"Okay, I see."

After hanging up the phone, Bai Xingjian felt that something was wrong and looked down.

I found that Gao Yuanyuan was staring at him with an extremely excited look, and her face was even a little abnormal red.


Bai Xingjian shook his head at her, his expression gentle, "Sister Yuanyuan, when doing things, you must concentrate on Oh ~ Don't be naughty, continue, be good." ”


"You want to go to Paris too?" Bai Xingjian read the meaning and longing in her eyes.


"But your agent said that there are a lot of jobs looking for you now, and I'm afraid you'll be fine."

His tone was slightly regretful, which made Gao Yuanyuan also frustrated.


"Sister Yuanyuan, you are not a professional model after all~ In the past, you could only be an audience, in fact, it doesn't mean much."

Bai Xingjian calmed Gao Yuanyuan, as if the age difference between the two had been reversed.

In fact, he also knew the reason why Gao Yuanyuan wanted to follow the past, after all... This time the scene is a little too big!

A super show created by a top luxury brand, united with a supercar brand.

Supercars and supermodels, either of the two, belong to that kind of sight collector.

As long as it appears, it can almost make people's eyes subconsciously shift over.

Not to mention the top designers of the major top fashion and luxury brands....

I really don't know which genius came up with this combination.

It's really creative and absolutely eye-catching.

I am afraid that the global fashion industry and even most of the entertainment industry will pay attention.

Plus a large number of socialites ..... This gimmick, pull full.

Whether it was this creative show format or the personal invitation of the "Lafayette", Bai Xingjian was aroused by a strong interest.

While slightly excited, he subconsciously reached out and touched Gao Yuanyuan's face, slightly forced.....

"Sister Yuanyuan, do you want to take a look... My work for the world this time? ”


"You want to see it? ~ Don't worry, you'll see it soon... Won't let you down.... Sorry sorry! ”

Bai Xingjian, who noticed that something was wrong, quickly let go of his hand and immediately apologized.

"Little bastard.... You, do you want to choke me?! ”

After a crazy cough, Gao Yuanyuan finally gasped.

At this time, her eyes were red, and there were some tear tracks at the corners of her eyes.

Of course, she was not moved like this, but the phenomenon of loss of control of the body when people reach a certain physiological limit.....


"That's it.... Is this gone? ”

"Yes, Sister Yuanyuan, see you next time you have a chance."

How to say goodbye?

It's like when we first met.

Even if Bai Xingjian almost made her "broken" because of a mistake, Gao Yuanyuan was still a little reluctant when parting.

Although the time spent together was not a few days, the stories of these days were rich enough.

This young man, who always smiled warmly and sunny, really brought her a lot of unexpected surprises.

His skills, his creativity....

Well...... Including those tricks of his.

In the end, such a stunning person, his departure was so simple and calm, just waved his hand, and disappeared from her world again.

As if without any nostalgia.

"What kind of scene will it be the next time I see you..."

"Yuanyuan, it's time for us to go." Gao Yuanyuan's agent did not bother the farewell of the two, and she also reminded Gao Yuanyuan after being stunned in place for more than two minutes.

Hearing this, a smile also appeared on Gao Yuanyuan's face, "Okay, it's time to fight for your career!" ”

"I'm afraid you're going to have to work hard for many days, and now I have a bunch of announcements on hand... By the way, there is good news, Chanel seems to be really interested in signing a domestic spokesperson, and they are already in contact with me. ”

"Good news indeed... He's amazing. ”

"We owe people a lot of favors." The agent sighed slightly.

People who appeared inexplicably directly helped Gao Yuanyuan take off in a wave, which may be an important turning point in her career.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a nobleman.

It's just that this noble man is indeed a bit maverick, which is really incomprehensible.


As if thinking of something, Gao Yuanyuan blushed and snorted softly, "I don't owe others favors~"


Looking at Gao Yuanyuan, who turned her head and left, her agent was confused.

It's just that I don't know if it's her delusion.

I always feel that the current Gao Yuanyuan looks much better than a few days ago.

This walking posture feels a little more stylish.

"Yuanyuan, your crotch is so big..... It's easy to slump and wear high heels. ”

"I don't want to, blame him!"



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