Entertainment: Boss Yang’S Grand Daddy

Chapter 60: I Can’T Fight, I Really Can’T.

"It should be no problem. This is Jiang Province, and the rural economy is also very developed. Maybe the rich man who takes care of Yang Mi has a villa or manor in the countryside, and she returns to that villa or manor to rest every day."

Zhuo Xiaoliu shook his head.

Jiang Province is the richest place among the people in the country, and there are many rich people here.

The rural areas of Jiang Province are also very rich.

Not to mention townhouses, you can also see various real villas, manors, etc.

It is possible to say that Yang Mi lived in a rich man's villa in the countryside.

After all, now the rich are used to the hustle and bustle of the city, and they all like to live in the countryside picking chrysanthemums under the east fence.

"Well, that makes sense!"

Xiao Guo nodded, noncommittal.

Then, they followed.

After passing through the tree-lined path, you can see the village not far away.

"Brother Zhuo, there is indeed a villa nearby. Yang Mi should live in these places!"

Xiao Guo looked at the navigation while driving.

There is indeed a villa area nearby called Chunfeng Shili.

Presumably, Yang Mi should live in this villa area.

"Well, this should be it!"

Zhuo Xiaoliu nodded and continued:

"This seems to be an open villa area!"

The open villa area means that there are no walls around the villa area.

In other words, if they want to go in, they can go in at any time.

It would be no problem even if she walked around a few times downstairs in the villa where Yang Mi lived.

This is said to be a villa area, but in fact it is no different from the row houses in rural areas of Jiang Province.

It's just that one is commercial housing and the other is collective land.

Thinking of this, Zhuo Xiaoliu suddenly laughed.

If Yang Mi really lives here, it will be easier for them to investigate.

Just when he was feeling proud, the commercial vehicle in front of him suddenly accelerated after turning right at the intersection, driving them far away.

"Quick, follow me!"

Zhuo Xiaoliu suddenly became anxious. If he lost track of him, wouldn't he be in vain?

Without Zhuo Xiaoliu's greeting, Xiao Guo had already stepped on the accelerator, trying to catch up with the commercial vehicle.

But that commercial vehicle seemed to have been modified. Although the car looked very big, it picked up speed very quickly and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Xiao Guo was also a professional driver. Although he was frightened, he stepped on the accelerator and chased Yang Mi.

Soon, he saw the taillights of the commercial vehicle.

This relieved him.

After all, it is a rural road, the road conditions are quite complicated, and there is only one road in total, so it is quite difficult to follow it.

However, everyone else had already lost track of them, and only Xiao Guo's car was left.

They looked too fast.

Not all drivers are very skilled, especially in a strange place or in the wilderness.

It's really not easy to keep up.

However, just as Xiao Guo was chasing after him, a large truck suddenly jumped out from the distance.

And stopped directly on the road.

The driver stood next to the car and smoked.

Xiao Guo was startled and subconsciously stepped on the brakes.

The Toyota car that was traveling at high speed suddenly stopped.

"What the hell!"

After stopping, Xiao Guo was a little frightened, so he opened the car door and walked out.

"What's going on? What do you mean by parking the car in the middle of the road?"

Xiao Guo frowned and walked towards the driver aggressively.

"I'm sorry, brother, the car broke down and stalled. It can't start."

The driver said he was embarrassed, but there was no trace of embarrassment on his face.

After finishing speaking, he threw the cigarette butt on the ground and stepped on it hard.

"What? The engine is off, are you kidding me?"

"Hurry up and find a way to move away, don't delay our affairs!"

Xiao Guo's frown deepened.

At the same time, he glanced around.

There is only one road around here.

There is no way to drive on either side.

There is a field on the side of z, and the road is more than one meter high from the field.

Let alone his Toyota sedan, even a Toyota that is domineering can't drive it.

As for the right side, there is a small river about ten meters wide, which is even more difficult to cross.

"Brother, I'm sorry, I've already called a tow truck to help! Why don't you take a detour?"

"You can cross the bridge by walking back five kilometers! You can go around it."

The driver said with a smile.

"Go back five kilometers? The day lilies are already cold!"

"Hurry up and think of a way!"

Xiao Guo felt bad all over.

If you really want to go back, how can you not catch up with Yang Lei?

"Then there's nothing I can do, even if my car breaks down, there's nothing I can do.

The driver sighed and said helplessly.

"Damn it! Really unlucky!"

Xiao Guo cursed angrily, turned around and left to report to Zhuo Xiaoliu.

Just then, he saw a dazzling light coming from behind.

Immediately afterwards, seven or eight cars drove over and blocked the circuit.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Guo's heart suddenly thumped.

One word appeared in his mind: dragnet.

They seemed to be surrounded.

The moment the word appeared, the doors of those cars opened one by one, and then, a group of men in black wearing sunglasses and suits got out of the car.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Guo suddenly realized something was wrong and quickly wanted to open the door and hide in the car.

