Chapter 80: Love Affair Causes a Sensation!!

“Shock! Jiang Feng cheated on Liu Yifei!!”

“It’s hard to believe that music talent Jiang Feng cheated on Liu Yifei?”

Posts like this are posted on major forums on the Internet.

Especially Liu Yifei’s forum. Posts like this appear on all Liu Yifei’s forums.

Not only Liu Yifei’s forums, but also Jiang Feng’s and Yang Mi’s forums. This is the news.

Suddenly, young people who like to surf the Internet click in after seeing this post. After seeing these posts, there are a lot of photos.

These photos are all of Liu Yifei holding Jiang Feng’s hand intimately. Photos. The detail is that they are still intertwined with each other.

There are also kiss photos. They are so unpretentious and you can clearly see their faces. Even the photos of kiss are clearly visible, and they are not pornographic.

Suddenly, when this news came out, the entire Internet was boiling.

Forums, post bars, blogs, QQ space and other websites all appeared on this explosive entertainment news. When

Liu Yifei’s fans saw this, they were all excited and came to Jiang Feng one after another. Jiang Feng’s Tieba forum was filled with a lot of posts about people swearing and greeting his eighteenth generation ancestors.

However, all of this was within Jiang Feng’s expectations, and there was nothing surprising.

At this time, Jiang Feng just posted a blog in response to this incident:”It’s not cheating! It’s a legitimate relationship, Mimi knows it, and so does Concubine! Oh, by the way, I think you should not worry about this matter. There has been no change in our relationship. It is purely a debt of my personal love.

Instead of worrying about my relationship with my concubine, everyone should be more concerned about the snowstorm and Spring Festival travel issues. Bar!

The temperature in the south will continue to drop this year, and there may be a snowstorm; this year is an extraordinary year for the country, and there will be a full-blown snowstorm after New Year’s Day; and the Spring Festival is coming soon. Here, I have good news for everyone. Our compatriots no longer have to brave the heavy snow to queue up at the train station to buy train tickets, nor do they have to worry about being jacked up by scalpers and spending extra money to go home for the New Year.

Tomorrow the country will launch a railway ticket ordering system. This system will solve the problem of long queues to buy tickets, and also solve the problem of people being cheated of money by scalpers.

This system is a new ticket ordering system developed by a group of technicians that I funded.”

This post on Jiang Feng’s personal blog stunned the fans who originally came to curse.

Jiang Feng’s investment team developed a ticket ordering system? Is it true? But although Jiang Feng posted this blog, it is still There are still many people who are angry and insulting.

Just after Jiang Feng posted his blog, Yang Mi and Liu Yifei also posted on their blogs and Tieba to confirm the incident.

“Even if I give him a water tank to embolden him, he won’t dare to cheat on me! I knew about this, and I was the one who facilitated it! After all, having Xiao Longnu be my Guo Xiang’s younger sister is quite a sense of accomplishment.”

Yang Mi’s posts have all been reposted by her fans.

In this era, there is no Weibo, and celebrities can only post blogs, forums and play 니.

Apart from this, there is only QQ.

“It’s not cheating! I was in love, in June last year; Ake fell in love with Wei Xiaobao; it was a legitimate relationship, my sister approved of me, and he had already paid his taxes.”

Liu Yifei also posted a post in response to the love affair.

Everyone responded to this matter, which also left fans speechless. They didn’t know whether to be heartbroken or uncomfortable.

However, on the morning of the 3rd, it was indeed publicly announced on the news It

’s the online ticket purchasing system Jiang Feng was talking about.

It’s been publicized on the news across the country

“Today, a new generation of online ticket purchasing system has been launched on the Internet across the country. We no longer have to worry about staying up late and queuing up to buy tickets, nor do we need to worry about scalpers raising ticket prices.

As early as a few years ago, the country offered a reward of 1 billion and asked foreign technicians to solve the ticket purchase system, but in the end the solutions obtained were not feasible.

Today, the problem that has been troubling us has been solved by a technical team invested by Jiang Feng, a star artist. Moreover, Jiang Feng gave this system to the country for free, just to make it more convenient for citizens to travel and go home.

In addition, Jiang Feng and his team, considering that only young people can use the computer website to purchase tickets, not the elderly, and even famous farmers and workers who have not gone to school, they also specially cooperated with the Railway Bureau to Online ticket buying machines have been developed. These ticket buying opportunities are placed in the ticket halls of all websites. As long as you have an ID card and follow the instructions on the Internet ticket buying machine, you can successfully buy tickets.

It took Jiang Feng and his team two years to create the ticket purchasing system. It was tested numerous times by the railway bureau before it was finally released without any problems.

