After turning off his mobile phone, Bai Xingjian smiled and looked at Wang Dafa in front of him, the paparazzi before.

The other party was still very punctual and arrived at the airport earlier than him.

Very nice and contractual.

And at this time, Wang Dafa looked at Bai Xingjian's eyes... It's completely different from before.

Before, I was mainly caught afraid of being beaten and afraid.

Now, on the one hand, Bai Xingjian is the owner of the money, on the other hand, as a paparazzi, one of the basic qualities is to quickly receive the latest news in the circle.

To know what new people are coming, you have to make sure you can see them and recognize them.

Otherwise, what kind of paparazzi? How many opportunities do you have to miss?

Wang Dafa is an ideal paparazzi, he is a man who wants to ~ be the king of paparazzi.

Then, he saw a report last night, not a third-rate tabloid, but the kind that has the power of influence.

At that time, he watched while eating, and as a result, the first bite of food sprayed.

"Chinese Designers Shine in Paris"

This title is nothing, it's normal.

But that photo.......... Good fellow, isn't this your own gold master!

Absolutely handsome!

Then, naturally, he read the report carefully.

After reading it, the person was numb.

Really fake, huh?

It is again in the field of fashion, and it shines in the field of photography............. And then he was only twenty years old?

Oh yes, while taking pictures of the crew of "Dragon Babu", he also played a role by the way?

Of course, Wang Dafa did get some things right.

That day in the hotel, the woman he saw who entered the hotel with Bai Xingjian with a mask was Gao Yuanyuan!

What a coincidence~ Bai Xingjian's work sent to Europe, the model is Gao Yuanyuan.

This is directly hammered to death!

But alas..... The photos he secretly took have been confiscated by Bai Xingjian.

This incident between the two is basically impossible to expose.

But he himself doesn't feel pity, because he took the Bai Xingjian line!

In other words, is there an opportunity to connect your paparazzi business with each other?

Many of Bai Xingjian's works are made by stars, and he is also a star... Everyone is also half a peer.

If Bai Xingjian shoots a star next time, give him a squeak, a dark shot, a front shot.... Ahem cough cough!

Take off!

Of course, this is just Wang Dafa's own fantasy, and he also knows that Bai Xingjian will cooperate with him like this if his brain burns.

However, even if you can't cooperate, it may be useful to build a good relationship in the future~

Although Bai Xingjian does not seem to mix in the entertainment industry, whether it is fashion or photography, it is inextricably linked with the entertainment industry:

With his current achievements, the future will definitely be prosperous.... Maybe in the future, a little leakage in his fingers will be enough for him to eat.

"Big brother, are we going to shoot the prairie this time? My hand is absolutely steady! It certainly won't be delayed. ”

"Hmm..... Are you bold?"

"Look at what you said, it's not bold, what kind of paparazzi am I doing~ I'm not afraid of being beaten by four or five people!"

This statement, Bai Xingjian has reservations, last time he scared this guy by himself, and four or five....

"Let's go to Inner Mongolia this time, there is a little risk, you can definitely do it, right?" Bai Xingjian said lightly.

Wang Dafa patted his chest hard, "Then I must be able to ah, Daoshan Fire Sea, big brother!"

"Okay, if you do a good job, I'll give you more money when I get back."


The money given by Bai Xingjian is almost half his income as a paparazzi.

Also add?

Even if Wang Dafa is enthusiastic, he is a little guilty in his heart.

What the hell is this going to shoot? This big brother doesn't want to go to some no-man's land or dangerous area to take pictures, right?

Also.... It's not a no-no.

Just be careful.

His own job paparazzi is also a relatively high-risk job, Wang Dafa is not afraid!

Make money and take a little risk, normal.

"By the way, let you bring your driver's license, you also brought it, right?"

"I brought it, do you want to rent a car?"


By plane, on the ground, by rent..... In this series of operations, Wang Dafa did not feel that there was anything wrong.

It's just that after seeing Bai Xingjian buy some water, biscuits and other food in the car, and even buy sleeping bags and other things, the feeling of weirdness is even stronger...

"Big brother, where are we going? Quite far?"

"Yes, at least hundreds of kilometers, hard work for you."

"Not hard, not hard............ Driving, I drive a car for a day or two when I am a paparazzi, and I get used to it. 17

"Some of the later trips may experience some more extreme weather conditions, can they withstand it?"