At the same time, Zhuo Xiaoliu also realized that something was wrong.

"Xiao Guo, what happened?"

Zhuo Xiaoliu asked worriedly.

"Brother Zhuo, we seem to be surrounded! These men in black are not evil!"

Xiao Guo said anxiously.

After saying that, he immediately got into the car and locked the door.

Now the front and rear are blocked, so if you want to run, you will definitely not be able to run.

I could only hide in the car and call the police, hoping that the police would come over.

Zhuo Xiaoliu also realized that something was wrong and immediately took out his mobile phone to call the police.

However, after he took out his mobile phone, he was stunned:

"Damn, no signal? What's going on? Isn't there a base station nearby?"

Under normal circumstances, even if the mobile phone has no signal, as long as there is a base station nearby and it is in the country, the alarm can be sounded.

However, there is not even a base station here, which is unscientific.

Even if the base station is far away, you shouldn't be able to make calls.

The only possibility is that there is no base station nearby.

This is not deep in the mountains and old forests. How could such a situation happen?

"Brother Zhuo, what should we do now?"

Xiao Guo almost cried, and his mobile phone also had no signal.

In this wilderness, without signal, they wouldn't know even if they were killed.

"How do I know what to do when I'm riding a horse?"

Zhuo Xiaoliu curled his lips.

If he knew what to do, wouldn't he have acted earlier? Or would he hide in the car and wait for death?

"Brother Zhuo, let's run? Run to the fields!"

"As long as we can get to a place with signal, we can be saved."

Xiao Guo suggested.

"They all have two legs. Even if there are more of them, they may not be able to outrun us!"


Upon hearing Xiao Guo's suggestion, Zhuo Xiaoliu's eyes suddenly lit up.

The two of them didn't know who these men in black were, but no matter who they were, they definitely came with bad intentions.

There are more than a dozen people on the other side, and the two of them will definitely not be opponents.

In this case, the only way to save your life is to escape.

"Okay, let's run!"

Thinking of this, Zhuo Xiaoliu and Xiao Guo opened the car door and rushed out.

However, they were a little late after all.

When two men in black saw them coming out of the car, they stepped forward, grabbed their collars, and then shook them hard with one hand.

The two of them were like two pieces of tofu, hitting the ground heavily.


The man in black moved too fast.

Three seconds passed after Zhuo Xiaoliu and Xiao Guo hit the ground before they made any sound.

The two of them felt that all their bones were about to fall apart, the world was spinning, and there were stars in their eyes.

At the same time, a dozen men in black also came forward and surrounded Zhuo Xiaoliu and Xiao Guo.

At this time, it was impossible for them to run again.

After a long time, Zhuo Xiaoliu finally recovered a little and supported himself to sit up from the ground.

However, he did not dare to make any move.

The tall and handsome men across the street looked like they had received professional training.

Just look at the calluses on the fists of the nearest person, as if they were practicing boxing.

If he really dares to do something, he will probably be slapped to death by the other party.

"You, what do you want to do?"

Zhuo Xiaoliu swallowed hard.

After so many years in the entertainment industry, this was the first time he felt such pressure.

It felt like I was about to be killed.

However, although Zhuo Xiaoliu was scared, his hands in his sleeves were not idle, and he secretly pressed the recorder he had prepared long ago.

He wasn't going to give in just like that.

It would be easy to figure out the mastermind behind this from the man in black.

Zhuo Xiaoliu suspected that these men in black were probably sent by the big boss behind Yang Mi.

It is not unusual for the big boss to live in Dongzhou Haoting and have such strength.

"Hey, are you still planning to record?"

"But it's a pity, we have anti-monitoring equipment on hand!"

The man wearing sunglasses at the head sneered, and then a man behind him stood up and revealed a jammer.

This jammer can interfere with nearby signals.

Not only can it block mobile phone signals, but it can also interfere with various monitoring devices.

Therefore, they are not worried about being monitored at all.

However, the man in sunglasses still had very good eyesight, and he could tell at a glance that Zhuo Xiaoliu was fiddling with a voice recorder in his sleeve.

"You, who are you? What do you want to do?"

Zhuo Xiaoliu didn't expect that the other party was so powerful.

At this time, he already felt a little scared.

It seems that this time I really messed with someone who shouldn't be messed with.

"Haha, I don't want to do anything, I just want to warn you, people who shouldn't gossip should not gossip."

"Some people's lives are not something paparazzi like you can easily intervene in.

The man in sunglasses said calmly.

"Are you from Yang Mi?"

Zhuo Xiaoliu asked subconsciously.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he got a big slap in the nose.


"I told you, don't ask if you shouldn't!"

"It's not your turn to gossip, so don't gossip!"

The man in sunglasses paused and then said:

"This is the last time. If you do it next time, you may never see the sun again!"


Zhuo Xiaoliu held his face that was swelling rapidly and took a breath of cold air.

