This time the opponent seems to be well prepared.

Even Mr. Su had to deal with it with all his strength?

Are you going to fight so hard for their company, which has a market value of only 20 billion?

"Sister Mi, can we survive the crisis this time?"

Wang Zhiting couldn't help but ask.

She felt that this time might be the biggest crisis Yang Mi had encountered since coming out of Jiaxing.

There may even be crises that she doesn't know about.

Just like the Imperial Circle.

In order not to cause panic among company personnel, Yang Mi did not tell anything about the Imperial Circle.

But in fact, this kind of thing cannot be hidden.

Once those six trillion-level people take action, people at higher levels will naturally know that it is someone from the Imperial Circle who takes action.

By that time, I'm afraid Yang Mi's situation will be even more dangerous.

Therefore, it is better not to tell it out before doing it again. It is best to hide it for a while.

After all, the real imperial circle is too terrifying.

If it causes people to panic, that will be troublesome.

"Believe me, we have survived so many crises before, and this time is no exception!"

Yang Mi patted Wang Zhiting on the shoulder and gave her encouragement.

"We just need to do our own thing now!"

"As for the big shots, let's be big shots!"

Yang Mi said with firmness in her eyes.

If this crisis is over, they will not have any opponents in the future.

No one in the entertainment industry will continue to provoke them again.

Wang Zhiting nodded.

Time passes minute by minute, and for ordinary people, this morning is just an ordinary day.

But for people like Yang Mi, Lao Pao, and Zhao Ruoyao, life seemed to be extremely long.

Almost every second felt like hours had passed.

Extremely sad.

Soon, the time came to half past nine.

As the second hand moves to the twelve position, the stock market officially opens.

In an instant, Yang Su Group's stocks began to move.

Today's market conditions were good at first.

Yangsu Group's stock price went red at the opening.

Many investors saw this scene and immediately bought a lot of Yangsu Group shares.

Buying up and not buying down is a common thought among many investors.

At the same time, Lao Pao also started to take action.

"Start sniping against Yang Su Group! Invest 100 million first!" 13


After Lao Pao finished speaking, the trader immediately began to operate.

Soon, the upward trend chart suddenly came to a halt with the injection of 100 million funds.

Then, he started walking down.

It only took three minutes for the stock to turn green.

Seeing this scene, many investors who had previously held shares also chose to sell.

Those who sold out have already made money.

Even if it drops a little today, it doesn't matter, at least the profit is preserved.

However, many people choose to add positions.

These people are optimistic about Yangsu Group and think that Yangsu Group will continue to rise.

Take advantage of the market and add more positions.

However, some people have noticed that the 100 million capital injection seems to be suppressing Yangsu Group.

Many people have experienced the stock market attack when Yang Su Group was listed.

After all, it wasn't that long ago.

Some people suspect that there may be another fight between gods and gods this time.

The fight between gods brings disaster to the fish in the pond.

In order to avoid such a thing from happening, it is better to run away as soon as possible.

Therefore, many people began to sell stocks.

This caused the stock price to fall further.

100 million, which directly caused the stock to fall by 5% and triggered an early warning.

This is the herd effect.

Without human intervention, this 100 million would be enough to cause panic among the sheep.

Therefore, at this time, human intervention is necessary so that the sheep can regain their confidence.

So Changda's 100 million also entered the market.

Yang Mi’s 100 million entry immediately attracted the attention of investors.

Everyone knew that Yang Mi was preparing to save the market.

For a time, investors also gained confidence.

When so many companies attacked Yangsu Group at the same time, they were all cracked by Yangsu Group.

This time, naturally, it is no exception.

Therefore, investors have also begun to hold positions.

"Master Pao, Yang Mi has pulled the stock price back again!"

In the Imperial Capital, the old trader said with a frown.

"It's okay, keep going! I want to see how much money Yang can have!"

Lao Pao said calmly.

It's only 100 million, but it's just a small fight.

"Okay, Mr. Gun!"

After the trader finished speaking, he began to inject funds and continued to suppress the Yangsu Group's stock market.

On the other side, the Securities Department of Yangsu Group.

"Sister Mi, 100 million has entered the stock market, and the stock price has recovered again!"

The trader immediately reported the latest news on the stock price to Yang Mi.

"Well, don't take it lightly. As far as I know, Lao Pao has prepared five billion this time!"

"This is a long game!"

Yang Mi said lightly.

Five billion, that is not a small number, we must take it seriously.

"Five billion? Oh my god! Is this old man crazy?"

Wang Zhiting took a deep breath.

She knew very well what five billion meant.

Lao Pao is really planning to fight them to the end this time.

"Haha, so everyone should be serious!"

"We just need to stop Lao Pao's sniper attack!"

