Chapter 634: The fortune teller is overly suspicious!!

“How high is this city wall?”

Wang Xun was a little scared when he saw this city wall.

“It must be at least 20 meters.”

Sun Honglei made a visual inspection and felt that it would be this high.

“Pretty much, let’s go.”

In this case, Jiang Feng asked them to take action quickly.

“Hey no, why are you so anxious?”

Seeing that Jiang Feng was anxious again, Huang Lei was very suspicious.

“Aren’t you in a hurry?”

Jiang Feng, who was questioned, did not expect that there would be a traitor or something. Instead, Huang Lei said:”You are exposed to the 38-degree sun, are you not worried?”

“I’m calm and you doubt me! I urge you to doubt me too! Does that mean you are suspicious of everything I do?”

Huang Lei, who was questioned, was even more speechless at this time.

“You have fat all over your body and fat in your belly. If you get more sun, you can also evaporate the fat.”

“But the five of us are different. We don’t have as much fat as you. We won’t lose weight if we get too much sun.”


Huang Bo and others who were about to climb the wall laughed.

Huang Lei was not embarrassed. He was wondering if he was too sensitive?

Since he became a policeman today, he found that everyone in him was Be suspicious.

As long as there is some slight disturbance, you will wonder whether this is a traitor and that is a traitor.

Now that Jiang Feng is complaining, it can only be because he is too sensitive.

Jiang Feng was calm just now, that was because of the weather It was hot, and I knew it would be useless to break in, so I calmly watched everyone rush in and make a fuss; now I am anxious, because it is not good to stand in the sun for too long.

These are all made due to weather problems Being adaptable is nothing else

“Be careful, be careful, slow down, don’t rush.”

Huang Lei, who was waiting below, kept reminding the three of them that the first people to go up now are Huang Bo, Wang Xun and Zhang Yixing.

Zhang Yixing has a back injury, so climbing this kind of wall is too much pressure for him.

However, But he didn’t say it out loud. Since he had done it, he would definitely do it well instead of suffering misery here. This is what his five brothers told him. In their line of work, they can’t complain. If they complain often, they will It seems hypocritical.

With such a high annual income, and often complaining, how can this make the audience feel embarrassed?

It is because of the education of these brothers that Zhang Yixing has grown up a lot. After a few minutes, they finally climbed up This twenty-meter city wall.

On the contrary, Jiang Feng was below and noticed the photographer.

The photographer was holding the camera in one hand and climbing the city wall with the help of a rope.

“Hehe, the photographer is really awesome, climbing the city wall with one hand.”

Jiang Feng, who was holding the rope below, smiled. Under Jiang Feng’s reminder, they all noticed that the photographer was indeed amazing.

20 minutes later, even Jiang Feng, Huang Lei and Sun Honglei came up. After the city wall, they came to the resurrection point of this game.

On the city wall, they set out to find the Weibing Cave.

They didn’t know where it was. Now they could only watch the patrol time of the guards.

But this kind of thing It was such a waste of time, so Jiang Feng went over to pick up the camera and pretended to be a photographer.

After a series of operations and separate operations, he finally found the Hidden Soldier Cave.

Found the Hidden Soldier Cave, Huang Lei, Sun Honglei, Jiang Feng, and Huang Bo They ran in together

“Brother, don’t hang up yet, tell us the information first.”

Huang Bo, who ran in, asked

“”Down, down…”

The NPC acted very vigorously, reminding them that the clue information is below.


As soon as Jiang Feng heard that it was the lower part, he touched the NPC’s lower part randomly.

“Haha~” Jiang Feng’s operation made other people laugh.

“What people say is not down there, it’s the shoes or somewhere else. Why are you touching them there?”

Huang Bo couldn’t help it anymore. This guy is really interesting.

But Jiang Feng was confused:”Really? I think in this case, if it were true, there would be no clues hidden in the shoes. Since we were going to be interrogated, our whole bodies would be searched.”

“To hide is to hide in the most unlikely place. Jiang

Feng explained with a smile, leaving everyone speechless for a while.

After getting the note, he opened it and looked at it:”There are no words in it?””

“It’s just six grids and no words? Dude, what’s going on?”

Huang Bo asked anxiously.

“This thing, you are going to a place, going to, a, a place.”

“The NPC brother didn’t even finish his words, and he died without a trace of peace.”

When Jiang Feng saw this, he couldn’t help complaining:”Hey, I really have watched too many Anti-Japanese War movies, right? Min Min died at such a critical moment. She didn’t say anything when she was still angry before. She had to ask us before telling her.”


Jiang Feng was right in complaining, all TV series are like this.

“If you don’t finish telling the important information, you will die. Can you change the routine?”

“Let’s go out and commit suicide, then hurry up here and understand the mission again.”

Huang Lei was smarter, so he simply went out to commit suicide, resurrected and came back to understand the mission.

Huang Lei’s operation was good, and even Jiang Feng thought it was good.

After several minutes of resurrection and starting over, they did not waste time.