"Haha, of course I can withstand it, the wind and rain drive a little slower~ Let's sit in the car, and not run outside............. Wait, big brother, how extreme is the extreme weather situation you are talking about?"

"Hmm..." sitting in the co-pilot, Bai Xingjian pondered how to answer the question while admiring the grassland scenery outside the window.

Because he himself is not sure about it~

There is an element of luck in this thing.

Of course, his luck must be very good, and the blessing of the three young ladies is not good.

He is a man with a lucky value of +3.

At this time, it was also a coincidence, and the radio in the car helped him answer Wang Dafa's question.

"According to the forecast of the meteorological station, a supercell storm is forming around the white flag of Xilin Guolmeng, which may be accompanied by hail, heavy rainfall, high winds, and strong downward storms......... Yellow Rainstorm Alert......... Wind..."

The broadcast signal was intermittent, and the content behind it was not well heard.

At this time, Wang Dafa, who was driving with great interest, had a slightly frozen expression on his face.

He turned to look at Bai Xingjian, "Big brother.... The extreme weather you are talking about, this is it?"

"What the hell are you here to shoot?"

"Just shoot it, super monolith."

"Big brother.........."

"Add money to you!"

"It's not a question of whether to add money or not..." Wang Dafa wanted to say something, but his words suddenly stuck in his throat and couldn't get out.

I don't know when it started, the clouds in the sky have disappeared, revealing the blue sky.

The scenery looks beautiful, but it seems that at the end of the line of sight, the clouds are piling up wildly and spectacularly.

And the direction of the clouds is the direction they are traveling.

"Hell! What's that?"

"Wall clouds, normal phenomenon."

"You call this normal?!" Wang Dafa really couldn't help it, and even his eldest brother didn't shout.

Seeing his excited look, Bai Xingjian thought about it and said tentatively, "Add money?"

Wang Dafa: ....

It's not that he doesn't love life, it's true..... He really gave too much!

And add ah?

Subconsciously swallowing his saliva, looking at the wall clouds in the distance, Wang Da's heart was crossed, "You said to add money!"

"Anla, it must be added to you, moreover, you are also a photographer, this scenery is difficult to see in this life!"

Damn it! Labor is a paparazzi!"

While cursing, Wang Dafa slammed on the accelerator, and the engine of the rented SUV let out a roar and accelerated towards the end of the road.

Facts have proved that Wangshan's words about running a dead horse are not wrong at all.

Wang Dafa originally thought that they could all see what kind of wall cloud, and they would definitely be able to see it after a while.

As a result, this moment..... It was open for a full five hours.

Until he stopped at the gas station to refuel, he even felt that the cloud was still so far away.

The drive that had been motivated by the money has now turned to exhaustion.

After casually eating some food and drinking some water, he asked Bai Xingjian a little depressed, "Big brother, how long will it take?"

"It should be fast, the supercell has not yet taken shape, and it is not moving fast this for a few more hours, maybe you can go around in front of it."

What kind of stuff? Go around in front of it?

Wang Dafa snorted, "Big brother......... You're so bold!"

"You're bold, let's each other."

"Don't..... In the future, if you have this kind of work, don't look for me, I think it's good for me to secretly photograph those stars, and I will be caught and beaten at most. ”

"You're really.... There is an outlet..."

Bai Xingjian smiled and shook his head, but he felt that sooner or later Wang Dafa would take it back by himself.

"Go, keep going."

On the road again, this Bai Xingjian not only observed the clouds in the sky, but also turned on his mobile phone that had not been turned on until now.

As soon as you open it, it's a bunch of missed calls and SMS...

Not surprisingly, it was all Yang Mi's.

Before he could see it, a call came in.

Hurry up and connect.

"Bai Xingjian, you lied to me again!"

"Honey, when did I lie to you?"

"You told me you were going to chase the wind or tricked me into shooting in the hotel?"

"That's what I said, so I said comparators"

"I don't care, you give me back!"

"Uh.......... I'll be there right away. ”

"Where?" Yang Mi's tone suddenly became nervous.


Coincidentally, the next blow storm, too.

The sudden rainstorm hit the roof and window pane, making a crackling sound.

Well, not only torrential rain, but also hail.

Wang Dafa, who was driving, was so frightened that he quickly reduced his speed.

Looking from the window of the car, the thinner trees on the side of the road were about to be blown out.

As for the branches and leaves .... He had long lowered his head in the air, or even disappeared altogether.