"As for the others, someone will naturally deal with them!"

Yang Mi said lightly.


Everyone nodded, and then the tug-of-war began.

Lao Pao invested 100 million, and Yang Mi followed suit.

Lao Pao invested one billion, and Yang Mi followed suit.

In just half an hour, three billion yuan came into the market one after another from both sides.

That adds up to six billion.

Six billion is nothing in the entire capital market.

However, for both companies, these are not small numbers.

Both sides have suffered losses, and neither side is willing to retreat.

At the same time, the supervisory side also remained surprisingly silent again.

Some experienced netizens know that this time it is estimated that the two major forces behind the scenes are working together.

Otherwise, supervision cannot remain indifferent.

Only the forces behind them can keep supervision silent.

But no matter what, this sniper battle will definitely have a winner and a loser.

At 11 o'clock at noon, half an hour before the market closed in the morning, all the two and a half billion yuan had entered the market.

The stock price finally stabilized.

It increased by 0.5% from the opening price, which is considered a slight increase.

If no follow-up funds came in, Yang Mi would obviously win this time.

"Damn it! I didn't expect Yang Mi to be so powerful! She could actually come up with five billion in cash!"

In the imperial capital, Tu Pao gritted his teeth hard.

Five billion in cash is all he has.

Now he can't squeeze out a penny.

If he continues, he will definitely fall.

He originally thought that the inflow of 5 billion funds would somehow make Yang Su Group's stock fall some.

But now it seems that Lao Pao still thinks too much.

The strength of Yang Su Group is much stronger than he imagined.

Up to now, all he has been fighting against is the Yangsu Group, and no other capital has intervened.

The Yang Su Group alone made Lao Pao completely soft. If he had fought alone, Yang Mi would have swallowed him whole.

Fortunately, Lao Pao is not alone, there is also the He family standing behind him.

"Master Pao, there is still half an hour before the lunch break. Will the He family enter the market?"

"If they don't come in, our losses will be huge this time!"

The trader reminded.

Now if they want to turn around, they need more powerful capital to enter.

That is, the six trillion-level companies mentioned by He Yuanshan.

"Well, it's almost changed!"

Lao Pao nodded.

Looking at the time, Mr. He's people should be about to take action, right?

Just as Lao Pao was thinking this, Yang Su Group's stock suddenly turned green, and then began to fall rapidly.


Lao Pao was overjoyed when he saw this scene.

It seems that the real main force has entered the scene.

Just as he expected, one billion funds had just entered the Yangsu Group.

Immediately afterwards, Yangsu Group's stock price plummeted by 1%.

It was almost a blink of an eye.

Moreover, stocks are still falling rapidly at a rate of 0.5 percent per second.

At this rate, Yangsu Group will reach its limit in one minute at most.

However, Lao Pao knew that the other party would not give in so easily.

At this time, another billion in capital also entered.

This time, it was Hengsu Group who took action.

Hengsu Group is the only company that He Yuanshan investigated that has anything to do with Su Yang.

At this time, it is natural for it to be the first to enter the market.

However, this is also what Lao Pao wants to see.

As long as Hengsu takes action, six companies will join forces at the same time.

At that time, Soft Media Group and Zhonghang Group will be scared away.

As long as they do not participate, it is absolutely impossible to deal with the six major companies with the Hengsu Group.

Even the six major companies can tear off a piece of flesh from Hengsu Group.

Just as Lao Pao expected, Hengsu Group had just entered the market with one billion, and the six major companies immediately joined forces and brought in ten billion of funds.

In just ten minutes, Yangsu Group almost fell to the limit again.

Ten billion is already half of Yang Su's market value.

If Hengsu Group hadn't reacted quickly and also invested 10 billion in capital, I'm afraid it would have really fallen to the limit.

Next, it’s Hengsu Group’s one-on-six battle.

Fortunately, the lunch break time came soon.

At half past eleven, the market officially closed.

However, just because the market is closed does not mean the war is over.

This morning, Yang Mi, Lao Pao, Heng Su and the six major groups entered the market with a total of nearly 40 billion.

The inflow of 40 billion funds directly affected the entire stock market.

The fight between Guan Xu and the seven major groups directly became a hot search topic.

However, the other six major groups are all well-known companies in the market and everyone knows them.

Netizens were shocked why Guangye would join forces to snipe. They were even more surprised that Hengsu Group could deal with six major groups at the same time on its own.

In the eyes of netizens, this is simply unbelievable.

"What is the origin of this Hengsu Group? Is it so financially strong? One against six? This is even stronger than our one against seven!"

"You don't know this, right? Hengsu Group has always been very strong, but its reputation is only in Shanghai, and everyone in Shanghai knows it. Outside of Shanghai, not many people know about it."

