"Do you still have a massage today?"

Looking at the bright eyes in front of him, Bai Xingjian had a slight headache.

He meowed, Yang Mi is addicted after enjoying massage services?

"You can't press it every day, but if you press it again today, you will only feel pain all over your body."

"I was in pain all over yesterday........ Little liar, you still lie to me that it doesn't hurt..."

Looking at Yang Mi's accusatory eyes, Bai Xingjian looked up at the sky.

To be reasonable, he just told a lie that a man would tell.

Normal girls look at you pitifully at that time and ask if you will hurt Do you really tell her that it hurts?

Of course, it is a whisper of comfort, saying "It's okay, I'll be gentle, it won't hurt very ~." ”

Bai Xingjian said the same ~

And then it... Scolded by Yang Mi - a full twenty minutes.

Bai Xingjian doesn't know where her strength comes from....... Originally, I thought - this chick was wilting.

As a result, when you curse, good fellow, you scold Bai Xingjian.

It's really hard to imagine that the girl who was still delicate and shy in the next second began to curse like a pig:

You can't look good!

Afterwards, Yang Mi told him that this was to divert attention.

What can Bai Xingjian do? Of course, I chose to believe her nonsense.

In other words, even if she is just a little girl, she can see the difference in personality.

Before Tang Yan, she bit the pillow the whole time and didn't hum.

Of course, it may also be because of lack of strength to hum.

But like Yang Mi, who obviously has no strength, can still magically use his strength to scold people.

In contrast, one seems to be more submissive, and the other is unruly~

It's even a bit of plagiarism.

The old lady is dying of pain, you don't want to be comfortable!

Of course, after scolding people, it is also very amazing to become angry again.

"Honey, you're really afraid of pain..."

"Nonsense, who is not afraid of pain? I tell you, thanks to my lack of menstrual pain, otherwise, I don't know what to do on those days of the month, and I will die.

"It's not so exaggerated..."

"It's not an exaggeration at all, my roommate once trembled all over in pain, frightened me, when I thought, if I have menstrual pain one day and can't be cured, I will quickly get married and have children..."

"What does this have to do with getting married and having children?"

"You're stupid, don't come to that when you're pregnant."


What can Bai Xingjian say? Give a thumbs up to show convincing.

This ghost-like logic is really stupid to him.

"Hey, then if you start to hurt again after giving birth, continue to give birth to a second one?"

"Raw! Give birth to a football team and give birth to menopause!"

"Poof! Hahahaha..."

"Little liar, then will you have sex with me?" Yang Mi suddenly asked in a calm tone.

With a snort, Bai Xingjian's smile retracted.

ㄝ.... Careless.

Quickly organizing the language, he made a curious gesture, "Honey, you are eighteen years old..... Want to have children?"

"Of course I'm not saying now... ......... Later. ”

"As long as you need it, my side is always willing to dedicate itself."

"Oh, I understand, help give birth, don't help raise, is that what you mean?"

"Ahem......... How so. ”

Yang Mi looked at him with disdain, "Scumbag~ I knew it was so, but you also don't want me to marry you, you don't even have a house in Yanjing..."

In recent years, he has begun to ask the man to have a house?

"Can't afford it."

Bai Xingjian put it succinctly.

"Bah! You just don't want to buy........ Do you think I don't know how much money you make in the crew of "Dragon Babu"? It's long been affordable! But you're the kind of person who runs outside every day..... If I marry you, I won't know where you are every day, and whoever marries you will be unlucky!"

Looking at Yang Mi, who seemed to suddenly start getting angry, Bai Xingjian scratched his head.

How about that~

He is indeed the kind of character who does not live a stable life in one place.

Even Bai Xingjian has little interest in making money, which almost everyone values.

Otherwise, he should not take pictures outside every day, but go to find the two young men surnamed Ma, one in Shencheng and the other in Hangcheng.

It's just that making a lot of money doesn't make much sense to him at all.

Because, even if he is not very deliberate to make money, after showing some of his ability, money will come to the door by itself.

Looking for the door, Bai Xingjian earned it by the way.

He is too lazy to take the initiative to become bigger and stronger, who said that the crosser must be the richest man~

This job is still for Erma and the eldest king to do, their surname Ma is good at this.

Logically speaking, Bai Xingjian was originally going to "single-handedly" with Gong Li's sister today.

If you don't get Gong Li, you may not know what will happen after the time comes.

In case someone's temper comes up, let's go on a strike.....