This system has also greatly facilitated people across the country who are going home to celebrate the New Year this year.

This idol star who solves problems for the country, helps people reduce losses, and facilitates people all over the country deserves our applause and thumbs up.”

News from all over the country. After the incident was reported, many young people saw it and went online to check it out.

Young people who know how to use computers can naturally enter this website to see the operation process.

It is very simple. Just enter the starting station and ending point. The name of the station will pop up all the train information for this train. Hard seat tickets, soft seat tickets, station tickets, sleeper tickets, etc. can all be clearly seen on this system. The method of purchasing tickets is very simple. Register an account and fill in your ID card, name and mobile phone number.

(We will stop updating novels on this site, move to our new site:

Young people will know it at a glance and operate it.

After receiving the text message confirming that their ticket booking was successful, everyone was very excited.

Stations across the country welcomed Come Spring Festival.

Especially train stations in big cities like Guangzhou were even more crowded last year. There are also many scalpers at the stations who want to buy tickets and make profits by selling them.

But this year, they can’t do it., because this year’s train tickets have implemented a real-name system.

Each person can only buy one ticket with his or her ID card. People with ID cards will be prompted by the staff at the station to queue up to the Internet ticket purchasing machine to buy tickets.

It does not need to be done by everyone. They are lined up at the manual ticket office, which greatly improves the speed for everyone to buy tickets.

And next to the Internet ticket buying machine, there are dedicated staff to help those migrant workers who are illiterate and do not know how to operate to buy tickets.

As long as there is If you have an ID card, you can buy tickets on the Internet.

If you don’t have an ID card, you can’t buy train tickets and can only buy bus tickets.

This incident has caused a craze in the country, and many people are sure that they can book tickets. After that, they were all very happy.

On the first day when this system went online, 24 hours passed safely without any server crash.

This also made all the technical staff of the Railway Bureau excited and excited after seeing the result.

In fact, Jiang Feng has nothing to worry about.

Zhongguo’s ticket ordering system is the best in the world. No country’s Internet ticket purchasing system can match Zhongguo’s.

This system is owned by the country Of course, Jiang Feng would not be greedy for credit. He just gave it to the country a few years in advance. He did not charge any fees and just gave it to the country free of charge.

Even the funds he invested in developing this system, Jiang Feng also He didn’t ask for it from the country.

Because he only had one condition, which was that when announcing the launch of this system, his name needed to be mentioned. He didn’t want anything else.

It was precisely because of Jiang Feng’s arrangement that originally His affair with Liu Yifei was made public, causing a sensation in the entertainment industry. The incident was transferred to minimize the sensation. Not only that, but also because the system that Jiang Feng gave to the country for free has facilitated the people of the country. His move also made many fans have a better impression of him.

Those who originally scolded him because of his relationship with Liu Yifei have now calmed down.

Because Jiang Feng said it, and it was justified. It’s not cheating, you’ve also paid taxes. Then if you pay taxes, it’s justified. If it’s justified, then there’s no infamy. Even if the idiot fans don’t support it, there’s nothing they can do about it.

Because their lack of support is useless..

Even if they don’t support it, it’s okay if Liu Yifei doesn’t date Jiang Feng, but they don’t have the fate to date Liu Yifei, right? So rational people are silent and just treat it as a source of conversation.

Of course there are irrational people, but there are far fewer such irrational people than sane people.

“You’re really awesome at what you do. The love affair that was originally sensational was calmed down easily by you?”

Yang Mi couldn’t believe it. She suppressed it so easily.

“Do you think? I have invested hundreds of millions into this system, okay?”

“How many billion?!”

Liu Yifei’s eyes widened in surprise. She really didn’t think about it.

“Otherwise, what do you think? The cost of website construction alone is 300 million, of which investment is also needed to build firewalls and the like to prevent some people from maliciously injecting viruses to destroy the system.”

“The entire system was developed and cost me about 500 million.”

“This was also the moment you introduced me to producer Zhang Jizhong. I realized that I would have a relationship with you in the future. If I wanted to have both of you at the same time, I had to do something that could help society.”

“Because I dated Mimi first, it is very important to reveal my second girlfriend.”

“If you can solve it perfectly when you reveal your second girlfriend, then it will be natural when you reveal your third and fourth girlfriend.”

“So I have been preparing for this battle for two years; finally, before the start of Spring Festival this year, I passed the perfect test of this system.”

“Otherwise, how could I have dared to go on a date with you so blatantly two days ago?”

After Jiang Feng explained this clearly, Liu Yifei admired him even more.

It turned out that he had been preparing these things since so early. It was a pity that he was so anxious at the beginning.

Fortunately, everything is now in accordance with his arrangements. It did not cause any trouble for him.

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