…Please give me flowers…

I don’t know if it was because of the pain or because I was frightened by the man in sunglasses.

He could feel the murderous aura coming from the man in sunglasses.

What this man said was definitely not a threat, but he really meant what he said.

For a moment, Zhuo Xiaoliu panicked.

What kind of person did he offend?

In other words, what kind of person is Yang Mi following?

"Did you hear me?"

When the man in sunglasses saw that Zhuo Xiaoliu had stopped talking, he immediately shouted sharply.

"Listen, I heard it!"

Zhuo Xiaoliu swallowed and spoke immediately.

"Haha, good to hear that!"

The man in sunglasses smiled with satisfaction, and then extended his hand to Zhuo Xiaoliu:

"Hand over the recorder and those secret camera equipment!"

"Okay, okay!"

Zhuo Xiaoliu did not dare to delay and immediately handed over the recordings and some surveillance cameras in his hands to the man in sunglasses.

Xiao Guo on the side didn't dare to hide it, so he handed it all over.

"That's right! Go and remove his driving recorder!"

The man in sunglasses motioned to the two people behind him, who nodded and immediately walked to the car and removed the driving recorder.

At the same time, they also checked whether there were other monitoring devices in the car.

After confirming that there was no problem, they smashed all the windows of the car and all four tires.

After doing all this, the man in sunglasses took their mobile phones and smashed them on the ground hard, smashing them to pieces.

Then, the storage part of the phone was taken away.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Xiaoliu suddenly smiled bitterly.

It was nothing if the car was smashed. He could afford to pay for a Toyota car, even if it was rented.

Mainly because my phone was smashed and I felt so distressed.

There are also a lot of information about other celebrities on the phone.


This time it was all gone.

Moreover, the phone was smashed and the car could not be driven.

In the wilderness, they couldn't find rescue even if they wanted to.

"Okay, let's just take these things away, okay?"

The man in sunglasses said calmly.

"No objection, no objection!"

Zhuo Xiaoliu waved his hands repeatedly.

How dare he have any opinions at this time?

"It's fine if you don't have any objection!"

The man in sunglasses smiled with satisfaction, and then the conversation suddenly changed:

"Brothers, beat me! Don't beat me to death!"


Zhuo Xiaoliu and Xiao Guo were stunned.

What's going on? You're so cooperative and you still want to fight?

Is there any more heavenly justice?

However, it would be useless even if they shouted for Potian, a beating would be inevitable.

The man in black's attack was serious, but they only suffered bruises and swollen faces, but did not suffer any fatal injuries.

Take it as a warning this time.

If they continue to entangle, they will have to pay the price for cooperation next time.

After a beating, the men in black withdrew and the truck drove away.

Zhuo Xiaoliu and Xiao Guo lay on the ground for a long time before they recovered.

"Brother Zhuo, are you okay?"

Xiao Guo's injury was slightly better than that of Zhuo Xiaoliu. It was Zhuo Xiaoliu who was attacked by those men in black just now.


Zhuo Xiaoliu smiled bitterly, stood up with difficulty with Xiao Guo's help, returned to the car and sat down.

Even though the windows were smashed, it was better to sit in the car than to sit outside on the asphalt.

"Brother Zhuo, this must have been done by Yang Mi. He must be too cruel."

Xiao Guo gritted his teeth bitterly.

They were blocked while following Yang Mi. Besides Yang Mi, who else would treat them so harshly?

"It must be her, who else could it be besides her?"

Zhuo Xiaoliu narrowed his eyes and said coldly.

"Brother Zhuo, are we really going to let Yang Mi go like this? I feel unwilling to do so.

Xiao Guo touched his swollen face and became angrier the more he thought about it.

Growing up, he had never been slapped in the face.

"We can only forget it for now. The big boss behind Yang Mi is unfathomable! We can't fight him!"

Zhuo Xiaoliu sighed.

He could tell that the group of men in black who came today were all very skilled, and they were probably all retired special forces.

He can control so many retired special forces under his command, and this big boss still lives in Dongzhou Haoting, so he is definitely very strong.

Zhuo Xiaoliu even suspected that the big boss behind Yang Ning was the big boss who lived in the legendary manor in the East Asian mansion.

If it is really this person, he is indeed not someone he can provoke.

Being able to live on top of a group of big bosses is already very scary for this person.

He's just a paparazzi.

In the entertainment industry, you can challenge all artists, but if you dare to touch people in the capital circle, you may not be able to see the sun tomorrow.

"All right!"

Xiao Guo shook his head helplessly.

His own boss has died down, what else can he say?

"Boss, what should we do now? How can we go back?"

Xiao Guo frowned.

The car was punctured and the cell phone was smashed.

At first glance, this place is sparsely populated, and there were no cars for such a long time.

It's very cold tonight, a rare weather in Jiang Province with temperatures below zero degrees Celsius.

They are in the suburbs and the temperature is cooler.

If I slept here for one night, I would probably freeze to death.


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