Heck, if there was such a scene, Bai Xingjian felt like he could still watch it.

Ahem, of course, there will be no such a big move for this bit of evil fun.

Persuade, or persuade.

Besides, Bai Xingjian still wants to try, can he get Gong Li's diamond treasure chest~

Zhou Yanfa speaks Mandarin unfavorably, and Bai Xingjian doesn't have any childhood filters for him, so it's a little difficult to communicate.

Zhou Jielun bar....... Bai Xingjian felt that this kid was a bit autistic and didn't like to talk to people.

Obviously, they are the kings of the music scene, and they seem to have a bit of a sense of dick............. Sh~ I don't know if it's Bai Xingjian's illusion.

Perhaps, the young Zhou Tianwang was so shy.

As for the old man, he was so busy that he could hardly get his feet on the ground.

What kind of photo to take with Bai Xingjian.

Of course, the above is not actually the reason why Bai Xingjian does not attack their treasure chests.

The main thing is still..... Gong Li is female.

Bai Xingjian is still good at dealing with women, regardless of age.

He and Liu Xiaoli can get along so well, Gong Li is younger than Liu Xiaoli...

Friends of Women ~ In the last life, Bai Xingjian accomplished this achievement.

In this life, it is even more handy.

Similarly, in terms of photography, he is also more willing to shoot women....... This is a personal preference.

However, although Yang Mi called him a scumbag or something, she was actually very sticky to Bai Xingjian today.

When I scolded him for being a scumbag, I hugged him and scolded.

Hey, I didn't expect it.

In this case, Bai Xingjian couldn't leave her alone in the room, and then ran to talk to Gong Li.

The little girl is so coaxing, coax the little girl first.

The rare years are quiet~

Bai Xingjian sat there drawing casually, and Yang Mi was lying on his lap, holding the script and reading.

From time to time, condemn Bai Xingjian for the issue of scumbags.

In a vain attempt to awaken Bai Xingjian's shame, let him change his face, and become a person again in the future.

However, there is no use for eggs.

Every beautiful girl feels that she is both chosen and the only one.

Then, the special self naturally has the charm of the prodigal son's heart.

They are so confident that they feel like the heroines of a fairy tale.

However...... If it were that easy, the prodigal son would not be a prodigal son.

Seeing that Bai Xingjian looked a little oily and salty, Yang Mi pinched him several times in a huff.

Forget it, she is only eighteen, and she is not in a hurry.

And not at that age of forced marriage............ Now, it's time to enjoy a sweet and greasy love~

Just be happy.

With Bai Xingjian's final strokes, a sketch is completed again.

The girl in the painting is Yang Mi with a bright smile.

Not her now, but Bai Xingjian met her at the beginning.

Well..... At that time, Bai Xingjian was still following her all day to take photos of her like a fool~

Just for her bronze treasure chest.

Therefore, even until now, the person Bai Xingjian camera has photographed the most is Yang Mi.

At this time, a small head came out of Bai Xingjian's arms and looked at his painting.

"Hey, are you drawing me?"

"Yes~ like it?"

"Like..... It's so well drawn, when will you do this?"

"It always will."

"Then why haven't you painted me before?"

Yang Mi raised her head and looked up at Bai Xingjian from an upside-down perspective, her eyes full of cunning.

Sample, I've caught it again!

Bai Xingjian didn't explain at all, he bowed his head and kissed Yang Mi.

"Ahhh You hate!"

"The smile on your face has betrayed you~ obviously likes to die, right."

"Narcissist! Ignore you!"

Yang Mi carefully put away the sketch that Bai Xingjian had just completed, and then went to his lap again and continued to "swing the rot"

Bai Xingjian couldn't help it when he saw this, this chick had to use herself as a pillow today.

If he said that he wanted to go out, he estimated that the other party could hang on him on the spot and coquetry

Don't look at Yang Mi's scolding is very powerful, and it is also incredible, after all, noise is the type of scream.

Since it was "sealed", Bai Xingjian didn't think of anything else.

Even if the old man came over today, he would give priority to Yang Mi as a pillow!

Well.. ... As for whether Yang Mi herself panicked, it depends on whether she has the courage to face the old man.

Thinking of this, Bai Xingjian picked up the small tomato at hand and stuffed it in his mouth.


"Hmm... Haw haw little liar~" Yang Mi was lying on Bai Xingjian's lap, eating the fruit he fed, and suddenly thought of something, "Last night..... Did you use any measures?"

