.

Whether it is light and flexible, or classic and fashionable, it is very infectious.

Obviously, this makeup on Gao Yuanyuan's face now has such infectious power.

She turned her head to look for Bai Xingjian, and she had a stomach problem in her heart.

But he turned his head and couldn't see him.

All that can be seen is her agent and the dumbfounded former makeup artist.......

"What about him?"

"He.... Go and get ready to shoot, Yuanyuan, what the hell is he....."

"Don't ask, I don't really know it myself."

Gao Yuanyuan knew too well what her agent wanted to ask, but she really couldn't answer it.

She also wants to know!


Everyone is full of doubts, so continue to have doubts.

However, when the shooting really started, Bai Xingjian directly blasted out all the people who wanted to watch.

There was even an impatient look on his face.

In other words, Gao Yuanyuan felt that since she saw him, she had hardly seen a particularly extreme expression on his face.

Always smiling, giving people a sunny and approachable feeling.

Most of the time he seems to be very flat, with little emotional ups and downs.

And yet now..... She felt Bai Xingjian was particularly grumpy and excited.

Like a male lion patrolling his territory with great interest.

Even, when he looked at himself, Gao Yuanyuan subconsciously avoided his eyes.

"Look at me! During the whole shooting, unless I ask you to, don't take your eyes off me! ”

The imperative tone made Gao Yuanyuan a little uncomfortable.

She has never seen such a photographer for so long since her debut.

Even the director of the crew will not talk to her in this tone!


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