Qin Yu was supported by Fatty Zhou back to the room. He had drunk almost all the wine.

His eyes were blurry.

Ni Ni didn't drink much. When she returned to the room, she happened to see Fatty Zhou coming out of Qin Yu's room.

The two looked at each other. They looked away from each other and pretended not to see it.

Ni Ni also heard a knock on the door in the morning.

As for who it was, who else could it be except the producer Fatty Zhou in front of him.

Fatty Zhou was the same, and was a little embarrassed.

His brother was really a piece of shit. He just caught the little flowers in the circle all day long... and then he slipped away.

Ni Ni suddenly stopped when she saw Fatty Zhou walking away from the corner of her eye.

She turned her head and glanced at Qin Yu's door.

This guy shouldn't be too drunk.

Can he still...

Ni Ni's heartbeat began to accelerate. She would leave the crew tomorrow after the filming of the movie was completed. It would not be easy to meet Qin Yu again. She had to wait until the movie was released.

Very tangled and depressed.

But when she thought of the feeling that no one else could give her yesterday.

Ni Ni is very moved again

"Damn it, I'll let you get away with it again, you stinky guy. This is the last time, I promise."

After saying that, Ni Ni lied a little, and then got the key to Qin Yu's room from the front desk.


Qin Yu seemed to have a beautiful dream in his daze.

It was very smooth and warm.

It felt like swimming in a hot spring.

When he woke up the next day, Qin Yu opened his eyes.

Looking at the woman in his arms, he suddenly had a strange feeling. Could it be that I have traveled through time again?

Why do I seem to have seen this scene before?

After taking a look at the room, I realized that it seemed that a female thief came at night.

"Hey." Qin Yu pinched the woman's face.

"What? Hate it! Let me sleep a little longer."Ni Ni looked angry and didn't even open her eyes.

"Why are you in my bed?"

"Don't talk nonsense. You are not willing to sleep with me even if I give it to you for free. You know that if I, Ni Ni, want to sleep with me, people will line up from the Magic City to the capital."

Qin Yu"……"

He didn't believe it. The capital and Shanghai are more than a thousand kilometers apart. How could there be so many people?

But he was too lazy to care.

He simply hugged Ni Ni's soft body and took a nap. It smelled so good!

Feng Shao was very happy...

On the other side, Qin Yu was sleeping soundly with Xiao Hua in his arms.

Hollywood blockbusters were raging in the theaters.

Netizens originally thought that Kung Fu Panda was the most amazing movie in Hollywood this time.

But they didn't expect that this was just the beginning.

Transformers took in 35 million on the first day of its release!

Then came Optimus Prime's Moment.

It reached 40 million on the second day of its premiere.

It didn't fall below 40 million for the next week.

The domestic box office reached 330 million in the first week of its premiere!

It really shocked netizens, and then they were frustrated.

I don't know why I always feel like I'm being forced.

I can't stop it, I can't stop it at all.

The box office exceeded the total of Painted Skin and Swordsman in the first week of its premiere.

The gap is too big.

It's so big that it makes people despair.

If nothing unexpected happens.

Netizens think that this movie will have no problem breaking 1 billion.

This is no less than an enemy mocking you in the face. It

's so damn embarrassing.

Some netizens with patriotic feelings have nowhere to vent their anger.

Their own products are too disappointing, and the gap is too big.

Huayi and Guangguang suddenly felt bad. This fucking Transformers is a bit too fierce.

The box office in one week is just the sum of their two films. What a fucking coincidence!

Now there are signs on the Internet, and they don't want to be whipped again.

Hurry up and call on your people to think of a solution.

At the meeting.

A publicity manager of Huayi's eyes lit up and suggested.

Quickly push this matter to the entertainment companies that withdrew the schedule before.

Hint to netizens that if they hadn't withdrawn the schedule and handed over all the screenings to Transformers.

The box office couldn't be so high.

This is all their fault.

They created all this.

When Wang Zhonglei heard this, he slammed the table and praised the black-hearted publicity manager.

This is a good idea.

It's better for you to die than for me.

Although the reason is a bit implicated, it is a reason after all.

And netizens will not think too much about it, and they may even think it is true.

After laughing for a few times, he quickly arranged for his subordinates to do it.

As the leader of the entertainment industry, Huayi is not slow.

After the meeting in the morning, such remarks appeared on Weibo and other platforms in the evening.

This is entirely the responsibility of those cowards.

It was because they handed over the screening that the Transformers box office was so high.

They even released a screening chart.

The first Transformers screening was only 45%, and the second one, which was after the withdrawal, quickly increased to 70%.

It is well-reasoned.

A data chart was also provided.

It is perfect.

On the other side, Wang Changdian of Guangguang was also distressed.

This year has been really bad.

Why is this movie so popular? I thought I had gotten away, but I didn’t expect there is still


He was so worried that he didn't want to be scolded by netizens again.

But when his subordinates sent the news, Wang Changdian's face lit up.

"As expected, Huayi is a black-hearted company, so damn cruel!"


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