Bai Xingjian was stunned, "It seems that there is none."

0 Ask for flowers...


Yang Mi sat up straight at once, and then her head almost didn't snort on Bai Xingjian's chin, "What then?"

"Wait a minute, I'll think about it, well..."

Bai Xingjian wondered if he had withdrawn in time.

After thinking for a long time, he sadly found that: ...... No.

"Don't think about it, go buy medicine!" Yang Mi pushed him, trying to find slippers to pump him.

How long has it been since then?

Ten hours have it, right?

It's useless to delay it any longer, and then drag it on to take medicine, right?

If you hit it... Don't look at Yang Mi herself just now about giving birth to a football team, but it really happened, and her heart was full of fear.

She was only eighteen! This is to be

When she went back with a big belly, her parents were going to break her legs.

"Don't worry, there are so many multimedia and paparazzi out there now......... In case it is discovered, it can be unexplained. 11

"Isn't it even a little transparent like me, they have to pay attention, right?"

Bai Xingjian silently showed Yang Mi today's report.


It is the publicity press release of "Dragon Babu".

In the photo, classmate Yang Mi, dressed in a black costume, is riding on a horse, which is called a heroic and cool.

"What about you?" Yang Mi asked another silly question.

After asking herself, she knew the result.

Her role of Mu Wanqing has begun to be publicized, Bai Xingjian, can Murong Fu run away?

So..... She and the two of them now have a certain fame in a short period of time.

If you really go out, the probability of being recognized: ...... Not small anyway.

If you go to buy that medicine again, you will be discovered.... Hehe, with the current level of attention of the "Golden Armor" crew, the devil knows what messy rumors will come out.

Anyway, Yang Mi didn't dare to take this risk.

In case she loses the role, she will regret it too late.

"Or you wear a mask and go out to buy it.... No, no, no, it's better to ask someone to help buy it....... Oh, Sister Zeng is no longer in the store now, what should I do?!"

Yang Mi's classmates are dying, this will go to the bathroom to wash it is useless, right?

I can't figure it out~

"Don't worry, I think of someone....." Bai Xingjian suddenly thought thoughtfully.

Half an hour later.

"Rub, big brother, I really didn't expect....... I actually have a time to help celebrities buy this thing..."

The expression on Zhou Chongguang's face was very entangled.

He felt like he was violating professional norms.

He's a paparazzi!

The result? Actually went to help the artist buy baby burp pills with his own hands?

The most infuriating thing is that it is completely impossible to disclose any information to the public.

Because the person who asked him to do this was Bai Xingjian........ It's his eldest brother~

It's a shame.

"Thank you! Jianghu rescue!"

However, Zhou Sogo helped Bai Xingjian buy more than just baby burp pills, he even helped buy two boxes of small umbrellas.

After giving it all to Bai Xingjian, he looked longing, "Big brother, who did you sleep with?" Can you tell us a little bit about it?"

Bai Xingjian's eyes suddenly became dangerous, "What do you want to do?"

"I'm just itching in pure curiosity."

"Then I definitely can't satisfy your curiosity~"

"With the strength of the eldest brother, it is definitely not a small role... There are few female stars in this crew... Crouch! Big brother, you put Gong Li to sleep?!"


Looking at Zhou Chongguang's mountainous expression, Bai Xingjian didn't know how to explain it for a while.

Nima..... Is this guy's imagination that rich?

"No, Gong Li is almost forty....

"Forty, how beautiful! I just like her like that..."

"Go back and help you sign it." Bai Xingjian patted him on the shoulder, looking helpless.

"Uh... big brother, this thing I bought for you must be used!"

"Huh? Oh, oh, or you are careful!"

"No, I mainly think that I bought this thing you used when you ran errands with her: ......... I can still be a little involved, I really like her, dream

Oh yes!"

Bai Xingjian:???


Is there such a perverted person in this world?

Looking at Zhou Chongguang with complicated eyes, Bai Xingjian sighed, "I can only tell you that it's not Gong Li, okay?"

Who expected that Zhou Chongguang would actually look disappointed, isn't it?"

"Isn't she your dream lover?"

"Yes, but how can I sleep with her as a paparazzi, it is better to hope for the eldest brother.......brother together........."

Okay, don't talk about it.

Bai Xingjian patted him on the shoulder again, turned back, and left a sentence, "You are so perverted!"

"Come on, big brother!" After Bai Xingjian left, Zhou Chongguang didn't shout like this.

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