"Hey, honey, it's raining on my side, I'll enter the city immediately, don't tell you about clams first~"

"Huh?! Hey, wait a minute!"


The phone hangs up.

"Big brother, it's Chifeng City in front, shall we go in?"

"Come in, we're already very close, you can start shooting if it doesn't rain."

After the car drove into the city, Wang Dafa himself breathed a sigh of relief.

How to say, in the city, even if you encounter any situation, you can call for road assistance or something.

0 begging for flowers...

This is good news.

But the bad news is that Bai Xingjian never let him park.

Until, after crossing the entire Red Wind City, I came to the suburban location.

This time, their car stopped.

It had nothing to do with Bai Xingjian, but was stopped by the traffic police.

On the road ahead, it was also set


"There is a storm ahead, don't pass it, it's dangerous."

"We're journalists, specifically to shoot this." Bai Xingjian said after showing off the camera and other equipment.

Belch.... Obviously, the traffic policeman in front of him was also a little hesitant.

He did not choose to let Bai Xingjian go over, nor did he directly persuade them to return, but made a phone call.

After the call, they said to Bai Xingjian, "Didn't your colleague shoot on that building?"

Seeing the direction of his finger, Wang Dafa inwardly said: Damn it! Besides this big brother, there are other maniacs?!

Wrong.... People don't seem to be crazy, at least they didn't drive after the storm to shoot ah.

"We were filming on location!"

In the end, Bai Xingjian and Wang Dafa were let go.

Before they left, the last words the traffic policeman said to them were: "Wulijitai."

"Big brother, what did he tell us?"

"Mongolian language, meaning auspicious."

"Big brother, you know so much!"

"Before coming, I also have to do my homework, so don't talk."

"I'm not talking a lot, big brother, I... I'm scared. ”

Just as Bai Xingjian's car passed, on the building that the traffic police uncle said, a fully equipped film crew had already set up a long gun and short cannon against the super unit.

Obviously, this is a professional film crew, and it is also for this super unit.

And the work signs hung by these people also intuitively point out the unit to which they belong.

Yang Ma.

"Silk, help me bring the lens..."

"Good teacher."

A girl who looked like an intern helped to start, and when she was busy, she suddenly found that many people gathered at the window and pointed out.

Curiously, she leaned over and glanced over, "What's wrong?"

"A car drove towards the supercell..."

"So bold?!"

"The point is.... Just now the traffic police department called and said that it was our people in the car. ”

"Count the number of people! I've said it several times, pay attention to safety, pay attention to safety, I see which bastard is fooling around..."

Obviously, there are leaders on the scene.

However, after counting the number of people, I was surprised to find that there was no one missing, including a few interns who had just entered the TV station.

That's weird.

Who the hell is in that car?

"Someone came out of the sunroof of that car!" When the leader was talking, Li Sisi, who was also secretly observing the intern girl outside from the window, did not hold back and exclaimed.

However, at this time, no one cared about her speak, and all of a sudden looked over.

Boy! And really.

The car that rushed towards the super monolithic storm really poked out a half-figure on the sunroof, looking at it from a distance, and seemed to be holding a camera

"Oh my God!"

"Wang Dafa! You give me a little steady!"

"Big brother, it's already very stable... It's too windy!"

Bai Xingjian couldn't hear what Wang Dafa was saying at this time, he only felt the wind whistling in his ears, his hair was blown directly into the shape of his back, and even his clothes were close to each other

on the body.

Only his hand holding the camera did not even shake at all, like a rock.


The lightning of the super cell thunderstorm began to erge, and at least ten lightning bolts cut through the sky every second...


Wang Dafa felt that even if he was just driving, his hands were trembling slightly.

Because they are getting closer and closer to that supercell

"Big brother, are you going?! Are you done filming?"


"What kind of stuff?"


A minute later, two people got out of the car, fixed tripods on the grass against strong winds, cameras .....

Not far away, the extremely oppressive giant clouds in the sky have begun to rotate visibly...

"Big brother, this won't hang a tornado, right?!" Wang Dafa asked with a pale face.

"Don't shake your hands, set up the machine!"

Bai Xingjian didn't want to say a word of nonsense to him at this time, obviously the temperature around him was already very low, but he was extremely excited and hot.

While setting up the machine quickly, my eyes never left the storm.

Wang Dafa, who helped him stabilize the machine on the side, finally stopped beeping, took several deep breaths, and forced himself into a working state.

Just when..... Just think that thing is a star~

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