"One against six, it's really terrifying!"

"Yes, but it's normal. Neither side has taken any serious action yet! It's only 20 to 30 billion in funds, but it's nothing to Hengsu Group and the six major groups."

"You mean, they won't go all out until the afternoon?"

"That's right! It's just that the purpose is a bit unclear. Why do the six major groups want to be so real as the Yang Su Group?"

"You don't know this yet? Lao Pao and Yang Mi were fighting in the morning. Two days ago, Yang Ning personally stood up and defeated Lao Pao!"

"Don't I like it? I know this too, but Yang Mi just told the truth. Is the veteran so cruel?"

"Honestly? Haha, the entertainment industry is a place where interests come first. Yang Mi has harmed Lao Pao's interests. Can he stop?"

"How can Lao Pao mobilize so many companies? This is impossible, right? After all, he is just a director. Even if these companies sell him face, they won't go all out for him, right?"

"Don't you understand this? Lao Pao, this is a member of the Imperial Circle! This is a confrontation between the Imperial Circle and capital!"

"Damn it, even though it is an imperial circle, the capital of the imperial circle cannot be underestimated!"

"Yes, this time it depends on whether the capital side can mobilize more capital! If Hengsu Group does it alone, I am very unfavorable about capital.

"Now the officials are also silent. It's obviously the people from the Imperial Circle who took action. Only the Imperial Circle has the strength to shut up the officials."

"As long as the struggle is limited to a small area, the officialdom will not easily offend the imperial circle.

"Is the Imperial Circle really so terrifying?"

"Say a few words and the number will be gone soon!"

I don’t know who released the news about Emperor Circle’s move.

But one thing is certain, that is, after the news came out that 813 was the Emperor's Circle, everyone began to be unfavorable to Yang Mi and Yang Su Group.

Even some small companies that were originally preparing to help Yang Mi stopped and watched.

If it was really the Imperial Circle that took action, their entry would not be of any help.

The strength of the Imperial Circle is not something they can contend with.

"Damn it, Sister Mi, this old gun is just trying to pull off a big flag!"

Wang Zhiting gritted her teeth.

She didn't expect that the other party would actually move the imperial circle to the bright side.

Now, I am afraid that even Soft Media Group and Zhonghang Group will not dare to help them.

After all, the two companies did not dare to publicly offend Diquan.

"Haha, it's okay, just let them do it! Don't worry!"

Yang Mi sneered, her face always remained calm.

However, she was still a little panicked deep inside.

Someone from the Imperial Circle took action, and it was a first-class family in the Imperial Circle.

Can Su Yang really withstand it?

Also, will Soft Media and Zhonghang really take action?

"Sister Mi, what do we need to do?"

Wang Zhiting asked.

Now that they have no money, it is obviously unrealistic to do anything with the money.

"Don't worry, let's take a look first and then talk!"

Yang Mi shook her head.

Since there is nothing you can do, just wait.

There will always be a chance for them to take action.


Wang Zhiting nodded.

On the other side, Lao Pao was scrolling through his mobile phone proudly.

The news about the Emperor Circle's move was naturally released by him on the Internet.

Pulling the tiger's skin to pull up the banner and subjugate the enemy without fighting is an advanced military art.

Now that he sees that his tactics of war have produced results, Lao Pao is naturally proud.

However, he was not satisfied with this.

After thinking about it for a while, Tu Li directly posted on Weibo:

"The most important thing in life is emotional intelligence! Some people are not easy to offend. Not everyone is qualified to do some things!"

Lao Pao said this very cryptically, but if he said it at this time, he would understand it naturally.

This is implying that Yang Mi has no emotional intelligence.

After all, so many people are praising Waste City. Even if this show is rubbish, the audience can comment, but you, Yang Mi, just can't comment.

We all belong to the same circle, and if you take the initiative to say that someone else's work is not good, isn't that a slap in the face in public?

Isn’t this a lack of emotional intelligence?

There is nothing surprising about people without emotional intelligence being retaliated against.

"Damn it, is this old gunner talking about Da Mi Mi?"

Some netizens reacted immediately.

Isn't it because of Da Mimi that Lao Pao said this at this time?

"Definitely, I didn't expect Lao Pao to be so narrow-minded, because if someone tells the truth, he will kill them."

"Not necessarily, maybe Dasheng's apology will make Lao Pao withdraw.

"What are you apologizing for? What's wrong with Da Mimi? Is it wrong to tell the truth?"

"There is nothing wrong with telling the truth, but Damimi is a public figure! Everything she says and does will affect others."

"It makes sense, even if it is a bad movie, it took time and money to make it! Even if it is a bad movie, people will watch it, and at least the cost can be recovered.

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