Here After finding the NPC brother, they quickly asked where their next destination was.

“Take this, go to the bandstand, and look for pigeons…”

After saying that, the NPC died again.

“Bandstand, looking for pigeons.”

After learning where the next level was, they hurried over.

Luo Zhixiang, Zhang Yixing and the others who were on the show of strength also came down.

In the first level, they found their companions in the hidden soldier cave and got the clues.

Now they have to go to the second level., but when I came to the band stage, I found that there were really many pigeons

“Is this a music station?”

Before he even got closer, Jiang Feng saw many pigeons flying.

“Brother Hong Lei, you can go look for it later. I dare not approach the pigeon.”

Zhang Yixing said


Sun Honglei doesn’t understand what’s going on with this child.

“I’m afraid of sharp-beaked animals, chickens, ducks, pigeons, and fish. I’m particularly afraid of these things.”

“Where’s the snake?”

Jiang Feng asked Zhang Yixing from the side.

“Who is not afraid of snakes? Of course I was scared too. Zhang

Yixing said and raised his hand to show them:”Look, I have goosebumps when I hear snakes.””

“Haha, Jiang Feng is also particularly afraid of snakes.”

Huang Bo is very clear about this.

Jiang Feng, a muscular man, is also afraid of creatures, and that is snakes.

This is something that all fans and audiences know. Even a toy snake can kill Jiang Feng.” Feng was so frightened that he jumped up. This was due to his fear of snakes.

But there is nothing shameful about being afraid of snakes, because 9 out of 10 people are afraid of them.

So Jiang Feng’s biggest fear is snakes. Will not be laughed at

“But Yi Xing, you can’t do this.”

Standing here on the band stage, Jiang Feng said to Zhang Yixing


Zhang Yixing doesn’t understand, what’s wrong?

“You can be afraid of chickens and ducks, but you can’t be afraid of pigeons. Squab pigeon soup is so friendly to men, how can you be afraid of pigeons?”

Jiang Feng asked Zhang Yixing in confusion.


For some reason, they all understood what Jiang Feng was talking about.

Even Zhang Yixing himself smiled and said:”I am afraid of them, but it does not mean that I am also afraid of eating them.”

“I can still drink squab soup or something.”

Zhang Yixing himself smiled very meaningfully.

“You are going too far. If you eat, you are not afraid. If others are alive, you will be afraid.”

“There was nothing I could do about it. I was pecked by a chicken when I was a child, which left me with a psychological shadow.”

Regarding this point, Zhang Yixing also has a shadow; in fact, the audience also understands it.

It makes sense to say that once bitten by a snake, he will be afraid of well ropes for ten years.

Zhang Yixing is afraid of such sharp-mouthed animals. It must be because he was bitten by a snake when he was a child. You won’t be scared until you peck at it.

The shadow you had when you were a child doesn’t mean you won’t be scared now that it’s widened. Not to mention such sharp-beaked animals, some people are so scared that they jump when they see bugs. For people who are so scared that they jump, fear of sharp-beaked animals is really not an exaggeration.

“Come on, let’s all go find the pigeons and see if there are any clues”

“Yes, we moved separately because there were too many pigeons.”

Wang Xun also thought that this should be the case.

After they agreed to find pigeons, they went down.

But when they came down, they happened to meet someone selling pigeon food.

“Oh, by the way, let’s buy some pigeon food?”

Seeing the aunt selling pigeon food, Huang Bo looked at Jiang Feng


Being stared at by Huang Bo like this, Jiang Feng didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. What did this old boy mean?

He smiled and said,”If you buy pigeon food, just buy pigeon food. Look at what I’m doing.””

“We have no money. If you have money, buy some pigeon food.”

Huang Bo smiled and asked Jiang Feng to buy pigeon food.

“I don’t have any money either.”

Jiang Feng said that he had no money, but Sun Honglei, Zhang Yixing and Huang Bo looked at him with contempt. After recording so many episodes of the show, how could they still not know Jiang Feng’s methods of risking private money?

When they looked at him like this, Jiang Feng Feng rolled his eyes and gave in helplessly.

Finally, Jiang Feng untied his belt and quickly dropped two folded banknotes.


Zhang Yixing found it particularly interesting when she saw the way Jiang Feng hid his private money.

“Auntie, how much does pigeon food cost? Ask our Mr. Jiang, he has money.”

After Sun Honglei said that, she took a bag of pigeon food and left. Just ask her aunt to ask Jiang Feng for money.

“That’s right, Auntie, our Mr. Feng is rich.”

Huang Bo also smiled and left with the pigeon food.

Everyone took the pigeon food, leaving Jiang Feng alone to pay the bill.

Watching them leave, Jiang Feng nagged helplessly:”I owe you. Ah, take it and leave”

“Not even a word of thanks, I owe it to you!”

Jiang Feng’s nagging was exchanged for laughter from Huang Bo and the others, because they knew that Jiang Feng was either really angry or just nagging on purpose…

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